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关于”中通用“的英语句子45个,句子主体:Medium General。以下是关于中通用的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Medium General


1、Special long bamboo chopsticks are generally used in the kitchen.//


2、Wildcard search, using front, middle, and end masking


3、Especially on the China Unicom and China Mobile-based mobile communications market has become a monopoly of China Mobile, calls low-cost situation.


4、Suppose there is 10% commute population use the bicycle, and this kind of commute not generalize to commute population, then the reducible commutes is probably 36.97%.

通过在 /etc/syslog.conf 文件中使用以下设置,可以使用 syslog 在 /var/adm/messages 中记录通过 sudo 运行的所有命令

5、All commands run as sudo are logged using syslog to /var/adm/messages using the entry in the /etc/syslog.conf file


6、The industry uses open standards to facilitate re-use and communication.


7、Application centricity is a universal approach

通用用例列表(被表示为 U1、U2、U3,等等)显示在 表

8、The list of generic use cases (referred to as U1, U2, U3, etc.) are shown in Table

1, which also shows which SOA scenario may be used to implement a generic use case.

1 中,表中还列出了在实现某个通用用例时可以使用的场景。


9、Gender-neutral language is often appropriate.

清单 33. jobs/urls.py 中的通用视图

10、Listing 33. Generic views in jobs/urls.py


11、There are rarely absolutes in web design.


12、Suggest an usage in the airiness clean environment.


13、"Moving Communication"requires the effective and reliable communication while the network are moving.


14、Non-verbal communication is often used in book circulation service. and this type of communication can not be without culture.


15、Students in the class through the use of secondary school with repeated practice, study and application integration.

在 Jython 中,变量名直接通过名称引用。

16、In Jython, variables are directly referred to by name.


17、Get Skull Leader on the horn.

通常可以通过调用 next SQLException 来返回链中的下一个异常。

18、You usually call next SQLException to return the next exception in the chain.


19、Express a single print process, it is useful to support the pass, Shen Tong and so on.

FSK 和PSK 已在数字移动通信中获得应用,其中FSK 早已在模拟移动通信的 数字信令中得到采用。

20、FSK and PSK in the numeral mobile communication the find application, in which FSK already obtained the use in the simulation mobile communication digital signaling.

21、Updated All Group - wildcards within All Group对all组的更新——可在all组中使用通配符

22、It can be widely used in high-pass, low pass and band-pass filter design.它可广泛应用于高通、低通和带通滤波器设计中。

23、People often avoid to mention "death" in chinese.中文里,人们通常是忌讳用“死”字的。

24、Laser communication opens up the vast prospects for ground-space communication.空间通信在地空通信中具有广阔的应用前景。

25、Use AIM in Gmail.在Gmail中使用即时通。

英文句子26:,26、In this last installment, we'll explore network communication on MIDP, using the Generic Connection Framework (GCF).在这最后一部分中,我们将探索在 MIDP 上使用通用连接框架(GCF)的网络通信。

27、It does the notification by calling an export in your module.它通过调用模块中的导出来执行通知。

28、Users can set up their notifications in Settings >Notifications and can choose just how they want them to show up.使用者可以在设置>通知中对其进行设置,设置他们想在通知中心中看到的信息。

29、For global common subexpression optimization, the compiler searches entire functions for common subexpressions.对于全域通用子运算式最佳化,编译器会搜寻整个函式中有没有通用子运算式。

30、The inter-language theory in Putonghua resulted from the application of the theory into Putonghua learning.将中介语理论应用于普通话学习就产生了普通话中介语理论。

31、The use of * here is different from the use in globbing, where it matches any string.这里使用的 * 与通配符中使用的 * 不同,通配符中的 * 号匹配任何字符串。

32、The use of wild-card characters in the profile name creates what are known as generic profiles.在配置文件名称中使用通配符可以实现通用的配置文件。

33、With the card, user can connect its communication equipments to the frame relay to make full use of the frame relay network.通过网卡,用户可使自己的通信设备与帧中继网络互联,从而充分地利用帧中继技术。

34、In combination, the pods can be used either to spy on enemy communications or to destroy them;通过组合搭对使用,吊舱既可用来暗中监视敌方通讯系统又可用来摧毁它们;

35、One part of them is all common.抗体中的一个部分是通用的

36、Finds any global catalog in this forest.在此树系中寻找任何通用类别目录。

37、Mandarin uses double transitions which English speakers consider redundant. To Mandarin speakers it is logical to say, "Because Kate is English, therefore Kate can speak English."普通话中通常使用双重关系词,所以在中文中通常会出现“因为凯特是英国人,所以她会说英文。”

38、Ellie Arroway: Mathematics is the only true universal language.数学是宇宙中唯一通用的语言。

39、Common workflow in a ClearQuest MultiSite environmentClearQuest MultiSite 环境中的通用工作流

40、As a general rule, mediating request/response message interactions in the bus is not that much more difficult than mediating a one-way message.作为一条通用规则,在总线中通过中介传递请求/响应消息交互并不比通过中介传递单向消息困难多少。

41、Until 2009, there are 277 primary and secondary schools using Putonghua to teach Chinese Language and in the next five years, there will be in total 277 schools teaching Chinese Language in Putonghua.到xx年为止,全港已有277所中小学用普通话教授中国语文,在未来xx年,还将会有377所中小学用普通话教中文。

42、Dr. Shanglu Yang, General Motors China Research Center, China.杨上陆博士,通用汽车中国研究中心,中国。

43、But regular users too could benefit from this.但普通用户也能从中受益。

44、Institate of General Aviation Research; CAUC; Tianjin300300; China);中国民航学院通用航空研究所天津;

45、Conventional eating utensils are used in space.(地球上)通常使用的就餐器具用于太空中。

46、User access in the branches is often centrally managed.分支中的用户访问通常是集中管理的。

47、In the general sense, frequency ranges can be emphasized or attenuated using low-pass, high-pass, band-pass or band-stop filters.在通常的概念中,频段可以被增强或削弱通过使用低通,高通,带通和带阻滤波器。

48、During the bankruptcy process, G. M. China was the beacon in the night that G. M. always had in its back pocket, and China will be a vital cog in G. M. ’s machine going forward.在破产进程中,通用中国像是夜晚的灯塔,是通用汽车始终拥有的后背力量,而在通用继续前行的路上,中国将扮演至关重要的角色。

49、This function is also generic (within ./kernel/sched.c), but it calls the CFS scheduler through the scheduler class.此函数也是通用的(在 ./kernel/sched.c 中),但它会通过调度器类调用 CFS 调度器。

50、Finds all the global catalogs in this forest.在此树系中寻找所有通用类别目录。

经典英文句子51:中通用,51、By abstracting common patterns across a Web application, you can uncover those parts of an application that you can modularize.通过提取 Web 应用程序中的通用模式,可以发现应用程序中可模块化的那些部分。

52、This is the generic event signal type in the JMX events notification model.这是 JMX 事件通知模型中的通用事件信号类型。


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