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关于”等待的诗句“的英语句子47个,句子主体:The waiting verse.。以下是关于等待的诗句的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The waiting verse.


1、In the infinite loop case above, all threads except main are in a waiting state (on a semaphore, or waiting for some event).


2、The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having something worth waiting.


3、Wait a few seconds, you will see the following invitation code, remember to wait! ! !

当天上午, 她在等待, 等待的船舶开航, 赛欧离开。

4、In the morning, She is waiting, Waiting for the ship to sail, Sail away.


5、Then wait.

6、安静的等待、 I look forward to August


7、Waiting for love, the person who is waiting is always devil-may-care .


8、In the break, three people arrive in Jurong, waiting for the start of a great.


9、To wait for luck is the same thing as waiting for death.


10、Waiting for a fight, waiting for a rewarding experience of the attack.


11、Because you don't knw how long it will take.


12、I bethink sentence in a novel: your wait will be empty at all.


13、The anticipated waiting time for this call is . . . longer than we would expect you to wait.


14、A person waiting is the waiting belongs to him, two people waited for that belongs discussed altogether has, group of people waited for that waited for everybody expects.


15、They will wait five minutes 58 seconds for a call centre, six minutes 32 seconds at a supermarket checkout and

10 minutes 57 seconds for public transport.


16、He's been waiting and waiting for his season due so that he can ripen into a powerful Orphic poet.


17、I silently waiting for you will turn back the hands of Qianzhu I said I love you!


18、In time, my long-awaited, waiting for a true love, waiting for a person.

待执行的代码都被同等对待;首先被 push 到栈上,然后等待 lua_pcall() 函数来执行它。

19、Code to be executed is not treated differently; it is simply pushed on the stack, to be executed by the lua_pcall() function.


20、Flash goes into standby when D70 meter or power is off. Not so on the 10D as 550EX does its own timeout standby .

21、This function takes the handle to the mutex object and waits until it is signaled or timeout occurs.这个函数会使用一个互斥对象的句柄,并一直等待,直到它变为有信号状态或超时为止。

22、Aaron: Uh-uh. Not cool. Hey, Tor. Tor. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.阿龙:嗯,嗯。嘿,托尔。等等,等等,等待。

23、The cucumber just waits and waits in all of it's watery, melon-tinged mild manner.黄瓜只是等待,用有色瓜温和的方式,在它所有的水分中等待。

24、) To wait for luck is the same thing as waiting for death. (等待走运无异于等待死亡。

25、Year, year after year, he ran to the hospital do not know how many times, wait, wait, wait … he changed the sound of a three-year period.他的变声期长达xx年。


英文句子26:,26、She waits, Tom.她在等待,汤姆。

27、Wait until the lock is released, possibly a few minutes, and then re-execute the rolled back statements.或者,等待自动解锁,这个可能需要一些时间,解锁后,再执行语句。

28、Provence wait to witness the love that to be continued.普罗旺斯的等待,见证那未完待续的爱。

29、So when a thread is put into a wait state waiting for something to happen, it incurs a wait of some period of time.所以把一个线程置于等待某事发生的等待状态时,它会导致一段等待时间。

30、Number of waits and total wait time: The number of instances and total elapsed time when the thread was waiting while invoking a method or service.等待数量和总等待时间:调用某方法或服务时,等待线程的实例数量和总占用时间。

31、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness. 在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。

32、If you keep waiting for the right time to move to a new town, talk to that cute bartender or begin a new fitness plan, you will never take action.如果你继续等待完美时机再搬往新城市、跟吧台招待聊两句或开始健身新计划,那你永远也不会采取行动。

33、We await your command.我们等待你的口令。

34、When it displays in the editor, type a period after it and wait for the list of methods to display.当它显示在编辑器中时,在其后键入句点并等待方法列表显示。

35、And Souza's own composition, "I Shall Wait, " is a signature piece, and hauntingly poetic .和苏扎自己的成分,“我将等待,”是一个签字一块,和让人流连忘返的诗意。

36、Waits for waited for again that the heart and so on has been broken, I and you are river both banks, forever will separate river water.等待等待再等待, 心儿已等碎,我和你是河两岸, 永隔一江水。

37、I love you(I'll wait for you), always have, always will. 或者right here waiting for you很经典

38、Night means waiting sometimes, And yet I am puzzled about where the dawn lies.黑夜有时就是一种等待,等待黎明我却迷失方向。

39、The waiting is the hardest part, and Sarai was tired of the wait.等待是最艰难的部分,而撒莱已经厌倦等待。

40、Waiting to buy her, waiting for a rainy day, waiting for the rain point "ticking" to hit on her, cool, wet.等待著来买她的人,等待著下雨天,等待著小雨点“滴答滴答”地击打在她身上,凉凉的,湿湿的。

41、Rong Qiqi is the truly wise, the phrase " often to end", enriched the whole life and truth, how frank and frank!荣启期是真正的智者,一句“处常而待终”,浓缩了整个生命的轨迹与真谛,何等的率性而坦然!

42、The world awaits the savior, the dawn awaits the sunlight!世界在等待英雄拯救,黎明在等待星火点燃!

43、Thank you for leting me wait behind foreverness.谢谢你让我学会等待,等待永远。

44、In ancient times, "profound knowledge", today there is "My heart is waiting, always waiting, waiting for the next exciting.古有“厚积薄发”,今有“我的心在等待,永远在等待,等待下一个精彩。”

45、An appearance of Yong Joon who waited to wait.被在等待等待了的的出场。

46、Armed with a new awareness of the issue of "wait gain and loss," I hope you can identify some wait loss opportunities on your own project.有了对“等待收益和等待减少”问题的新意识,我希望您可以在您自己的项目中确定出一些等待减少的机会。

47、Time pockets usually appear during waiting / traveling times, such as waiting for buses / trains, commuting, waiting for appointments to start, etc.时间空隙通常出现在等待/交通期间,如等待公交车/火车,上下班时间,等待约会开始等等。

48、Proletariat prosperous Si's waiting, testimony that to be continued love.普罗旺斯的等待,见证那未完待续的爱。

49、Great honour is there for the taking and great heroes to be made.伟大的荣光等待着他们去获取,不世的枭雄等待着他们去创造。

50、He's been waiting and waiting for his season due so that he can ripen into a powerful Orphic poet.他一直在等待着自己繁茂的年华,那时候他将成长为强大的俄耳甫斯式的诗人。

经典英文句子51:等待的诗句,51、As to how long we'll wait, we'll wait indefinitely.至于我们愿意等待多长时间,我们愿意无限期等待。

52、when you come back, you know where to find me.当你回来时,你知道那里可以找到我 i promise. 我保证回来

53、That day I told my father what he'd been waiting to hear — that I wanted to study with a new teacher.那天我告诉父亲他一直等待的那句话——我想跟一个新老师学琴。

54、Look forward to hearing from you. 等待你的来信。

55、Look forward to hearing from you.等待你的来信。

56、Wait on yellow.黄灯等待。

57、Because you don’t know how long it will take. 不要等待,因为,你不知道等待需要花费多少的时间

58、Waiting for your answer, looking forward to your love.翏等待你的答案,期待你给的爱。


标签: 英文

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