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关于”表达爱情“的英语句子22个,句子主体:express love。以下是关于表达爱情的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:express love


1、The highest expression of empathy is accepting and nonjudgmental.


2、During the rally and receiving the prize, he wore Maple Leaf school uniform to show his sincere feelings about Maple Leaf School.


3、"Valentine's Day this year will be more about small tokens of affection rather than extravagant purchases," Phil Rist, executive vice president at BIGresearch, said.


4、Although it shouldn’t be, Valentine’s Day tends to be the one day a year people go all out to show their partner how much they love them.


5、The play, performed throughout India during Holi, recounts the love story of Hindu god Krishna and the common cowherd Radha.


6、I will treasure you all my life

7、Love skin deep, too seriously will be lost. 爱情虚有其表,太认真才会输掉。


8、Every time when he stands under the magnesium lamp, he becomes eager to express lots of feelings.


9、I would like to look after you all you life.


10、She looked at him, love and disgust mingling on her face.


11、Green woods, golden wheat fields, deep purple grapes, and the passionate and romantic French girls' singing and dancing, all are expressing their love to life.

齐白石的绘画为人民大众所喜爱的另一个原因是因为他的作品表达了深厚的民族感情,鞭挞时弊。 收藏。

12、Qi Baishi's paintings have won great favor among the Chinese people because he reflected their national sentiments and criticized malpractice.

在新疆,青年小伙子为了表达自己对 姑娘 的爱慕,常常向 姑娘 送上一枝鲜花,通常是红色的玫瑰花,因为红玫瑰象征着爱情。

13、In Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Uigur boys usually give flowers to their lovers, usually red roses, to show their love to the girls since the red rose is symbol of true love.


14、For example a horizontal line suggests calmness and tranquility, a vertical line gives a feeling of balance, oblique suggests movement.


15、To learn that there are people who love them dearly,but simply do not know how to express or show their feelings.


16、The book ably expresses clare's longing as the one always left behind the frustrations of their unusual lifestyle and above all her overriding love for henry.

我们都记得那熊熊的 火光、那最后一次表达爱情的诀别通话,那些临危不惧的救援人员的勇气。

17、We remember the images of fire, and the final calls of love, and the courage of rescuers who saw death and did not flee.


18、After go to school, his expression is to the article of feeling of train fancy 《what to play be a train 》, at 《red scarf 》magazine top acquired to announce.


19、" scribble face" is a way for Sani people to make friends and chose spouse . It offers an opportunity to speak out your love.


20、I was never called upon to tie myself to the bell. But I was still called upon to show my love----in little ways, mostly.

21、A wedding ring is usually a symbolic gesture of love.结婚戒指通常是爱情象征的表示。

22、He recalls what it was like to live without a sense of what love is: not knowing what the word meant, I wouldn’t know how to look at other people. I wouldn’t know how to show proper affection to you.后来,特里回忆起在不明白爱的那段日子里的生活情形:“不知道‘爱’这个字意味着什么,我便不懂得该用什么目光看别人;我不知道怎么向他人恰当地表达感情;感情的涵义到底是什么呢?

23、Does he have a timetable directing acts of love ?难道,衪有个时间表,在主导着爱情?!

24、You can keep it alive by being a responsive lover, by looking attractive, and by using some of the feminine wiles you used during courtship.你可以通过做一个感情敏锐的爱人,通过有吸引力的外表和求爱时运用过的女性心机,使你们的爱情保持活力。

25、May things always turn out the way you expect, …可能事情总是出人意表,就如和睦、爱、快乐和幸福。

英文句子26:,26、Serena, who is secretly in love with Nick, sings a song about how she wants to act out her real life love scene with Nick.暗恋着尼克的塞瑞娜,在这首歌中唱出她如何希望可以在一场恋爱的戏里表达她对尼克的感情。

27、As to the expression of IL-8 of GES-1 cells in groups, the control group was in very low level too.从各组胃黏膜上皮细胞IL-8表达情况看,空白组亦存在极低水平的表达;

28、Love is most often represented by pink in dreams.在梦里,用粉红色来代表爱情最为常见。

29、And what people want to do more than any thing else is to express love and respect in action by giving.人们最想做的事情就是,通过行动,通过奉献,来表达爱和尊重。

30、Gowardesh again to express their affection, grandma grandma not rejected, but for the sake of the gowardesh grandma because he cant have now.狗娃再次向奶奶表达自己的爱慕之情,奶奶没有拒绝,但是奶奶为了狗娃着想,因为他现在不能生养。

31、★ 回 true love shouil last forever真爱永答恒

32、The fondness of theatre helps Chris find his goal of life. Every time when he stands under the magnesium lamp, he becomes eager to express lots of feelings.对戏剧的喜爱,使张克士找到了自己的人生目标,每当他站在镁光灯下,总有许多的情感要表达。

33、Thellonk of a way to greet your spouse today to reflect your love for them, and then do it with a smile and enthusiasm.今天,想出一招去问候你的配偶,带着微笑和热情使出此招,来表达对配偶的爱意。

34、That was the song "Magnificent. " Like many of U2's songs, it is an expressive love song with a melody that is hard to forget.这就是歌曲“ MAGNIFICENT ”,和许多U2 乐队的歌曲风格一样,这首歌曲用优美的音调表达爱情,让人难以忘怀。

35、She looked at him, love and disgust mingled on her face.她望着他,脸上露出爱与恨交织的表情。

36、The studies also showed that love could be blind.这项研究还表明,爱情可能是盲目的。

37、But, unlike Mr Beckham she was keen to point out that she was so "proud" and "in love" with Britain.但与贝克汉姆不同的是,海伦爵士由衷的表达了自己对英国的“自豪感”和“热爱”之情。

38、I'm a Chinese woman of tradition. I'm honesty, amicability and love life.我是一位中国传统的女士,诚实、友善、通情达理、热爱生活。

39、我爱我的朋友 loves his house. 依恋他和房子 The cactus loves hot, dry air. 仙人掌需要干热的空气

40、Surprisingly, the sign-off xoxo, offering hugs and kisses, has become common even for those in decidedly nonamorous relationships.令人惊讶的是,“xoxo”的落款,表达拥抱和亲吻,成为普遍甚至出现在断然非爱情的关 系中。

41、But as the fortuneteller's words ultimately taught me, how we show love shouldn't be one of those funny things.但正如那个算命人的话最终教会我的一样,我们表达爱的方式不应成为古怪的事情之

42、With the war over, Tyrande and Malfurion reached an understanding.战争结束后,玛法里奥和泰兰德对于他们的爱情达成了共识。

43、Think of a way to greet your spouse today to reflect your love for them, and then do it with a smile and enthusiasm.今天,想出一招去问候你的配偶,带着微笑和热情使出此招,来表达对配偶的爱意。

44、"Valentine's Day this year will be more about small tokens of affection rather than extravagant purchases," Phil Rist, executive vice president at BIGresearch, said.BIGresearch执行副总裁菲尔·里斯特说:“今年情人节更受欢迎的将是那些表达爱意的小礼物,而非昂贵的奢侈品。”

45、Damasio’s wise words of advice are: “Choose love and you will live longer.”达玛西欧明智的建议是:“选择爱情,你会活得更久。”

46、I love you so much that I can do everything for you.我太爱你,所以可以为你做任何事.

47、Using immunohistochemical SP method to observe the expression of BRCA1.采用免疫组化SP法,观察BRCA1的表达情况。

48、I think they are at boiling-point now.我看他们的爱情已达 沸点 了。

49、The Date and time input parameter is an XPath expression, which by default, uses the variable representing the input connection of the function.Date and time 输入参数是一个 XPath 表达式,该表达式默认情况下使用变量表示函数的输入连接。

50、Enmeshed: Characterized by moderate warmth and emotional involvement, but also hostility and meddling.管教型:表现为比较热情,情感上愿意交流,但具有敌意,爱管闲事。

经典英文句子51:表达爱情,51、In both cases, disability represents the aesthetic value and the summit of what beauty might achieve.在两种情况下,残缺都表达了美学上的价值,并且达到了美所能达到的顶峰。

52、I am a sincerity docile of, dignified and delicate, reasonable, fancy sport of, fancy see the book.我是真诚善良的,端庄秀气的, 通情达理的,喜爱运动的,喜爱看书的。

53、It is about a love affair between two young women. You can hear Lena screaming out her love for Yulia.歌的内容是两个年轻女人的恋爱,你可以听到丽娜号叫着表达她对尤丽亚的深情。

54、"Journey of Love" necklaces represent the fact that love and life always get better …“爱之旅”项链,代表的是爱情和生活总是变得更好…

55、you are always in my mind.你的影子总是浮现在我脑海中

56、Many star-chasers leeched onto the pop singer.许多追星族死缠那位红歌星,表示爱慕之情。

57、Qixi and hundreds of other Chinese love stories from the ancient times have couched in euphemism and restrained expression_rs.七夕和数以百计的其它的中国爱情故事却蕴涵着委婉与含蓄的表达方式。

58、Elizabeth visit newly-married charlotte, there met darcy, darcy confesses to her love.伊丽莎白去拜访新婚的夏绿蒂,在那里遇到了达西,达西对她吐露了爱慕之情。

59、Chinese chives mean ever-lasting, the lasting of the marriage and love.香葱代表长久,婚姻和爱情的永恒。

60、To SunLiRen HanShaoGong also expressed praise of love.孙立人对韩绍功也表达了赞扬之情。

61、Inspiring and uplifting, these songs express our love to God and our desire to be close to Him �great for both corporate and personal worship.都是表达我们对神的爱,及渴慕与祂亲近的情怀,十分适合教会集体敬拜及信徒个人敬拜之用。

62、"China's social environment is changing, as people dare to express their private life and love values in public, " he surmised.他说:“中国的社会环境在不断变化,人们敢于表达私生活和爱情价值观。”

63、Kitty was embarrassed and did not reply, but Lydia, the youngest, continued to express her admiration for a certain Captain Carter, with perfect indifference.吉蒂感到害臊,没有吱声。可是最小的丽迪亚毫不在意,继续表达她对一个什么卡特尔上尉的爱慕之情。

64、China's social environment is changing, as people dare to express their private life and love values in public.中国的社会环境在不断变化,人们敢于公开表达对私生活和爱情的看法。

65、To show his love for his wife and family a man did what men have always done - he went to work and 'brought home the bacon'.为了向他的妻子和家人表达爱意,男人只需做好男人一直做的事情——去工作,“挣钱养家”。

66、Decadent mood is the real expression of the "Wusi" in the period after awakening and resistance puzzles, and the authors themselves and Aimin strong patriotic sentiments.颓废情调的实质是表达了“五四”时期人在觉醒之后的困惑和反抗,以及作者本身强烈的爱国和爱民情绪。

67、In his work, he expresses his sympathy for nobodies.他在作品中表达了对小人物的悲悯之情。

68、In the grandstands they had painstakingly drawn up some banners declaring their undying love for almost all the drivers.主看台的观众们不辞辛苦的给自己做了标记,旗帜鲜明的表达他们对所支持车手的喜爱之情。

69、All the contestants, speaking in fluent English, expressed their vehement passion for the Olympic sportsmanship and a strong desire to develop friendship with Canadian people.所有的参赛者用流利的英语表达了对奥运体育精神的深情热爱和对发展中加二国人民的强烈愿望。

70、love is an eternal motif in art and literature爱情是文学艺术中永恒的主题

71、Ahdaf Soueif: The Map of Love (1999)阿达夫·索埃弗:爱情地图(1999)

72、"Piece of cake" is another expression that means something is extremely easy to do.Piece of cake"(小菜一碟)是另一种表示事情极容易做的表达。

73、The third occasion where defining contracts using Boolean expressions raises issues is non-functional contracts.使用布尔表达式定义契约引起争议的第三种情况是在非功表达式契约定义能性契约上。

74、love is an eternal motif in art and literature爱情是文学艺du术中永恒的主题


标签: 英文 爱情

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