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关于”父母的诗“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Parents' Poetry。以下是关于父母的诗的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Parents' Poetry


1、Horse mother of three daughters get together and discuss their parents divorce, three people plan to find a way to reconcile their parents.


2、A biological birth parent search.


3、My parents stared at each other in silence for a while.


4、Because of the country's one-child policy, it is likely graduates will have to support their parents and possibly two sets of grandparents as well.


5、Kids who grow up around them may spend a lot of energy trying to figure out a parent's mood or guess what that parent wants.


6、The firemen took me home to Henrys parents, to my new father and mother.


7、China has an ageing population. The 4-2-1 family, made up of four grandparents, two parents and one child - like Wu Hong Jiang's - is common.


8、Parents had repeat obstruction, until they hurt, just understand, parents is originally right.


9、My parents laughed at my haughtiness.


10、My grandparents are still living.


11、She says fewer people live in three-generation households, where the parents and grandparents work.


12、Television is football's demiurge.


13、Not only was he unhappy, he often threw things at them. His parents tolerated him.


14、In case of the death of employee's mate, children, parent, mate's parent, can enjoy

3 days compassionate leave;


15、Parents of parents are called "grandparents" and the families of people we marry are our "-in-laws".


16、My aunt and my uncle lived abroad.


17、After New Year's day this year, Zhang invited his wife, his parents and parents-in-law to a meal.

18、我想见见我的父母(I want to see my parents)


19、How coulda son cheat his parents, and got his parents embarrassed in front of family members.


20、I think there are three big differences between the Chinese and Western parental mind-sets.

21、His parents are in China.他的父母亲在中国。

22、Michelle’s parents had a long, stable marriage, but her maternal grandparents split without ever formally divorcing, and her paternal grandparents separated for 尽管米歇尔父母的婚姻长久而稳定,但是她的外祖父母没有正式离婚就分开了,她祖父母分居长达xx年。

11 years.

23、Many kids of parents who drink too much try to protect their parents or hide the problem.很多父母酗酒的孩子都试图保护他们的父母,或者隐瞒他们的秘密。

24、Grandparents also benefit, with a study finding that grandmothers who babysat were more likely to exercise in the years to come.祖父母(外祖父母)也是受益者,一项研究发现,看护孩子的祖母(外祖母)在以后锻炼身体的可能性更大。

25、Parents are old-fashioned.父母很老土。

英文句子26:,26、Also find parents for money, but my parents had saved up his money to him.亦名找父母要钱,可是父母已经将攒了大半辈子的钱都给了他。

27、Children's duty to maintain their parents shall not terminate with the change in their parents" matrimonial relationship.子女对父母的赡养义务,不因父母的婚姻关系变化而终止。

28、My parents do not approve my learning Buddhism, and I cannot repent by prostrating before the Buddhas when they are at home. I usually practice with the practice when they are out.父母不赞同我学佛,父母在家时我不能拜忏,我都是利用父母不在家的时间做功课。

29、Your parents always argue.你的父母总是争论不休。

30、She knew every merit of his, but as she had been spoiled by her parents and him, she was wilful and sometimes unreasonable.她知道他的好,但她是父母宠坏的孩子,他就像是她父母的接力棒,父母不在身边时接着宠她,所以,她撒娇,任性,有时候蛮不讲理。

31、Classmates, parents, brothers and sisters, grand-parents, neighbors all come to see the shows.同学、父母、兄弟姐妹、祖父母和邻居都来观看我们的演出。

32、He only want to parents confirmed one thing - is parents is his plan route is wrong!他只为想父母证实一件事——就是父母为他规划的路线是错误!

33、Think about your great grandparents.想想你的曾祖父母吧。

34、Parents divorce, stepfamilies form, and these changes challenge the most compassionate parents.在父母离婚,有继父(继母)的家庭,这些变化考验着最富同情心的家长。

35、My stepfather. An older sister and a younger brother.我的父母;我的继父;一个姐姐和一个弟弟。

36、His parents are experts at erhu and lute , which helped him to develop his interest in music.他的父母是二胡和诗琴的专家,这可以帮助他更好的发展它音乐上的兴趣。

37、The grief that the victims' parents, siblings, grandparents and friends suffer is immeasurable.受害者的父母、兄弟姐妹、祖父母以及朋友们所遭受的痛苦不可估量。

38、The tree is our parents.老树就是我们的父母。

39、Jhon thought that his parents were playing favorites when they bought his sister a new bicycle .约翰的父母给他的妹妹买了一辆新自行车,约翰认为他父母偏心。

40、A stepparent is different; he or she is someone your mom or dad has invited into the family.继父或继母则不同:他或她是由你的父亲或母亲请到这个家庭。 有时,继父或继母就像是一个陌生人,突然闯入你最私密的生活。

41、Okay. Your parents' CDs or records.你父母的CD和唱片

42、"Parents hear their children sobbing, children hear their parents sobbing, " says psychologist Chris Thurber.“父母听到孩子的哭诉,孩子听到父母的啜泣,”心理学家克里斯·瑟贝说。

43、Give my love to your parents.向你的父母问好。

44、Mis padres viven en Shanghai.我的父母住在上海。

45、Please say hello to your parents.请向你的父母问安。

46、Breakage is a flunk and financial catastrophe for the parents.想得美,破损的话需要父母承担经济损失,这对父母来说真是个灾难。

47、Li Hua, please stop ragging on me about my parents. I still visit them all the time!梨花,请不要跟我开父母的玩笑了,我一直都有探望父母。

48、Yes. She is a friend of my stepsister. I know where she lives.真的。她是我同母异父(同父异母)姐姐的朋友。我还知道她住在哪里呢。

49、Xiang, at nine, would warm (his parent's) bed. Filial piety towards parents, should be carried out.黄香xx岁的时候就能为父母温暖枕席,孝敬父母这是应当遵守的。

50、She concealed the secluded from her parents, fearing the exposure would desensitize them.她对父母隐瞒了这个秘密,担心秘密暴露会令父母震惊。

经典英文句子51:父母的诗,51、McHugh, founder of Parents Coach Kids, a group that teaches parenting skills, sent the mom the test results.麦休是教授父母技能的"父母教导孩子"组织的创始人。

52、Parents don't know himself and the break up, how to tell my parents?父母还不知道自己和林分手的事情,怎么告诉父母啊?优优的心里乱极了…

53、Izzie: Talk about parental pressure.想想看父母的压力吧。

54、Remember grandparent privilege .牢记祖父母的特权 。

55、My parents voted.我父母投了票。

56、i had thought about living with my grandparents when my parents went abroad last year.当我的父母旧年出国的时候,我本想以及我的祖父母住在一起。

57、Let my parents have his oxen and sheep. Let them have his storehouses and granaries.牛羊父母,仓廪父母,干戈朕,琴朕,弤朕,二嫂使治朕栖。

58、Who are Mabel's parents?梅伯的父母是谁?。

59、I trusted my parents.我相信我的父母。

60、I blame our parents.我埋怨我们的父母。

61、The one requirement his biological parents had was that he be adopted by two college educated people.乔布斯父母定下的领养条件之一就是,养父养母必须是大学生。

62、When I'm speaking to parents and I say something like, "For some girls, life is about more than just mind and body;一般说来,女孩比男孩更乐于讨父母的欢心,因此小女孩更常追随父母的步伐,尤其是在母亲与父亲都认同的方面。

63、Parents who gave me a chance to begin my life. They brought me to this wonderful world. Also, they supported and helped me when I was in trouble.是父母,给了我宝贵的生命;是父母,让我来到这美丽的星球;


64、"If parents are bows and children are arrows, " said an Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore. "Can you never shoot?"印度诗人泰戈尔说:“父母是弓,儿女是箭”。你能永远不把箭射出去吗?


标签: 英文 父母

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