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关于”早安“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Good morning。以下是关于早安的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Good morning


1、This morning I was having breakfast with my good friend Diane at one of my favorite breakfast nooks.

2、Say good morning to every morning sun. 对每一个充满阳光的清晨说早安


3、Greet them in the morning to show them that you care.


4、One early morning we watched Yenan wake up.


5、Good morning! Give me a kiss (a flying kiss is also acceptable). Muak!


6、The school gives the early morning and night coaching arrangements.


7、Petrol security shouldn't be regarded as just non-tradition, in fact, it has already been attributed to the visual field of traditional security.


8、Was very disturbed to continue to do at home early pregnancy detection, or squadron leader .


9、But today, this emphasis on safety and security is long past its sell-by date.


10、Never be afraid to follow your DREAM!


11、Heworked an early shift as a deputy fire safety director at the World TradeCenter, so he got up about

4 a.m.


12、being with you is like walking on a very clear morning.

后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。 早安心语。

13、We'd better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past.


14、Could you arrange for me to see Doctor Zhang tomorrow morning?


15、A custom half-circle window was installed in the breakfast nook.


16、Good morning. Wenjing Trading Company.

早安. SRC国际公司. 我可以为您服务吗?

17、Good morning. SRC limited. Can I help you?


18、The little girl bid her grannie good morning as she gets up in the morning.


19、After she eat breakfast. I need to send her to work safely.


20、These early talkies are more reassuring as movies.

21、This is " new long happiness". Good morning. May I help you?早安,这里是新长福。能为您效劳吗?

22、Early warning is the key to a safe escape.早拉警报是安全逃离的关键。

23、初一英语词组汇编 unit 坐下 sit down 祝你早安 good morning to you. 欢迎到…

24、Good morning, sir ! 早安,先生! 我能为你做些什么吗?

2. What can l do for you?

25、But this time, a loan package was put in place early.但是,这一次,较早地安排了一个贷款计划。

英文句子26:,26、It's said that the first Galliard was a Fianna.有人说最早的欢舞者是一个芬尼安。

27、Good morning, Jamie. What time is it now?早安,杰米。现在几点了?

28、The next morning at breakfast Angelina found a large box with her name on it.第二天早上吃早饭的时候,安吉丽娜发现了一个写着她的名字的大礼物盒。

29、Good night then. I will wake you in the morning.那么祝你晚安。早上我去叫醒你。

30、This morning Wagner organized the novice recruits with dispatch.这个早晨,华格纳为新成员安排任务。

31、After every day morning Tom just go to work after kiss Ann.每天早晨汤姆亲吻安后才去上班。

32、Good morning. This is Chengtai Trading Company. May I help you?早安。这里是正泰贸易公司。我能效劳吗?

33、In the morning, when I kissed Tom on the cheek to say good morning, he did not stir.早上,当我吻着汤姆的颊部道早安时,他一动也不动。

34、Morning! We're going to visit the KPMG today.早安!今天我们一起去安侯会计师事务所。

35、In case I don't see you, good morning, good afternoon and good night.假如再碰不见你,祝你早、午、晚都安。

36、Greet them in the morning to show them that you care. At night be sure that they rest well.早上要跟父母请安表示你的关心,晚上要让他们睡的安稳。

37、The next morning the Israelites got up and pitched camp near Gibeah.以色列人早晨起来,对着基比亚安营。

38、The former assumes setuptools is already installed, however, so it skips the behind-the-scenes installation.不过前者假设 setuptools 早已安装了,因此它会跳过幕后的安装过程。

39、Morning, ladies. From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts...各位女士早安从现在起暂停剥花生壳...

40、It had petered out soon after Anne's marriage.其实它早在安妮结婚之后就解散了。

41、Die early and avoid the fate.早点离开这个世界,避免命运的安排。

42、Good morning. This is Zhengtai Trading Company. May I help you?早安。这里是正泰贸易公司。我能效劳吗?。

43、Some mornings Annie's mommy helps her get ready for school and makes "hot, golden circles" of pancakes for breakfast.有些早晨安妮的妈妈帮她准备上学,使“热,黄金圈饼”的早餐。

44、'It is early to be astir this Sabbath morn! ' he said cheerfully.“安息日早晨你还起这样早啊!”他高兴地说。

45、Ann has breakfast with Sally. They are sisters.安与莎莉一起吃早餐。 他们是姊妹。

46、She had been perturbed by the premature announcement of his engagement.她由于他过早地宣布婚约而心神不安。

47、He always liked to do things early, way before the time.他总喜欢把一切早做安排。

48、But first come and say good morning.你先过来,说声早安。

49、LENNOX. Good night, and better health Attend his Majesty!列诺克斯晚安;愿陛下早复健康!

50、Kvin: Good morning, Hln. What can I do for you?早安,海伦。有什么我能效劳的吗?

经典英文句子51:早安,51、Unfortunately, if we can not meet, let me tell you at this time, Good Morning, Good afternoon. Good night.如果不巧我们不能在见面,就让我此刻对你说,早安,午安。晚安。

52、I woke up pretty early this morning. I went to the HR Office before my class.今天早上很早就醒了,上课前我先到学生人事安排办公室去。

53、Underwood threatened to pay him back sooner or later.他欺骗了安德伍德,安德伍德扬言迟早要报复。

54、Belle:Good morning. I've come to return the book I borrowed.贝儿:早安,我把借的书拿来还给您。

55、I asked him why the police arrested Anna in the morning.我问他为什么今早警方逮捕了安纳。

56、Morning, Hammy. I gotta go wee-wee!早安,哈米我要去尿尿!

57、Good morning. This is Johnson Fabrications. May I help you?早安,强生制造公司。您有什么事?

58、He will have calmed down tomorrow morning.明天早晨他就会安静下来。

59、Sebastian : Morning sir, what would you like?西巴斯钦: 早安先生,你想怎样剪?

60、But this free but I don't feel at ease and justified to enjoy it, get up early, or drive to school, have a look of their English morning reading situation.但这安闲我还是不忍就那么心安理得地受用,早起,还是开车去了学校,看看他们的英语早读情况。

61、Students should arrange their flights to arrive no earlier than this date.请安排飞机时勿早于上述日期。

62、Fireworks was a departure from Angra's earlier experimental sound.烟花是来自安格拉的早期实验声音离境。

63、It is a safer method for early cleft palate repair.它是早期修复腭裂的一个较为安全的方法。

64、Early and provident fear is the mother of safety.及早和有预见性的恐惧,是安全之母。

65、Early and safe mobilization of the part and the patient.患部及全身早期安全的功能锻练。

66、Good morning. I am Jackson Lee, Marketing Manager of XYZ Company.早安,我是XYZ公司的行销经理李杰生。

67、This morning, the streets were quiet and cars began moving agin .今天早上,街上安静,车辆开始恢复上街。

68、Objective To investigate the effect of threatened premature delivery by Anpo.目的观察安宝治疗先兆早产的效果。

69、We set him up about 今天早上5点20,我们就把他安排在那了。

5.20 this morning.

70、The pair began dating eight years ago while they both studied at St. Andrews University.早在xx年前两人还早就读于圣安德鲁斯大学的时候就已经开始约会了。

71、Yet, God had his will on her;不过上帝早有安排;

72、Truman: In case I don't see you……楚门:假如再不碰见你……祝你早、午、晚都安。

73、Her life was all laid out for her. This was her fate.她的生活已经早有安排,这就是她的命。

74、Good morning, I'm Paul Lennon, in charge of our Purchasing Section.早安,我叫保罗•蓝侬,负责本公司的采购部。

75、Days teachers are black, you Guaiguai, Zaodian Shui bar, good night!老师天都黑了,您乖乖的,早点睡吧,晚安!

英文句子模板76:Good morning,76、Candy : Good morning sir, how may I help you?坎蒂:先生早安,有什么可以为你效劳?

77、I have long since come to terms with my blindness.我早就安于自己的失明了。

78、Even nin darkness, it is possible to create light, morning!即使在黑暗中,也能创造光明,早安! !



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