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关于”描写心情“的英语句子58个,句子主体:describe mood。以下是关于描写心情的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:describe mood


1、This child-like spirit soon perceives the grandeur of the Father "in heaven, " and ascends to devout adoration, "Hallowed be thy name.

马尔斯看起来像一个普通人, 略微虚胖,这一点让人同情,但这是对战争的不同描写。

2、And Mars has this sort of human, flabby torso that's not-- it's sympathetic, but it's a different portrayal of war.


3、Even now i have the time , without the mood to write such words.

杜鹃轻描淡写地将本人和高一飞先后出走的事情掩盖过去,杜八根敦促高一飞疾速返回海南! !

4、Cuckoo airily will GaoYiFei successively runaway himself and hide in the past, something surreptitious GaoYiFei du eight root urged return to hainan!


5、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind.


6、The description of the shrew in Pus stories exhibits very clear characteristics and conveys complex social and cultural elements.

xx年xx月,布朗先生因皮肤疾病丹毒去世,女王在她的日记中仅用“他的离去让人很难过”这样轻描淡写的字句记录下她当时的心情。 但最近,在被发现的女王写给其密友、印度前国务卿格兰布鲁克子爵的一封信中,人们才看到女王对于男仆布朗的真实感情。

7、The Queen's own journal described her reaction to Brown's death in March 1883 merely as being "terribly upset by this loss".


8、This feeling is strange, so only can I find this song to represent my moods.


9、A cardiograph records the heartbeat.

人生旅程上您为我点燃希望的光芒丰富我的心灵,增添我的智慧 谢谢您!

10、Teacher, I wish you healthy forever, happy, happy!


11、I'm not in the vein for writing today.


12、At SaddlebackChurch, we use the acronym SHAPE to describe the collection of a person's Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experiences.


13、I feel heavy too, because I must write composition in a heavy style.


14、Porkchop Hill, Hamburger Hill, The Bridges at Toko-Ri, Twelve O'Clock High, and In Harm's Way are excellent depictions of wartime experiences.


15、The story of "The Good Samaritan "from the Bible describes a man who showed compa ion.


16、Straight line change the subject, the LeiLei to find some more letter to intercede for heart flat.


17、In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology.


18、China News Week: What was your intention when you wrote the article?


19、In "Run First" KSW and SSH were friends engaged in money dispute. In the Noir film "Fate" they will be friends torn between desires and justice.


20、"It's Valentine's Day, so here's a card with a heart inside, " it read.

21、Sizzling is an understatement for some Chinese property markets -- home prices in Haikou have jumped 54% in the past year.中国某些房地产市场那沸腾的情况,如此轻描淡写——去年海口的房价增涨54%。

22、Your account of w hat happened approximates to the real facts.你对发生的情况的描述接近实际情况。

23、At SaddlebackChurch, we use the acronym SHAPE to describe the collection of a person’s Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experiences.在马鞍峰教会,我们使用缩写字母“SHAPE”来描述一个人,就是属灵恩赐、心灵、能力、品格和经历。

24、Hence, the present study intends to give a descriptive and explanatory account of various self-repairs in a 5-year-old's speech.本文旨在对于一名xx岁儿童言语中的自我修正现象进行语言心理的描写和解释。

25、It is a world where the most intimate feelings and desires can be portrayed with a single emoticon.如今这个世界上,内心最深处的情感和愿望可以用单单一个表情符来描述。

英文句子26:,26、The words revealed, Is the only real thing that, I've got left to feel.他说,这就是一个书写心情的地方,自己的网络日记。

27、MERTON : Oh, I don't believe in any of the things I write about. I fake passion. I fake conviction.莫顿: 我不相信我写的东西。我只是假装有热情、有信心。

28、In her three novels of L'Amant (1984), L'Amant de La Chine du Nord (1991), and Un barrage contre Le Pacifique (1950), Marguerite Duras tells a story of the same lover in the samer omance.玛格丽特·杜拉斯在xx年出版的《抵挡太平洋的堤坝》、xx年出版的《情人》和xx年出版的《来自中国北方的情人》中都描写了同一段情感故事中的同一个情人。

29、Carve the happiness(joyousness) in the stone, and, write the sadness in the sand.把快乐的事情刻在石头上,把伤心的事情写在沙上,如何翻译?

30、Now, I understand that it is missing the love, ZhuoBi cannot describe my feelings.如今,我明白,那是思念情深,拙笔无法描述我内心的感受。 。

31、You sit down to write an email on Monday, an email you've been nervous about writing, and somehow it comes out incredibly well: funny, self- deprecating , supportive and compassionate.在星期一,你会写一封信,一封你写得很紧张,但写的出奇地好的信:有趣、谦虚、有支持力和富同情心。

32、The computer sketches the shape of the heart on the x-ray images, and from the wall motion it determines the heart's condition.从这些影像的心室壁运动情况来判断心脏的情况,通常都是描绘出心腔在血液最大充盈时相与最小充盈时相的轮廓来完成的。

33、In the case of multiple fulfillment centers, decide which centers will fill the order.在有多个履行中心的情况下,决定由哪个中心填写该订单。

34、The countenance is the portrait of the mind, the eyes are its informers.表情是思维的写照,眼睛是心灵的穿窗户。

35、Yang Liu uses her own approach to write about her feelings and her stories in these paintings.杨柳在她的绘画中,书写自己的心情,编写自己的故事,用自己的方式。

36、"The ritual of the hunt was always the same, " the narrator writes of the affair that unfolds in Kensington and various chateaux.“狩猎的程式总是一样的。” 他在书中如是描写发生在肯辛顿(Kensington)和许多城堡里的情事。

37、The state of the places of which we are here giving a description is rigorously exact, and will certainly awaken a very precise memory in the mind of old inhabitants of the quarter.我们在这里所作的关于地形的描写和实际情况完全吻合,一定能在曾经住过这一带的人的心中唤起极精确的回忆。

38、I hasten to congratulate you on the happy return of your birthday. 时值足下千秋令旦,草此聊表贺忱。

39、Guan Renshan's novels primarily from the unique folk customs and the unique geographical and cultural description of the character described two aspects of writing.主要从关仁山小说中独特民俗风情的描绘以及独有地域文化性格的书写两个方面进行阐述。

40、Under these guidelines, the passages may not show certain socially sensitive features of the world as it was or is.在这些指导方针下,文段不能按照实际上的情况来描写某些敏感的事实。

41、When writing this article, I am feeling terribly heavy in heart.写下这篇文章时, 我的心情是非常沉重的.

42、With deepest gratitude I write you here few lines.我带着万分感激的心情给您写信。

43、Finally, brief tidying was made on composing conditions of biographies in history in the conclusion part, in order to provide reference for official history, and make the description more detailed.最后,余论部分对正史之外历代隐逸传的写作情况作了简要整理,以期与正史中的隐逸传相参照,使得对隐逸传写作情况的描述更加完整。

44、Here’s another: Marc Ambinder, The Atlantic’s very good politics blogger, was asked by Michael Kinsley to describe his typical day of information consumption, otherwise known as reading.马克·艾姆宾得是《大西洋》杂志著名的政论博客写手,迈克尔·金斯利让他描述一下他每天的信息消费情况,或者说,阅读情况。

45、As is usual in her stories, plot is limited. The story describes a move the Burnells make from one house to another.同她的所有小说一样,故事情节十分有限,小说描写的是伯尔纳•斯坦利带领全家搬家这一区区小事。

46、Porkchop Hill, Hamburger Hill, The Bridges at Toko-Ri, Twelve O'Clock High,and In Harm's Way are excellent depictions of wartime experiences.《猪排山》、《血肉战场》、《独孤里桥之役》、《十二点正》、《火海情涛》都是很优秀的描写战时经历的电影。

47、Today is here with the wrote this dual mood, still have so many write down, don't know when we can calm down to write well, today is the first such!今天又在这里一心两用的写了这点心情,还有好多没有写下来,不知道什么时候能静下心来好好写一下,今天就先这样了!

48、I am too happy to stand faint!我要幸福的昏倒了!

49、A description of the farmer's daughter. The author carried to a market-town, and then to the metropolis. The particulars of his journey.关于农场主女儿的描写;旅途中的详情。


50、Started from the local customs and manners of his hometown Gao You, Wang Zengqi has expressed his idea of natural ecology in his detailed depicting.汪曾祺的小说从故乡高邮的风土人情入手,在细致的描写中反映出自己的自然生态理念。

经典英文句子51:描写心情,51、This article points out that "write to learn" helps to raise students' writing enthusiasm, learning self-confidence and language competence.本文指出“以写促学”可帮助学生提高写作热情,增强学习自信心,进而提高语言能力。

52、In fact, compassion means “to suffer with, ” Neff writes.内夫写到,事实上,同情心意味着“忍受”。

53、Description of the novel the main town on the frontier fortress of emotional chores between men and women, with strong regional and local flavor.小说首要描写了边塞小镇上男女之间的感情琐事,具有浓烈的地区与乡土头土脑息。

54、In fact, compassion means “to suffer with,” Neff writes.内夫写到,事实上,同情心意味着“忍受”。

55、My father feels angry. My mother feels nervous. 我的回答你还满意吗~~

56、When I re-write memories, I do not know what kind of mood.当我再次写上回忆的时候,我也不知道是一种什么样的心情。

57、These dreams describe their vague yearnings to ward what they wish were and hope they may be: wise, just, compassionate, and noble.这些梦想描述了他们对于聪明、公正、富于同情心和高尚心的一种模糊的热望。

58、These Ci poems not only enriched the contents of XIN Qi-ji's Ci writing and also more comprehensively expressed his true nature.就是这些关于女性描写的词作不但充实了辛弃疾词作的内容,同时也更全面地表现其真性情。

59、And Mars has this sort of human, flabby torso that's not-- it's sympathetic, but it's a different portrayal of war.马尔斯看起来像一个普通人,略微虚胖,这一点让人同情,但这是对战争的不同描写

60、I must settle down to finishing writing the book. It is very urgent.我真的得安下心来写完这本书了,事情很急。

61、The books also captured the variability of symptoms - the fact that people who stutter are often fine in some circumstances - for example, when singing - but not others.这些书籍还描写了症状的多变性,事实上,口吃的人在某些情况下表现得很棒,比如在歌唱时,而在其他情况下又会变得结巴。

62、When asked about 'The Honourable Schoolboy' by Le Carre, Bloomberg quotes, "It's 600 pages, it's mostly description, there is almost nothing that happens."布隆伯格评价勒卡雷的小说《荣誉学生》时说,“它有600页,大部分是在描写,几乎没有什么事情发生。

63、Reviving Ophelia, about self-esteem in young women, was on the best-seller list for three years.一部关于描写年轻女性自尊心的书籍——《觉醒的奥菲利亚》曾经xx年出现在最畅销书籍的名单上。

64、The "work" would be described as becoming centered within your Light, and focusing upon whatever you believe or understand by Ascension.这个“工作”会被描述为在你内心之光的中心,并且聚焦哪些你相信或者明了的关于扬升的事情。

65、rather than fiddling with font sizes or checking e-mail, you are encouraged to get on with your writing.你不用受到字体大小、查看Email等事情的烦扰,专心写作。

66、Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.对于大多数人来说, 他们认定自己有多幸福, 就有多幸福。


标签: 英文 心情

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