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关于”读的软件“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Read Software。以下是关于读的软件的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Read Software


1、Agent-Oriented Software Engineering;


2、To identify the partitions in an Apple disk, a tool (or person) reads the data structure from the second sector.


3、I think we are reading the normal shock of the initial wave of a depression gives to business spending as "SOA is dead"...


4、If you want to play it safe, read the EULA of the apps you want to leave on the PC.


5、The hardware environment for the ASP software is already full-fledged at present. But it is still difficult to develop and publish such kind of software for most software developers in China.


6、Perhaps it's a good thing to have students read


7、One of the best software developers I've ever had the pleasure of working with is a copius code reader.


8、Aimed at the increasingly application of RFID and Ethernet technology, designed a embedded RFID Ethernet-card Reader including hardware and software, which based on S3C44B0X.


9、As with all the leading software vendors, Adobe has a picture of where software is going and wants that future to be on their platform.


10、Before you go on with this article, you should know a few things about the protocols and the latest changes to the software.


11、Visit this page, which offers a list of forums staffed by volunteers who can help you interpret your HijackThis log.


12、The comparison with the photometry software package APPHOT in IRAF is made as well.


13、With the emergence of the Object-Oriented technology and software component technology , the software reuse technology develops rapidly.


14、Although Morse Code is still in use, most electronic communication today uses machine readable codes transmitted and interpreted by computer software.


15、Real-time simulation supporting software is a special tool for the development of real-time simulation program, and real-time simulation program is the core part of the simulator.


16、With the evolution of software and software tools, architects have overcome this limitation.


17、At last, We set up a real time speech and lipreading human-machine interaction platform for the first time in China. including software and hardware design.


18、Update your virus scan.

这款纯概念钢琴iPiano有内置的读谱软件 用户可以直接从内置的触摸屏中查看乐谱。

19、The completely fictional iPiano features built-in musical score reading software which allows you to read compositions right from a built-in touch screen.


20、The application can run full screen or in ticker mode, which can be resized and moved around the screen.

21、Vooks are available on the Web- based Vook Reader and also on-the-go as a unique mobile application…视频书可在基于网络的阅读器上获得,同时作为一种独特的可移动应用软件而广泛流行。

22、For me, Software Craftsmanship is about putting the individual back into the activity of delivering software.对我来说,软件匠艺尝试将人们拉回到交付软件的活动上来。

23、EdgeGuard Solo is client security software that protects you from malware attacks that legacy, signature-based AntiVirus software misses.东软独奏客户端安全软件,保护你的恶意攻击的遗产,基于签名的防病毒软件的怀念。

24、In the nature of things, you can use a different SMTP service. The software I did support multiletters and multisender after I test.经过测试,证实此软件是一个支持多收信人,多附件的群发软件。

25、Automatically retrieves the stories from several news websites, trims off extraneous HTML, and converts them into formats you can read on your Palm computing device for later reading on-the-move.该软件可从多个新闻站点自动检索新闻,并可裁剪无关的HTML,将他们转换成在掌上计算设备可读的格式,以便于以后阅读。

英文句子26:,26、Our product cleans and blocks all manner of malware including Trojan Horses, Worms, Spyware, Adware, Ransomware, Keyloggers, Backdoors, Password Stealers and many more.我们的产品清除并阻止所有,方式的恶意软件包括蠕虫木马,间谍软件,广告软件,勒索,键盘记录,后门,密码大盗等等。

27、Choose the version of Dropbox that best matches your computer, then double-click the file to install the .deb.选择最适合的版本下载,然后双击.deb 软件包安装软件。

28、Software engineering has the goal of producing high-quality software, on schedule and on budget.软件工程的目标是在给定的时间和预算内产出高质量的软件。

29、Tcpd reads two files, hosts.allow and hosts.deny, based on the rules in these files.Tcpd 读取两个文件,hosts.allow 和 hosts.deny,读取时基于这两个文件中的规则。

30、It's the continous application of principles, patterns, and practices to improve the structure and readability of the software.它包括了一系列提高软件结构和可读性的设计原则,设计样式,还有各种实践。

31、Look at the software help-wanted ads and you'll see numerous listings for software testers.看看软件帮助广告,您会发现里面列出了大量的软件测试人员。

32、Software distribution makes use of a simplified single content packaging format called the software package.软件发布利用了一种称为软件包的简化单一内容包装格式。

33、For anyone interested in achieving long-term success in the field of software development, I believe that book is a must-read.对于有志于在软件开发领域获得长远成功的人士,我认为此书是他们的案上必读物。

34、Component based software engineering (CBSE) now becomes the mainstream methodology at software development. It includes domain engineering and component based development (CBD).基于构件的软件工程(CBSE)已经成为软件开发的主流范型,它包括领域工程和基于构件的开发(CBD)。

35、It provides programmatic tools for dynamically loading project elements by reading the contents of a project file without any recompilation of any assembly.该软件提供用于通过在不需要任何重新编译的情况下读取项目文件内容的方式动态地载入项目元素的规范化工具。

36、Read the following and see if you can identify the company or at least the size of the company and its software projects.阅读下列信息,并查看您是否可以识别公司,或者至少是公司的规模以及它的软件项目。

37、Read a VDA file into Part.读入一个VDA文件到零件。

38、Confecting the nesting software, reading directly the DXF AUTO CAD format file which converts a G code into processing procedure to carry on cutting.配制套料软件,直接读取AUTO CAD DXF格式文件,转化为G代码加工程序进行切切割。

39、This is worth reading if you want a softer, more thoughtful, higher level view than the release notes provide.这是值得一读 , 如果你希望得到一个软件者提供的更全面的高水平发行说明。

40、For a step-by-step guide to installing access point software under Linux, read the article Building a wireless access point on Linux.要获得在 Linux 下安装接入点软件的详尽步骤指南,请阅读文章 在 Linux 上构建无线接入点。

41、The software works according to the communication protocol between the control center and mobile sensors.软件设计是围绕端机软件与前端控制中心通信协议来实现的。

42、When this is implemented, copying files to CD-R/RW will be as easy as copying to a floppy disk, and the disks will be universally readable.当这一点得到实现时,向 CD-R/RW 中复制文件将和向软盘中复制文件一样容易,而且这些盘将普遍可读。

43、Presently, software projects have a trend of becoming high complex and big-scale, which introduce problem for software development and upgrade in technology and management.目前软件项目呈现一种复杂性高、规模大的趋势,这给软件开发和软件升级带来了技术上和管理上的困难。

44、Sometimes in high school I engaged myself wholly in writing software, but most of the time I studied a large variety of subjects.读高中时,我有一段时间醉心于软件编写,但大部分时间里,我的学习兴趣相当广泛。

45、Consider the possibilities of an XML-based POM file: It is open, can be read on any platform, and contains a lot of unused information about your software projects.考虑一个基于 XML 的 POM 文件的可能性:它是开放的,可以在任何平台上读取,包含大量关于您的软件项目的未用信息。

46、The software controls acceleration and deceleration, while the cameras read and interpret traffic lights and other signs.这些汽车的加减速由软件控制,而沿路的交通信号灯及其它标志则由摄像机读取并识别。

47、There is even a full business-accounting package, something often seen in open-source software.甚至有完整的商业会计软件包,常常看到一些在开放源码软件。

48、Software is deterministically unreliable.软件肯定是不可靠的。

49、I sat down on the soft chairs and started reading.我坐在软椅上开始读书。

50、SOA provides for effective software componentization, which helps promote code reuse and contributes to a more flexible IT infrastructure.SOA 是为高效的软件组件技术提供的,软件组件技术有助于促进代码的重用,并提供了更灵活的 IT 基础设施。

经典英文句子51:读的软件,51、Eric's aptly named "Eric Sink On The Business Of Software" is one of the books on my startup reading list.他命名为《埃里克库谈软件》的书是我认为在初期我们应读的书之

52、The kits contain the SK-ACP panel, a power supply, two readers, SK-NET software, a user manual, and a cable to connect the panel to a PC.该套件包含SK-ACP面板,电源,两个读取卡,SK-NET软件,用户手册,和连接面板到电脑所需的电缆。

53、The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) places software quality assurance at the foundation level 软件工程协会(SEI)将软件质量保证设置为CMM的基础级别

2 of the CMM.


54、By reading the communication port, the management software in the upper computer records the data real-timely and handles the corresponding situation.上位机的管理软件通过对串口的读取,将用户端的实时信息进行录入,并针对相应情况做出处理。

55、Computer software can now do boilerplate legal work, for instance, and make a first pass at reading X-rays and other medical scans.计算机软件可以做例如法律样板、或者初步读X光照片或其他医学扫描结果。

56、Connor's robot, like Benedettelli's, uses a Web camera to read the Cube's different colors (and their configuration on the scrambled Cube), data that is then sent to the puzzle-solving software.Connor的机器人做法类似Benedettelli,用网络摄像头读取魔方不同的颜色(被打乱后的魔方结构),该数据被魔方处理软件读取。

57、I studied Computer Science at MIT, then worked on Personal Computer software for a few years.我曾就读于麻省理工学院电脑科学专业,毕业后在个人电脑软件行业工作了几年。

58、I can read and write the file Archive.zip, and others can read the file.我可以读和写 Archive.zip 文件,并且其他用户可以读该文件。

59、Use floppy to read NC program machining.可利用软碟读取NC码加工。

60、Conclusion The software serves the integration needs of LIMS and has achieved the expected goal.结论该软件的开发满足了LIMS系统的软件集成需要,达到了预期目的。

61、In the current software design, more and more emphasis is gained for building software in terms of pre-existing components.现代软件设计中,利用已存的组件构造软件正日益获得愈来愈多的重视。

62、Read your mail promptly. Most senders expect their messages to be read as soon as they are received.敏捷地阅读你的邮件。大多数的寄件人期待他们的讯息被读,一旦他们收到邮件后。

63、Lastly, we read many IC databook and select the IC , then we design the FN-PLL frequency synthesizer and its controlling board on software and hardware.最后,在阅读了大量元器件资料后,确定完成设计所需要的芯片,并从软件和硬件上实现频率合成器及其控制电路板的设计。


标签: 英文

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