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关于”激励学生“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Motivate students。以下是关于激励学生的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Motivate students


1、This part consists of UIC, the operation mechanism of UIC, and the basic theories of UIC and about building market-oriented UIC related motivation theories.


2、Some students riot in fierce argument.


3、Laser is used as active light source for the first time in photoeleotrochemioal image deposition on P-type silicon substrate, and pictures with clear structures are obtained.


4、It's been extremely heartening to me in my gerontology career how rarely this argument has been used against me, even out of my hearing.


5、The offset voltage will cause an error in the applied stimulus to a device under test or the value measured by the voltmeter.


6、Why, then, should they direct and heighten and provoke and curb every action of life?


7、Despite other students' attempts to thwart their dreams, Troy and Gabriella resist peer pressure and rivalry, inspiring others along the way not to "stick with the status quo."


8、With different incidence orientation of the modulated IR laser relative to acoustic chamber, the sound pressure magnitude of resonance mode varies.


9、As a result of actuating device, the centerline velocity distribution shows that the amplitude decreases gradually, which represents the radical characteristic of vorticity development.


10、The teaching art of university is different from characteristics of teaching art in the middle and primary schools; it has smoothness, optimistic, argument, humor and encouraging.


11、But Mr Chetty shows that skewed incentives account for only 40% of the delay.


12、Excite the interior drawing force of students' cooperating correcting.


13、Cai did caution that myopia is already starting to calcify, particularly for working-class students for whom the combination of tuition and lost wages can seem too large a sacrifice.


14、Laser Biography is a multi-discipline crossed new area, and the optical tweezers technology based on microbeam laser is an effective tool in the research of life science and bioengineering.


15、The high frequency resonance is generated usually by velocity detector used inseam survey.


16、Besides, the non-academic professional titles, the lack of encouraging means, the teachers' growth law and the training of teachers should be taken into account.


17、In 2012, the university started the International Student Scholarship awarded to students registered for Bachelor's and Master's programs.


18、Ballmer considered that the change in the structure of incentives will affect entrepreneur's distribution between the production and non-productive activities.


19、The teachers' task is to create better environment of teaching and learning, linking old knowledge with new content of courses, and students are always kept in a vivid and active state for learning.


20、Each of them is composed of high frequency amplifier, intermediate frequency amplifier and sampling, digital phase uprightness intersector, DDS and the S band signal inspirator for the transmitter.

21、These same questions, and questions like them, challenge and haunt the leading scientists of today.这些同样的问题和诸如此类的问题,时至今日仍激励并萦绕着最顶尖的科学家。

22、Androgens control a broad range of physiological functions.雄激素控制着广泛的生理学功能。

23、Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) and Feed-in Law (FIL) are two major incentive policies for renewable energy development in the world.可再生能源发电配额制(RPS)和强制上网制(FIL)是国际上两种主要的可再生能源激励制度。

24、The flux due to permanent magnet is the main part of gap flux, the rest flux is produced by the winding coil, which play a part of regulation.永磁体产生的磁场是气隙磁场的主要部分,另一部分是由辅助励磁绕组的电流来激励产生,起调节磁场的作用。

25、Even if it worked with three-phase sine, three-phase line current would have non-sine aberrance and produce harmonic wave-electricity.即使在三相正弦激励的作用下,三相线电流也将发生非正弦畸变,产生谐波电流。

英文句子26:,26、The method to generate a stochastic excitation signal by curve fitting with random digitals is proposed.阐述了用随机数据点拟合出平滑的数据序列的随机激励信号生成方法。

27、And I think that desire to expose current events for what they are motivates us.我认为是那种想报道现在正在发生的事情的愿望激励了我们 。

28、The excitation method which residual signal produced from baseband extraction and high frequency, reproduction is introduced.对基带提取—高频再生残余信号的激励方式亦作了相应的介绍。

29、To arouse students'interest in learning Mathematics 激发学生学习数学的兴趣加强学生正确的数学观念、演算能力训练学生熟悉数学的运用。

2. To emphasize students with the correct concept and calculate Ability of Mathematics

3. To cultivate students'application of Mathematics.



30、New education appraisal should be dynamic, develop, face the future. It will have to highlight its drive and the feedback function , and promote the lifelong sustainable development.新的教育评价应该是动态的、发展的、面向未来的,要突出其激励与反馈作用,促进学生终身可持续发展。

31、The incentive mechanism of top management plays a key role in the existence and development of enterprises.中高层管理人员激励机制对企业的生存与发展起着至关重要的作用。

32、Positive first experiences can inspire us for a lifetime, but negative ones can be hard to get past.积极的第一次经验可以激励我们一生,但消极的第一次经验可以祸害我们一生。

33、The incentive comes from three aspects: promoting human capital accumulation, learning by doing effect and spillover effect of institution.这种激励来自于促进人力资本的形成、干中学与制度的外溢效应三个方面。

34、There re differences of the stress source between boys and girls high-grade students stress level is higher than low grade students.男女大学生应激水平影响因素有差异,有助于改善大学生应激水平。

35、ScienceDaily (Apr. 每日科学(xx年xx月xx日) - 在人们学会洞穴墙壁上绘画前,动物们就学会使用生动的色彩和设计与既让动物敬畏又激励的环境来互动。

8, 2010) — The vivid colors and designs animals use to interact with their environments have awed and inspired since before people learned to draw on the cave wall.

36、The ultraviolet light from ultraviolet Hg lamp is modulated to pulsed light, exciting phosphor in probe to emit fluorescence through optical fiber.由紫外汞灯发出的紫外光被调制成脉冲激励光,通过光纤传输激发探头处的荧光材料产生荧光。

37、Useing high energy electron beam as pumping source to excite semiconductor crystal screen laser could be generated. It can realize high brightness and high resolution display.用高能电子束作泵浦源,去激励半导体晶体屏,可以产生激光,实现高亮度高清晰显示。

38、Later, the work of Pieter Brueghel the Elder would inspire artists to depict themes of everyday life.之后的布勒哲尔的作品则激励艺术家去表现日常生活的主题。

39、Craig Harper (B.Ex.Sci.) is a qualified exercise scientist, author, columnist, radio presenter, television host, motivational speaker and university lecturer.克雷格哈珀(B.Ex.Sci.) 是一个合格的实践科学家,作家,专栏作家,广播员,电视节目主持人,激励演讲者和大学讲师。

40、Conversely, applying excitation electric field, medium to generate mechanical deformation, called the inverse piezoelectric effect.反之,施加激励电场,介质将产生机械变形,称逆压电效应。

41、When I was in Second Year of high school, I had a math's teacher named Mr. Wang who really changed my life by inspiring me to love mathematics.当我高中xx年级的时辰,我碰到了一个数学教员,他王教员。 链接标识表记标帜雅思机经他经由过程激励我酷爱数学从而真正的修改了我的生活生计。

42、Optimists see in all this a welcome stimulus for Chinese companies to move out of low-cost production.乐观者认为中国公司能走出低成本生产,这完全是应该受欢迎的激励。

43、This new edition of Cassese's International Law provides a stimulating and authoritative account of international law for undergraduates and postgraduates.这卡塞塞的国际法的新版本提供了本科生和研究生的激励和国际法的权威性帐户。

44、Table-top capillary fast discharge X-ray experiment facility is used to study the X-ray laser amplification by directly fast electric pulse excitation of gases.桌面毛细管快放电X射线激光实验装置,是研究高压大电流放电直接激励X射线激光放大技术的快脉冲发生器。

45、Whereas an aspiration is the wish to be the fullest expression of who we really are.但是这个生活的激励点是我们究竟是谁的一种充分表达。

46、Adequate stimulation and nutrition are essential for development during the first three years of life.在生命头xx年,适当激励和良好营养是幼儿茁壮成长的关键。

47、These aroused the enthusiasm among the locals for initiating schools to promote education, but also restricted the teaching contents, and naturally changed the fate of some scholars.这些既激励着地方兴办教育的热情,又制约着地方学校的教育内容,同时也改变了部分士子的人生命运。

48、One of the leaders of the research, Suzanne Chamberlain, said: "This increase in heart rate is a sign that arousal encourages them (the students) to be more alert.苏珊妮张伯伦是该研究的带头人之一,她说道:“心率加速是因学生受到激励从而更加敏锐的特征。

49、As the pupils-turned-stars returned from the red carpet to their school in Paris, flush with their Cannes victory, there was much hope that it would inspire their fellow schoolmates.从戛纳红地毯走下来的”学生明星” 们,回到了他们在巴黎的学校,身上依然带着戛纳胜利者的光环。 这也很有可能对他们的其他同学形成一种激励。

50、Currently, we must attach importance to the construction of teaching guarantee mechanism, stimulation mechanism, orientation mechanism and evaluation and supervision mechanism.当前,必须重视教学保障机制、激励机制、导向机制、评价与监督机制的构建。

经典英文句子51:激励学生,51、Students discuss the provisions.此规定在学生中一石激起千重浪。

52、Get motivated by enlisting a friend to join you and adding variety to your routine.找一个朋友和你一起,增加你日常生活的多样性,都可以激励你。

53、For learn to trap to living to say, the demand morely appreciate, encourage to strengthen self-confidence heart, effort perfect ego, promote ego, realization oneself value.对于学困生来说,需要更多的赏识、激励来增强自抉择信念,全力完美自我,晋升自我,实现自身价值。

54、The positive side of this pressure, as many researchers will readily admit, is that it can be highly stimulating.许多科学家乐意承认,这种压力有好的一面,那就是它可以高度地激励他们。

55、In my view, the students are too extreme.在我看来,这些学生太偏激了。

56、In its upward flow it creates a radiation sphere of influence that increases, disseminates , propagates and energizes all life force.其向上的流动会产生有影响力的辐射球,会增加、散发、传播和激励所有的生命力量。

57、The pressure difference on the wall between actuator and the exit of primary jet is great.主流通道内侧压力差主要产生在激励器与主流出口之间的上下壁面上。



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