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关于”常见的句型“的英语句子58个,句子主体:common sentence patterns。以下是关于常见的句型的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:common sentence patterns


1、Neurofibromatosis type

1 (NF1) is a common neurocutaneous autosomal dominant genetic disorder affecting primarily tissues derived from the embryonic neural crest.


2、Unclear concepts are logic fallacies commonly found in news language, typically in the form of semantic incorporation, improper simplification and redundancy.


3、Conclusion The main psychological disorder types are anxiety, inferiority and depression among the patients with cerebral infarction.


4、At high magnification, the neoplastic glands of adenocarcinoma have crowded nuclei with hyperchromatism and pleomorphism . No normal goblet cells are seen.


5、The even cloud blanket is pale blue and pink, the warmer tones of water clouds.


6、Result:Centripetal pattern posturography was the most prominent figure pattern in normal subjects, diffuse pattern was the prominent figure pattern in patients suffering from SCD.


7、It is concluded that the aberration of chromosome

5 is common in myeloid malignancies, and presents unbalanced translocation.


8、Introduced molding process and characteristics of ceramic die-casting technology, and pointed out prevention for the ceramic die-casting common defects.


9、The three most common sensor sizes compared: full frame, APS-C and Four-thirds.


10、We conclude that conventional myxoid liposarcoma is by far the most common subtype of liposarcoma in young patients, with an excellent prognosis.


11、Conclusion Cough variant asthma and postnasal drip syndrome are among the most important causes of chronic cough.


12、Conclusions Myositis was one of the uncommon clinical subtypes of IOIP, Superior rectus was the most involved muscle, followed by lateral, medial and inferior rectus.


13、BACKGROUND:Osteoporotic vertebral fracture is major fracture in post menopause women and aged women.


14、Conclusions Iridocyclitis is a common complication of JRA. Most of them are polyarticular group.


15、The most common types of adverse events were gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, dermatologic, infection, and physical injury.


16、It is the most common type of retinal detachment, ahead of tractional and exudative.


17、This is the most common type of headache and most people will have had one.


18、Polymerization saccharification and beer production process is often the typical batch process.


19、Her shape was frequently found in paintings, suggesting artists saw it as a thing of beauty.


20、Hornbills, starlings, vultures, rollers, bee-eaters and shrikes typify the ubiquitous avifauna of the Kruger.

21、Shear fronts are the most easily and frequently observed class of estuary fronts.切变锋是河口湾锋系中最为常见和最易观察到的锋面类型。

22、Three-mirror anastigmat can not meet the requirement of reducing weight and compacting size in some circumstances.常见的离轴三反系统已不能满足系统小型化、轻量化的要求。

23、Hornbills, starlings, vultures, rollers, beeeaters and shrikes typify the ubiquitous1 avifauna2 of the Kruger.犀鸟、椋鸟、秃鹫、金丝雀、蜂虎和伯劳是克鲁格常见鸟类中的典型品种。

24、Bush mainly includes Lespedeza bicolor bush, Spiraea bush, Stephanandra bush and Symplocos paniculata bush.灌丛常见的主要是胡枝子、绣线菊、小米空木和白檀四种类型;

25、The box-moon is not uncommon. And commonly found in some of the higher grade of Famous moon on the packaging.型的月饼盒也不少见.而且常见于档次较高的一些名品月饼的包装上。

英文句子26:,26、This work draws on the type of design common to beach huts that line the seafronts of Britain. It also evokes memories of garden sheds, typically found in middle-England back gardens.这个作品描述了英国海岸线上常见的高脚棚屋,它也唤起了英国人后院里常见典型的花园凉棚。

27、Long-span deck-arch bridge is a kind bridge which is prevalent in southwest China.大跨度上承式拱桥,是在我国西南地区常见的一种桥型。

28、There are two major types: non-small cell lung cancer, which is the most common, and small cell lung cancer, which spreads more quickly.有两种主要类型:最常见的是“非小细胞肺癌”;另一种是扩展非常迅速的“小细胞肺癌”。

29、The rear seats are extremely comfortable and the L-shaped headrests improve the driver's rear view visibility.后座非常舒适的L型头枕改善司机的后视能见度。

30、CEA was not demonstrated in normal squamous epithelium, squamous metaplasia nor in mild dysplasia.在正常鳞状上皮、鳞状化生上皮及轻度非典型增生未见到CEA。


2)It’s time for us to go to school.我们该上学了。

32、This is the most entertaining reaction, and probably the second most common one we get.这是最搞笑的反应类型,而且可能是我们碰到的第二常见的情况。

33、Conclusion Syntropy hemiopia is the most common type of change of field of vision affecting lesions in posterior visual pathways;结论同向性偏盲是后视路疾病最常见的视野改变类型。

34、Two kinds of common operation on the set of nodes in a plane are calculating its convex hull and triangulation, and usually the algorithms are studied independently.平面点集作为一种常见数学模型,其上常做的运算是求其凸包和三角网格。

35、Common leg ministry flaw includes: When double genu draws close, bipod exceeds disease of 常见的腿部缺陷包括:双膝靠拢时,两脚分开超过5厘米的X型腿、O型腿、侏儒症。


5 centimeters X leg, O leg, dwarf apart.


36、Acute monocytic leukemia (AML-M5) is the common type of acute myeloid leukemias.急性单核细胞白血病(M5)是急性髓系白血病(AML)中的常见类型。

37、Sarcomas are uncommon at this site, but must be distinguished from other types of neoplasms.这个部位发生肉瘤不常见,但必须与别的类型的肿瘤区别。

38、In all headache types, allodynia was more common among women, and severity was associated with symptoms of depression.在所有头痛类型中,异常性疼痛在女性中更为常见,其严重程度和情绪低落相关。

39、But he ignored the skeptics and invented a new two-sided fastener, Velcro.但是他不顾这些怀疑的声音,发明了一种新型的两面搭扣—这就是我们今天非常常见的维克罗(Velcro)撕拉搭扣。

40、Factory pattern is a common pattern for creation of polymorphic objects of different concrete types.工厂模式是根据不同类型创建多态对象的一个常见方法。

41、Objective: To investigate the BCL-6 gene alterations in B-cell Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas( B-NHL) in Chinese populations and its clinic-pathological significance.目的:系统性地研究中国人B-NHL常见类型中BCL-6基因的异常,并探讨其临床病理意义。

42、RESULTS Neurofibroma normally grows in two ways:along nerve cord and in plexiform.结果神经纤维瘤常见沿神经干生长及丛状生长二种类型。

43、Scientists have developed the common marmoset monkey as a new animal model for Lassa fever research.科学家最近已成功把常见的绒猴作为新的供拉沙热研究的动物模型。

44、I don’t think his answer is right.我认为他的答案不对。

45、Among all types of violence, verbal violence was the most common, accounting for 67.7 percentage.各种类型暴力事件中,以语言暴力最为常见,占67 7%。

46、BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, is the second main problem that can occur in the prostate.或良性前列腺肥大是前列腺炎中第二常见的类型。

47、The skin infection is the most common type and can be treated with antibiotics if diagnosed rapidly.皮肤感染是最常见的类型,如果诊断及时,还能以抗生素救治。

48、Background: Tracheocutaneous fistula is a common sequela of long term tracheostomy and T-tube insertion.背景:气管皮瘘管是长期气切或T型管置入术后常见的后遗症。

49、There are a few types of duplicate content. One of the most common I see is duplicate page titles and meta descriptions.这儿有一些复制内容的类型,最常见的复制页面类型是网页标题和网页描述标签重复。

50、Type III isotherms are commonly obtained when water molecules are adsorbed onto hydrophobic mesoporous materials.III型吸附等温线则常见于水分子在疏水性介孔材料中的吸附。

经典英文句子51:常见的句型,51、The most common type of ichthyosis is ichthyosis vulgaris which accounts for almost 95% of cases. Apart from ichthyosis vulgaris all other forms of ichthyosis are very rare.鱼鳞病的最常见的类型是鱼鳞病几乎95%的病例占。除了鱼鳞病鱼鳞病的其他一切形式是非常罕见的。

52、Results: There was no abnormal changes among group I -IV under microscope, and there was no significant differences in apoptosis among group I -.结果:实验各组光镜下观察,肾脏组织结构均未见异常,未见到典型凋亡细胞;

53、Clot-based strokes are the most common type while hemorrhagic strokes tend to be most lethal.血块凝聚中风是最常见的中风类型,同时出血中风会导致死亡。



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