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关于”国庆节“的英语句子26个,句子主体:National Day。以下是关于国庆节的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:National Day


1、During the National Day, there is an atmosphere of peace and happiness across the entire width and breadth of China.

全越南的花贩正忙着卖花束给顾客,准备庆祝今天的 国际妇女节。

2、Flower vendors throughout the country are busy selling bouquets to customers in preparation for International Women? Day today.


3、Early in the morning of National Day, I got up to catch the first bus to the zoo.


4、For a real taste of European holiday traditions, don't miss out on Germany's many Christmas markets.


5、According to past practices, China will invite foreign diplomats to attend the relevant National Day activities but will not particularly invite foreign political leaders.


6、Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide by Irish people and increasingly by many of non-Irish descent.


7、Bastille Day celebrations erupt in every French city, town, and hamlet9, and among French expatriates10 as well.


8、October 28, Chongqing Qijiang County students participated in the second session of relaxation in Chongqing, China Qijiang farmers Graphic Arts Festival "farmers live Contest prints."


9、Now it is a tradition to celebrate Chinese Valentine's Day once a year on July 7th of the lunar calender .


10、Her face relaxed into a happy smile.


11、Yes, it wiil be rather crowded to travel China during the China national day holiday, I advise you change your travel plan.


12、Yeah, it's really festive around the holidays.


13、After National Day, the school shall organize the teachers to tutor the students' English opportunely .


14、The weeklong National Day Holiday, one of the two longest holidays in China, has become the most popular time for weddings.


15、6 to

10 October, Guangrao County, Shandong Province, was held to "celebrate the occasion, welcoming all transportation, exhibition style" as the theme of the fourth peasant culture and arts festival.


16、Traffic jam caused by the celebration of the Diwali in North India


17、The father replied: "It is the Saturnalia."


18、Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day.

如果要说“庆祝活动”,通常用celebration 这个词。

19、We hold a dragon boat competition to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.


20、JingJing:Does the whole world celebrate it?

21、the birthday of our great motherland. Along with ups and downs, it's beenyears of our mothers, this day, this nation will celebrate the festival at the venue. Early in the morning, we go to school, at school, some students out of bulletin boards and painting; Some do greeting cards, open class meetings with a special theme; Others through diaries, poems and other forms expressed her love for the motherland. National Day holiday, the students have to stay at home with Mom and Dad together, the cruise sites, the great cultural experience. Shop at the door with balloons and colorful flags, red, yellow and green : : permeated with an atmosphere of jubilation. Everybody inside, in the original discount, launched a series of promotional activities. Street sea, but also rank long car buying service, the fight must wait long periods. Scenic visitors like long, countless men, women and children in which to do that people have been taking advantage of the festive play out. Almost no empty parking places, restaurants, hotels, the revenue will be substantial. 一大清早,我们便到了学校,在学校里,同学们有的出黑板报、画画;

22、Along with the start of Christmas, the Jewish festival of Hanukkah begins and is celebrated for the very first time at the Great Wall of China.随着圣诞的开始,犹太的光明节也到来了,并且首次在中国的长城庆祝他们的节日。

23、China: Drought Changes Yunnan's Songkran Water Festival .干旱致使云南无法庆祝泼水节。

24、Recently, a growing number of Chinese youngsters prefer to take part in various activities to celebrate western festivals.最近,越来越多的中国青年喜欢以各种活动庆祝洋节。

25、Ham is the main meal in the Philippines, while in Germany, France and Austria, goose and pork are favored.菲律宾人庆祝圣诞节主要吃火腿,而在德国、法国和奥地利,鹅肉和猪肉是人们最喜爱的菜肴。

英文句子26:,26、Chinese celebrate Christmas each yr. too. What does it actually mean to them anyway? What's the exact difference between Chinese and westerners in this holiday?中国人现在每年也庆祝圣诞节。这种活动意味着什么呢?这个节日对中国人和西方人的实际区别是什么?

27、A: According to past practices, China will invite foreign diplomats to attend the relevant National Day activities but will not particularly invite foreign political leaders.答:中方将按以往惯例,邀请驻华使节出席国庆有关活动,不专门邀请外国政要。

28、Pongal is a popular harvest festival in South India. Named after a sweet rice dish, Pongal starts on January 庞格尔节是风靡南印度庆祝丰收的节日。庞格尔节的名称来自一种甜米食物,并每年元月xx日开始庆祝。

14 of each year.

29、The colorful festival of Holi is celebrated by different names in this vast and culturally diverse country.胡里节,在这个幅员辽阔的多元文化国度里,色彩缤纷的胡里节被冠以不同的名称加以庆祝。

30、"Protecting the forest and creating a green world" being the eternal theme, this festival is the only non-profit festival activity with the subject of forest protection across the country.张家界国际森保节是我国目前唯一以森林保护为主题的公益性节庆活动。“地球呼唤绿色,人类渴望森林”是森保节的永恒主题。

31、When I was on holiday especially on National Day they would just shut the subway down on random days. That is the only thing that really annoys me.有时候节假日,特别是国庆节,忽然某天地铁就中止开放。这是独一让我恼火的事情。

32、Therefore, may infer, at present signs before having the very big part is Fang Yuan who the National Day, accumulates .所以,可以推断,目前所签的有很大一部份是国庆节前积累的房源,。

33、I am happy to see you again after the happy and busy National Day Holiday.相信大家度过了一个愉快而又繁忙的国庆节假期,我很高兴回来跟大家见面。

34、Lydia:No, the Loi Krathong Festival is the second largest event after the SongKran Festival!不,水灯节是仅次于泼水节第二大的节庆喔!

35、Let's gather some flowers for the festival!让我们为庆祝节日采些花吧!

36、Italy's main festivals are Christmas, Epiphany and Easter. It's said that Italy Viareggio and Nice(France) are considered as the two largest centres of European carnival.意大利的主要节庆有圣诞节、主显节、复活节,据说意大利中部的濒海城市维亚雷与法国的尼斯并列为欧洲狂欢节活动的两大中心。

37、On the occasion of China's National Day, I wish our great motherland will never prosper, to the best of luck, healthy life with you!值此国庆佳节,祝愿我们伟大的祖国永远繁荣昌盛,也愿好运、健康伴你一生!

38、The weekend of the National Holiday, I went to Florida and had a happy time. Ji Hong, Liu Zhenguo.国庆节的那个周末,我和季红、刘振国、潘毅几个朋友乘小汽车到达佛罗里达州,在那里玩得很痛快。

39、It's Saturday afternoon, and the streets around Tokyo's Sumo Stadium have been closed off for a festival celebrating everything about the sport.现在是周六下午,东京两国国技馆附近的街道已经为了一个庆祝这项运动的节日而封锁。

40、Mumbai celebrating Lord Ganesh Festival in 2008.印度孟买在xx年的象神节庆祝。

41、Binyang firecracker dragon festival was called"Chinese carnival", for many years as a folk activities welcomed by people deeply.这个被喻为“中国式狂欢节”的节庆活动,多年来作为民俗、民间文化活动深受宾阳县广大群众的喜爱和欢迎。

42、Every August, the people of Stockholm celebrate summer’s long days and warm waters by hosting one of Europe’s biggest festivals, the Water Festival.每年xx月为庆祝夏日与温暖水源,在此举行欧洲最大节庆之


43、The railway ministry said it added 282 train services to cope with the surging passenger flow during the holiday.铁道部表示已增加282趟列车来配合国庆节期间高涨的客流。

44、Along with ups and downs, it's beenyears of our mothers, this day, this nation will celebrate the festival at the venue. 伴随着风风雨雨,我们的母亲祖国已经61周岁了,这一天,举国上下都在欢度庆祝这一节日。

45、I wish Fossett will be busy in the letter, the National Day when you send and distant.我将满满的祝福塞在信里,在国庆节之际,寄与远方的您。

46、On the occasion of Dhina's National Day, I wish our great motherland will never prosper, to the best of luck, healthy life with you!值此国庆佳节,祝愿我们伟大的祖国永远繁荣昌盛,也愿好运、健康伴你一生!

47、China's first gold ATM will start operating during the Chinese National Day holidays, and will dispense blocks of gold in different sizes.中国第一台黄金ATM机将在国庆节期间投入使用,它将为人们提供各种不同型号的金条。

48、I wish I was blessed streams, flows quietly in the hearts of friends, must not continuous;我愿我的国庆节祝福语是小溪,悄悄地流淌在朋友的心上,绵绵不绝;

49、The ancient Babylonians celebrated it by forcing their king to give up his crown and royal clothing.古巴比伦人以强迫国王摘下皇冠、脱下王服的方式来庆祝节日。

50、Chinese Alibaba Group is introducing virtual reality shopping experience to celebrate its 中国的阿里巴巴集团正在引入虚拟现实购物体验来庆祝它的双十一购物节。

11.11 shopping festival.

经典英文句子51:国庆节,51、In National Days, I went to the beach with my parents. The sun was so shining and the sea was so beautiful.在国庆节,我和我的父母去了沙滩,阳光很明亮,大海很美丽。

52、That’s where the festival is held.那里是举行节庆的地方。


标签: 国庆

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