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关于”旅游的意义经典短“的英语句子34个,句子主体:The meaning of travel classic short。以下是关于旅游的意义经典短的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The meaning of travel classic short


1、As tourism product in essence is one kind of experience, the coming-forth of experience economy era foreshows faster development of tourism industry and more luxuriant of tourism product.


2、It is significant to develop the inbound tourist market of Hangzhou by studying the inbound tourism of Hangzhou from the angle of tourist flow, which is regarded as a new field of study.


3、With experience economy era, experience-based tourism has become a goal pursued by tourists. Tourists as the main body involved in activities.


4、More attention should be paid to the different understanding between Tourism and Tourism Management in the same index.


5、Have you travelled a lot?


6、As a city located in the middle of Zhejiang province, Yiwu is a famous market for commodity. She not only has a large number of international passenger, but also is rich in tourism resources.


7、I would like to travel.


8、Tourism industry is not the genuine "smokeless industry".


9、The experience of the development of folk-custom tourism in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County in Guangxi can be used for reference.


10、Tourism Shopping is the Extension of the Tourism Activity in a way.


11、So what does this mean for travel?


12、How to develop such tourist resources is of great significance in building Henan into a powerful province with abundant tourist resources.


13、It offers expert insight and tips from local Hyatt concierges in more than 40 destinations worldwide along with advice from confirmed frequent travelers.


14、This study can be a guide of the Jinggangshan red tourism development and a reference of other areas.

和顺乡独特的文化特有优势,具有旅游的文化审美价值。 这不仅体现着历史的意义,也体现着现实的、将来的意义。

15、Its unique culture has its own merits and aesthetic value of tourism culture, which has both historical and practical significance.


16、Connected with the fact of tourism development and taking community involvement as a tactics, the article discusses the problems and ways in how to protect the ethnic culture.


17、Nearly 130 households are now involved in tourism business, said Fan Zhaoyi, who runs a family hotel of

15 rooms.


18、Casual when, a cameramanthatloves travel patted a group of true PP, not sedulous ground.



3 is about the tourist exploitation of Langzhong.


20、This circuit beauty spot gathers, tremendous difference, travel for the classic characteristic special features that can't get much circuit.

21、Theme Parks, newly-emerged scenic spots, have become crucial tourism destinations.主题公园作为新兴的旅游景区,已经成为人们重要的旅游目的地。

22、Because of tourism's economic significance showed in the modern commodity society, the study of tourism puts a great deal of emphasis on operating an administrating of it.由于旅游在现代商品社会中表现出来的经济意义,对旅游业经营管理的研究更多地成为了我国旅游研究的中心。

23、Several local organisations have started selling guided trips through Kibera, a short drive from the luxury hotels that serve most foreign visitors in Nairobi.几个当地旅游组织已经开始推销由导游带领的漫步基贝亚之旅,从绝大多数来内罗毕的外国游客入住的奢华酒店到那里的车程很短。

24、It has positive significance to promote the development of the tourist shopping market in Liaoning Province.促进辽宁旅游购物市场发展具有积极的意义。

25、In the 21st century, China's tourism is experiencing the transition from the new economic growth point to pole industry and from the big country to strong country in tourism.21世纪,中国的旅游业己经从新的经济增长点迈向新的支柱产业,从旅游大国迈向旅游强国。

英文句子26:,26、In the context of ethnic tourism, commercialization often has a pejorative connotation.在民族旅游语境中,商品化经常带有贬义色彩。

27、The tourism development in western region of china is important to the exploit and development of western area, and has great importance in Chinese tourism development in 21st century.西部旅游开发不仅关系到西部地区的开发与发展,而且对中国旅游业21世纪的发展具有重大意义。

28、The Quantitative Evaluation of the Tourism Resources and the Strategic Envisage on the Grand-scale Exploitation of Tourism at Yimeng Mountainous Areas;然后,在综合评价的基础上分析了沂蒙山区实施旅游大开发的战略意义,并提出了旅游大开发的战略原则、战略目标及战略对策。

29、Tourism industry plays an important part in the social and economical development in regions with non optimal ecological environment.发展旅游业对自然生态环境非优区社会经济的全面发展具有重要意义。

30、The world travel sector is already experiencing its first contraction since 2003, when the outbreak of SARS in Asia decimated tourism revenues.xx年,当非典疫情在亚洲爆发对旅游业造成了沉重的打击,世界旅游部已经经历它的第一次的约定。

31、Ensurance of body and property becomes a more-and-more concerned problem for them, tour insurance is becoming a new growing point of tourism and insurance industry.人身和财产的保障已成为旅游者和旅游经营者越来越关心的问题,旅游保险正成为旅游业和保险业中的一个新的经济增长点。

32、This circuit beauty spot gathers, tremendous difference, travel for the classic characteristic special features that cannot get much circuit.此线路景点齐集,风光迴异,为不可多得的经典个性化特色旅游线路。

33、For seasoned travelers, culture shock is only a short-term problem.对于经常旅游的人来说,文化冲击只是一个短期的问题。

34、The tourism feature mainly displays in the embryo of modem tourism economy and the luxury of tourism tendencies.这时期旅游的特徵主要表现为近代旅游经济的萌芽和游风的奢侈。

35、Hong River and Nanxihe River running through the district represent a comprehensive nature with respect to tourism.区内主要河流红河、南溪河的旅游意义具有较强的综合性。

36、Enhancing the in-depth development of tourism in Longsheng and improving its economic returns are of great significance to promoting the development of tourism in the minority counties.加大龙胜旅游的深层次发展,提高其经济效益,对促进民族县域旅游业的发展有重要意义。

37、Tourists' best experience should be their participating in tourism experience and the creationary role-play.旅游者的最佳经历是在旅游经历中的参与性,有创造的角色扮演。

38、In order to promote the economic development of southern Hainan even to the whole province, it is very important to make Sanya as the center city to build up the tourism economic circle.以三亚为中心构建琼南旅游经济圈,对于琼南地区以至整个海南省的旅游经济发展都具有重大意义。

39、Secondly, the need for souvenir is a kind of non-basic needs and it has great elasticity with huge market potential. To some extent, the consumption of souvenir is"unlimited".其次,旅游者对旅游纪念品的需求属于非基本需求,是消费弹性较大的一项,可挖掘的市场潜力很大,从某种意义上说旅游纪念品消费是“无限性”消费。

40、Bilingual Teaching Practice and Exploration in Higher Education of Tourism;当前山西旅游高等教育难以适应旅游经济的快速发展。

41、These findings bring about the significance not only for the research of Shun Great Yu's history, but also for the development of local tourism economy.这对于研究我国舜、禹上古时期历史和当地旅游经济开发具有重要意义。

42、So, managing specialized education in international tourism has a significant meaning in the aspect that move forward all-sidely the cultivation of high quality talent.国际旅游管理专业教育,对全面推进中国旅游高素质人才的培养具有重要的借鉴意义。

43、It is significant that the ecotourism resources are developed and used to form the ecotourism industry and build the ecological province.当前福建正在建设生态省,开发利用好生态旅游资源,发展生态旅游业对生态省建设具有积极意义。

44、Weinan region is the east door of Shannxi tourism. Studying its sustainable tourism space development has great strategic and practical significance.渭南区域作为陕西旅游的东大门,对其进行区域旅游可持续空间发展研究具有重大的战略意义与现实意义。

45、After a brief rest we halfheartedly glanced through the tourist pamphlets liberated from the hotel lobby.短暂休息以后,我们随意浏览了摆在大厅的一些旅游册子。

46、How to accomplish the hotel investment positioning at ancient town in order to obtain a good economic performance?So the study has theories meaning as well as social actual meaning.在古城镇旅游地的饭店投资如何定位以取得良好的经济效益?这一研究既具有理论意义,又具有社会实际意义。

47、Scalping tourism focus is the shortcut to catch mass attention and the most effective means of tourism attention marketing.炒作旅游热点是捕获公众注意力的捷径,也是旅游的注意力营销的最有效手段。

48、With the constant improvement of China's economy development and people's awareness of tourism, self-driving tour as a newly emerged form of tourism in China has been rapidly developed.近些年,随着我国经济发展水平不断提高及人们旅游意识的不断成熟,自驾车旅游作为一种新兴的旅游方式在我国得到快速发展。

49、Agricultural eco-tourism was developed blindly and impulsively in many places of China, so the development of agricultural eco-tourism should be studied.农业生态旅游是我国旅游业发展的一个新亮点,大力发展农业生态旅游,对我国农村可持续发展具有重要意义。

50、Thus he may abridge his travel with much profit.这样就能缩短旅游的时间,而又获益更多。

经典英文句子51:旅游的意义经典短,51、Finally , the significance in pondering over the problems about tour ism resources in Hua Xi from the aesthetics angle.五是对花溪旅游资源进行美学思考的意义。

52、With the development of family inn, the problems about how to make full use of this kind of dwelling mode and enrich tourism in ethnical area should be discussed.家庭旅馆这种住宿形式在民族旅游开发中蓬勃发展,对丰富民俗旅游的内涵有重要意义。

53、The government also said it has issued a Black Outbound Travel Alert for the Philippines, which means all plans travelling to the destination should be cancelled.港府表示,已经对菲律宾发出黑色旅游警告,这意味着所有赴菲旅游团将取消。

54、A number of them departed for an outing.他们当中许多人外出作短途旅游。

55、Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.大部分旅游社愿意改变旅游安排来适应个人需要!

56、Tour Coverage Theory has the significant function regarding the western area tourism exploitation.旅游圈理论对湖南西部地区旅游开发有重大的指导意义。

57、Mountainside platform Department Shifo hole Lingyansi , while incense in the tourist season strong…旅游旺季什么意思_有道词典 山腰平台处有石佛洞,灵岩寺,在旅游旺季则香火旺盛。

58、There are also a Swedish gazetteer and links to general touristic information about Sweden.此外,还提供了瑞典地名辞典和瑞典普通旅游信息的链接。

59、The issue on tourism environment is a hot topic in tourism recently.旅游资源保护问题已经成为近期旅游界的一个热点。

60、Constancy means the steadiness of the meaning of classics. The interpreter could not interpret the classics willfully, which may lead to relativism.常坚持经典之义并非什么都行而具有经常性,解释者不能任意曲解经典而陷入相对主义的泥潭。

61、The tourism feature mainly displays in the embryo of modern tourism economy and the luxury of tourism tendencies.这时期旅游的特征主要表现为近代旅游经济的萌芽和游风的奢侈。

62、The symbolic consumption behavior deserves enough attentions due to its signifi…这种“符号性消费”行为对旅游地的社会建构意义应该引起关注。


标签: 意义 短句 经典 旅游

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