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1、A compiler translates a programming language to machine language.


2、Foreign language anxiety is significantly negatively correlated with English performance, while cognitive style is not related to English performance.


3、I have taken a French reading course that was instructed in English. It feels good…

在国外,作为关于儿童口语语料库建设最成熟的研究成果― CHILDES ,共收录了6个中国儿童口语语料库。

4、CHILDES, as the most mature achievement of international child spoken corpora research, includes

6 spoken corpuses of Chinese children.


5、Question:Do the idioms of Chinese all originate from stories?


6、Japanese language includes the categories of idioms of both "Chinese style" and "Japanese style", which are generally summarized in the entries of "conjunction" in dictionaries.

他将一本拉丁语的书翻译成英 语。

7、He translated a Latin book into English.


8、Do not use idioms.


9、Introduce the history and background of speech synthesis and the current research work in Chinese speech synthesis and the prosodic rules.


10、Twin words in English are a special kind of idiom.


11、CRI foreign journalist interview team consists of many journalists who use the language of English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, French, German, Thai, Czech, and Chinese and so on.


12、To work out the derivation of the definite article and other elements it co-occurs in DP phase, data from English, Norwegian, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian are taken into account.


13、He translated a Latin book into English.


14、Anderson: Through two interpreters: One of them translated from English to the T'boli language and the other from T'boli to Tasaday.


15、On the basis of structure and compounding, Russian idiom can be classified into three types:syncretic idioms, comprehensive idioms and compounding idioms.


16、Each primitive consists of two parts: its syntax and its semantics.


17、The semantic compositions of words, semantic field and motivations of words have their national cultural features.


18、The word "please" can form the concurrent structure but not all of them.


19、With the characteristics of semantic unity and structural fixedness, English words in pairs are usually regarded as the result of conventions.


20、By far, almost every phrase and idioms could be punned.

21、What is happening here is that to translate say French text into German, the French is first translated to a language the computer understands and can work with.这里,我们要介绍的是由法语转换成德语的故事。 法语是第一个成功转换成计算机能够理解并且可以进行互译的语言。

22、Word Wise is a dictionary of idioms, which are among the most common figures of speech.《言语明了》是一本成语词典, 成语是最普通的修辞格。

23、Derivational morphemes are used to derive new words when they are added to another morpheme. In English derivatives and compounds are all formed by such morphemes .派生语素附着于其它语素可派生出新词。英语中派生词和合成词都是由这样的语素构成的。

24、Logophile, for instance: “A lover of words. Also called philologue, philologer.”比如,Logophile说:“语言的爱人,也可以成为philologue(语言学家) philologer(语言学)。”

25、Chinese EFL learners; attributional types; expectancy for future success; English learning achievement;中国英语学习者;归因类型;未来成功期望值;英语学习成就;

英文句子26:,26、Big deal. You can use an idiom to interpret a colloquialism.可以呀。会用成语解释口语了。

27、Much grammatical knowledge in ancient Chinese and modern Chinese is conserved in plentiful idioms.古代汉语和现代汉语中的许多语法知识都凝固、保存在丰富的成语中。

28、Undirected graph dot language-syntax generation无向图 dot 语言语法生成

29、English words in pairs are one of the most important parts of English idioms.英语成对词是英语惯用语的主要组成部分之

30、Finally, syntax.最后一个成分是语法

31、ChenDo, Want to seek an international friend study oral English!成都,想找国际友人学习英语口语!

32、Adopting the biolinguistics approach, generative grammar develops as a part of biolinguistics.生成语法属于生物语言学。

33、Then it points out that generative grammarians hold an internalist view on semantics, which is closely related to its internalist view on language and its insistence on autonomy of syntax.以生成语法的发展阶段为顺序,论述了生成语法自诞生以来对语义态度的变化,并认为生成语法坚持语义内在论,生成语法的语义观与其内在语言观和句法自治论存在内在的联系。

34、Multi-language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Ukrainian and Russian languages are currently supported.目前支持多国语言:英语,德语,西班牙语,法语,意大利语,乌克兰文和俄文写成。

35、So, an English learner might say the word batter as , but a native speaker.因此,英语学习者可能会把batter读成,而一位母语为英语的人则会读成。

36、We must follow these to found the chinese generative semantic theory: the generative semantic theory isn' t etymology;建构汉语语词意义生成理论应首先认识到以下几点:语义生成理论不等于语源学;

37、Speech recognition and synthesis.语音识别与合成。

38、The co-morphemic Chinese idioms are a group of idioms that involve one same morpheme or more in their components.同素成语是组成成分中含有一个或一个以上相同的语素的一组成语。

39、known script, unknown language黑法老王的语言(未知语言写成的已知文稿)

40、So, the final step in the story is syntax.所以语言的最后一个成分便是语法了

41、Russian Idioms by Professor Ding Xin summarizes his years of study in this respect.《俄语成语研究》是丁昕教授的又一力作,是他多年来在成语研究方面的成果总结。

42、From this grammar the tool generates an antlr grammar to do the actual parsing根据语法,工具生成一个antlr语法以完成实际的解析。

43、Furthermore, the program can translate from Japanese to English.此程序可以从日语翻成英语。

44、The inflight announcement will be made in English, Frence, German, Japanese and Chinese.飞机上的广播分成英语、法语、德语、日语及汉语。

45、Originally written in French, the book soon was translated into English, Russian and other languages, attaining international influence.小说以法语写成,很快被译成英语、俄语和其他语言,产生了国际影响。

46、Idiom translation can be classified into two basic categories: dictionary translation and pragmatic translation in literary context.成语翻译一般分成两类:词典翻译和文学语境下的语用翻译。

47、The best translator translates into his/her native language (watch for dialects)提供转换成他/她的母语语言的最佳翻译器(请见语言表)

48、This article talks about puns usage and formation through three aspects: homonymic puns, semantic puns and idiomatic puns.本文拟从三个角度探讨双关语的构成,即:语音双关,语义双关和典故、成语双。

49、In this class, you will hear some stories, study the idioms with illustrations in the book, and do some exercises. Hopefully you could apply these idioms into your daily life.汉语成语课上,你会听到一些成语故事,配合书上的图画直观地学习,然后做练习,相信你可以把学到的成语应用在生活中去。

50、Therefore, to make sure the scope of the idiom, to make a clear distinction with other familiar languages, especially with locution, became the core problem to decide the idiom.因此,确定成语的范围,划清它与其他熟语,特别是与惯用语的界限,成为判定成语的关键。

经典英文句子51:成语,51、There are many English idioms that cannot be rendered into other languages.有许多英语的惯用语不能译成别国语言。

52、These rules comprise the grammar of a language.这些规则组成了语言的语法体系。

53、Math, English, and Chinese achievements each had positive effects on the matching domain-specific self-concept;语文成绩对语文自我概念、数学成绩对数学自我概念、英语成绩对英语自我概念均有正面影响;

54、As Chinese four-character idioms are mostly symmetrical in form and embody the aesthetical function, they pose great difficulty to translation.与谚语、俚语等不同,汉语四字成语更以其对仗工整,音韵对称的美学功能和修辞特点而成为翻译中的一个难点。



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