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关于”死亡的诗“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Poetry of Death。以下是关于死亡的诗的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of Death


1、In its neighbouring regions, 364 were killed in Gansu, 109 in Shaanxi,

15 in Chongqing,

2 in Henan, one in Yunnan, and one in Hubei.


2、Hopefully, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II provides the epic climax the series deserves.


3、We've had inevitability; we had variability.


4、In-hospital mortality occurred in 41.2% (40 of 97) of patients.

Quite package!我父亲写的这首诗以死亡为主题,它预示着一个皇室成员的死亡。

5、A quatrain by my father and a macabre series that might prefigure the death of one of the members of the Royal Family…


6、Now, no death, that of the body as late as possible, that of the soul never,--this is what we desire.


7、The type III cell death was a special type of cell death, which related to apoptosis and necrosis.


8、Conquer fear of death and you are put into possession of your life.


9、Desire is half of life; indifference is half of death. -Kahlil Gibran Lebanese poet.


10、Death, my death, come and whisper to me!


11、Much more deaths were found in males than in females with the majority of deaths between the age of 35-64 years.

6 xx岁年龄组的死亡病例所占比重大。


12、QU Yuans misery, loneliness and selection to death display his culture individuality.


13、Here is the way to a peaceful experience of death--your own or that of another; know that


14、Objective To grasp the maternal mortality rate and major causes of death in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous prefecture, formulate interventions, control maternal mortality .


15、When do I die and what is death?

16、She died a heroic death. 她英勇地牺牲了。


17、Cardio cerebrovascular diseases ranked the second place among the causes of death from 1987 to 2002 (22.96% of the total death amount).

在这诸多的死亡意境中 ,叙述者力图剥去包围着死亡的有关 不 健康的文化与习俗形式 ,既真切 地呈现死亡 ,又审美 地超越 地建构死亡。

18、Trying to get rid of unhealthy cultural content and customs concerning death, the narrator not only presents death truely, but also constructs death aesthetically and surpassingly.


19、Death is appeared sadly and implicitly in Chinese memorical poetry, it is sadly beautiful, so it is a road of inner surpassing.


20、This is true not only of the dying but also of the healthy.

21、He became very ill and then he died. 他病得很重, 接着就死了。

22、The causes of death included obstetric hemorrhagic shock in 21 cases (45.7%), embolism-like diseases in 死亡原因中产科失血性休克死亡21例(45.7%),栓塞类疾病死亡8例(

8 cases (

17.4%), infectious diseases in

5 cases (

10.8%) and other reasons in

12 cases (26.1%).



23、There are more memorial poems in China than that in the West. The deep-rooted reason is the different attitudes toward death.中西方悼亡诗多寡不一的深层原因是缘于对待死亡的不同态度。

24、Conclusion It is seen that marked missing reports on deaths among residents exist in the facilities.结论居民死亡漏报严重,网络直报死亡率严重低于居民调查死亡率。

25、If there is a choice between Richmond and death, I choose death.在利奇蒙德与死亡之间,我选择死亡。

英文句子26:,26、Novalis, known as "Macabre Poet", attempts to comprehend the meaning life by eulogizing night and death, hence showing his persistent belief in life with a hidden extending self.“死亡诗人”诺瓦利斯的创作通过歌颂“黑夜”与“死亡”去感悟生命,表达对生命的执着,其间隐藏着一个力图扩张的自我。

27、Such deaths accounted for 23 percent of overall deaths in men and 32 percent of deaths in women, the researchers said.研究者称这些原因导致的死亡占男性总死亡率的23%,女性总死亡率的32%。

28、someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. 他会让你相信人间有真情。

29、Critically ill patients; Mortality; Risk factors related to death.危重病患者;死亡率;死亡危险因素。

30、Only those intimately concerned with deaths, such as coroners and registrars of deaths, were able to realise .只有与死亡者密切有关的人,如验尸官员和死亡登记人员才知道这次死亡的规模之大。

31、He reads from Psalm 23: "As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."他读诗篇23:“当我从死亡的阴影的幽谷,也不怕遭害。”

32、In classification as death of non-violent, violent and sudden;从分类角度看,可分为非暴力性死亡、暴力性死亡和急死;

33、a forever friend 永远的朋友 "a friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out." "别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。

34、So simultaneously with my body dying, my soul dies.因此我的身体死亡的同时,我灵魂也在死亡。

35、Death is--the possibility of death-is ubiquitous.死亡是,死亡的可能性,是无处不在的。

36、The child mortality rate is 198 per 1000; the infant mortality rate 107 per 1000, and the maternal mortality rate 该国的儿童死亡率是198 :1000,新生儿死亡率为107:1000,产妇死亡率是1071:100000。

1,071 deaths per 100,000 live births.

37、And when I asked about philosophy he said philosophy has nothing to say about death, only poetry has something to say about death.当我问到哲学的时候,他说哲学与死亡无关,只有诗能够解读死亡。

38、A death certificate.死亡证书。

39、But death is appeared brightly and harmoniously, it is magnificiently beautiful, so it is a road of external surpassing.西方悼亡诗把死亡表现得明朗和谐,是一种壮美,走的是一条外在的超脱之路。

40、Of the 169 cases, 68 babies can be avoided death or can be tried to avoid death. counting for 40. 24% .其中68例为可以避免死亡和创造条件可以避免死亡,占围产儿死亡总数的40。24%。

41、With this regard their currents turn awryAnd lose the name of action. 出自莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》

42、No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.不管别人怎么说,文字和思想的确能改变世界。—— 《死亡诗社》。

43、Four victims and the gunman died at the scene and three others died later at a hospital.四名受害者和抢手,当场死亡,另外三名在送亡医院后,死亡。

44、Conquer fear of death and you are put into possession of your life.战胜对死亡的恐惧才能真正享受生命。

45、In Death in the Sickroom (1893), the subject is the death of his sister Sophie.《病室里的死亡》则以死亡为主题,基于蒙克对姐姐苏菲之死的回忆。

46、Death Grip - Increases the range of your Death Grip ability by 死亡之握- 死亡之握的距离提升5码。

5 yards.

47、The DED Complexes, Blood Raider DED的死亡复合体,血袭者的9/10级死亡,天蛇的8/10级死亡,已经重新检查代码,能够正常运行。

9 of

10 and Serpentis

8 of

10, have been examined and now work correctly.

48、So Chinese and western memorical poetry appear the different style.因此,中西悼亡诗在表现死亡时也显示出不同的风貌。

49、Results Among them, 31 patients were dead and mortality(72.09%).结果43例高钠血症患者死亡31例,死亡率为72.09%。

50、He became very ill and then he died.他病得很重, 接着就死了。

经典英文句子51:死亡的诗,51、——G.Meredith He that is once born, once must die. 有生必有死。

52、The weak die.弱者死亡。

53、Mortality rates in FSU immigrants, particularly from circulatory diseases, have rapidly adjusted and have become similar to those of the destination country.原苏联移民的死亡率(尤其循环系统疾病的死亡率)已迅速调整并与目的国的死亡率相近。

54、Results: The operative mortality rate was 结果术后早期死亡9例,手术死亡率

19 1%(9/47).

19 1%。

55、Most affected is the greedy M Nakhon Ratchasima 受灾最严重的那空是贪玛叻府死亡15人,素叻他尼府死亡8人,甲米府死亡6人。

15 people dead, Surat Thani

8 deaths,

6 deaths Krabi.

56、He banged at the door .死神在敲门,接近死亡。

57、Just over 69% of the abstainers died during the 在xx年中,69%的不喝酒者死亡,60%的酗酒者死亡,只有41%的适量饮酒者死亡。

20 years, 60% of the heavy drinkers died and only 41% of moderate drinkers died.

58、The first cause of death is cerebrovascular disease, which accounts for 33.85%, and its death rate is 264.38 per 100000. Prematurity is major cause of infant mortality.脑血管疾病居死亡原因第一位,占全部死因的33.85%,其死亡率是264.38/10万。 早产是婴儿的主要死亡原因。

59、Every poem and novel in the course deals with the 19th-century conception of mortality and the world beyond。这门课上研究的每首诗歌和每部小说都涉及了19世纪人们对死亡和死后世界的见解。

60、Long live death!死亡万岁!

61、Four in-theatre deaths occurred in children ≤ xx岁儿童中发生了手术室死亡4例(手术室死亡率:每一万例手术中

14 years old (in-theatre mortality:

7.7 deaths per

10 000 operations).


62、Falls accounted for 25% (2003/8023) of all deaths from unintentional injury and were the second leading cause of such deaths.跌落占意外伤害死亡的25%(2003/8023),并且是该类死亡的第二大死亡原因。

63、因此,不要死亡,躯体的死亡越迟越好,灵魂永不要死亡,这便是我们的愿望。Now, no death, that of the body as late as possible, that of the soul never,--this is what we desire.

64、One of the parturient died Of complicated cerebral hemorrhage, mortality rate being 产妇因合并脑出血死亡一例,病死率4.1%,围产儿死亡8例(死胎6例,新生儿死亡3例),死亡率33.3%。


8 cases of the perinatal died (

6 cases of dead fetus and

2 cases of neonatal death), mortality 33.3%.

65、In-theatre mortality was lower than reported for similar settings.手术室死亡率低于类似情况下报告的死亡率。

66、Death can be classified in concept as death of the heart, breath, brain;死亡从概念上可分为心脏死、呼吸死、脑死亡;

67、Helen Keller Important principles may and must be flexible.死亡只不过是从一个房间进入另一个房间.

68、"We're all going to die. Some people are scared of dying. Never be afraid to die. Because you're born to die," he said.他说:"我们随时面临着死亡。许多人很害怕死亡,别怕死亡,因为从出生起人就在走向死亡。"

69、Chapter two researches the death image, exposes the symbolic meaning of the poem by the images of wilt and death and regeneration after death.第二章探析诗中的死亡意象,从枯萎与死亡、死后再生两方面揭示《荒原》的象征意味。

70、I saw Dead Poets Society when I was living away from my family but still in their shadow.看《死亡诗社》时我已经远离家人,但却依然活在家人的阴影之下。

71、Chinese people can not go beyond the fear of death, so there are many memorial poems in China.中国人不能超越死亡的恐惧,所以悼亡诗特别多;

72、Modern poetry arises, in Eliot's case, with the death of God现代诗崛起了,在艾略特这里,它的崛起伴随着上帝的死亡

73、someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; 他会把你逗得开怀大笑;

74、Among hospitalized patients in the study, 118 died — an overall 11% fatality rate.在研究的住院病人中,死亡人数118例——11%的总死亡率。

75、Newborn, or neonatal, deaths account for 37% of all deaths among children under five.新生儿死亡占xx岁以下儿童死亡总数的37%。

英文句子模板76:Poetry of Death,76、Death is reversible.死亡是可逆的。

77、Objective: Probe into perinatal mortality and cause of death.目的:探讨盐都县围产儿死亡率及死亡原因。

78、The maternal mortality rate dropped to 787 per 100,000 people.而母亲的死亡率下降到了每100,000人中787人死亡。


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