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关于”学习的短句“的英语句子55个,句子主体:learning short sentences。以下是关于学习的短句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:learning short sentences


1、Thus, mobile learning, Twitter, text messaging, cultural fad, and so on have emerged.

学生短学期实习和毕业实习安排在浙江大学生命科学学院、相关制药企业和医疗单 位完成。

2、The students' short-time and graduating exercitation are arranged in College of Life Sciences of Zhejiang University, pharmacological manufacturer, medical departments, etc.


3、More recently, in articles about e-learning, short blocks of time during which mini-lessons on mobile, wireless devices could be used have been referred to as "Stolen Moments".


4、The total number of international students in non-degree programs, including short-term programs and English language study, was up

8 percent to more than 59,000.


5、You can also learn boxing in the boxing hall, they have a short-term training courses.


6、The experiment shows that this algorithm can finis learning phrase in very short time usually in seconds .


7、The purpose of this essay is to share with the reader my personal experience in learning English, as well as several tips on taking English proficiency tests.


8、So, he went from idea to learning to implementation to scads of users in a very short time.


9、Cooperative education which combines school learning and workplace learning to bridge the gap between academy and industry becomes the new trend in higher technical and vocational education.


10、Construction and Practice of the Learning Strategy Training Model for Learning Disability Children;


11、The reason is because they didn t study phrases.


12、The knowledge model should be converted into the combination of teaching and research, guiding students to research through learning.


13、Stripping away options and information also leads to a shorter learning-curve.


14、He studied business administration at Howard University and took an internship at Uptown Records, climbing the ladder to top executive in mere months.


15、Beginners should practice on a short rock face no more than

10 feet high.


16、Get different, unused parts of your brain thinking by learning a short trick.


17、Each text contains a short essay and several situational dialogues, which are to be learned complementarily to achieve an accelerated result.


18、She learns six short vowels and some related example words in the evening.


19、For the short stroke control (SSC) model, the SSC online self-learning function was exploited.


20、A Short Collection of Powerful But Under Appreciated Learning Strategies

21、In the short term, constantly learning, keeping up with industry news and staying ahead of the curve is time-consuming.短期内,不断学习、跟上行业形势并保持领先是很费时间的。

22、The number of participants whose interval is 学员回学校再学习的时间间隔以12-xx年的人数最多(占23. 32%),再学习的时间间隔长短与学员的职业和所学专业有关;

12 or15 years before their returning to school is the largest(23.32% of the trainees).

23、The textbooks consist of three tutorial volumes and nine exercise books to meet basic demands of foreign learners focusing on short-term language studies.整套课本包括上、中、下3本教材及9本练习册,以满足那些着重短期语言学习的外籍人士需求。

24、Gollan believes this deficit can becompensated for with extra study.高兰认为这个短处可以通过额外学习的方式来补足。

25、Learning how to read people must occur over time — a weeklong crash course won't cut it.学习如何解读他人是一个长期的过程,一周的短训并不能奏效。

英文句子26:,26、How do you and your texting habits compare?与你的短信习惯相比,如何?

27、Teacher: Read the passage again, and finish the sentences.让学生再次自读短文,完成课后练习。

28、As a scholar-in-residence, he worked with students on advanced research projects and taught a seminar course.他以短期学者身分与学生从事高层次的研究计画,同时也教一门实习课程。

29、Micro-lesson has the following characteristics: small capacity, teaching objectives and teaching content focused, relatively spending less time;微型课程有以下特点:课程容量小,教学目标、教学内容集中,学习时间相对较短;

30、Her short-term goal is to learn to do deep breathing and relaxation exercises when she gets stressed.她的短期目标是学会在自己感到有压力的时候做深呼吸,放松练习。

31、Students in this program can not apply for extension of the study.该短训班不接受延长学习期限申请。

32、Remember other phrases you can use when talking about learning a language, e.g.: . . .记住你在谈论 学习语言时可以使用的其他短语。 例如:.

33、An important lesson for anyone learning cinema through machinima.对任何通过动画短片学习电影的人来说,这都是值得学习的。

34、Both help to shorten materially the learning process.这两种能力都有助于大大缩短学习过程。

35、The model established with DMLD methodology can shorten the learning time for the new staff.利用动态主逻辑图所建立的架构模型,可以缩短新进人员的学习时间。

36、There are problems in practical teaching of accounting course, which occurs as the contradictions between students' practice and job-seeking, shortage of funds and teachers.实践教学中存在着学生实习与求职矛盾、经费和师资短缺等问题;

37、Like all of Groovy, the syntax was designed for a short learning curve and a big payoff.像所有 Groovy 一样,语法的设计目标是较短的学习曲线和较大的回报。

38、The experiment shows that this algorithm can finis learning phrase in very short time(usually in seconds).实验证明,该算法可以在很短的时间内(通常为若干秒)完成学习阶段。

39、It is good practice to student for raising study interesting, expanding the range of knowledge and shortening the train time from school to production unit.实践证明,它对提高学生的学习兴趣、扩大学生的知识面和缩短同学们从学校到生产单位的磨合期,很有益处。

40、It is proved that the study time of the neural network is shortened clearly and the efficiency of discursiveness is advanced evidently.实践证明网络的学习时间明显缩短,推理效率明显提高。

41、Secondly, never stop learning. Work on your weaknesses and develop your strengths. To be able to compete, you've got to keep learning all your life.其次,不要停止学习。注意取长补短。为了保持竞争力,你必须终生坚持学习。

42、The experiment shows that this algorithm can finis learning phrase in very short time(usually in …实验证明,该算法可以在很短的时间内(通常为若干秒)完成学习阶段。

43、Learn how to properly and safely store your electric stapler in this free educational video series.学习如何正确和安全地存放在这个自由的教育短片系列电动订书机。

44、English short drama, as hidden curriculum, activates campus culture and creates a good English-learning atmosphere for students.英语短剧作为潜在课程,活跃了校园文化,为学生营造了良好的英语学习气氛。

45、Allows our members to truly understand themselves - their strengths and weaknesses in accordance to their learning style.有助我们会员按照自己的学习模式,真正了解自己的长处和短处。

46、The students started to write in their exercise books, and for a short time nobody spoke.学生们开始写在练习本,很短的一段时间没有人答话。

47、We also have short term study tour program so the foreigners can study Chinese language while they enjoy Chinese culture and interesting activities.本中心同时开设短期夏令营及冬令营,是外国学生在体验中国文化的同时学习汉语。

48、University student learner who leaves the main house gate as the short-term, has formed in society's special expense community.大学生作为短期离开家门的学习者,形成了社会中的特殊消费群体。

49、But today we'll just gonna go over some short putts here.但今天我们就只是学习短推这一项。

50、No short list of observations about the SCJP exam is sufficient as a complete study guide.任何关于 SCJP 考试的评述的简短列表都不足以成为完整的学习指南。

经典英文句子51:学习的短句,51、A learner can ride the three-wheel bicycle only by a short period of time, thus saving the procedure of 'falling off' when learning the bicycle.初学者只需短时间练习就可学会骑行,学车再也 不用经过“摔跤”这一程序。

52、If you can "stop beating around the bush" long enough to learn these phrases, you might even learn how to " beat the rap" on some things!如果你可以用心好好学习本章短语的话,说不定你还能学会如何逃脱惩罚哦!


标签: 短句

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