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关于”适合写进“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Suitable for writing into。以下是关于适合写进的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suitable for writing into


1、A new adaptive evolutionary programming, in which population is encoded by binary and complex-valued, is presented.


2、Aim To evaluate the habitability of every spot of region.


3、Please complete this part if applicable.


4、do the procedure on them and grow you a new heart for a transplant.


5、Purebred German Shepherds are poor sled pulling dogs as are the other domesticated breeds brought in.

没有四肢不仅更适合游泳,也更适合钻洞。 这也引发了关于爬行类动物进化的问题。

6、Not only is it more efficient to swim without limbs, burrowing without legs is also better, and this raises questions about the twists and turns of reptilian evolution.


7、Of these patients, 1082 were assigned to routine PCI and stenting with optimal medical therapy, and 1084 were assigned to optimal medical therapy alone.

我会向您展示 Jazzy 识别拼写错误的单词并提供合适的修正 。

8、I'll show you the steps by which Jazzy identifies a misspelled word and then provides a likely correction.


9、“We helped place him in a school that would better suit his needs,” Ms. Sedlis wrote.


10、And thus they will have a righter choice about going into which college.


11、The Michelle will keep her fashion-forward and comfortable, the ideal combination!


12、Moak reiterated that the pilots union would support a merger involving Delta under the right circumstances.


13、The fragrance of perfume geranium suits a kitchen very much, can stomachic .


14、Thus, they are good candidates for inclusion in a header file.


15、LED downlight is suitable for shopping malls, office building , hotels, homes , conference rooms and exhibition spaces and so on .


16、Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


17、You can negate operators and perform case-sensitive comparisons if desired by selecting the appropriate boxes under Options.


18、Just fill the

1 gallon tank in the sink (fits most common-sized sinks) and switch the unit on.


19、Dual off-set hook-and-loop straps promote a custom fit.

在这个示例中,创建一个合适的 file 对象,然后用从 50 到 69 的 ASCII 值写入二进制字符。

20、In this example, you create an appropriate file object, then write the binary characters with ASCII values from 50 to 69.

21、The CERES inspector spot - checks, whether this job has been done properly.CERES 检查员进行现场检查看工作有没有合适地做好。

22、For inappropriate and illegal questions, see No. 至于不适合或不该问的问题,参考下面第6条,总之要尽量让面试围绕你适合这份工作而进行。

6 below and try your hardest to keep the interview focused on your qualifications for the job.

23、Liquid lubricant recommended during aluminum cutting. Positive hook designed particularlly for thick wall profiles and automatic feed(manual feed is also possible).正角设计适合自动进给切割大厚度型材,负角设计适合于手动进给切割薄壁型材。

24、As an introduction Brand penned a definition: "Evolution is adapting to meet one's needs."作为发刊词,布兰德撰写了共同进化的定义:“进化就是不断适应环境以满足自身的需求。

25、The laminate composites with magnetic and ferroelectric pieces show the high magnetoelectric coupling coefficients at the appropriate coupling model of applied field.将磁性和铁电材料进行层状复合,选择合适的外场耦合模式,得到了高磁电耦合系数的复合材料。

英文句子26:,26、Its string and text support features make it an exceptional platform for writing text-processing programs.它的字符串和文本支持功能使它成为编写文本处理程序的最适合平台。

27、Thank you so much for your entertainment.(外国人很少会将热情这个词翻译进去,一般这样说就合适了)

28、Analyst pertains to business modeling and requirements management.分析师 适合进行业务建模和需求管理。

29、The distance-learning mode is suitable for this particular course.我认为本课程适合利用远距教学进行。

30、Here to see which three categories of people for scrapping thin leg.下面就来看看哪三类人适合进行刮痧瘦腿。

31、Air drilling and solid-free gelatin drilling fluid can be used in coal-bed methane drilling.空气钻进和无固相植物胶钻井液适合煤层气钻进。

32、The membrane was terminally sterilized using an optimal concentration of peracetic acid.使用合适浓度过氧乙酸进行消毒。

33、Through altering combinatorial coefficients, hybrid model can be changed into adaptive.我们通过变化组合系数将混合模型改进成自适应的。

34、We certify that the particulars are correct and we are physically fit to participate in the event.我们所填写的资料准确无误,健康状况适合参加比赛,特此证明。

35、Highish birth and a smooth network of appropriate connection like a tea service written into the will.高贵血统和人际关系网络的适度结合就像一道茶具写入了遗嘱。

36、But I don't have anything of value.但是我没有合适的东西可以装进去了。

37、The product is suitable for handling original ore of sand gold and huge amount of tailing sand. It is more advanced gold rush washing equipment having strong applicability at home and aboard.系列振动选金设备(适合露天矿使用)适用范围与特点:该产品适合处理砂金原生矿和大量的尾砂,是国内外比较先进,适用性强的砂金选矿设备。

38、The synthesizing route of Azelnidipine was studied and an appropriate synthesizing process was designed for industrialization.对阿折地平的合成工艺进行了研究,设计了一条适合于工业化生产的合成路线。

39、Q. Having tested at Barcelona, Valencia and Jerez , which track is the FW30 most suited to or is it good all over?冬测分别在巴塞罗那、瓦伦西亚、赫雷兹进行,那条赛道更适合FW30?还是说都很适合?

40、You decided the colour was right and the salesperson assured you it was a perfect fit before placing it in a bag for you to take home.你决定这是适合你的颜色,售货员确认了这个是你合适的尺寸,然后为你装进袋中,带回家。

41、The Weizmann Institute is currently looking for an appropriate partner to license the technology and manufacture it for the mass market.Weizmann学会现在正在寻找合适的合作伙伴进行授权,并进行市场化制造。

42、Select members from that team best suited to assist with security testing.从该团队选择最适合帮助进行安全性测试的成员。

43、Training shoes and suitable clothing are to be worn at all times.所有学员需穿著合适运动服饰及训练鞋进行训练。

44、I also have to include arbitration and termination clauses.我还要把裁决及合约终止条款写进去。

45、More recently, this latency issue has been improved by aligning the consolidation phase with the appropriate business process.现在,通过使用合适的业务流程对整合阶段进行调整,可以改进这个延迟问题。

46、Now you can choose the appropriate file for editing.现在您就可以选择合适的文件以进行编辑了。

47、Write a 120-140 word report comparing the two companies and recommending the most suitable investment.写一份120-140字的报告,对上述两家公司进行比较,并推荐最适合投资的一家公司。

48、Choosing suitable complexing agent and accelerant is the key to middle-temperature acidic electroless nickel plating.选择合适的络合剂及促进剂是进行中温酸性化学镀镍的关键。

49、However, none are best suited as primary options on offense.但是,没有一个能最合适地被当做进攻的第一人选。

50、Were the results of the original research conflated properly?⑥是否对原始研究结果进行了适当合并?

经典英文句子51:适合写进,51、Excellent for feeding zinc oxide, polyethylene powder, and plastic pellets.该产品适合进料氧化锌,聚乙烯粉,塑料颗粒。

52、Heeding the suitability principle, an organization must take a critical look at these governance methodologies and tailor them appropriately.组织需要适合性原则,并且必须重视这些治理方法,对其进行适当裁减。

53、Conclusions: The gelatin bone model is appropriated for studying the mechanical characteristics of dental implants.结论:牛骨明胶骨愈合模型,适合于进行种植体植入后骨愈合过程中的力学分析实验。

54、Write a 120-140 word report comparing the two companies and recommending the most suitable investment . Before you write , think carefully about the following .写一份120-140字的报告,对上述两家公司进行比较,并推荐最适合投资的一家公司,写之前,先考虑以下各点。

55、One week is a good time frame for a follow-up. Follow up once.对于跟进来说,一周是个合适的时间,应该跟进一次。

56、PHP (recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor") is a widely-used, open source, general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.PHP(“PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor” 的缩写)是一种被广泛使用的开放源码的通用脚本编程语言,尤其适合进行 Web 开发并可以嵌入 HTML 中。

57、The rule that no retreat, only advance is allowed in shunting does not suit shunting operation.只能进不能退的规则不适合调车作业,调车作业要求进退自如。

58、The surrounding area offers perfect conditions for skiing and mountain-biking.附近的山区非常适合进行越野滑雪和骑山地自行车。

59、What the crowd for scrapping thin leg?哪些人群适合进行刮痧瘦腿呢?

60、Pilot process- and technology-improvements to select which ones to implement.试用过程与技术改进措施,以选择哪些措施适合部署。

61、As a consequence of this irregularity, the Soundex is not particularly well suited to spell checking in the English language.这种不规范的后果就是, Soundex 不太适合做英语中的拼写检查。

62、We retouch the clothing to fit properly.我们对照片进行处理来使衣服更加地合适。

63、The Caribbean waters there are also perfect for scuba diving.那里的加勒比海域也非常适合进行斯库巴潜水。


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