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1、Tips on the proper jewelry for a druid Halloween costume with costume tips from a makeup expert in this free Halloween video.


2、Mianyang Mercy invite you to share the Halloween night!


3、Learn about Stonehenge supplies for a druid Halloween costume with costume tips from a makeup expert in this free Halloween video.


4、Halloween Hungama meet Diwali Doings: how do I blend my two worlds?


5、It was the 'paw-fect' pre-Halloween party.


6、How do people play tricks at Halloween?


7、So, what are this year’s trends for Halloween costumes?


8、Beside the Halloween party, when did you wear unusual clothes?


9、Usually, costumes reflect pop-culture trends.

幻影纸牌- 经典的21万圣节主题接龙!

10、Phantom Solitaire – Classic Solitaire with 21 Halloween Themes!


11、Bad omens are also part of Halloween celebrations.


12、Observing the crowd management operation of Halloween in Central Police District.


13、The Halloween decorations of the time were similar to those of today: "Black cats, bats, Jack 'o' Lanterns, ghosts and witches predominate.

14、People use me to make a jackolantern on Halloween. 人们在万圣节时用我制作“鬼火”


15、Welcome to the first CarnEVIL party at Circus Barbarossa.


16、It ' s that time of year again: time to get out the pumpkin carving tools and create your very own jack o' lantern for neighborhood trick - or - treaters.


17、Today, I was walking home from my acting gig at a haunted hayride.



18、Learn how to add skull accessories a glow in the dark skeleton Halloween costume from a costume and makeup expert in this free Halloween video.


19、The kids pigged out on the candy they had collected on Halloween.


20、Nell: Wow, Holly, your place is totally decked out for Halloween. It's cool!

21、你们准备做一个关于万圣节前夕的表演吗?------------------------------------------------------------------ …Are you going to do a show about Halloween?

22、That weekend, we dressed up as superheros for Halloween.那周末的万圣节,我们扮成了超级英雄。

23、From weddings and christenings, to Christmas and Halloween, Celebrations Cupcakes have perfect ideas to cater for all events.从婚礼和洗礼,圣诞节和万圣节,庆典蛋糕具有完善的思路,以应付所有事件。

24、Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.在小学校里,万圣节是每年xx月份开始庆祝的。

25、Let ' s make a jack-o ' -lantern for Halloween.万圣节时,让我们来做南瓜灯吧。

英文句子26:,26、Thee traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children's fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary-school.现在你在大多数书里读到的万圣节只是孩子们开心的夜晚。 。


27、In the United Kingdom, on the eve of Halloween can be said is a Guijie.在英国,万圣节前夕可以说是一个鬼节。

28、And Hallows Eve which preceded them had effectively supplanted Samhain while retaining its aura of eerie mystery.而在这两个节日之前的万圣节前夜,则取代了属阴节。

29、People are using Halloween to pay homage to Michael Jackson.人们也用万圣节盛装向迈克尔杰克逊致敬。

30、E. g. People dress up in costumes for Hallowmas.人们在万圣节会化妆成不同的人物。

31、Then, on Halloween of my senior year, I met Sam.然后在大四的万圣节前夕,我认识了萨姆。

32、Halloween nis also a time for masquerade parties.万圣节前夜还是举办化妆舞会的好时机。

33、Trick kor treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!捣蛋的将会是什么?祝你有个快乐的万圣节!

34、Although All Saints' (or Hallows ') Day is now considered to occur one day after Halloween, the two holidays were, at that time, celebrated on the same day.虽然诸圣(或圣' )节是目前被认为发生一天后的万圣节,这两个假期,在那个时候,庆祝的同一天。

35、These lanterns can be released on Halloween, Easter day, New year, or other festivals.在西方,这些河灯可以在万圣节,复活节,新年灯节日使用。

36、The first time I dressed up as a woman was Hallowe'en.我第一次男扮女装是在一次万圣节前夕。

37、Halloween is a strange holiday. It started several centuries ago in Europe.万圣节是一个奇异的节日,它起源于几个世纪前的欧洲。

38、Trick or treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!捣蛋的将会是什么?祝你有个快乐的万圣节! !

39、On halloween , people burn the fire to drive the evils away.万圣节时人么点燃熊熊大火来驱逐妖魔鬼怪。

40、Learn how to avoid looking like a monk when dressing up as a druid for Halloween costume with costume tips from a makeup expert in this free Halloween video.了解如何避免类似和尚看时,打扮成一个万圣节服装与服装从化妆技巧的专家在这个自由万圣节影片德鲁伊注册。

41、We provide makeup service for annual dinner, cocktail party, graduation dinner and on festive seasons such as Halloween party and Christmas party.我们提供多种化妆服务: 公司宴会、酒会、谢师宴及提供节日化妆服务如万圣节及圣诞节。

42、Young kids often dress up and have fun at Halloween.万圣节前夜,小孩子通常都乔装打扮,玩得很开心。

43、Lady GaGa: For Halloween I'm going to be…a little monster! ! ! !为了万圣节我要……成为一个小怪物!

44、New research has revealed that the most popular Halloween costumes this year will be of the avian variety. Angry Birds topped the list of costume-related searches from Google.今年万圣节好多朋友们都要准备穿羽毛装了——新调查揭示,鸟类将是今年最受欢迎的万圣节装扮。

45、A few days later, Halloween night, Holly's cousin is staying over.几天后,万圣节前夕夜晚,荷莉的表妹来过夜。

46、Halloween celebrations have also been banned in some schools across Michigan.密歇根的一些学校也颁布了万圣节庆祝禁令。

47、You can line the driveway with junipers , enlarge the gazebo and even plan outdoor Christmasand Halloween decorations.你能够沿着带刺柏属树木或丛林的车道排成行,放大露台和平的计划外面圣诞节和万圣节前夕装饰。

48、and mingle with the masses to celebrate the coming of Halloween, 混入群众之中一起庆祝万圣节的来临,

49、Downplay the scary, chilling, creepy, parts of Halloween.淡化万圣节那可怕,令人胆寒生畏的部分。

50、Learn about adding liquid latex to make a goblin Halloween costume with expert tips on Halloween costumes in this free video clip.了解有关添加在此免费视频剪辑液体乳胶作出一个鬼怪万圣节万圣节服装与服饰专家提示。

经典英文句子51:万圣节,51、What year was it destroyed on Halloween?它是哪xx年的万圣节前夜被毁掉的?

52、And this year's Halloween finished in the gayer atmosphere.今年的万圣节就在这欢乐的气氛中结束了。

53、Learn what kinds of socks and shoes to wear for a glow in the dark skeleton Halloween costume from a costume and makeup expert in this free Halloween video.了解什么样的袜子和鞋种为骨架万圣节在黑暗中从服装服饰,化妆专家辉光穿在这个自由万圣节影片。

54、Buffy the Vampire Slayer 捉鬼者巴菲赔本的买卖;残影。

2: Halloween Rain; Bad Bargain; Afterimage.


55、Happy Halloween! Welcom to my haunted house party.万圣节快乐!欢迎参加我的鬼屋派对。

56、Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween. 万圣节前夜是在xx月xx日庆祝的一个节日,根据传统,万圣节前夜的庆祝活动从太阳落山开始。

57、The first time I dressed up as a woman was Hallowe'en1).我第一次男扮女装是在一次万圣节前夕。

58、Have a safe and happy Halloween. I'm Allen Smith.祝大家有一个安全而快乐的万圣节。

59、And I won't tell you to relax and enjoy Halloween (the way you do it, I don't enjoy it either).我也不会命令你放松下来享受万圣节之夜(看你追打小孩那劲头,我也觉得万圣节没什么意思了)。

60、A Halloween jack-o’-lantern on the doorstep.门阶上摆着万圣节前夜的南瓜灯。

61、And the "Scream" mask has become a classic Halloween costume.“惊声尖叫”面具也成为经典万圣节装饰。

62、Learn how to decorate the outside of your home for Halloween trick or treater children in this do it yourself Halloween decorations video.了解如何在这装饰自己做万圣节的装饰品:视频你的万圣节恶作剧还是处理机儿童家外。

63、The Halloween, Christmas Eve and New Years shows at D-22 are always a blast.万圣节、圣诞前夜还有新年在D22的演出总是很火爆。

64、In recent years, awareness of Halloween in China has grown, in part because many hotels, clubs and bars organize Halloween-themed parties and promotions.近年来,万圣节在中国越来越为人熟知,原因之一是很多饭店、俱乐部、酒吧都组织以万圣节为主题的派对和宣传活动。

65、Welcome to the first CarnEVIL party at Circus 2416bar.欢迎来到2416部落第一届鬼屋嘉年华万圣节派对。

66、Akkad also produced the popular Halloween horror film series.阿卡德还制作了深受欢迎的万圣节系列惊悚影片。

67、But belief in the supernatural is not required to enjoy Halloween.但欢度万圣节可不一定要信鬼。

68、For a black cat, Hallowmas is the most miserable day.对于黑猫来说,万圣节是xx年中最“悲惨”的日子。

69、Want a scary atmosphere for your Halloween costume party?想为你的万圣节化装舞会吓人的气氛?

70、At Halloween , he often dresses up as a ghost.在万圣节期间,他通常打扮成鬼。

71、Two new characters for Halloween: Catwoman and Vampire.新增两个万圣节主题人物:猫女、吸血鬼。

72、This times, I plan to go to Clarke Quay wiz my frds 2night.今天是万圣节,我打算去克拉码头。

73、I think all holidays have kinda gone overboard, and Halloween is one of them.我认为所有的节日都花销不菲,万圣节只是其中之

74、Jack-O-Lanterns are a classic Halloween decoration.杰克邻灯笼是一个典型的万圣节装饰。

75、Carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns is a Halloween custom.用南瓜雕制南瓜灯是一个万圣节传统。


标签: 万圣节

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