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1、By using numbers of combined components to combine numbers of holder structures which arranged in the order of lateral interval.


2、The Paper presents a new U-D factorization based least squares methods for complex estimation.

批量数据复制 —— 新的 DB2BulkCopyOperation 类提供了批量复制 DB2 表中的数据的能力。

3、Bulk data copy -- A new DB2BulkCopyOperation class provides the ability to bulk copy data in DB2 tables.


4、the singular and plural pronoun 'you' is the same.


5、This is an uncountable noun. It has no plural form .


6、The more copies - backups - there are of any piece of data, the greater the chances of its survival, discovery and retrieval.


7、Recovery always requires antibiotic treatment, and is usually complete, after several weeks or months.




9、Deduplication is the process of examining a data set or byte stream and storing and/or sending only unique data; duplicate data is replaced with a pointer to the first occurrence of the data.


10、I don't like him because he is a jerk.

11、herefore,用复数. dishes 表示菜肴的种类, i love chinese dishes

注意,有三个选项:恢复到现有数据库、恢复到新数据库或者只恢复 RHF。

12、Note that there are three options: restore to an existing database, to a new database or just restore the RHF.


13、Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and in the plural include the singular.

great curves 好曲线(要用复数哦)

14、You have such a nice figure.


15、Multi-cropping optimized and cropping density increased in wave.


16、Data federation supports requirements with respect to the replicating and duplication of data by enabling access to the data as it resides in the source.


17、codexes the plural of this is,is either codexes sometimes, codices I mean,Latin,you'd use the old Latinized plural,codices.


18、Have you made enough copies?


19、A recount of votes was made.



1 Is the subject singular or plural?

21、Specifically, complex numbers became incomparable to other numbers, including both other complex numbers and ints, floats, and longs.具体地说,复数无法与其他数字进行比较了,包括其他复数以及整数、浮点数和长整数。

22、If they are functioning as adjectives, however, the plural demonstrative and plural verb should be acceptable.然而,如果它们的功能象形容词,那么复数指示代词和复数动词是能够接受的。

23、I counted every day the date when jack would return.我每天反反复复的数着安杰的归期。

24、Card-copy protection: The card data is processed with the algorithm of copy protection.卡防复制:卡数据采用防复制处理算法;

25、And the plural of child?那“孩子”的复数形式呢?

英文句子26:,26、Plural subjects go with plural verbs .复数主语与复数动词连用。

27、Data recovery and confidentiality problems.数据恢复和机密性问题。

28、Model of feature-percolation proposes that a plural subject percolates its plural feature up to the highest node, where it is then copied to the target.特征渗透模型认为,复数主语把复数特征渗透到最高点,然后由最高点复制到目标成分。

29、Abstract : the data redundant in relational database is caused by the reduplication of the table, attribute, record, or attribute value.文摘:关系数据库的数据冗余形成的原因有表的重复、属性的重复、元组的重复、属性值的重复。

30、[常用复数] the father or mother of your father or mother 祖父;

31、Operation of plurality add is very complicated. In the design will numerous adders be used and large area will be consumed.复数加法运算复杂,用硬件实现复数加法,需要使用数目众多的加法器,占用大量的面积。

32、On R-W Polynomials and Existence of Inner Functions in the Classical Domains;高维复空间中内函数的存在性及其性质是多复变函数研究的一个重要内容。

33、photographer 或 cameraman I love you a little child(单数) little children(复数)

34、Here you should use plural pronoun.这里你应该用复数代词。

35、Heterogeneous data synthesis is an important function of data integration. It involves data conflict resolution, data replication and more complex operation such as join, merge and difference.异构数据源的合成是数据集成的一项重要功能,功能涉及数据冲突解决、数据复制和复杂的数据源交并差运算等。

36、It provides nearly 400 functions for doubles and complex numbers.它为双精度数和复数提供了近 400 个函数。

37、Receiving multiplexing for asyn-mux-data;复合数据为同步方式的发数据复接;

38、Database of data recovery theory and concurrency control technology;数据库的数据恢复理论和并发控制技术;

39、Use COMPLEX to convert real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number.使用函数COMPLEX可以将实系数和虚系数复合为复数。

40、The numbers of repeat sequences according to the different copy number of all kinds of repeat units are as follows:the numbers of repeat sequences composed of 不同拷贝数目所对应的重复序列的数目情况为:拷贝数目为2的重复单位所组成的重复序列数目最多,为137个;

2 copy number are most, 137;

41、You can specify optional fields, required fields, and repeated fields.你可以指定可选的数据项,必选数据项和重复数据项。

42、Data grid replication is the critical component to the self-healing nature of elastic data grids.数据网格复制是弹性数据网格自我修复特性的关键组件。

43、A composite is a positive integer with more than two divisors.复合数就是具有一个以上约数的正整数。

44、"7-Data Partition Recovery" is particularly designed to recover data from lost, deleted or damaged partitions by accident.“7数据分区恢复”是特别设计来恢复数据丢失,删除或损坏的分区事故。

45、Recover datafile '/path/fileame.dbf'恢复数据文件 '/path/fileame.dbf'。

46、Variable block deduplication saves more space than fixed block可变块重复数据删除技术节省的磁盘空间比固定块重复数据删除技术更多;

47、The data redundant in relational database is caused by the reduplication of the table, attribute , record, or attribute value .关系数据库的数据冗余形成的原因有表的重复、属性的重复、元组的重复、属性值的重复。

48、There are usually two terms of number: singular and plural.数一般有两种:单数和复数。

49、Let's Guess the Number of Easter Eggs!复活蛋数量齐齐估!

50、Recover datafile '/path/filename.dbf'恢复数据文件 '/path/filename.dbf'。

经典英文句子51:复数,51、The plural number or form.你在什麽场合用复数形?

52、Sea lion numbers have not recovered.海狮的数量没有恢复。

53、Plural count nouns do not need a determiner.可数名词复数前不需用限定词。

54、Hier wiederum steht das Verb im Plural.在这里,动词又用复数。

55、Of all the vegetables,I like ( tomatoes) best.tomato要用复数形式.

56、Notice, it's Prisoners, plural.注意一下,囚徒是复数形式

57、It could be positive or negative or complex, but it's just an ordinary number.它可以是正数,负数或者复数,但它仍然只是一个普通的数

58、For best performance, you should specify the same number of processes as the number of replicates in the replicate set.为了获得最佳性能,指定的进程数应该与复制集中的复制数一致。

59、Data is replicated within the Amazon S3 infrastructure, but with RRS, the data is replicated fewer times with the possibility for data loss.数据是在 Amazon S3 基础架构内复制的,但使用 RRS,数据复制次数较少,且存在丢失数据的可能性。

60、The data recovery of hard disk software failure can be solved by the following ways, the recovery of main boot partition, partition table, DBR, zero track and the file deleted by mistakes.硬盘软故障的数据恢复主要可以从以下几个方面入手:主引导区恢复、分区表恢复、DBR修复零磁道损坏的修复以及文件误删除的数据恢复。

61、Review number counting in Chinese in tens, hundreds and thousands.复习中文十位数、百位数和千位数的说法。

62、You can fill a matrix with random ints and complexes.您可以在矩阵中填充随机整数和复数。

63、Vocative plural of 'annus' is…?的人称复数是…

64、It provides high availability and very reliable transport with powerful multiplexing and demultiplexing capabilities.它能提供方便有效的数据复用和解复用功能,并能可靠地传输数据。

65、 熊猫在吃竹子的 The panda is eating bamboos. 单数 The pandas are eating bamboos. 复数

66、Potential of Multiple Cropping Index;复种指数潜力;

67、For the open question "If two nonconstant meromorphic functions share three values IM and share a fourth value CM, then dot he functions necessarily share all four values CM?"对“如果两个非常数亚纯函数以三个判别复数为IM分担值并以另外一个复数为CM分担值,那么这两个函数是否以这四个复数为CM分担值?。

68、third person singular第三人称单数 third person plural第三人称复数

69、Transmitting multiplexing for asyn-mux-data.复合数据为异步方式的发数据复接。

70、It has a constant.它就是常数级复杂度。

71、Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly.大多数人都会不断重复。

72、SpinRite: Data recovery.数据恢复。

73、A solicitation of votes or orders.票数作了一次复算。

74、The mode is that value that is repeated most often in the data set.众数是资料中重复出现次数最多的那个数值。


标签: 英文

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