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关于”书写的规范“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Specification of Writing。以下是关于书写的规范的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Specification of Writing

我们汲取了 IBM 红皮书的许多服务规范流程细节。

1、We derived many of the service specification workflow details from the IBM Redbook.


2、By studying the quality problems existed in nursing records, the article advises the pertinence and importance of standardized management to the converted onus probandi.


3、The relationships between new literature and exoteric literature involve literary normalization and the writing of literary history.


4、When matching multiple certificates, choose the narrowest specification possible.


5、This specification describes, the product property and test method, and should serve as the reference for technical assurance.


6、Then, design institute edits technology specification of main auxiliary equipment, drawing for site test pile and requirements for test pile.

本船符合我社的规范和规定, 同意本证书的有效期延长至。

7、During the validity of the agency agreement you should not handing any other foreign products of the same line and competitive types.


8、Therefore, it is suggested that we should learn some advantages from the ancient China and promote the standardization of Chinese calligraphy.


9、Legal provisions can be divided into three types: provisions of rights, provisions of obligations and provisions of duties.


10、Mapping rule specifications that feeds the functional and technical specifications


11、The specification is being revamped as I write this, so an updated specification will be available shortly.

习惯权利的规范载体是民间规范; 民间规范的重要规范内容是习惯权利。

12、Non-government-norms behave as the carrier of customary rights, which are important contents of non-government norms.


13、As such, it has an identifier, abbreviated as “Nx.y” in the figure.


14、For example, nothing in those standards dictates unified formats or embedded data or directives that allow a document written in Thai to draw properly per the canonical rules of the Thai language.

定义的规范:激活规范是标准规范 (JCA

15、Specification defined: Activation specifications are part of a standards specification (JCA


1.5) 的一部分。


16、Planning you day or planning your life, summarizing a book, launching a project, planning and creating presentations, writing blog posts -well, you get the idea - anything, really.


17、The result strengthens to write in the nursing the record with management work of norm, strengthen the nursing personnel's responsibility consciousness.


18、The interesting phenomenon is due to three norms: literary norm, social norm and reader's expectancy norm.


19、Publish a summary of the petition and the certification in the California Regulatory Notice Register.


20、Tests vs. Specifications – what is we’re writing?

21、The choice of when to write tests is independent of project size.项目规模并不影响什么时候书写测试的选择。

22、Since the Tang Dynasty, imperial examinations had been closely linked to calligraphy norms, with emperors and officials of different dynasties setting a good example for the rest of society.从唐以后,科举取士与书写规范紧密相连。历朝历代上到皇帝,下到各级官支。


23、Three academies taking on triangular balance of power in Jiangxi in earlier times are models of academies of earlier times in our country, especially Dongjia academy does.早期鼎峙江南三书院,尤其是东佳书堂(义山书院),乃我国早期书院发展的规范化的标本。

24、Content: Autobiography, letter writing, notes and invitation, governmental writing, rules, contract and application form.内容:履历自传、书信写作、便条与柬帖、公文写作、规章、契约与书状等。

25、Bibliographical citations also are tightly structured.书目引用方式亦有其严格规范。

英文句子26:,26、Text messaging, with its use of phonetic spelling and lowercase or no punctuation, seems to pose a threat to traditional conventions in writing.发手机短信常用语音输入法,很少或根本不用标点,这对传统的书写规范造成了威胁。

27、Method 720 nursing records were surveyed randomly and were assessed by Record Writing Norm issued by Health Department of Guangdong Province.方法随机抽查720份护理病历,根据广东省卫生厅制定的《广东省病历书写规范》评分标准进行评价。

28、Maintaining the coding standards: The MVC code is easy to write and also follows the code restrictions.保持编码规范: MVC易写且能遵循代码规范。

29、The process of converting to canonical form is known as canonicalization (popularly abbreviated "c14n").转化成规范形式的过程称为 规范化(通常缩写为“c14n”)。

30、Overbooking and structuring your schedule around what you think you should do, can be really exhausting.过度书本和规范化你的日程 真的很累人.

31、SUGGESTION Aggrandizement management on writing prescriptions, progressing the ability and intendance of chemist and intensifying consciousness in prescription of doctor are presented in the praper.建议加强处方书写质量的管理力度,强化医生处方规范意识,提高药剂人员的素质和监督能力。

32、The standpoint that there could not be authorization norms and prohibitory norms is improper, however all norms of criminal law are not prohibitory ones.所谓刑法规范中不能存在授权性规范和禁止性规范的观点是错误的,但刑法规范也并非都是禁止性规范。

33、Norm-formalizing technique refers to the method about how it is born.规范型构技术,是指规范生成的技术规程。

34、I am a novice, not necessarily written norms or reasonable, and hope we Haihan!本人是新手,写的不一定规范或合理,望大家海涵!

35、You may see these forms in informal written French (such as on blogs or in chat rooms), but you should still write the formal way.你可能会在非正式的法语书面语中见到它们(例如在博客或聊天室中),但在你自己书写时仍应注意规范。

36、Make sure the fonts, alignment and the size of the type meet the requirements of writing standards.确保字体、字号、对齐符合写作规范。

37、Reforms and new regulations are necessary, he writes.现在需要改革和新规范了,他写道。

38、If you are writing code to read or write N-Triples, be sure to see the specification for these details.如果您正编写读或写 N-Triples 的代码,那么请确保参阅了这些细节的规范。

39、On Hydrocolloids and Its Complex Gums Used in Meat Products;胶体墨水笔在世界范围内已成为常用的书写工具。

40、The only book I think that Vannoy wrote.我认为范诺伊写的唯一的一本书。

41、Analysis of current language application of college students from the perspectives of language application and standardized character writing.从语言应用和规范字书写两方面分析了目前大学生语言文字应用现状。

42、The library data includes MARC records, anonymized circulation data and authority files.图书馆的数据包括MARC记录、匿名的书目流通数据以及规范文档。

43、He proposes the classification of expectancy norms and professional norms. The latter is sub-divided into the accountability norm, the communication norm and the relation norm.他将翻译规范分为期待规范和专业规范,后者又可细分为责任规范,交际规范和关系规范。

44、His group is makeing a list of rules for the class.什么意思?…◎他的团体正给班集体撰写着一份规范制度表。

45、Academic library; Book purchase; Bid; Normalization rule; Effect of mutual benefit.高校图书馆; 图书资料采购; 招标; 规范性原则; 互利性效益。

46、This much is standard.这么写很规范

47、Let's all speak Standard Mandarin and use the official simplified characters.大家都说普通话,大家都写规范字。

48、On-line real-time assessment on Chinese character writing can be divided into three steps: stroke, stroke order and structures normalization assessments.在线汉字书写实时评测可分为笔画规范性评测、笔顺规范性评测和结构规范性评测三个阶段。

49、The defects in the ECHs between before and after process quality management were compared.比较两种管理方法电子病历规范书写存在缺陷的发生情况。

50、Compile Group of Code for Design of Steel Structure.《钢结构设计规范》编写组。

经典英文句子51:书写的规范,51、So which one should you use, normal or exclusive canonicalization?那么应该使用哪种规范化,常规规范化还是排斥性规范化呢?

52、According to requirements to write standardize programming manual and testing report etc.根据要求书写规范的编程手册、调测报告等文档;

53、In order to standardize the using of writs, we should correct the name for the"referendums".为了严格地、规范地使用办案文书,必须给“请示类”办案文书正名。

54、Review and direct hardware design, create hardware specification;审核硬件设计,编写硬件系统规格书;

55、I think it's possible to have a professional relationship but to also be human and bond with other women and that's why I wrote the book.我想我还是比较遵守职业规范,而且比较人性,更能和女性病人谈得来。这就是为什么我要写这本书的原因。

56、In China, the provisions of characters must be long Italics writing, letters and numbers written in the required structure.在中国,规定汉字必须按长仿宋体书写,字母和数字按规定的结构书写。

57、The copy should be clear, with correct characters and true content.来稿须誊写清楚、用字规范、内容属实。

58、The editing epiboly in high-school libraries is a modern managing method, which should carry out the whole standardized management and the standardized control management.高校图书馆编目业务外包应实施全程规范管理与规范控制管理。

59、The RTSJ spec requires a program re-write to use scoped memory.RTSJ规范要求程序重写以使用有限的内存。

60、English, German, and Russian provide examples of languages that naturally flow from left-to-right.英文、德文和俄文提供了由左至右书写的语言范例。

61、It follows complex rules of layout involving consonants, vowels, special symbols, conjuncts and ligatures .它复杂的书写规则牵涉到辅音、元音、特殊符号、复合词和连写字符。

62、Every basic stroke has different standards and demands on of its proportions, the degree of thickness and the writing orders.各个基本笔画形状,其大小比例、粗细变化以及书写时的运行方向,都有一定的规范与要求。

63、Every language has a range of best practices and guidelines to follow, which is great if you want to standardize your end-product.每一种语言都有书写规则和适用范围给你参照,这些将帮助你最终完成的作品看起来非常专业和标准化。

64、With reference to model essay, students can write leave slip, letter and other practical writings.参照范文能够写出请假条、书信等应用文。

65、Towards this end, formal requirement documents have been compiled and advocated by FAW.一汽大众公司为此编写颁布了相关规范文件。

66、Nondestructive Testing, Standards, Qualifications, Documentation, Certification, Code Requirements, Written Tests.无损检测,标准,资格鉴定,文件,认证,规范要求,书面考试。

67、Please use Madarin and standard characters.请讲普通话,请写规范字。


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