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1、The marine environmental legal education emphasizes particularly on citizen's environmental rights education and legal norms education.


2、In coming

5 year the satellite remote sensing would play a great role in marine surveillance and other oceanographic researches by using the data from ERS-1 which is being launched by ESA in 1991.


3、The ocean monitoring technology is the significant guarantee for research of ocean science and explore of ocean resource.


4、Qingdao has well-developed marine science facilities and half of the Chinese oceanographers and oceanographic institutes are located here.


5、Did you participate in Ocean Park Powerpuff CNY 2003?

太平洋: 科玛狄克群岛,菲律宾, 在中太平洋,塔斯曼海,纳兹卡洋脊的达尔文海洋山脊。

6、Pacific Ocean: Kermadec Islands, Philippines, Darwin Seamount in central Pacific, Tasman Sea, Nazca Ridge.


7、Oceanography is the study of Earth's oceans - their composition, movement, organisms and processes.


8、Crown of Thorns starfish; marine invertebrates;


9、Today it houses the Musée de la Mer, devoted to marine archaeology.


10、The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, while giving new maritime rights and interests to states, does not break the existing maritime legal order or affect the vested maritime rights of the states.


11、Marine risers are the main connecter between a platform and the mouth of a well in the seabed.


12、The change of eco-environment in the Qingdao dumping zone was studied as an example caused by the marine dump.


13、Sunday I have to Yangyang go to Ocean Park to play.


14、Ocean Park is the biggest Ocean theme in Southeast Asia.


15、A visit to Ocean Park Janet and Simon are going to Ocean Park.


16、College of Marine Life Sciences; Ocean University of China; Qingdao 266003; China);


17、Very Large Floating Structures (VLFS) were received considerable attentions due to their potential significance in the utilization of ocean space and exploration of ocean resources.


18、Produced by or living in an ocean, especially in the open sea rather than in shallow coastal waters.


19、The current our country ocean energy develops to make use of with ocean space of overwhelming majority activity is at inshore with very neritic waters.


20、And in each of those ocean biomes, thousands of sea creatures exist.

21、Today, China is a big country of ocean, but also a weak country of ocean, for China's sea power has not been able to provide safety protection for petroleum exploitation and transportation in ocean.今天的中国是海洋大国,但同时也是海洋弱国,中国的海权还无力对海上石油运输、海洋石油开采提供安全保障。

22、The waters of the Galápagos are as rich in wildlife as the islands above.加拉帕戈斯群岛的海域,不仅有着丰富的海洋生物,海洋之上的岛屿也同样丰富。

23、The "Ocean's 海洋之最网上选举已展开,从现在至xx月,市民可于网上选出「我最喜爱的海洋十宝」、「最需要关注的海洋十宝」及「最有活力的海洋十宝」。

10 Online Polling" is now ready for your vote for "My Favourite Ocean's 10", "Ocean's

10 Most Wanted" and "The Most Energetic Ocean's 10". The polling period will last till October.

24、The inshore cultivation is an important industry and become the new growth poing in ocean economy.近海养殖业是海洋经济的重要增长方式,已成为海洋经济新的增长点。

25、Marine dumping" means the dumping of marine experiments or the use of ships, aircraft, marine facilities or other facilities to transport substances for dumping, emission or disposal at sea."七海洋弃置:指海洋实验之投弃或利用船舶、航空器、海洋设施或其他设施,运送物质至海上倾倒、排洩或处置。

英文句子26:,26、The observed data of physical oceanography, marine chemistry and marine biology have verified that the upwelling occurred in the sea area south of the Changjiang River estuary shallow water area.长江口的浅海区南侧有上升流出现,这可由物理海洋、海洋化学和海洋生物调查数据予以证实。

27、It has a significant influence on global weather, ocean conditions and marine fisheries.它对全球天气形势、海洋状况和海洋渔业有着重大影响。

28、Great achievements in marine science and technology in china lay the foundation of exploiting marine mineral resources and building marine-type steel works.中国海洋科技事业取得了光辉成绩,为开发海洋矿产资源,建设海洋型钢铁厂奠定了物质基础。

29、It intends to play a more important role to build and develop oceanic economy.发展海洋经济和建设海洋经济问题正变的日趋重要。

30、Formed or situated or occurring beneath th ocean or the ocean bed .在海洋中或海洋底部形成的,位于或发生于海洋中或海洋底部的。

31、Marine, aerial and sea-bottom gravimeter measurements;海洋、航空和海底重力测量;

32、A large amount of thermal energy can be used by developing the thermo cline layer of sea.海洋中温跃层的存在,使得人们可以借助海洋温差能以利用大量的海洋热能。

33、The ocean contains huge amounts of tiny sea-animals called Krill.海洋里有大量的叫做磷虾的微小海洋动物。

34、The numbers of oceanic observation stations were 67 and oceanic monitor spots reached 全国共有海洋观测站67个、海洋监测站位9200多个。


35、Ocean Aquarium of Penglai is Asian largest ocean world.蓬莱海洋极地世界是亚洲最大的海洋世界。

36、Everybody, whether he was a fisherman, a merchant or an immigrant, would hold rituals before sailing off to pray for safety and fortune .无论是海洋渔民、海洋商人还是海洋移民,当其出海起航前都要举行祭海,以祈求海上航行的平安与发财。

37、The oceans cover two thirds of Earth , but ocean water is .海洋笼盖地球的两个三分之二,但海洋水。

38、"Look, " said the herring, "I've swum through the North Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Java Sea, the Coral Sea, the Great Pacific Ocean, the Siberian Sea, and the frozen Arctic.“你看,”青鱼说,“我游过北海、大西洋、印度洋、爪哇海、珊瑚海、太平洋、西伯利亚海和冰天雪地的北冰洋。

39、Marine Remote Sensing Company in Halifax, Nova Scotia, canada Bringing SpaceTechnology to Sea.加拿大新斯科舍省海洋遥感公司,空间技术应用于海洋。

40、A luminous bacterium, D40, was isolated from the marine sediment samples collected in Qingdao offshore.从青岛近海海洋沉积物样品中分离出一株海洋发光细菌,命名为D4 0。

41、The Red Tide Disaster create damages to marine labor income through Red Tide Disaster water body and biotoxins.这主要表现在海洋赤潮灾害通过赤潮灾害水体和生物毒素经由海洋各产业影响着海洋劳动者收入。

42、Oceanography: Science of the Oceans海洋学:研究海洋的科学

43、Anti-bacterial and anti-tumor bioactive materials produced by marine bacteria, marine fungi, marine actinomycete are reviewed.对海洋细菌、海洋真菌和海洋放线菌所产生的抗菌活性物质和抗肿瘤活性物质进行了综述。

44、The ocean resource hall is an excellent knowledge window onto the oceans.海洋资源厅将是一个了解海洋知识的极好窗口。

45、Close-down is one of the main means in the management of marine dumping site.海洋倾倒区封闭是海洋倾废管理的主要内容之

46、The Pacific northwest is favored with a maritime climate.太平洋西北岸为海洋性气候。

47、Loving, Utilizing and planning ocean are the continuous call of the Chinese nation.关注海洋,利用海洋,经略海洋,是中华民族发展史上的不绝之声。

48、Abstract:Ocean current is a base sea data. Current meter is an important sae hydrologic survey equipment.海流是基础的海洋资料,海流计是海洋水文测量的重要设备。

49、Experimental Marine Biology Laboratory Institute of Oceanology ; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Qingdao 266071; China) ;中国科学院海洋研究所实验海洋生物学开放实验室;

50、Internal solitary waves are ubiquitous at the marginal sea and the continental shelf.海洋内波在边缘海和陆架区域是几乎处处可见的海洋现象。

经典英文句子51:海洋,51、Whereto answering, the sea.回答我,海洋。

52、The infection of the oceans to the climate, is primarily through the changes of the ocean temperature, salinity, water flows and the exchange between ocean and atmosphere.海洋对气候的调节主要通过海洋温盐结构的变化、海水的流动以及海洋与大气的交换来实现。

53、You may also get the chance to see other marine animals including dolphins, seals, albatross and much more marine life!也许您还能看到其它海洋动物如海豚,海豹,信天游以及更多的海洋生物。

54、The deadly ocean.致命的海洋。

55、Seawall is ocean and inland boundary, seawall is a of " of " marine culture main component.海塘是海洋和内陆的分界线,海塘是“海洋文化”的一个重要组成部分。

56、In the oceans, you can find starfish and sea horses. They are interesting and beautiful sea animals.在海洋中,你能看到海星以及海马,它们都是很有趣并且美丽的海洋动物。

57、Marine Geology, James P. Kennett, 1982, Prentice-Hall, Inc.《海洋地质学》同济大学海洋地质教研室,1982,地质出版社。

58、See also: islands, lochs, rivers, seas.参考:岛屿,海湾,河流,海洋。

59、The Oceans, Coastal Processes, and Landforms.海洋,海岸过程和地貌。

60、Meanwhile, ocean current power generation uses the flow of ocean currents to drive a hydraulic turbine and generate power.第四种为海洋能,海流发电是利用海洋中海流的流动动力推动水轮机发电。

61、The cape extends far into the ocean.那海岬伸向海洋远处。

62、It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe.它位于大西洋北部,与欧洲海洋的北海岸隔海相望。

63、"The Saviours of the Sea"?“海洋的救星”?

64、Seafood is the largest resource of Zhoushan marine tourism, and seafood culture is the tourist attraction of marine tourism.海鲜是舟山海洋旅游的最大资源,海鲜文化是海洋旅游的地标吸引物。

65、Warmer oceans and over-fishing are affecting sea life.海洋水温的提高以及过度捕捞严重影响着海洋生物。


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