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关于”爱国的诗“的英语句子48个,句子主体:patriotic poetry。以下是关于爱国的诗的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:patriotic poetry


1、A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language. -W. H.


2、In Chinese art theory, it is said that poetry and painting share the same origin. For Chinese garden, it not only has the implication of poetry but also has the realm of painting.


3、He also wrote Jie Bian Gong clearly, His antiwar poetry and articles are notable in Chinese history of antiwar literature.


4、The translatability of Chinese poetry has long been a hot subject in comments of literary translation but most articles tend to evaluate it by the same standard.


5、The latter embodies the love for faith, of which the strange woman was enchanted in esthetic fanaticism.


6、Much affinity exists between the main features of Dai Wangshu's poetics and the essential characteristics of the French symbolist poetics.


7、Patrick Pearse (1879?1916), leader of Irish nationalism and Irish poet and educator.


8、Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China's earliest poets.

杨炼,诗人,国际笔会理事, 伦敦。

9、Lian Yang, Poet, Board member of the International PEN , London, United Kingdom.


10、Satire was a favoured weapon in ancient Irish tribal societies where the satirical pen of the poet was feared even by the king and whose position was carefully protected by law.


11、No English poet before Milton ever suggested that he had been chosen by God at birth to be a poet.


12、It is a brave patriotic warriors.


13、Emerson's work has influenced nearly every generation of thinker, writer and poet since his time.

每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.

14、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.


15、Psalm 83 is a prayer for God's protection from hostile neighbouring nations that were conspiring together against Israel.


16、France is a thin skinned cry baby.


17、Poem, music, and dance were connected firmly in Chinese traditional literary ideas.


18、I have used products by Estee Lauder, Origins, Aveda and this is my favorite.


19、In China, in the eighth century, it entered the realm of poetry as one of the polite amusements.

英国慈善机构National Trust 发现,如今很多人宁愿发一条短信草草地说“我爱你”,也不愿真挚地写一封信或者做一首诗。

20、Most would now rather send a cursory text message saying 'I Luv U' rather than compose a heartfelt letter or poem, the National Trust found.

21、The poet emphasizes the People Character in the construction process and arouse the numerous people's boundless love and support for the new China.在这一建构中诗人极力突出“人民性”,激发广大人民群众对“新中国”的无限热爱和积极拥护。

22、To memorize ancient the patriotic poet -Qu NTD. When he jumped in the river, people tried to rescue him rowing their boats out into the water.是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原,屈原投江的时候,人们争先恐后地划著船去救他。

23、This beautiful land not only appeared in the painter's brush, the poet's reciting, photographic lovers camera, even the country's currency will also practice the receive among them.这锦绣河山不仅出现在画家的画笔下,诗人的吟诵中,摄影爱好者的镜头里,甚至连举国通行的人民币上也将之收纳其中。

24、Since spreading into Korea, the poems by Du Fu have enjoyed very high reputation. They have been respected as fine models of poems.自从杜诗传入韩国,就享有很高声誉,被尊为学诗的规范。

25、Epic of china is broad and profound.中国的史诗是博大精深的。

英文句子26:,26、Confucian Poetics in the bamboo slips of Chu collected in Shanghai Museum is the Confucian literature of the Warring States Periods which discussed Songs 300 specifically.其中上海博物馆战国楚竹书《孔子诗论》还是战国时期儒家专门论《诗》的文献。

27、I will love you forever, " swears the poet. I find this easy to to swear.诗人发誓说"我将永远爱你“,我认为这是个容易发的誓。”

28、The ceremony was brief: Einstein's friend Otton Nathan, an economist at Princeton and co-executor of the Einstein estate, read some lines by the great German poet, Goethe.仪式很简单:爱因斯坦的朋友 Otton Nathan,来自普林斯顿的经济学家以及爱因斯坦财产的遗嘱执行人,宣读了由伟大的德国诗人 Goethe所写的悼词。

29、Wooden Choir Stall, Amiens, France, 1986木制唱诗班席位,亚眠,法国,1986。

30、The German poet Heine was Jewish.德国大诗人海涅是犹太人。

31、My love, once upon a time your poet launched a great epic in his mind.我爱,畴前有一天,你的墨客把一首伟年夜史诗投进贰内心。

32、They also put forward proletariate internationalism and patriotism.提出了无产阶级的国际主义和爱国主义的观点。

33、As a member of Chinese Writers' Association, he mostly writes fictions He also loves poetry, yet does not stick to fixed regulations.原任作家出版社常务副总编辑,中国作家协会会员。作品以小说为多。热爱诗词,但不拘定法。

34、Shiu Meng-Chieng (1870-1904), a patriotic poet of Lugang in Changhua County in Japanese colonial period, was born in the last part of Ch'ing Dynasty.许梦青(1870-1904)是日本领台之初,彰化鹿港地区的一位爱国诗人。

35、With Hans Robert Jauss's reception theory as a theoretical basis, this chapter focuses on the reception and influence of Leaves of Grass among generations of Chinese poets;第四章分析了《草叶集》在中国的接受情况,依据尧斯的接受理论,着重考察了《草叶集》在中国新诗发展的不同历史时期,对中国新诗人产生的不同影响。

36、Vico convergence of the Bible, poetry, by Homer's epic, over-the Roman Empire, the Enlightenment of the World, against the modern.维柯的诗学衔接圣经,经荷马史诗,过罗马帝国,汇于启蒙之世,直指现代。

37、 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.

20 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.

38、He died in 1963. He was a French poet.他逝于xx年,是法国诗人。

39、To memorize ancient the patriotic poet -Qu Yuan. When he jumped in the river, people tried to rescue him rowing their boats out into the water.是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原,屈原投江的时候,人们争先恐后地划着船去救他。

40、He displayed his brilliant talents in the British literary world by depicting "China Town" in London and he was entitled "Limehouse Poet Laureate".托马斯·柏克是二十世纪初期爱德华时代的英国作家,他以表现伦敦中国城的故事在英国文坛崭露头角,并获得“莱姆豪斯桂冠诗人”称号。

41、It was the great national epic of the city of Babel or Babylon.这是巴比伦或者Babel王国伟大的史诗。

42、Guo Liang's poetry is the article of representative work of this respect in.国梁的诗作即是这方面的代表作品。

43、Ba-Shu poets, a powerful force with intensive development innovation, are enlivening in the Chinese present age poetic world.活跃在中国当代诗坛上的巴蜀诗人,是一支有着强烈开拓创新意识的文学劲旅。

44、The Poetry Wall in Changde, China has rich cultural connotations.中国常德诗墙有着丰富的文化内涵。

45、Hardy, arguably the greatest English poet, modern English poet, is a figure we don't study in this course otherwise.哈迪,可以说是最伟大的英国诗人,现代英国诗人,然而我们不会在这门课中学习他。

46、His works have been widely read in China with influence on many Chinese poets.他的作品在中国广为传颂,影响了许多中国诗人。

47、The Kessles perfume which has been passed the technique from the perfume city of the world, Grasse and inosculates the elements of fashion of Paris, France spreads love to every corner of the world.传承与世界香水之都“格拉斯”的工艺,融合法国巴黎时尚的元素,凯思莱诗香水将爱洒播到世界每一个角落。

48、He who wants to become a poet must be passionately in love or miserably in life.凡想成为诗人者需拼命地恋爱或拼命地吃苦。

49、To memorize ancient the patriotic poet -Qu Yuan. When he jumped in the river, people tried to rescue him by rowing their boats out into the water.是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原.屈原投江的时候.人们争先恐后地划着船去救他.

50、The Bible says God “enjoys giving rest to those He loves” (Psalm 127:圣经说上帝“喜欢给他钟爱的人们以休息”(诗篇127:2MSG)。

2 MSG).

经典英文句子51:爱国的诗,51、As a great practitioner of nonsense verse, Edward Lear initiated the creation of nonsense in bulk. Many of his aesthetic devices were later widely borrowed.爱德华。李尔是胡说诗的伟大践行者,他开创了大量创作胡说诗的先河,他的许多艺术手法后来被广为借鉴。

52、"Oh, how love I Thy law! It is my meditation all the day" ( Ps . cxix. 97).“我何等爱慕你的律法,终日不住地思想。”(诗一一


53、Thomas Hardy is a British distinguished poet.托玛斯·哈代是英国的杰出诗人。

54、Mu Dan is China' most remarkable poet of modernism.穆旦是中国最杰出的现代主义诗人。

55、Yeats the modern Anglo-Irish poet wishes to forget the earthly troubles by living with fairies or to enjoy peace of the inner heart by escaping to a tiny island;爱尔兰和英国现代诗人叶芝渴望在仙境中与精灵为伍,忘却人世的烦忧,或者在小岛上遁世寡居,享受内心的宁静;

56、I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saint and poets have imagined.我追寻爱的最后一个原因是,在爱的结合中,透过一张神秘的小画像, 我窥见了圣人和诗人们幻想中的天国景象。

57、Roman poet known for his explorations of love, especially the Art of Love(c. 奥维德罗马诗人,以其对爱的研究,尤其是爱的艺术(公元前xx年)和变形记(公元xx年)而闻名。

1 b. c. ) and Metamorphoses(c. a. d.


58、 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。

59、Shipin written by Zhong Rong of Nan Liang Dynasty not only created a precedent in the Chinese literary criticism, but also opened up a new field for Chinese literary criticism.南朝梁钟嵘所撰《诗品》不仅开创了我国诗话之先河,为中国文学批评开辟了新的领域,还为我国文献宝库增添了新的样式。

60、Poe's opinion and his practices of musicality in poetry have exerted so great an influence on French Symbolism that it becomes a general pursuit of the symbolists.爱伦·坡关于诗歌音乐性的主张及实践,对法国象征主义影响深远,以至于音乐性成为象征主义一个非常重要的共同艺术特征。

61、And yes, Harry Reid, that means no more money for your beloved Cowboy Poetry Festival, too.当然,对于哈里·雷德(占国会多数席位的共和党的领袖)先生来说,也意味着没有钱为您钟爱的牛仔诗节支付费用了。

62、Guo Moruo is a well-deserved founder of Chinese New Poetry.郭沫若当之无愧是中国新诗的奠基者。

63、Geoffrey Chaucer, English poet of the Middles Ages.杰弗里。乔叟,英国中世纪诗人。

64、The young English lute player Peter Claire arrives during the dying days of the king's marriage to his second wife and falls in love with one of the queen's women.年轻的英国诗琴演奏家Peter Claire在国王与他的第二任妻子的婚姻消逝日期间到来并爱上了皇后的一个女侍。

65、To memorize the ancient patriotic poet Qu Yuan. When he jumped in the river, people threw food into the river to keep the fish from him.为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。屈原投江以后,人们把食物投入江中,这样鱼就不会吃他了。

66、"Feel the romance of British royalty – Diana underwear, " reads the poster from China's splendidly named Jealousy International brand.这张海报来自中国的嘉莉诗国际公司——名字起得很妙,嘉莉诗是英语Jealousy(妒忌)的音译。 海报上写「源自英伦的一缕情思,戴安娜时尚内衣」。

67、It not only accelerated the emergence of the free verse in vernacular Chinese, but also made joint efforts in establishment of the Chinese Modernist Poetry.它不仅催生了五四时期中国的白话诗,更参与了xx年代中国现代派诗的建构。

68、I think we’re just naturally a nation of grumblers.我认为英国人天生就是一个爱抱怨的国度。

69、The author of Psalm 84, one of the sons of Korah, also had a love for God's house.诗篇84篇的作者,是可拉的后裔,也爱上帝的居所。

70、You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose.以诗竞选,以文治国。

71、Chan poetry is a precious gem of Chinese culture.禅诗是中国传统文化宝库中的精品。


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