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20 letters.。

英文句子模板1:20 letters.


1、The experiment consisted of

20 subjects and 24 passages in a within-subject design.


2、Each letter will represent an -ology.


3、Males generally weigh about

20 percent more than females.


4、The farmer has

20 ewes on his farm.


5、The risk of having MS if a person has an affected parent is increased by about 20-fold compared to not having an affected parent;


6、Provides an example that strips invalid non-alphanumeric characters from a string.


7、The effect was discovered in studies done in the 1980s in which people rated how much they liked each of the letters of the alphabet.


8、In fact,

20 minutes later, that number is at 934 million. This is a problem.

20 分钟后,该数字是

9 亿

3 千

4 百万,这是个问题)。


9、It's had 234, 391 text comments,

20 video comments.

没有经过教师同意而迟交者,成绩扣一个字母等级, 迟交逾一周者,扣两个字母等级。

10、Essays submitted more than one week will be penalized by two full letter grades.


11、"With the first subject, after about

20 hours of training, his digit span had risen from

7 to

20, " Ericsson recalls.


12、The present 21 initial consonants of mandarin grew out of the

20 initial consonants of The Easy Way to Harmonious Diction.


13、Freud had two half-brothers some

20 years older than himself.


14、What do the letters N.B. stand for?

例如,假定您决定将 widget 的长度从

15、For example, suppose you've decided to change the widget length from

20 characters to 30.

20 个字符变到 30 个字符。


16、The last

20 bytes are SHA-1 hash digest of the bytes in "signedCertificate."


17、If you are only allowed to use 25 English alphabets to write, which alphabet will you give up?


18、Split tup words that have two middle consonants.


19、The batteries that pose the greatest risk are those that begin with the number

20, which stands for

20 millimeters.

在此过程中的一个奥秘是字母h-在字母l, n和r前脱落很长时间后,仍尽可能地留在字母w前。

20、One of the mysteries of this process is that h- managed to stay before w long after it was shed before l, n, and r.

21、Gamorrean clan typically consists of about 加莫人的氏族通常是20母猪50公猪,但这个比例波动很大。

20 sows and 50 boars, but these numbers vary widely.

22、First, they taught 首先,他们给20名母语为英语的大学生教会了一系列的由两个字组成的汉语词语,如姐姐、妈妈、女仆等。

20 English-speaking college students lists of Chinese wordsspelled with two characters — such as sister, mother, maid.

23、Now, Grammer Corporation has over 目先,格推默股份母司逝天下下有超越7,300 实员农战遍及13个国野的20野波静的合母司。

7,300 employees and

20 branches spreading through

13 countries.

24、She worked her initials on a handkerchief.她把自己名字的缩写字母绣在一个手帕上。

25、Additionally only one baby out of the 在参与实验的20个宝宝中,仅有一个宝宝在背对父母而坐时笑了。

20 studied laughed while sitting in an away-facing buggy。

英文句子26:,26、My name is …, I am 20-year-old.我的名字叫…,我今年xx岁。

27、TUBE TYPE: This may be one, two, or three alphanumerics or symbols.管型:这可能是一个,两个或三个字母,数字或符号。

28、Operator recognizes that the single digraph character and the two individual characters are equivalent.运算符认为该单个二合字母字符与这两个单独的字符是等效的。

29、Already reorganized the exhibition board writing 现已整理展板文字20余万字,资料图片500余幅。

20 ten thousand characters, material picture 500.

30、The standard 3-letter abbreviation for the constellation.每个星座三个字母的标准缩写。

31、Now, when the income was shrunk to $20, though, they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest and unassuming D. But whenever Mr.现在,他的收入缩减到二十美元,\“迪林厄姆\”的字母也显得模糊不清,似乎它们正严肃地思忖着是否缩写成谦逊而又讲求实际的字母D。

32、If you're not entirely sure what the first letter is, start with the letter it sounds like.如果你不确定这个单词的首字母是什么,那就从它听起来像的这个字母开始找起。

33、All subjects spent 所有人都被要求在20分钟内在一篇范文里划出尽可能多的字母“e”。

20 minutes highlighting as many letter e's as they could find in a sample text.

34、Now, clap it!现在,每读一个字母就拍一下手!

35、The three-story Republic of Korea Pavilion is composed of 三层的韩国展馆是由20个基本的韩语字组成。

20 basic letters of the ROK alphabet.

36、The final \p{Alpha}{2, 3} means two or three alphabetic characters.最后的 \p{Alpha}{2, 3} 表示两个或三个字母字符。

37、The name of the team shouldn t exceed 该不该吨团队名称超过20个字符。

20 characters.

38、When I see these four letters,当我看到这四个字母时,

39、In the first half of the 苏联时期,中亚各民族的文字在上个世纪前半期都曾经历过拉丁字母化和基里尔字母化两次较大的文字改革。

20 century, each nation of Central Asia once used the Latin alphabet, and used Russian alphabet later.

40、Provides an example that strips invalid non - alphanumeric characters from a string.提供一个示例,该示例从字符串中去除无效的非字母数字字符。

41、Register failed: Your Password's length should be between 8-20 characters and should contain lower, upper characters and numbers, no space allowed.注册失败:你的密码长度应为8-20个字符之间,并应包含较低,上部字符和数字,没有空间允许。

42、Indeed, the Longer Name Hypothesis points out that of the 22 presidential elections between 1876 and 1960, the candidate with more letters in his last name won the popular vote 其实,还有一个“长姓氏假说”,说是在1876到xx年的22次总统大选中,姓氏字母较多的一方赢了20次。

20 times.

43、Top 最让父母挠头的孩子提问前20名

20 children's questions which baffle parents

44、I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.我是字母表里第九个。

45、This is a letter with a trill.这是个发颤音的字母。

46、A sign with characters 20-feet tall was on a distant mountain.远远的山上有个标语牌,(上面巨大的)字母有20尺高。

47、This number sometimes exceeds 对于 500 到 999 名雇员的公司,这个数字有时会超过

20 in companies between 500 and 999 employees.


48、If youre not entirely sure what the first letter is, start with the letter it sounds like.如果你不确定这个单词的首字母是什么,那就从它听起来像的这个字母开始找起。

49、Can you name 你能说出20个你顾客的名字,告诉我他们的一些信息吗?

20 of your customers and tell me something about them?

50、The letter A is commonly used for austenite, F for ferrite, G for graphite.通常用字母A表示奥氏体,字母F表示铁素体,字母G表示石墨。

经典英文句子51:20个字母,51、By 2010, Shi predicts this will rise to 20% .按照施正荣的预测,到xx年这个数字将上升到20%。

52、Her story began in 1995, when she was 她的故事开始于xx年,那个时候她xx岁,与父母亲一起居住。

20 and living with her parents.

53、The character of the Lisu bamboo writing is one of minority ethnic characters, which was created by an individual in the 1920s.傈僳族竹书文字是20世纪xx年代个人创制的一种少数民族文字。

54、Concentrate on the new numbers 16-20.集中练习16至20这几个新数字。

55、In general, names of MQ objects can have up to 48 characters, except for channel names, which can be no more than 一般来讲,除了通道名称不能超过

20 characters.

20 个字符以外,MQ 对象的名称最多可以有 48 个字符。

56、Every cell will be, essentially, a letter in the crossword puzzle.本质上,每个细胞都是纵横拼字谜(crossword puzzle)中的一个字母。

57、A word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters, so the end of a word is indicated by whitespace or a non-alphanumeric character.单词被定义为一个字母数字序列,因此词尾就是用空白符或非字母数字符来标示的。


标签: 英文

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