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关于”表达感激“的英语句子23个,句子主体:Express gratitude。以下是关于表达感激的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Express gratitude


1、Sandinsky thanks them, and then smiles a private grin. He's got them fooled.


2、Objective:To study the relation between GCR expression and sensitivity of chemotherapy in patients with lymphoma.


3、Make your own blog – Self-expression_r_r must be the most stimulating process, and where better than your own blog.


4、Words can not express how much I appreciate this honor.


5、The sensory and motor projection of intra-oral cold sensation reached contralateral hemispheres.


6、But he did express his heartfelt gratitude to the audience and also wished everyone a happy Chinese New Year.


7、MICA might increase the sensitivity of the breast cancer to NK cells by activating NKG2D on the NK cells.


8、No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude。


9、I wish to express my appreciation for your kindness.


10、Try committing yourself to a week of expressing your appreciation and notice the change.


11、Figueres thanked the crowd for their enthusiasm.


12、Protein and mrna expression of estrogen receptor gene in pituitary adenomas.


13、AT1 receptors were also expressed on activated HSC in culture plates.


14、There was no P53 expression in the GC-intensive group, but there exsisted P53 expression in parts of the patients from the GC-resistant group, mainly distributing in the renal tubular epithelia.


15、Conclusion Bradykinin activated HSF1 and induced the expression of HSP70 in tumor tissues.


16、Although the studies only looked at the people expressing gratitude, Lambert speculated that, "those who are being thanked will often feel an urge to reciprocate.


17、The expression of STC2 was abducted by estrogen.


18、They were so moved they wrote to Wei to express their gratitude.


19、My appreciate to you for your generous help is beyond my words. I wish I could repay it some day.


20、To express her gratitude, she drew a painting, which is sent to you in this letter. Please do accept her gift.

21、Made a list of all persons who have helped us and became willing to express our gratitude to them all.列出所有帮助过我们的人的名字,试着去向他们表达我们的感激之情。

22、我试图在发言中表达我们每个人对他的帮助的感激 I try to express all of our apprication for him in my speech.

23、One of the things that estrogen does when cells are exposed to estrogen is that certain genes get turned on that weren't turned on in the estrogen-free state.雌激素的功能是,当细胞所处环境中有雌激素时,一些在雌激素不存在的条件下,无法表达基因就能够表达

24、I should be obliged to you for your assistance in this matter.蒙您大力协助,我将深表感激。

25、I know you will join me in expressing our deep condolences to the people of Haiti and our gratitude to the many who are rushing to provide assistance.我知道,你们会与我一道对海地人民表示沉痛的哀悼,对正在快速提供支援的多个方面表达感激之情。

英文句子26:,26、He was grateful for all you did.他对你所做的一切表示感激。

27、Thellos small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you.这件小小的礼物略表咱们的感激之情。咱们各人都很感激您。

28、We have concluded that pregnancy is sensitive to stress environment, and the decreased expression of 5-HT and receptor in hippocampal area may be one of the mechanism of antepartum depression.妊娠期间对应激环境更敏感,应激后5-羟色胺及受体表达量少可能是妊娠期更易出现抑郁障碍的机制之

29、Remote sensing, including satellite sensors and lidars.包括卫星传感器和激光雷达的遥感技术;

30、The nurturing relationships that you're grateful for. The material things that you have in your life right now that you're grateful for.你为养育关系表示感激。你为当下在生活中拥有的物质表示感激。

31、I would like to express my warmest gratitude for my wonderful stay in China.在此我要表达我对于此次多姿多彩的中国之行的最热烈的感激之情。

32、Roma to express gratitude to gian reward was rejected.罗姆为表示感激给吉安酬劳被拒。 。

33、Objective To study construction of vector to overexpress staphylokinase, expression in vitro and purification of the product.目的研究高效表达葡激酶载体的构建及其体外表达与产物的纯化。

34、I was the most excited in our class when I heard the exciting news.当我听到这个激动的消息,我是我们班最激动的。(两种表达法)

35、After landing at Fuzhou Airport in Fujian Province, Zhan Qixiong said he was thankful to be free and repeated his claim of innocence.抵达福建的福州机场后,他表示很感激获得释放,反复声明他是无罪的。

36、Self-expression_r_r must be the most stimulating process, and where better than your own blog.建一个博客吧——自我表达是最能激发灵感的事了,还有什么比自己的博客更适合的呢。

37、I’m very grateful to receive this prize. I appreciate this honor very much.得到这个奖我很感激,获得这个荣誉我深表感谢。

38、Please give our love and thanks to the church.请向教堂转达我们的爱和感激。

39、The main results were as follows: Ouli was found sensitive to hormone.结果表明:欧李对激素反应比较敏感。

40、The results demonstrated: Pb2+ suppressed the expression of H-current, decreased the voltage sensitivity and increased the activation voltage.结果表明:铅抑制了H -电流表达; 降低了H -通道电压敏感性和升高了H -通道的激活电压。

41、HSP90 is an important member of HSP protein family. HSP90 usually constitutively expressed in most mammalian cell types and can be further induced by heat shock and other stresses.HSP90是热激蛋白家族(HSP)的主要成员之一,它在细胞中呈高组成性表达,热激和其他应激条件可以进一步诱导其表达。

42、These flower are a small token of my gratitude.这些花代表我的一点点感激之情。

43、A theory for pulsed laser photoacoustic spectroscopy in solution is- presented.提出了溶液脉冲激光光声光谱理论表达式。

44、This card is only a small token of our gratefulness.这张卡片略表我们的感激之情。

45、I finished all the handovers and gave my thanks to everyone during my last team-building meeting.我完成了所有的交接工作并在最后的小组会议上对所有人表达了我的感激之情。

46、My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond my words. I wish I could repay it some day.我无法用言语来表达对你的感激之情。但愿有朝xx日能回报你的帮助。

47、To show their gratitude, the locals prepared a feast.当地人为表达感激,张罗了一桌盛宴款待她们。

48、Brillouin scattering Lidar underwater detection technique is an application in underwater detection that combines Brillouin scattering with Lidar and remote sensing technique.激光布里渊散射雷达水下探测技术是结合布里渊散射和激光雷达、遥感技术在水下探测方面的应用。

49、Words fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you. 感激之情,溢于言表。

50、We must always express our profound gratitude for the service of our men and women in uniform. Period.我们无论何时都必须对为国效劳的男女军人表达无限感激之情,这一点已确凿不移。

经典英文句子51:表达感激,51、Taking the chance, I must once more deliver my deep-felt respect and sincere gratitude to them.借此机会,我必须要再一次向他们表达我深切的敬意和真诚的感激。

52、We all want to thank you。 这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。

53、It is hard to find words to express my gratitude. 感激之情,无以言表!

54、Today, express your gratitude. Gladden the heart of a person. Praise the wonder of the earth.在今天,对周围的人表达感激,让一个人快乐,一同赞美这世界的奇妙。

55、This card is only a small token of our gratefulness .这张卡片只代表了我们的感激之心。

56、Two the ego to express gratitude and other each other the feeling of guilt, just be the east watching that scene gentlemen.两小我彼此对对方表达感激和愧疚之情,正巧被东勋看到这一幕。

57、on behalf of my whole family, i would like to extend my sincere gratitude for。我谨代表我全家对„„表示真诚的感激之情。

58、No one deserves a bigger thank than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.没有人比您更值得拥有如此深厚的谢意。仅这一天远不足以表达我们对您的感激之情。

59、Objective In order to explore the expression of hormone-sensitive lipase(HSL)mRNA in white adipose tissue of diet-induced obesity-resistant(DIO-R) rats.目的探讨高脂饮食诱导肥胖抵抗(DIO R)大鼠激素敏感脂肪酶基因的表达。

60、ZhangZhuXi WuHuaLan to express gratitude.张珠熙对吴华兰表示感激。

61、Each man then wrote a note of gratitude to Stone, and Linda burned them, sending the messages skyward.每个人都给斯通写了张纸条表示感激。 琳达将纸条烧了,让扬起的灰烬飞往天空。

62、No one deserves a bigger thank you than you . One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.没有人比你更值得如此深厚的谢意。仅这一天远不足以表达我们对你的感激之情。

63、Research among computer users suggests that the traditional expression of gratitude has fallen by the wayside .一项对互联网用户开展的调查显示,如今人们已不再爱用传统的词语来表达感激。

64、Your kindness at the time of my mother's death meant more than I can express in words.家母去世时,你给予了极大的关怀,我的感激是无法用语言表达的。

65、Show her that you love her and appreciate her.向她表示,你爱她,而且感激她对家庭的付出。



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