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关于”表达愤怒“的英语句子58个,句子主体:express anger。以下是关于表达愤怒的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:express anger


1、And like becoming you to peck rice like the chickling , eat when keeping, eat dish can broadcast driving music to convey it " angrily " .

“你在干么什?” 我愤怒地责问达恩利。

2、‘What are you doing?’I asked Darnley angrily.‘Riccio


3、Another study found that expressing angercontributes to a sense of control and optimism that doesn't exist in people who respond in a fearful manner.


4、Our days are made up of personal narratives of good and evil, joy and conflict, magic potions and angry gnomes.


5、The world needs anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough. (Bede Jarrett)


6、Unconsciously, an angry Harry makes the glass separating Dudley from a boa constrictor disappear.


7、Tears of outrage stung his eyes and his heart sank; his disappointment was beyond words. ( wound with a sharp pain;

我不想见到你 !

8、i don’t want to see your face!


9、His voice vibrated with anger.

10、[心怀叵测]have an ax to grind 她总是心怀叵测,对她说的话你得多留神。


11、Are you bitter or angry?

你以为你是谁呀 ?

12、who do you think you are?


13、The teacher declared indignantly.


14、Or I have been walking around with unexpressed anger for days.


15、Studies show, however, that the notion of anger catharsis is poppycock.


16、There is no need to express anger or resentment here, Wang Peng can deal with this as professionally as possible.


17、They bridled up at his remarks.


18、Studies show that expressing anger aggressively only aggravates it; as Plutarch observed, “Anger, while in its beginning, often can be ended by silence, or neglect.”


19、Supporters of the war expressed outrage over the leak.

20、[心术不正〕not have one's heart in the right place 他的心术不正,动不动就在别人的背后涌刀子。

21、James apparently spoke in the meeting, as did several other reputable players who expressed anger at the sentiment that ownership was trying to crush the union.詹姆斯在会议上发了言,其他巨星球员也表达了他们的愤怒。

22、The study found that those who kept their anger in were twice as likely to die earlier than those who don't.研究表明,相对于有愤怒就宣泄的人而言,那些强忍愤怒的人早死的几率要高出一倍。

23、It can be ambiguous, which makes me angry.它可能表述含糊,这是我感到愤怒。

24、If we hold on ot our anger and resentment then it is ourselves who are being punished.不断抛弃愤怒,学会原谅;否则,愤怒扼住是我们自己。

25、Once she was angry enough to grab the microphone and shriek out her sentiments in Chinese.有一次她非常愤怒抢过麦克风用汉语大喊表达她的情绪。

英文句子26:,26、From his parents’ face express we can read surprise and anger.从他父母的表情中我们读出了惊愕和愤怒。

27、Milton's character Adam voices this harsh view of womankind, but only after the fall, as an expression of anger and frustration.米尔顿的性格亚当声音鉴于这一严酷的女性,但只有陷落后,表达了愤怒和失望。

28、Mumwas wearing the angriest face I'd never seen.妈妈正带着我很少见的愤怒的表情。

29、If a family member hurls generalizing statements at you, recognize the words as a single expression of anger.如果有家人对你说了这种一概而论的话,权当他们在表达愤怒。

30、Don't make Garg angry.不要使它愤怒。

31、Prince Mishal bin Majid bin Abdulaziz had taken to driving between Jeddah and Riyadh "to show his annoyance" at the reforms, according to the cable.王子阿卜杜拉驾驶飞机往返于吉达和利雅得之间以表达他对改革的愤怒。

32、Along with expressing your feelings , you may need to take further action to eliminate reasons for your anger .除了表达你的感受,你可能需要采取更进一步的行动来消除愤怒的肇因。

33、it’s none of your business. 不关你的事 !

34、Adapted from “The Downside of Anger, ” first published in the Negotiation newsletter.改编自发表于"谈判简报"的《愤怒的负面影响》。

35、Holding on to unexpressed feelings such as fear, anger, resentment, irritation, despair or annoyance can lead to uncontrolled outbursts of emotions, severe depression or physical illness.心里藏着诸如恐惧,愤怒,愤恨,烦恼,绝望或讨厌的未表达的感情能够导致情绪,严重沮丧或身体疾病的不可预测的爆发。

36、don’t talk to me like that! 别那样跟我说话 !

37、The bidding was fast and furious and that violin sold for ten thousand dollars.王 文 杰表示愤怒和小提琴又快万美元卖出。

38、She demonstrated her anger by slamming a door.她砰地关上门表示她的愤怒。

39、Anger begins in folly, and ends in repentance. ----Thomas Decker.愤怒起于愚昧,终于悔恨。 ----托马斯。达寇。

40、A child exhibiting constant anger should be approached with the intent to understand.孩子常表现出愤怒当局应以意图理解。

41、Reassure angry slap China aster, cui flower also behaved very heavy.安心愤怒的掌掴翠菊,翠花亦表现得十分沉重。 。

42、They attacked every field of the society and expressed their thoughts through a wide catharsis behavior.他们愤怒地抨击社会的各个方面,而且通过一种狂放宣泄的行为表达了他们的思想。

43、What Lee did is only a display of anger.李所做的只是愤怒的表现。

44、This last one—lip balm—is expressed with the mildest spit of emotion, the only hint of the suppressed rage against the dominatrix.最后的唇膏一词表达了最温和的情感,这是愤怒反抗女性施虐的唯一线索。

45、But there is something that makes the outrage even greater: The lack of outrage.但是总有一些事情甚至使这种愤怒变得更大,那就是愤怒的缺席。

46、Thousands of residents have barricaded streets to vent their anger at poor municipal services.数千名居民在街道上设置路障,表达他们对恶劣的市政服务的愤怒。

47、There is certainly a place for calculated expressions of anger or even harshness from time to time.当然了,有时恰当地表达愤怒乃至粗鲁的态度也能起作用。

48、The world needs anger , the world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough.世界需要愤怒,世界往往因为不够愤怒,而继续容忍罨恶。

49、Still, the public seems ungrateful, expressing anger at these institutions that saved the day.虽然这些机构拯救了这个时代,但公众似乎依旧不领情甚至还表达了愤怒。

50、Many internet users expressed fury, describing those who ignored Yueyue as less than human.许多网民都表达了自己强烈的愤怒,形容那些麻木者太没人性。

经典英文句子51:表达愤怒,51、Now feel my rath!现在,感受我的愤怒吧!

52、Lacerate, Mangle (Cat), Wrath.割伤,猫芒果,愤怒。

53、And this is the detective's face standing there, a mixture of fear and anger?这是侦探的面部表情,混杂着恐惧和愤怒?

54、Sometimes people say "four-letter words" to express tempers or pain.有时期人们会说「四字经」来表达愤怒和痛楚。

55、The world needs anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough.世界需要愤怒。世界往往因为不够愤怒而继续允许罪恶存在。

56、For example, if the line needs to be angry, write "(angry)" before the line of dialogue.比如,如果需要愤怒地念出,则在对白前写下“(愤怒地)”。

57、Stop beating about the bush. Just tell me what you want! “说话兜圈子”意指“说话拐弯抹角”或不能“直来直去”。

58、Totapuri flew into a rage and was about to beat the man.多达布里异常愤怒,正打算要打这个人。

59、Earlier, angry residents had vandalised some vehicles in the area as they complained that the rescuers were late to the scene.早先愤怒的村民们毁坏了一些车辆,一次表达他们对搜救队迟来的不满。

60、We consumers are very angry.任素芹为这项测试花了150美元。 她表示,“我们消费者非常愤怒。

61、Buddha said, "You will not be punished for your anger. You will be punished by your anger".佛陀说:“你不会因愤怒而被惩罚,你只会被愤怒本身惩罚。”

62、You may also become passive-aggressive, where you don't express your anger assertively or directly but scheme to retaliate because you haven't learned how to express anger constructively .此时,你没有自信有力地或是直接地表达你的愤怒,而是计划报复,因为你还没有学会如何有建设性地表达。

63、她砰地关上门表示她的愤怒。She demonstrated her anger by slamming a door.

64、They were mad; they were angry.他们出离愤怒了。

65、Adapted from “The Downside of Anger,” first published in the Negotiation newsletter.改编自发表于"谈判简报"的《愤怒的负面影响》。

66、The reality is that a long time ago, we had the luxury of being able to get angry and blurt things out.很久以前,产生愤怒和表达愤怒还是一件很奢侈的事情。

67、You feel anger that lasts for days or makes you want to hurt yourself or someone else.你数天都一直在愤怒,或者愤怒让你想去伤害自己或者其他人。

68、The world needs anger . The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough. (Bede Jarrett)世界需要愤怒。世界往往因为不够愤怒而继续允许罪恶存在。(伯达-杰瑞)

69、Industrialists in Coimbature have also expressed anger and dismay.哥印拜陀的实业家们也表示感到愤怒与错愕。

70、To express or gratify(anger, malevolence, or resentment; vent.发泄表示或使满足(愤怒、恶意或憎恨);

71、He choked down his anger.他强忍住愤怒。

72、有人曾用not have a good heart译之,但不如用not have the heart in the right place的表示法更符合口语习惯。

73、Anxiety about separating from you heightens , and they may express anger.焦虑脱离你,加剧了,他们可以表达愤怒。



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