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1、May i borrow your love ?


2、They are good at playing chess.


3、I love papaya milk.


4、Zhiwei, I love you so much that I get a heartache.


5、Would you increase your skill in your favorite hobby?


6、Dark, leafy green vegetables are an acquired taste.


7、How good, I love the boy he also loved me.


8、A: I have just one---photography.


9、Love is a mystery, Mr. Curiosity be Mr. please.


10、My hobby is roller skating.


11、My new hobby is driving.


12、Are you coffee lover?


13、Love is better than Riches, ' he cried, `and the little Mermaid loves me.


14、My hobby is playing chess.


15、Find a worthy hell-bent person, love.

16、My hobby is playing the piano.我的爱好是弹钢琴


17、No me gusta el color.


18、My family are all music lovers.

19、Be as thankful as you can. 爱,就是把最好的留给?


20、Alright, well, be good, I love you.

21、I have no ability to make their stop and make good love another person, I had to give up and love together, but I did not give up love you.我没有能力使自己静下心来好好地再爱另一个人,我只好放弃与爱在一起,但我并没有放弃爱你。

22、The Chinese nation cherishes peace.中华民族历来爱好和平。

23、What is your favorite past-time?您以前的爱好是什么?

24、You have acquired a taste for bitter melon.你爱好吃苦瓜。(我就不爱吃苦瓜,苦瓜汤还可以。

25、Was hast du für Hobbys?您的业余爱好是什么?

英文句子26:,26、My sister is keen on stamp-collecting.我姐姐爱好集邮。

27、Xiaoxiao I love you oh.晓晓, 我好爱你哦。

28、If I were totack on another hobby on top of that, I'd feel frazzled, so I just stick towhat I love.如果我再在这之上加上另一个爱好,我肯定会筋疲力尽。 所以我决定只坚持我最爱的爱好。

29、因为爱过你就好 because it is fine of experiencing love you

30、My hobby is collecting stamps .我的业余爱好是集邮.

31、我的爱好是 I am fond of doing sth 我热衷于。

32、I love music and travel.我爱好音乐和旅游。

33、I do really love you.我真系好爱你架。

34、Neither man relishes confrontation.两人都不爱好对抗。

35、Aileen loved show and glitter.艾琳爱好炫耀和虚荣。

36、Dear brother, I miss you!亲爱的弟弟,我好想你!

37、Like flute and bamboo flute playing.爱好长笛,竹笛演奏。

38、MEC is a family for all the english lovers and outdoor activity lovers.移动英语俱乐部(MEC)是所有英语爱好者和户外运动爱好家的家园。

39、She likes to drink cold boiled water.他爱好喝凉白开。

40、Dear, I miss you very much!亲爱的,我好想你哦!

41、She likes to drink cold skin boiledwdinedr.他爱好喝凉白开。

42、Xiaoming learns the subjects he is interested in well.小明对于他感爱好的课目学得很好。

43、His is hobby is drawing cartoons.他的爱好是画漫画。

44、My darling, I miss you so much.亲爱的华,我好想你。

45、Because of your dreams really good Shizuyoshi the United States, let me love you love to forget the heartbreaking.因为梦里的你真的好静好美,让我爱你爱到忘记了心碎。

46、I love reading, music, watching movies and all kinds of sports, like sports also like quiet.我爱好阅读,音乐、欣赏电影及各类体育节目,爱动也爱静。

47、I am fond of music and literature.我爱好音乐和文学。

48、What about the mother kangaroo?那只小袋鼠好可爱。

49、He couldchoose another hobby – something a bit more masculine, like restoring vintagecars or hunting.他本可以选择别的爱好——更男性化一点的爱好,比如修旧汽车或打猎。

50、How gorgeous is this umbrella stand?好爱这个伞架。

经典英文句子51:爱好,51、Loving someone- I love a lot of people. We all do.爱着某人——我爱好多人,我们都是这样。

52、Xiaoxiao, Russia love you oh.晓晓, 俄好爱你哦。

53、Excellent men have great ambition, excellent men have minded love, excellent men to take responsibility for love, excellent men all due sense of responsibility and input feelings.好男儿壮志满胸怀,好男儿胸怀广博的爱,好男儿为爱而勇担责任,好男儿因责任感而全情投入。

54、Such a lovely lamb! I'll keep it well.这么可爱的一只羊我要好好养它。

55、Loves well oneself, this world I am greatest!好好爱自己,这个世界我最了不起!

56、Loveis a wonderful feeling, and you've known, know each other, love eachother achievements of this beautiful, I love you and thank you!相爱是一种很美好的感觉,与你相识、相知、相爱成就了这种美好,我深爱你和感谢你!

57、Hope you will accept my apology! XX 译文: 亲爱的XX 你好!

58、Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes , music, plants, hobbies, whatever.让你的所爱包围着你,无论是家人、宠物、纪念品、音乐、植物、爱好,什么都好。

59、Angling his main hobby.钓鱼饲他的主耀爱好。

60、逛街是她最大的爱好 Shooping is her favorite pastime。

61、My hobby is collecting stamps, do you have a hobby?我的业余爱好是集邮,你有嗜好吗?

62、He likes to smoke mild cigars.他爱好抽淡味雪茄烟。

63、Oh dear, let's go and have a meal , ok?唉呀, 亲爱的我们去吃饭好不好哇?。

64、My love! I miss you so much!亲爱的!我好想你!

65、Angel's hobby is collecting stickers.安琪儿的爱好是什么?。

66、If you like things against nature love will need to balance your likings with giving disease.如果你喜欢反对自然的事物,爱会通过让你生病来平衡你的喜好。 爱不支持你的喜好,爱会抗争。

67、I'll have dinner ready for you, dear. Bye.太好了, 我给你准备好晚餐, 亲爱的, 再见。

68、Hobbies mean any activity that you pursue for pleasure, although sports are not normally thought of as bobbies .爱好是一项追求乐趣的活动,但体育运动通常不认为是一种爱好。

69、Stamp-collecting is my favourite.收集邮票是我的爱好。

70、If nobody love me ,i will must learnto love myself best! 如果没有人爱我,我将学会更好的爱自己。

71、The best love in the world is to let someone you love find his love. 这个世界上最好的爱,就是让自己爱的人找到他的爱。

72、Hi, my y long lost love.你好,我久违的爱。 罃。

73、Is person love fart meddlesome ?人爱放屁是好事吗?

74、Hello! Dear friend. How are you?Where will you go in winter hol…你好!亲爱的朋友。你好吗…

75、My hobby is riding my scooter.我的爱好是踏板车。

英文句子模板76:Hobbies,76、When I love you, are you just in love with me? 当我爱你的时候,你是不是正好也在爱我。

77、" Dog people " and " cat people " often enjoy friendly rivalries.为此,“爱狗的人”和“爱猫的人”还经常友好地争辩哩。

78、Dad! I love that car.爸!我好爱那辆车。 缁。

79、To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best. (William Thackeray)一爱一后得到了是最好的;一爱一后失去了,下一个才是最好的。 翫。


标签: 英文 爱好

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