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1、Young unusually jovial accomplished yuppie 年轻、异常高兴、有本事的雅皮士


2、Our elegant people not to see, too common.


3、Jade is a style, noble and elegant;

他有一个弟 弟以及,雅高。

4、He had a younger brother as well, Arko.


5、Gold bottle, with noble style, combined with sweet flower fragrance, noble and graceful muskiness, make it the luxurious artwork.


6、She loved the gracefully high ceiling, with its whitepainted cornice.


7、The entrance foyer at Twin Oaks is elegant and tasteful.


8、Su Dongpo's poetry is featured by "elegance" characters, which include multi connotations such as "classical elegance" and "noble elegance", "leisure elegance", "healthy elegance".


9、B: It is elegant, sporty, and high tech.


10、Simplicity, elegance and effectiveness.


11、This kind tonal beautiful beautiful decorous , luxurious air.


12、Xx is the highest mountain in the world.


13、And the development of elegant Luzhou-flavor liquor should display the charm of elegance.


14、Act with some elegance and refinement here.


15、You look graceful with this pearl necklace.


16、She behaves elegantly , talks culturedly, tempers decently, and connotes abundantly.


17、Singer, Actress, Proactiv user for

7 yrs.


18、Works of taste can refine the mind.


19、Watch the trailer in High Definition on Yahoo.


20、Flower arrangement is an elegant art.

21、What is the Coles Myer Ethical Sourcing Code?什么是高斯美雅的采购准则?

22、It's a very mannered, decorous language.是一种非常礼貌且高雅的语言。

23、她举止端庄,谈吐优雅,气质高雅,内涵丰富 She is of noble bearing,soft talking,elegant manners and profound in mind.

24、Noble humanistic care, elegant operating environment, high-target service quality, high-end educational platform.高尚的人文关怀,高雅的活动环境,高标的服务品质,高端的教育平台。

25、China's sandalwood fans gives off a sweet fragrance.中国的檀香扇香气高雅。

英文句子26:,26、The most dynamic international hotel group operating in China, holds its annual World of Accor trade expo in Shanghai at Sofitel Hyland Shanghai.中国最具活力的国际酒店集团——法国雅高集团在上海索菲特海仑宾馆举行其年度“雅高世界巡礼”。

27、High Machiavellianism group's cooperation degree was lower than low Machiavellianism group.高马基雅维里主义者合作行为的水平显著低于低马基雅维里主义者。

28、Welcome to call Gaoyashi furniture Co. , LTD.欢迎致电高仕雅家具有限公司。

29、She loved the gracefully high ceiling, with its whitepainted cornice. 她喜欢那雅致的、檐口被漆成白色的高高的天花板。

30、However, the vast majority of Yahoo's customers still go to the portal first, insists Yahoo's senior vice-president for Europe, Rich Riley.然而,雅虎欧洲高级副总裁Rich Riley坚称,大多数雅虎用户仍然会先登录雅虎首页。

31、You look so elegant in that tight dress.你穿那件紧身洋装看起来好高雅。

32、Refinement and elegance of manner; polished courtesy.举止文雅,彬彬有礼举止高雅和文雅;优雅的礼节。

33、And he would aim for certain kinds of elegance in them.他希望从中得到高雅。

34、Or too high-brow?或者说太“高雅”了呢?

35、Athens rose high from the plain.雅典上升,从平原高。

36、Its style sees plainly in the fashion, reveals loftily in the plainness, in loftiness clear bold.其风格于时尚中见质朴,于质朴中显高雅,于高雅中彰奔放。

37、Everywhere is white and glorious, tastefully rich.房间里到处是白色,显得华丽而高雅。

38、High-grade arch-shaped watches produced recently are noble and elegant, and will never wear down.最新高档拱形手表,高贵典雅,水不磨损。

39、QUALITY Brilliant ideas, unattainable, pursuing perfection, strive for Excellent. The products are fine and classic.雅思妙想,高不可攀,致力完美,精益求精,海沐皇电器,高雅精致,一流产品。

40、Tenths pants length, style hair with high heels, was tall and elegant.九分裤的长度,时尚发型搭配高跟鞋,显高又优雅。

41、Decorous evening dress, healthy bull- puncher is installed.高雅的晚礼服,健康的牛仔装。

42、At the Angoulême International Comics Festival 2008, she won the Prix de l'école supérieure del'image.在昂古莱姆国际漫画节xx年,她赢得了法国高等大奖赛德高等德欧莱雅欧莱雅的形象。

43、I want to make something gorgeous, elegant.我要的作品高雅而灿烂。

44、Joanna has natural grace and elegance.乔安娜具有一种天生的高雅气质。

45、Will it be noble and benevolent?是高雅和仁慈吗?

46、He has a good clean sense of humour.他有着高雅而不低俗的幽默感。

47、I would if they were tastefully done.我想如果他们这样做高雅。

48、Our most elegant flower is the golden lily.我们最高雅的花是金色百合。

49、About The Mayans: The indian mayatradition were at its height the year of 200-900 BC.关于马雅:印第安的马雅传说,西元前200-xx年在其高峰时间。

50、Purisdan is deeply loved by elegant people.普利斯丹深受高雅人士的喜爱。

经典英文句子51:高雅,51、A man's demeanor is high and elegant.器宇高雅。

52、Defeated a powerful enemy with graceful poise.用高雅的身姿击败强大的敌人。

53、Himalayas is the world's famous mountain, because it is based in the Himalayas above the base plate of a large plateau above the peak;喜马拉雅山是世界著名的高山,因为它是建立在喜马拉雅山之上, 盘基广大高原之上的一个高峰;

54、Wu Keya gifts School in the ill…吴哲人雅赠<学院派的弊病>高墙学术…

55、Cashmere sweaters are elegant in texture and soft to the touch.羊绒衫,质感高雅,触感柔软。

56、Snow Lotus holy, noble, elegant.雪莲花圣洁、高贵、高雅。

57、She is respectably dressed.她的穿戴很高雅。

58、Toyota Prius: upscale yuppie environmentalist.丰田普锐斯:高端雅皮环保人士。

59、Allegiance Business Consulting is an Accor owned Company and since its founding in 1994, has specialized in the sale and management of Accor Asia Pacific's loyalty program, Accor Advantage Plus.爱利琴商务咨询有限公司是一家雅高集团的下属公司,建于xx年,专注于雅高集团亚太地区忠诚会员项目– 雅高A佳卡的发展和管理。

60、There was an elegant plainness in this small house.这小屋子里有一种高雅的朴素。

61、Himalayan "Teal" Tourmaline has been hand mined at high elevations in the Himalayan Mountain range.喜马拉雅深青色碧玺开采于喜马拉雅山脉的高海拔地区。

62、This may be about to change at hotel company Accor, the parent group of the chains mentioned above.但这种情况也许会在雅高得到改变,雅高集团称。

63、Jin-Lin harbor, decoration grand, elegant style;金麟渔港,装修堂皇,格调高雅;

64、They are of such elegant people.他们就是那种气质非常高雅的人。

65、I like purple, the colour of dignity and grace.我喜欢紫色,高贵而优雅的紫色。

66、All is gracious, gentle, great and queenly .所有的都是高尚、优雅、伟大而无私的!

67、The 这家三星级的雅尔塔酒店高高地坐落于雅尔塔市的美丽的马桑德拉公园里,面朝大海。

3 star Yalta Hotel is situated high above the town of Yalta, facing the sea and located in the beautiful Massandra park.

68、The book is beautifully printed and artistically bound.这本书印刷精美, 装帧高雅。

69、Sublimity means being at a high milieu, noble quality, elegant style and products of high quality.高——高阔境界、高尚品质、高雅格调、高端产品;

70、来点高雅的,比如说I'll treat you all to a little

71、Mahalia Jackson beltd out a gospel tune.玛哈丽雅杰克逊高声唱出了福音调。


标签: 英文

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