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关于”加油“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Come on.。以下是关于加油的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Come on.


1、The results confirm that PCMO formulated with hydrogenated base oil as an optimum selection can meet requirements of the newest specification.


2、Add spring onion, bean sprouts and bean curd. Simmer for

2 minutes more. Sprinkle with soy sauce and sesame oil or chili oil, serve immediately.

中国石化股份有限公司茂名分公司炼油厂为加工进口含硫原油采用了渣油加氢脱硫- 重油催化裂化组合工艺。

3、A combination process of residual oil hydrodesulfurization and heavy oil catalytic cracking for processing imported sour crude oils was adopted in the Refinery of Maoming Petrochemical Company.


4、Mutual solubility, press 10-15% to join such as mechanical oil, diesel oil into fuel tank can use.


5、A calibration valve oil for hydraulic shield safety valves was formulated by a base oil obtained from the distillate of a deep-refining paraffinic crude with qualified additives.


6、The Optimal Sequences of the one-way trip Jeep-Fuel Station problem and the round trip Jeep-Fuel station problem are determined.


7、Loaded with 870 gallons of gasoline and 40 gallons of oil, the ship moved sluggishly.


8、Let's cheer for her. Corne on!


9、An increase in oil product demand and in refinery processing volumes helped crude oil import to rise again after last year's decline.


10、GPA-1 oil inlet will be installed with an adverse proof valve to avoid the dripping of oil when the processing stops. Thus there is no need to reset the volume of oil spray for the next process.


11、The oil is heated in a hot-oil truck and the hot oil melts the wax in the well.


12、Butter liquefies in heat.


13、He thought it wasn't hurt to leave the key in the truck when he filled his gas tank at a self-service gas station.

摘 要 随着高硫原油产量的增加,高硫石油焦的产量也在增加。

14、The output of high-sulfur petroleum coke is increasing with the output of high-sulfur crude rising.

该油以低凝150SN中性油为基础油,添加复合添加剂而成,油品性能符合10W/30 QE/CC级通用内燃机油暂行技术条件的要求。

15、A low pouring 150SN is used as base stock and is packaged with additives. The properties of the engine oil thus formulated meet the tentative requirements of 10W/30 QE/CC grade engine oil.


16、A quart of oil,please.


17、Let’s cheer for them.


18、The results show that physical properties of diesels with different additives vary.


19、No. All highway petrol stations are selling high-test oil.


20、Customs have been imposed on the initial processing of petroleum products at much lower tariffs, so the oil companies to avoid tariffs on crude oil with minimal processing.

21、The content referred to crude distillation, processing of VGO and vaccum residue, equipment corrosion and anticorrosion as well as the treatment of the wastes.内容涉及原油蒸馏、减压蜡油加工、渣油加工、三废治理、设备腐蚀与防腐蚀措施等。

22、scones with butter, strawberry jam and cream tea with milk and sugar黄油草莓酱、奶油烤饼 加糖奶茶

23、Darn! We're out of gas again. Is there a gas station nearby?糟了!我们又没油了。附近有加油站吗?。

24、It is known that setting point and cold filter plugging point of low pour point diesel with cold flow promoter can reverse during the storage and use process.加入低温流动性能改进剂生产的低凝柴油,在储存和使用过程中存在凝点、冷滤点反弹回升现象,因此对辽河原油的常压柴油、加氢裂化柴油进行了加剂研究。

25、Hydrocracking is one of the most important heavy oil deep conversion processes and has been widely used in modern refining and petrochemical industry.加氢裂化是重油深度加工工艺之一,已在现代炼油和石油化学工业得到广泛应用。

英文句子26:,26、Petroleum lubricating oils may be produced either from distillates or residues; amounts of other substances, known as additives, may be added to impart or improve certain required properties.石油润滑油可产自馏分油或渣油,可加入少量通称为添加剂的其他物质,以赋于或改进某种所需的性质。

27、Raise oil tank filler cap handle to vertical (unlocked) position.将油箱加油口盖手柄升起到垂直(解锁)位。

28、The big truck stopped at the filling station and gassed up.大卡车在加油站停下来灌油。

29、The Amygdalus ledebouriana chlecht seed could be developed as a resource of high-quality edible oil.野扁桃种仁含油量高,油中油酸含量高,可以作为优质的食用油加以开发。

30、Pour beef stock. Add soy sauce and oyster sauce. Stir.倒入牛肉汁,加酱油,和蚝油,翻炒。

31、Then beat the butter and sugar together until pale and creamy.接下来,黄油加糖,拍至发白并呈奶油状。

32、Push hinged oil tank cap handle down flat into the locked position.将滑油箱加油口盖手柄压下至锁定位。

33、The end), 底),

5, step on the accelerator, a little refueling, on speed of connection, there is no abortion

6, slow song-clutch,

7, continue to fuel.




34、A calibration valve oil for hydraulic shield safety valves was formulated by a base oilobtalned from the distillate of a deep-refining paraffinic crude with qualified additives.以深度精制的石蜡基馏分油为基础油,添加具有改善油品性能的添加剂研制了液压支架安全阀校阀油。

35、With a full tank, you can go for miles at any chosen speed. When the gas tank is nearing empty, there is the need to drive slower to conserve gas consumption until the tank is filled again.这就像给你的汽车加油,油箱加满时,你可以选择任何速度前进数英里,当你的油箱快没油了,你就得尽可能慢行来使你的车坚持到再次加油的时候。

36、You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.不用嫌这个加油站的洗手间太脏而开车赶到下一个加油站。

37、You'd better gas up the car.你最好给车加油。

38、The harm of mineral oil based quenching oil to environment can be weakened through hydrogenation, improvement on addition component, and regeneration of wasted oil.通过加氢处理、改进添加剂配方及废油再生可以减少矿物油基淬火油对环镜的危害。

39、Steam, roast, or panfry with a drizzle of olive or sesame oil.加点橄榄油或芝麻油,蒸、烤、炒均可。

40、Deep hydrofining techniques for straight-run diesel and coking gas oil.直馏柴油、焦化柴油深度加氢精制技术;

41、Fry chopped onion in a heavy-based casserole pot with olive oil.在炒锅中加油和黄油,倒入洋葱,翻炒。

42、The washing machine needs oiling.洗衣机需要加点油。

43、External heater is used for heating, together with self-designed high-volume oil pump to make frying oil heating cycle faster and evened.加热采用外置加热器,配用我厂自主设计的大流量油泵,使煎炸油循环加热速度更快,加热更均匀。

44、The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular is $2.05, the Lundberg Survey found.伦德伯格调查发现,自助加油的平均油价一般是每加仑


45、She likes spicing things up.她喜欢添油加醋。

46、Pablo Picasso. Maya with a Doll. 1938. Oil on canvas. Musée Picasso, Paris, France.玛雅与洋娃娃毕加索油画xx年布面油画毕加索博物馆,巴黎,法国。

47、Heat in a pot the butter, honey, mustard and curry powder (soy and garlic, is using). Heat and stir until butter is melted.将黄油、蜂蜜、芥末及咖喱粉入锅加热(亦可添加酱油和蒜盐),不停搅动,至黄油熔化为止。

48、The flux will increase with an increase of the transmembrane pressure, but the oil content in the permeate heavy phase is increased.增加透过压有利于乳液通量的增加,但透过油中油含量会随之增加。

49、The best diesel electrics got 最好的柴油电力混合动力车是每加仑柴油

5.3 mpg.


50、Come on allen, just doit!加油艾伦,尽管去拼!

经典英文句子51:加油,51、You know, go, marlins.你知道 加油 马林队!

52、Beat cream cheese and basil until blended. Mix in butter and olive oil.奶油乳酪和九层塔用搅拌机先打匀,加入牛油和橄榄油拌匀。

53、So you want to supercharge your self esteem .想要为您的自尊心加加油了吧。

54、Once in a while, someone recognizes the "San Diego Highwayman " and his pieced-together vehicle at a gas station and insists on filling the tank, which eases the sting of fuel costs.偶尔,有人会想起“圣地亚哥公路助手” 和他停在加油站的组装汽车,以及坚持遵守燃油费为油箱加油。

55、Reduce heat. Add nectarines.调小火,加入油桃。

56、To achieve superior deoiling effect, the inorganic flocculant should be added before the organic flocculant.采取先投加无机絮凝剂、后投加有机絮凝剂的投加方式,对含油废水的除油效果较好。

57、Add the remaining butter and the oil to the frying pan, add the chicken and saute until golden.在平底锅中加入剩余的黄油和油,加入鸡块,煎到两面金黄。

58、Economic comparisons have been made between two combined processes for sour crude processing, i. e. delayed coking -hydrofining-FCC and residue hydrodesulfurization-heavy oil FCC.对延迟焦化-加氢精制-催化裂化以及渣油加氢脱硫-重油催化裂化两种加工高硫原油的组合工艺进行了经济对比。

59、This pressurizes the fuel and forces it into the fuel line.这样可以给燃油加压,迫使燃油进入管路。

60、It has been used as an alternative of gasoline, improvers for octane number and oxygen content in gasoline.在国外曾以汽油替代物、辛烷值改进剂和增加汽油氧含量三大作用添加到汽油中。

61、You could get 'em with Jimmies, or nuts, or whipped cream!你可以加小糖果棒,加坚果,加生奶油!

62、External heater is used for heating, together with self-designed high-volume oil pump to make frying oil heating cycle faster and evener.加热采用外置加热器,配用我厂自主设计的大流量油泵,使煎炸油循环加热速度更快,加热更均匀。

63、Crude palm oil carries a duty of 65%, while refined, bleached and deodorized palm olein carries a duty of 70%.粗加工棕榈油的税率为65%,而精加工棕榈油精以及经漂白、除臭处理的棕榈油精的税率为70%。

64、" I was so happy today.仅供参考,加油~

65、Water lotus must refueling!水芙蓉也要加油!

66、My car needs some gas.我的车该加油了。

67、We for eighth-grade refuels!我们为xx年级加油!

68、The increase of inferior crude oil processing amount can reduce crude oil cost by a large margin so as to enhance economic benefit of refining enterprises.增加劣质原油加工量,可大幅降低原油成本,提高炼油企业经济效益。

69、In fact the panel ranked the heated light oil higher than the heated pricey California extra-virgin oil, whose pungency was no longer balanced by a spicy aroma and had become overbearing.事实上,专门小组给加热的、素淡油的名次比加热的、更贵的加州特级纯油高,因为加州油的辣味平衡被辛辣味掩盖了。

70、Wang Lixin (flour gruel) refuels!王栎鑫(糊糊)加油!

71、The result shows that adding reservoir minerals has doubled the rate of viscosity reduction from 结果表明,油藏矿物的加入使油样降粘率从

10.6% to 23.4%.


72、It can display the single oil volume and accumulative oil volume. When a single refueling finished, adjust it to zero, then the total data can be zero.它能显示单次加油量、累计加油量, 空调泵单次加油完毕只要调节置零,手轮可将数据清零。

73、You can do it…!加油。蓝玉华。你可以的!


标签: 英文

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