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关于”适合表白“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Suitable for confession。以下是关于适合表白的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suitable for confession


1、In characteristics respect: Bai Riju suits to be cultivated in intertropical area annual.


2、Frankly speaking, this purple dress doesn't suit you.


3、Combination of PVP and thalamotomy is advisable for PD patients with intractable tremor.


4、Under appropriate conditions, hemoglobin dissociates into its four subunits.


5、While they are very good for form data and interaction, they are not very good for state.


6、It goes well with roast white and red meats, poultry and cheese.


7、This is the light bronzer , for pale to light skin.

食物搭配: 适合所有的海鲜类食品或白肉及奶酪。

8、Food Collocation: match with all kinds of seafood or white meat and cheese.


9、I am of fair complextion, and find that the blush ivory works well with my skin.


10、I don't mind fitting my timetable round yours.


11、The results showed wheat gluten, when under appropriate conditions, would make edible films with good mechanical and barrier properties.


12、One of the best showcases for narcissists at the moment is reality TV.

适合你的事业, 白桦林不靠天赐, 主要靠自我寻找。

13、For your career, Betula forest without relying on heaven - sent, mainly by self - seeking.


14、The results showed that:papain was suitable for the hydrolysis of crab meat, but the hydrolysate was bitter and had fishy smell.


15、Objective: To establish a high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) method for optimal separation of proteinaceous products.


16、Long finish. Ideal for accompanying red and white meats, fish cooked in sauce, and aged cheeses.


17、White balance was generally acceptable, but it did take a few seconds for the camera to adjust when moving quickly between scenes.


18、Suit the skin to float yellow or cadaverous person is used.


19、The results showed that smoking quality of the domestic burley tobacco was significantly improved by applying proper amounts of sugars and nitrogenous compounds.


20、M: With that dress I'd say your shite diamond necklace would look perfect.

21、G 796 . None of them were though suited for aerobatics .他们之中没有人虽然适合飞行表演。

22、Brina: Frankly, it is an interesting job, but I'm not suitable for it.克娜:坦白说,那是份很有趣的工作,但是我不适合。

23、Could not find suitable place to install emoticon themes into.找不到合适的位置来安装表情主题。

24、You're just not speaking the same language!你只是没有用适合的语言表达!

25、The choice of lysis conditions must be tailored to the nature of the epitope recognized by the immunoprecipitating antibody.必须选择适合免疫共沉淀抗体识别目的蛋白表位的细胞裂解条件。

英文句子26:,26、and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.I carry your heart with mee. e. Cummings i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling) i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) ( 在电影"In Her Shoes",很多人听到朗诵这首诗时,都忍不住哭了.配上音乐朗诵,很美很美的.)

27、This wine pairs beautifully with assorted delicatessen, red and white meats, as well as cheese.此酒适合搭配各式熟食,红、白肉类或奶酪。

28、A very pleasing natural filmic look with very good green rendition and saturated blues that help in sky coloration.非常适合表现令人愉快的大自然绿的电影效果,适合突出表现天空的饱和蓝色。

29、Match below the knickers of a white is again appropriate did not pass.下面搭配一条白色的短裤再合适不过了。

30、Miniature size , No lead , ideal for high density SMT installation.体积小,无引线,适合高密度表面贴装。

31、I didn't have a language for that. -Yeah.我找不到合适的语言表达自己,-是的。

32、Best food match: Most seafood and white meat dishes and light Chinese food.适合与普遍白肉、海鲜和淡味型中餐配食。

33、For intermeshed fabric, the values given in Table 对于啮合结构,表

8.3 are applicable.


34、The poultry is fit for stewing or slicing, both delicious.全鸡适合炖煮补身,或作白切,皆十分味美。

35、Studies have shown that the white pine and loblolly pine are two 研究表明,白松和火炬松是适合于边际土地种植的两种林木。

2 kinds of trees that grow well on marginal land.

36、Field trial showed that 结论如下:田间试验表明:所有试验的xx年生白刺苗都不适合在弱盐碱土下生长;

1 age seedlings of Nitraria sp. were unsuitable to live in the soda saline-alkaline soil of lower concentration.


37、Apply: apply to all kinds of skin, with the regulation of DNA elimination cream white pigment used penetrating a better effect.适用:适用于各种肌肤,配合DNA消色素透白调控霜使用效果更佳。

38、Based on the relative weight gain rate, results indicated that the optimum protein content in formulated Diets for Chinemys reevesii juveniles was 35.首次采用蛋白质梯度法,以白鱼粉为蛋白源,测定出幼乌龟配合饲料最适蛋白质含量。

39、Objective To explore the desirable operation for cataract in high myopia.目的探索适合高度近视白内障手术治疗的方法。

40、He is dressed as usual for all eventualities: dark grey suit, white shirt, red tie.他穿着平常适合各种场合:深灰色西装,白衬衫,红领带。

41、With that dress I'd say your shite diamond necklace would look perfect.配这件衣服,你的白色钻石项链非常合适。

42、Being very slim and small, it can be used in any situation.这样一块小巧灵便的表用在任何场合都非常适合。

43、Chandler: Ah, sliced bread. A wonderful Lady Macbeth .啊,切片面包,多合适的一个麦克白夫人啊。

44、It was found that strong polar compounds could be separated effectively in HI-CEC.研究表明,HI-CEC特别适合于分离强极性化合物。

45、They may also contain inappropriate amount of protein and minerals.泌乳期饲料中的粗蛋白和矿物质含量也不适合犊牛。

46、By now, I’m sure you’ve figured out what works best for you.迄今为止,我 敢说你已经明白哪样工作最适合自己。

47、How long will it take to find the right Westie for me?花多长时间去寻找一只适合我的西高地白梗呢?

48、Food pairing:It's stupid for thin white meat, soup and fish food.配餐:适合搭配口味较淡的白肉、汤类以及鱼类。

49、This wine goes very well with white fish.这种酒非常适合白鱼。

50、High-intensity multi-vapor, mercury vapor (with suitable reflectors ), and incandescent lamps.高密度、多气体、汞气体(合适的反光装置),白织灯。

经典英文句子51:适合表白,51、The formula of TDH for white sugar was recommended.推荐了较适合白砂糖体系的TDH计算式。

52、Create an online application form tailored to the country of origin.创建适合于来源国的在线申请表格。

53、The results show that this casing is suitable for steam injection wells.结果表明,该套管适合于热采井。


标签: 适合

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