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关于”ins爆火“的英语句子51个,句子主体:ins fire。以下是关于ins爆火的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:ins fire


1、I think the venue is very popular.


2、But those artifacts could be from volcanic eruptions or natural fires.


3、It is the rotten firewood that cracks over stove fire.


4、So yeah, it's really, really big.

在 Plug-ins 栏上选择 Choose plug-ins and fragments to launch from the list。

5、On the Plug-ins tab, select Choose plug-ins and fragments to launch from the list


6、Mt. Vesuvius has begun acting up again.


7、Despite their global impact, the cause of the massive eruptions from supervolcanoes at times remains unknown.


8、Do be careful with these fireworks, a slight spark could set them off.

现在打开了 Referenced Plug-ins and Fragments 页面,其中带有一个可用插件列表。

9、The Referenced Plug-ins and Fragments page is now open with a list of available plug-ins.


10、The amount of volcanic ash that could be released into the atmosphere from Iceland's volcanoes, potentially, has many holding their breath. The eruption of Laki in 1784 has not been forgotten.


11、The performance is optimized by using a pyrotechnic igniter as described in the Igniter web page.


12、The eruptions were associated with the development of a number of giant craters (calderas).


13、Fire: GeIL proof plate firewall with 4-6 hours fire resistance to meet explosion-proof wall of fire requirements.


14、Fireworks must be banned in thermal power stations to prevent explosions.


15、What do you think of a Slap Shot remake?


16、The fire sputtered cinders.


17、The diatreme breccia pipes belong to volcanic crater phase and volcanic conduit phase, and consist of breccias and binding material.

奥努伊火山爆发就可能属于这一类,但是一个更有把握超级火山的候选者是苏门答腊岛的多巴火山爆炸。 约在70 xx年以前,多巴火山在爆发时释放了2800立方公里的灼热的岩石、火山灰和尘埃。

18、The Oruanui eruption probably managed that, but a surer candidate is Sumatra's Toba blast, which released 2800 cubic kilometres of hot rock, ash and dust about 70,000 years ago.


19、Scientists say history has proven that whenever the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupts, Katla always follows -- the only question is how soon.


20、Ash and cinders blazed down from the erupting volcano.

21、Before the outbreak of the San Bernardino fire, firefighters had been battling a blaze that started five days ago in the steep and rugged foothills north of Rancho Cucamonga.在圣贝纳迪诺大火爆发前,火警们已经在同五天前在崎岖陡峭的兰乔·库卡蒙加山脚北部爆发的大火战斗。

22、Fires high - impact, armor-piercing explosive missiles.着火高冲击,穿甲易爆发的飞弹。

23、The volcanics can be divided into three lithofacies :volcanic explosive facies, effusive facies and volcano-sedimentary facies.火山岩可划分出三个岩相带:火山爆发相、火山溢流相和火山沉积相。

24、He's got a fiery temper and flares up at the slightest provocation.他是火爆性子, 一点就着。

25、An extinct volcano has ceased to be able to explode.死火山已失去爆发能力。

英文句子26:,26、Mike: Excuse me . You`re a hot dancer.迈克: 对不起,你的舞跳得很火爆。

27、AP1 : Fire, Lightning, Explosion of boilers or gas used for domestic purpose, Bursting Pipes, Sprinkler Leakage and Explosion only.火灾、闪电、家用锅炉或家用气体燃料爆炸、喉管爆裂、消防洒水装置渗漏及爆炸。

28、The wet wood was spitting out sparks.湿柴不断爆出火花。

29、Content adapter code for INS V2.2INS V2.2 的内容适配器代码

30、This very hot aspect could produce angry outbursts.这个火爆的合相将会带来愤怒的爆发。

31、The volcano could erupt violently at any time. In fact, ash is beginning to erupt from the crater now. And the eruption of this volcano would be destructive.这座火山随时都可能猛烈爆发。事实上,灰烬正在从火山口喷出来。该火山的爆发将可能是毁灭性的。

32、Yes, gardening is big here.是的,园艺在这里很火爆。

33、In 预防火灾,严禁在林区用火和燃放烟花爆竹。

7, the fire prevention, is strictly prohibited in the forest fire and fireworks.

34、"We believe the reduction of ice has not been important in triggering this latest eruption," he said of Eyjafjallajokull.当被问及Eyjafjallajokull火山爆发,他说:“我们认为冰原减少对最近这次火山爆发而言并非重要因素。

35、Mount St. Helens spews smoke and ash skyward as the volcano erupts once more on October 17th, 1980.圣海伦火山喷出烟雾和火山灰,火山爆发的天空再一次xx月xx日,xx年。

36、Fire, Bursting Pipes, Sprinkler Leakage & Explosion only.保火灾、爆喉、自动灭火花洒渗漏及爆炸。

37、She especially likes to eat spicy Chinese cabbage.她 特别 喜欢 吃 火爆大头菜。

38、Exploding in 1815, the eruption of the volcano Tambora was the largest eruption in recorded history.塔姆波拉火山于xx年爆发,是历史上最大的一次火山爆发。

39、Two-dimensional numerical simulations are performed to study pre-detonation ignition of pulse detonation engines.本文采用二维数值模拟对脉冲爆轰发动机点火方式中的预爆轰点火进行了分析研究。

40、The fire and explosion hazard in liquefied petroleum gas storage tank zone were evaluated quantitatively by the fire and explosion hazard index method.采用火灾爆炸危险指数评价法,对液化石油气储罐区火灾爆炸事故的危险性进行定量安全评价。

41、Give it a descriptive name, and under the plug-ins tab, select launch with all workspace and enabled external plug-ins.输入一个描述性的名称,然后在 plug-ins 选项卡中,选择 launch with all workspace and enabled external plug-ins。

42、Some of these sites are already quite popular.上面提到的这些站点已经相当火爆。

43、Heat up a pan with oil over the medium fire.中火烧热油锅,放入葱段爆香。

44、Rain of Fire can crit, enjoy.现在火雨能出爆。

45、Concentrated burst of sonic energy fired from Vespid neutron blasters .音波能量的集中爆炸从黄蜂科之蜂中子爆破工点火。

46、Do not look at the flash or fireball - it can blind you.不要看爆炸点或爆炸产生的火球,那样会让你的眼睛失明。

47、The Permian was curtailed by massive volcanism.二叠纪被大量火山爆发缩短了时间。

48、Sound Identification: Combustion knocks are divided into two classes: preignition and detonation.声音辨别:燃烧爆震分为两种:提前点火和爆燃。

49、An eight-point scale called the “volcanic explosivity index“ (VEI) allows you to compare eruptions and volcanoes.你可以通过“火山爆发指数”(VEI)来比较喷发和火山,它把火山爆发分为8个等级。

50、Vapors may cause a flash fire or ignite explosively.蒸汽可能引起闪火或具有爆炸性。

经典英文句子51:ins爆火,51、An eruption there would affect Naples and "could be worse than a hypothetical Vesuvius eruption, " Bertolaso said.火山爆发会影响那不勒斯市,“情况可能会比假想中的维苏威火山爆发更为糟糕”,多拉索说。

52、Recent scientific work has established that the Santorini eruption was up to 最新的科学已证实圣托里尼火山爆发的威力相较xx年Krakatoa(克雷克吐尔)火山爆发足足有10倍大。

10 times more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883.

53、Their tempers often led to arguments.他们火爆的脾气令他们经常吵架。

54、The relationship between flame speed and superpressure in gas explosion is studied on the basis of experiment.叙述了瓦斯爆炸过程中火焰与超压的实验研究情况,介绍了瓦斯爆炸过程中火焰与超压之间的关系。

55、The types of firearms from the initial explosive combustion firearms gradually developed a form of firearms and possession of firearms.火器的种类已从初期的燃烧性火器逐渐发展出了爆炸性火器以及管形火器。

56、Fireworks or other pyrotechnic articles of heading 36.04;品目36.04的烟花、爆竹或其他烟火制品;

57、A few days later, Vesuvius was in violent eruption.几天以后,维苏威火山猛烈爆发了。

58、The so-called Oruanui eruption was the most recent volcanic event to score the maximum 在这里的所谓奥努伊(Oruanui)喷发是最近的得分最高的火山事件,是10分的火山爆发指数(VEI)中得了8分,比坦博拉火山爆发要大些,比喀拉喀托火山爆发大100倍。

8 on the VEI –

10 times bigger than Tambora, and 100 times bigger than Krakatoa.

59、Only one explosion in recent history has made it to 在近代历史上只有一次火山爆发达到了7级的火山爆发强度指数,它的爆炸力是喀拉喀托火山爆发的10倍。

7 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index –

10 times bigger than Krakatoa.

60、Pompeii was destroyed by an eruption of volcano.罗马庞贝城毁于火山爆发。

61、Lyla:The volcano erupted? Did anything happen to the tourists?火山爆发?那游客有没有怎麽样?

62、And it blew up and it blew burning embers into Mutondo’s nice new tent. And it went up in a sheet of flame.爆竹在篝火中爆炸,炸飞的余烬落到穆通多的新帐篷里,火苗顿时腾空而起。

63、A volcanic eruption — Iceland's revenge?火山爆发是冰岛复仇记?

64、The following libraries are used in INS V2.0下面是 INS V2.0 中使用的库

65、And the deployment of fire extinguishing force for seal ring fire and floating roof explosion fire was emphasized.重点对密封圈火灾和浮顶爆炸火灾的火灾力量部署进行分析确定。

66、Housing markets in the EU were only hot in the UK, Spain and - to a lesser degree - Ireland.欧盟范围内的楼市仅仅只在英国、西班牙火爆,还有在爱尔兰,但是没那么火爆。

67、This dormant volcano suddenly fired up.这座休眠火山突然爆发了。

68、Why did the recent volcanic eruption in Iceland create so much ash?为什么近期冰岛的火山爆发制造了这么多火山灰?

69、Many mines devote little attention to safety standards, resulting in frequent cave- ins , explosions, floods and fires.许多矿井对安全标准不重视,塌方、爆炸、透水和火灾频繁发生。

70、Cloud initiation and detonation are dependent on delay time of ignition, initi- ating energy, detonating limit, initiating method and position.云雾起爆和爆轰与点火延滞期、起爆能、爆轰极限、起爆方式和位置等因素有关。

71、VOLCANO】A dormant volcano may explode at any time.休眠火山可能在任何时间爆发。

72、The propagating characteristics of deflagration flame in propane-air mixtures in straight tubes were studied experimentally using an array of repeated annular obstacles in a 100mm inner diameter tube.对丙烷空气爆燃波的火焰面(以下简称爆燃火焰)在直管道中加速运动的规律及其影响因素作了初步实验研究,包括爆燃火焰在光滑内壁管道中的传播状况;

73、You'll often offend people by being hot-tempered.你火爆的脾气会常常冒犯到别人。

74、In Iceland’s most recent history the massive eruption of the Laki volcano in 1783 caused one of the greatest disasters in living history.冰岛近代史上最强劲的一次火山爆发,是xx年的拉基火山爆发,给人类历史带来了严重的灾难。

75、Risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition.遇火或点火,摇动,磨擦会发生爆炸。

英文句子模板76:ins fire,76、Backfire:an explosion of prematurely ignited fuel or of unburned exhaust gases in an internal-combustion engine.回火:过早点燃的燃料的爆炸或内燃机中未燃的废气的爆炸。

77、The detonation wave ignition technique is suitable to synchronization ignition of multi-chamber liquid rocket engine.爆震波多管点火技术适合用于多燃烧室液体火箭发动机的同步点火。

78、At that point, the fuse ignites the bursting charge, which explodes the shell.这时候,导火线引然爆炸点,然后就会有烟火。


标签: 英文

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