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关于”运用比喻“的英语句子39个,句子主体:use of metaphor。以下是关于运用比喻的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:use of metaphor


1、Cohan's “Money and Power,” which invokes the “vampire squid” line twice but has no comparably bold attitude of its own.


2、The the 'resistance level' can be likened to the line of scrimmage in sports.

后来人们就用“ 画饼充饥”这个成语比喻:比喻用空想安慰自己,不能解决真正的问题。

3、Later, this idiom came to be used to mean :comforting oneself with unrealistic thoughts, without solving practical problems.


4、In what ways is this parable more "intense" than the first two in this chapter?


5、All right. In addition to the use of the relationship between plot and story, we also find Brooks using terms that are now, having read Jakobson and de Man, very familiar to us: the terms "metaphor" and "metonymy."


6、He is the living image of his father.


7、That was the Galileo simile.

约十六25 这些事,我用比喻对你们说了;


16:25 These things I have spoken to you in parables;


9、And the satirical advising was persuasive because of wide use of metaphor, irony and so on.


10、A common metaphor used in this regard is that of mountains and molehills.


11、the moon hung in the sky, smiling, full of stars in the milky way, blinking.


12、Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father.


13、Ad English has its characteristics in words choosing and syntax, and can use such rhetoric as metaphors, personifications, repetitions, double meanings, anamorphosis phrases and antitheses.


14、Secondly, the works has applied the skill of satirical humor , metaphor and comment that is direct art skill which chance ugly into beauty .


15、Qian's literary metaphors are various. The things he used to adopt are different from tradition, which has the aesthetic characteristics of philosophy, freshness and harshly indifferent.

16、2).As cunning as a dead pig 像狐狸一样狡猾(不宜译为“像死猪一样狡猾”)


17、For translating metaphor, translator should seek the proper translation strategies and avoid mistranslating.


18、Speaking in simile is a special way of the application of trope in news comments, being a excellent way of reasoning in news comments.

在许多语言中食物是常用的比喻或比喻如“精神食粮”。 。

19、In many languages food is often used metaphorically or figuratively as in "food for thought".

20、3).As timid as a rabbit 胆小如鼠(不宜译为“胆小如兔”)

21、He likes to talk in similitude.他膀喜欢在说话中用比喻。

22、the moon is round, like a spinning wheel, spinning her romantic reverie.月亮像饱经风霜的老人,不紧不慢地梳理着白花花的月光。

23、And a lot of rhetoric devices are used, such as metaphor, parallelism and duality.它的语言“简重真切”,运用了比喻、排比、对偶等修辞格。

24、Later, "The elegant music" as a metaphor bosom friend or confidant.后用“高山流水”比喻知音或知己。

25、Using a gardening metaphor, he says our experience of life depends on which seeds we choose to water.他运用园艺的比喻说,我们的生活经验取决于我们选择哪些种子为其浇水。

英文句子26:,26、However, Bhikkhus, this is just a simile.然而诸比丘,这只是一个比喻。

27、Poets are weaving for you a wed with thread of golden imagery;诗人用比喻的金丝线为你织网;

28、As mentioned above, many metaphors used to describe emotions involve bodily states. Most of those metaphors make refernce to peripheral physiological processes in particular.正如前文所提及的人们在描述自身的情感时会经常运用一些自身的感受来作比喻,而大多数的这种比喻一般与日常的生理行为有关。

29、2).As cunning as a dead pig 像狐狸专一样狡猾(不属宜译为“像死猪一样狡猾”)

30、It is self-evident that it is wise to substitute well- trained sportsmen for untrained sportsmen.不言而喻,用训练有素的运动员代替没有受过训练的运动员是明智的。

31、And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it?又说,神的国,我们可用什么比较呢。 可用什么比喻表明呢。

32、The thesis also utilizes many vivid examples to illustrate that Huang Weiliang pursues the grace of the…文章还用生动、丰富的例子论证黄维梁运用意象语和比喻的方法达到其对文论文评的文采的追求。

33、To vary Neurath's figure with Wittgenstein's, we may kick away our ladder only after we have climbed it.我们可以用维特根斯坦的比喻来改写诺伊拉特的比喻:只有在爬过梯子之后才能将梯子踢开。

34、I will turn my ear to a proverb; with the harp I will expound my riddle我要侧耳听比喻,用琴解谜语。

35、His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.门徒说,如今你是明说,并不用比喻了。

36、我们还有时间看另一个比喻,卷一的最后一个比喻。Okay. We have time for another simile, the last simile of Book One.

37、Can what to use to do allegory's.是罘能用什庅涞比喻旳。

38、Again, it’s a metaphor for how you might live your life, and these principles can be applied to anything you do.在强调一下,这只是对你向往生活的一种比喻,其中的禅意可以运用于生活中的任意方面。

39、4).As close as an oyster 守口如瓶(不宜译为“像牡蛎一样的紧密”)

40、I like the war metaphor, as it is perfect for the male-dominated business of venture capital.我喜欢这个比喻,用战争来比喻男性主导的风险投资业简直是完美无缺。

41、7).like a duck to water 如鱼得水(不宜译为“如鸭得水”)

42、6).To drink like a fish 牛饮(不宜译为“像鱼饮水”)

43、The metaphor is inexact, but it conveys the flavor of JSF better than any other I have found.这一比喻并不贴切,但是它所传达的 JSF 的风格比我见过的其他比喻都要好。

44、L. L. parabola, speech, parable.讲话, 比喻; 来自。

45、Okay. We have time for another simile, the last simile of Book One.我们还有时间看另一个比喻,卷一的最后一个比喻。

46、The interpretation of nominal tautology requires metonymic reasoning.同语的理解需要运用转喻推理。

47、This metaphor is very appropriate.这个比喻很贴切。

48、The power of the metaphor, simile, parallel… figurative language is not only a good way to put things into perspective, but metaphors are easier to remember than a complex set of interactions.隐喻、明喻、类比,这些修辞语言的力量不仅仅是将观察事物划分为不同的角度,而且比喻也比使用一整套复杂的交感语言更容易被人记得。

49、The Torah uses familiar terms to allegorically to express God's relation to His creation.朵拉运用熟悉的比喻法表达神和创造的关系。

50、Found liquidates metaphorical techniques applied to the design principles of print advertisement.发现隐喻性夸饰技法运用于平面广告的设计原则。

经典英文句子51:运用比喻,51、2).As cunning as a dead pig 像狐狸一样狡猾(不宜译为“属像死猪一样狡猾”)

52、This idiom means to comfort oneself with fantasy.“望梅止渴”这个成语比喻用空想来安慰自己。

53、Mencius used figuration to make the reader or the listener to happen association or cognizing, arose his consent.孟子很好地运用了比喻的方法以使读者(听众)容易发生联想、认知,引起首肯和共鸣。

54、In rhetoric teaching, not enough emphasis has been laid so far upon the extensive application of metaphor and simile and their consequent striking effects.比喻运用范围之广,效果之妙,在修辞教学中尚未引起足够重视。



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