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关于”爱的诗“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Poetry of Love。以下是关于爱的诗的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of Love


1、The Bible says God “enjoys giving rest to those He loves” (Psalm 127:

2 MSG).


2、The varied views and the vivid figures of speech in the poem fully show the poet's intense love for nature and at the same time reveal the great harmony between man and nature.


3、I don't take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom.

历史上诗人陶渊明以爱菊而著称。 后人也习惯于将陶渊明采菊的行为归因于他对菊花的喜爱。

4、Poet Tao Yuanming is famous for his love of chrysanthemum and his act of picking chrysanthemum has usually been ascribed to his love of it.


5、I have used products by Estee Lauder, Origins, Aveda and this is my favorite.


6、"Ayat Ayat Cinta," which roughly translates into "Verses of Love," is one of the biggest selling movies to hit Indonesia in recent years.


7、I have sough it , finally , because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined .


8、Firstly, in that society, "Ceremony does not descend to the common people", so free love was widespread among the folk, and many poems were about amativeness , missing each other, sweat date etc.


9、Do you think a woman who just stayed home, hardly ever saw anyone, and only published seven poems during her lifetime could be a great poet?Well, Emily Dickinson was.


10、Everyone unbridled delectation's talking smiles, I twist amplify voicelessly looking at beside small poem of the face of amiability.


11、Elsie Leung and Regina Ip conspire to place a knife above our heads.


12、Over the past month, Elsie Leung recorded the biggest increase, while York Chow registered the biggest drop.


13、As a great practitioner of nonsense verse, Edward Lear initiated the creation of nonsense in bulk. Many of his aesthetic devices were later widely borrowed.

每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。

14、 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again


15、Du Fu's poetry extends to two dimensions like "sympathizing the people" and "loving all living things", showing a great concern for all the lives.


16、Secretary for Justice Elsie Leung said the decision was a fair one made without any interference.


17、She has over 70 poems in print, in journals such as Bibliophilos and DuPage Arts and Life.


18、I still need time to read a book, write poems, paint a picture, look at scenes and faces dear to me.


19、I have sought it , finally , because in the union of love I have seen , in a mystic miniature , the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined .


20、Do not read poetry, had already started to Qingyin: Peach the main cluster of blooms, lovely dark red love light red?

21、The latter embodies the love for faith, of which the strange woman was enchanted in esthetic fanaticism.后者体现的是一种“信仰之爱”,一种女主人公对诗意的迷狂。

22、Liquid Story Binder XE is a uniquely designed wordprocessor for professional and aspiring authors, poets, and novelists.专为专业和业馀爱好的作家、诗人和编剧设计的独特文字处理工具。

23、Gather ye together with the utmost joy and fellowship and recite the verses revealed by the merciful Lord.你们须在极乐与友爱的氛围中聚集一堂,诵读慈悲之主启示的诗篇。

24、Poets are very fond of wearing the trousers of dealers in rabbit skins and the overcoats of peers of France.诗人们经常爱穿收买兔子皮的小贩的裤子和法兰西世卿的骑马服。

25、This is Yeats in costume, costumed as a figure from Irish myth, as an ancient bard, mad King Goll, which is the furthest thing from a modern poet.穿着奇装异服的叶芝,打扮成爱尔兰传说中的人物,过去的吟唱诗人,疯癫的郭尔王,他与这位现代诗人相隔甚远。

英文句子26:,26、Psalms103:11-14 For as the heaven is high over the earth, so great is his mercy to his worshippers.诗103:11-14 天离地何等的高、他的慈爱向敬畏他的人、也是何等的大。

27、I will love you forever, " swears the poet. I find this easy to to swear.诗人发誓说"我将永远爱你“,我认为这是个容易发的誓。”

28、I have sought it finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints anf poets have imagined.最后,我寻找爱,是因为爱神秘而又具体地把圣贤和诗人们想象的天堂真真切切地带到我眼前。

29、The lovesick always take pleasure in talking, writing, or composing verses about the beloved;遭受相思之苦的人总会因为谈论、叙述或作诗怀念爱人而感到快乐;

30、After businessman, I hope I can do a poet, beside the hearth, through orange and red flames, look at my beloved depend in my arm, so I recite to her poetry of the text …商人之后,我希望能做一个诗人,在壁炉旁,借着桔红色的火光,看着心爱的人依在臂弯,向她朗诵我做的诗词文段…

31、Patrick Pearse (1879?1916), leader of Irish nationalism and Irish poet and educator.帕特里克·皮尔斯(1879-1916),爱尔兰民族主义领袖,诗人,教育学家。

32、Ai Qing fully embodied his poetic ideal in a series of his well-known poems, such as Da Ya River-My Mammy, The North, I Love The land and Ichthyolite.无不处处体现着“诗的散文美”,如《大堰河——我的保姆》、《北方》、《我爱这土地》、《鱼化石》等诗篇。

33、Euripides said: When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor nor worthiness.欧里庇得斯[希腊悲剧诗人]说:爱得太深,会失去荣耀和价值。

34、Yeats, I said, wanted to speak for and to the Irish people, as well as to explain Ireland and Irishness to an English-speaking world abroad.我认为,叶芝,想为爱尔兰人写诗,并把爱尔兰及其民族特色,介绍给整个英语世界。

35、Confucian poetic experience of reading the basic perspective is "to selfish desires" and the "Pan-loving masses.儒学解读诗意体验的基本视角是“去私欲”和“泛爱众”。

36、His first book of poetry was published in 1827, and in 1835, Poe became editor of the "Southern Literary Messenger."他的第一本诗集于xx年出版,接着于xx年,爱伦坡成了《南方文学信使》的编辑。

37、On August 24th, 2004, Chen Shih Shin won her first Olympic gold medal and the heart of a nation.二○○xx年xx月xx日,陈诗欣赢得了第一面奥运金牌,也赢得全国的喜爱。

38、His first book of poetry was published in 1827, and in 1835, Poe became editor of the "Southern Literary Messenger."他的第一本诗集于xx年出版,接著于xx年,爱伦坡成了《南方文学信使》的编辑。

39、My love, once upon a time your poet launched a great epic in his mind.我爱,畴前有一天,你的墨客把一首伟年夜史诗投进贰内心。

40、Chu culture is the origin of Chinese civilization, one of the cultural representatives of the Yangtze River Basin.爱国诗人屈原像楚文化则是中华文明的起源之一的长江流域文化的代表。

41、The author of Psalm 84, one of the sons of Korah, also had a love for God's house.诗篇84篇的作者,是可拉的后裔,也爱上帝的居所。

42、Psalms 143:诗143 :

8 Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning;

8 求你使我清晨得听你慈爱之言,因我倚靠你。

43、Emerson's work has influenced nearly every generation of thinker, writer and poet since his time.爱默生的作品几乎影响了此后每个时代的思想者、作家和诗人。

44、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.

45、I am full of hate and disgust for false words; but I am a lover of your law. (Psalms 119:163)谎话是我所恨恶所憎嫌的。惟你的律法,是我所爱的。(诗119:163)

46、The poet is unashamed in his promotion of his beloved monarch, Queen Elizabeth;诗人史宾塞坦然地宣扬他所钟爱的的伊丽莎白女皇;

47、 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.

20 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.

48、I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven the saints and poets have imagined.我追求爱,因为经由爱的结合,我看见了天堂的奇妙缩影--恰如圣人和诗人所思所想。

49、Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually.那时,大卫作这训诲诗交与伶长)勇士们阿,你为何以作恶自夸。 神的慈爱是常存的。

50、Emerson’s work has influenced nearly every generation of thinker, writer and poet since his time.爱默生的著作影响了其后几乎所有时代的思想家、作家和诗人。

经典英文句子51:爱的诗,51、The Psalms are very individual writings that focus on individual piety and love and worship of God.诗篇》则是个人的作品,集中表现了个人对上帝的虔诚,爱与崇拜。

52、The natural beauty of Tao Qian's poems was right the result of his natural character that had "inborn passion for nature".昔陶潜之诗的自然美,就是山“性本爱空山”的本性所致。

53、I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poet shave imagined.我追求过爱,最后是因为在爱我结合之中,在神秘的缩影里,我看到了圣贤和诗人所想像和预示出的天堂。

54、Gu's poetry shows his downheartedness and discontentedness with the society, while Chong's poetry reflects his benevolence and his social responsibility.与此相比,茶山的社会诗强烈地表现出了仁爱精神与强烈的社会责任感。

55、"Annabel Lee" is the last complete poem composed by Edgar Allan Poe.“安娜贝尔·李”是埃德加·爱伦·坡所做的最后一首完整诗篇。

56、He who wants to become a poet must be passionately in love or miserably in life.凡想成为诗人者需拼命地恋爱或拼命地吃苦。

57、But his own spectacular treatise on evolution enjoyed a different level of universal appeal.但相比之下,爱登堡这部关于进化的自然史诗纪录片却具有不同凡响的普遍吸引力。

58、Patrick Pearse (1879?1916), leader of Irish nationalism and Irish poet and educator.帕特里克·皮尔斯(1879-1916),爱尔兰民族主义领袖,诗人。

59、Roman poet known for his explorations of love, especially the Art of Love(c. 奥维德罗马诗人,以其对爱的研究,尤其是爱的艺术(公元前xx年)和变形记(公元xx年)而闻名。

1 b. c. ) and Metamorphoses(c. a. d.


60、Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.慈爱和诚实,彼此相遇。公义和平安,彼此相亲。--《旧•诗》。

61、It was from a little book by Susan Polis Schutz called Don't Be Afraid to Love.这首诗选自苏珊·波利斯·舒尔茨的一本小册子,书名是大胆去爱) 。

62、I want the man I love and honor to be something finer and higher than a perpetrator of jokes and doggerel.我希望(hope)我爱和尊敬(Respect)的人能够比一个写点笑话和打油诗的人高明呢。

63、I have sought it, next,because it relieves loneliness —that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss.我寻找爱,因为爱使我解除了孤寂,解除了一个颤抖的灵魂从人世间到冷漠无底的深渊所经历的孤寂。 我寻找爱,因为我在爱的缩影中看到了圣人和诗人眼里天堂的景象。

64、This poem fully expresses the author's love for the ordinary people and hatred for the ruling class.这首诗酣畅淋漓地抒发了作者对普通人民的爱和对统治阶级的恨。

65、A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language. -W. H.一个诗人,首先应当是一个非常热爱语言的人。

66、Psalm 44 concludes in v23-26 with a plea – "Awake … arise … arise … redeem us for thy mercies ' sake".诗篇44篇在23-26节用恳求做了总结-‘睡醒…兴起…凭你的慈爱救赎我们’。

67、Most of them have a job, write poetry was just a hobby, a leisure and keep holding.他们大多有一份赖以维生的工作,写诗只是一种爱好、一种闲适与守持。

68、"Oh, how love I Thy law! It is my meditation all the day" ( Ps . cxix. 97).“我何等爱慕你的律法,终日不住地思想。”(诗一一


69、Yeats, I said, wanted to speak for and to the Irish people, as well as to explain Ireland and Irishness to an English-speaking world abroad.我认为,叶芝,想为爱尔兰人写诗,并把爱尔兰及其民族特色,介绍给整个英语世界。

70、On the other hand he had an equal fondness for our older Bengali authors and Vaishnava Poets.另一方面,他也同样喜爱我们孟加拉的老作家和毗湿奴派诗人。

71、In essence, "beauties" is the ideal object and symbol of a trinity of ancient men: desire, fame, and aesthetics.“美人”实质是古代男诗人们爱欲、功名、审美三位一体的理想对象和象徵。


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