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关于”鼓励别人“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Encourage others。以下是关于鼓励别人的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage others


1、Afterwards, the Sakyong met with Dodrupchen Rinpoche, received personal instruction and was encouraged to return for further teachings.

在为一些新功能编写第一个测试时,TDD 鼓励开发人员编写失败的测试。

2、TDD encourages developers to write a failing test when writing the first test for some new functionality.


3、We encourage colleges and universities from both sides to carry out joint scientific research in history and culture, scientific and technological application, region and country-specific studies.


4、Best of all, if you put on an audio book from your favorite speaker, you can get some.


5、Third, Wu's gender idea is encouraged by men of letters living in her time, especially her teacher Chen Wenshu.


6、Respectable people were outraged that Seymour encouraged inter-racial worship, particularly given that it involved hugging and ululating .


7、It uses aid to encourage university reforms, specifically helping universities in Francophone Africa restructure their qualifications to meet international standards.


8、For some time the personal planets have been encouraging you move out of the proverbial goldfish bowl into the wide blue ocean.


9、In some of our companies, management is devising creative ways of spurring employees to take action collectively or individually.


10、Forget whether fat bonuses or the lack of regulation encouraged undue risk-taking during the credit-fueled boom.


11、And the development of common residential buildings was removed from the "encouragement category" in the new guidelines.


12、This asymmetry encourages speculating on the short side, which in turn exerts a downward pressure on the underlying bonds.


13、There are two priority schemes for public rental flats which encourage households to live with and take care of their elderly members.


14、Back home, Xiaoyi relish of eating, my mother had never eaten in Xiaoyi encouraged to eat a little bit, find it particularly tasty, and I the courage to try a bit;


15、We will train more general practitioners, nurses and rural doctors and encourage high-caliber health workers to work in village and community clinics.


16、Unless you’re having specific problems, most moderate exercise regimens like aerobics, running and weight lifting are safe and encouraged.


17、To protect the athletes, Mr. Wilber is encouraging them to train elsewhere and arrive in Beijing at the last possible moment.

我们当初鼓励你们去获利,你以为我们会让你们拿走吗? 当然不会了,别犯傻了。

18、Of course we’re not going to let you keep the profits we encouraged you to go and seek, don’t be silly.

鼓励和引导各种层次、不同形式的民间交流与 合作,特别是企业间的 相互 合作和共同发展。

19、It is necessary to encourage and guide non-governmental exchange and cooperation at different levels and in diverse forms, especially cooperation for common development between enterprises.

乔治: 噢,别,别那么气鼓鼓的。

20、George: Hey, come on, don't be like that.

21、Especially when he started gambling, started a normal life, began to work hard, do not save their verbal encouragement.特别是当他开始戒赌,开始了正常生活,开始了努力工作时候,不要吝惜给予他们言语上的鼓励。

22、In particular, Shevchenko felt strongly the encouragement before kick-off when the crowd made a special point of singing his name.当舍甫琴科在开球前听到了赛场一角球迷呼喊他的名字,他感到特别强烈的鼓励。

23、He would then have asked us about ourselves, drawn us out, and sent us away with some good advice, a handshake, and a smile.他会询问我们的情况,鼓励我们跟他畅谈,临别时还会给我们一一些忠告,微笑着和我们握手告别。

24、The Christmas spirit encourages people to help each other in many large and small ways.圣诞节的精神鼓励人们在许多大大小小的事情上互相帮助, 奇迹私发服网。

25、Ltd. , State Veterinary R&D Center were awarded as "Five Outstanding Organizers". The winners were awarded certificates and prizes respectively.联谊赛组委会分别向获得冠亚季军、鼓励奖的选手们和优秀组织奖企业颁发了获奖证书与奖品。

英文句子26:,26、Especially when he started gambling, start a normal life, and began to work hard, do not begrudge giving them verbal encouragement.特别是当他开始戒赌,开始了正常生活,开始了努力工作时候,不要吝惜给予他们言语上的鼓励。

27、He is especially encouraging young people to get involved and has opened up registration to applicants who will be 他特别鼓励年轻人参加,并且已经向xx年xx月xx日满xx岁的青年人开放申请登记资格。

16 years old by

1 January 2012.

28、In some cultures, lovers have been encouraged to wear emeralds to ensure constancy and openness between them.在某些文化中,人们鼓励情侣佩戴祖母绿以确保忠贞不渝、坦诚相待。

29、The mill or mine owners (or labor recruiters) can look elsewhere for job candidates or raise wages to encourage more volunteers from the customary locations.纱厂或者矿场主(或者狼动力招募者)能够在别处找到工人或者提高工资来鼓励的人从传统的地方迁出来当工人。

30、It's extremely important for us. I really encourage all of your readers to give us feedback, participate in what we do.我鼓励所有的读者都能向我们提供反馈,特别是对于我们现在所做的事情。

31、Although some doctors may discourage patients from doing their own research, many say they want to be included in the process.尽管一些医生可能不鼓励病人自行研究,但也有许多病人声称不愿置身度外。

32、Xinhua said "special attention" would be paid to infrastructure and encouraging banks to lend more.新华社表示,“特别注意到”将投资基础设施,并鼓励银行更多放贷。

33、He also offered money for the man who could drink most beer in one gulp.同时,他还鼓励男人们举行喝酒比赛,谁一口气喝得最多也会获得奖金。

34、Expect to be probed to determine if you are a self-starter or are someone who needs a lot of encouragement and close monitoring.希望能够查明你是内在动力很强的人还是需要鼓励和紧密监控的人。

35、Best of all, if you put on an audio book from your favorite speaker, you can get someencouragement to start your day.特别是播放你最喜欢的朗诵者的有声图书,这总能鼓励你精神百倍地开始新的一天。

36、Keep the book out - he or she may want to return to it later, which you should encourage.留着这本书,先别那么快放好-他或她稍后可能会再回来读,这是您应该鼓励的。

37、There are public advertisements which encourage citizens to participate in improving their neighbour-hood, protecting the environment, and helping other people.还有一些公益广告,它们鼓励人们参与改善社区、保护环境和帮助他人的活动。

38、This is a matter of mere common politeness and good-breeding, and has nothing to do with any encouragement to people to marry.这只是一般的礼貌问题,教养有素的表现,根本谈不上鼓励别人结婚。

39、He encourages them to attend the Channing familys estate auction and to buy a particular keepsake.他鼓励他们参加宁家地产拍卖和买一个特别的纪念品。

40、"I see the law as a great encouragement for people to seek wealth legally, and be protected, " Mr. Jiang said.“在我看来,法律能够鼓励人们获取合法财产,并给予保护,”江先生称。

41、They make you feel understood, and they encourage you to go after your goals and pursue your dreams.他们能让你感到被人理解,他们会鼓励你追逐你的目标追求你的理想。

42、For example, he encouraged poor people to move near swamps, so they would catch diseases and begin dying off.比如,他们鼓励穷人搬到沼泽地附近,在那里他们可能会染病而死。

43、A stronger reward for work would encourage young, less-skilled workers—men in particular—to develop solid, early connections to the workforce, improving their prospects.对工作最给力的奖赏是鼓励年轻的低技术工人(特别是男性工人)和劳动力市场建立稳固的、及早的联系,从而改进他们的预期目标。

44、And especially for the sports ones, you can meet a lot of young as you and develop sociability and blab la bla.他们会特别鼓励运动性社团,因为你可以遇到很多同龄的人,藉以训练社交技巧等等的。

45、In order to fully tap the human resources, the rational flow of trained personnel should not only be allowed but also be encouraged.为了充分发掘人才潜力,不仅应该允许人才合理流动,而且还要鼓励人才。

46、Ashmole explained that his purpose was to encourage "the inspection of particulars… extraordinary in their fabrick".阿什莫尔解释道,他意在鼓励人们“仔细观察那些特殊的藏品……那些材质特别的物品。”

47、Jo: To lure - L. U. R. E - to attract people out of their cars for at least one trip a week.他们计划开辟另外的专门线路鼓励人们至少每周骑一次车。

48、BingYin distinctions to dragon lantern respectively, and refers to the lantern shape was ugly, but an open after the shape of the dragon, in the hope of encouraging three people.丙寅分别以龙形灯笼相赠,并指灯笼外形原本其貌不扬,但一打开后便呈现龙的形态,希望借此鼓励三人。 。

49、TDR is reaching out to anyone who has been involved in the programme to share their stories and accomplishments since their original connection.热带病研究和培训特别规划鼓励参与该规划的人共享其自最初参与以来的经历和取得的成果。

50、I am happy to encourage you all to take a look at Rui Chenggang's new website, especially the part about Yale.我非常高兴的鼓励各位去看一看芮成钢的新博客, 特别是其中关于耶鲁的部分。

经典英文句子51:鼓励别人,51、No, don't please don't clap, not for that one.别急着鼓掌。

52、In the comments below the news release, a lot of people complained about mispronounced characters, and the glossary, but the acknowledgements really cheered me up.在新闻发布的评论里,很多人抱怨错别字和内容的表达,但鸣谢鼓励我继续进行。

53、Zakir Thomas, project director of the OSDD, said the information "will encourage serious scientific research into [diseases of the poor]".OSDD的项目主任Zakir Thomas说该信息“将鼓励[针对穷人疾病]的严肃科研”。

54、But we also say thank you because we want the other person to know we value what they’ve done for us and, maybe, encourage them to help us again in the future.但我们跟别人说谢谢是因为我们想其他人知道我们珍惜他们为我们所做的一切,或许,鼓励他们在未来继续帮助我们。

55、But the Rossoneri faithful are urging him to reconsider, especially after his display at the Meazza in Week 但是米兰的球员们却鼓励他重新去考虑,特别是在第13周他在梅亚查球场所展示的一切。


56、No, my dear, I never encouraged any body to marry, but I would always wish to pay every proper attention to a lady - and a bride, especially, is never to be neglected.不,亲爱的,我从没鼓励任何人结婚,可我总希望对女士要有适当的礼貌——特别是对新娘,更是怠慢不得。

57、As pillar industries in the zone, fields of new-type material, textile &garment, mechanical-electrical integration, electronic information and bio-medicine are especially encouraged to be invested in.新型材料、 纺织服装、机电一体化、电子信息、生物医药是该区的支柱产业,特别鼓励投资。

58、Sunday is April Fools' Day, a day when you are encouraged to pull pranks on loved ones, co-workers, casual acquaintances, and even that one guy at the bus stop.在这天你被鼓励去和你的爱人、同事、熟人甚至公车站遇见的人开玩笑。

59、he would then have asked us about ourselves, drawn us out, and sent us away with some good advice, a handshake, and a smile.然后他会问我们的情况,鼓励我们畅谈临别时还会给予我们一些忠告,微笑并握手告别。

60、The position of the planets encourages you to be more spontaneous in your love life, and less conditioned by and worried about what other people may be thinking.星位正鼓励着你对于你的爱情生活放松一点,不要对别人的想法过于多虑。

61、For some reason, we have not encouraged our most skilled people to go to the classroom.约翰逊说:“由于某种原因,我们没有鼓励我们最有本事的人走进教室。

62、In spring and fall that extra hour of daylight in the evening has a much larger impact on people's ability to quit work and do something.春秋两季,如果晚上有多一个小时的日照,能够大大鼓励人们放下手中的工作,出去做点别的事情。



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