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公共厕所通常被说作:" comfort station"还可以翻译为public toilets -,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到28个与公共厕所相关的短语释义和例句。


1. comfort station

公共厕所翻译为 comfort station 。

示例:为了建设一个更加美丽的城市,每个公民都应该承担起保持公共厕所清洁的责任。 Every citizen should take on the responsibility to keep public toilets clean in order to build a more beautiful city.


2. public toilets -

公共厕所翻译为 public toilets - 。

示例:最近的公共厕所在车站。 The nearest public lavatory is at the station.


3. public toilet

公共厕所翻译为public toilet。

示例:下次你去公共厕所,用马桶之前先看一下。 Next time you go to a public bathroom, take a look before you sit down on the toilet seat.


4. public lavatory

公共厕所翻译为public lavatory。

示例:That is the girls' lavatory. 那里是女厕所



1. public lavatories(公共厕所)

2. spend a penny(上公共厕所)

3. public convenience(n. 公共厕所)

4. public lavatory(n. 公共厕所)


5. public restroom( 公共厕所;

英语短语&俚语, independence public toilets ( 独立式公共厕所 )

Accessible Public Restrooms ( 无障碍的公共厕所 )

dependence public toilets ( 附属式公共厕所 )

World Toilet Organization ( 世界公共厕所组织 )

mobile public toilets moce public toilets ( 活动式公共厕所 )

Capital Offers Toilets to Gob ( 第一批公共厕所 )

dependence public toilets ( 隶属式公共厕所 )

PublicToilets in america ( 美国的公共厕所 )


1. Even if the squat toilet leaves you squeamish, you might prefer it to communal facilities like the ones at the Roman site of Ostia Antica.

译文:纵然蹲式厕所让你感觉恶心,你可能倾向于位于罗马的奥斯塔·安提卡那样的公共厕所。 。

2. You know, in high-density areas, where there is no scope for individual toilets, like the public toilets that we have here.

译文:你们知道, 在人口密度高的地方, 厕所没有办法设置独立隔间, 像我们这里的公共厕所那样。 。

3. Public toilets are disgusting, don't you think?


4. Plan B: Pick a route with a few public restrooms along the way, so you can properly do your business.


5. Be aware of your surroundings while urinating in a public men's room.

译文:下次在公共厕所小便时 请仔细观察周围的动态。

6. in a public toilet, a fleabag hotel... and at the State Department.

译文:在公共厕所 廉价旅馆 和国务院。

7. This isn't a public restroom.


8. it means what it is - passing pleasantries in a public lavatory in the middle of the night.

译文:只是意味着... 这只是发生在午夜的公共厕所里的一个玩笑。

9. And in all of that, we heard the thud from inside the public restroom.

译文:而在嘈杂声中, 我们听到从公共厕所里传来砰的一声。 。

10. Okay, i have stomach problems and i had to run home because i can't use public bathrooms.

译文:我肚子不舒服 我得赶紧回家 因为我不用公共厕所。

11. According to Ji, these crude public toilets were hotbeds for fly reproduction and disease.

译文:他认为,这些简陋的公共厕所是苍蝇繁殖和传播疾病的温床。 。

12. Now, there is no topic that makes other people more awkward about trans people than public bathrooms.

译文:如今,让大家对变性人最为尴尬、自愧的 就是公共厕所 。

13. A precious jade stone was found in a local handicraft factory...

译文:(近 日 我市工艺品厂在公共厕所 改造施工中)。

14. The nearest public lavatory is at the station.

译文:最近的公共厕所在车站。 。

15. Whittington's longhouse was in use till the 17th century.



标签: 公共

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