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关于”正在进行时态“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Ongoing Tense。以下是关于正在进行时态的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Ongoing Tense

每次在将充电状态数据存储到非易失性 存储器中时,对所述充电状态数据进行一次计数。

1、The charged state data is counted each time it is stored in the nonvolatile memory.


2、Impulse excitation and sine stable sweeping tests of local bending modes of the frame columns were conducted.


3、Gets the address at which the thread was executing code at the time the process was stopped for debugging.


4、In the initial state, no process is assigned to the program. The process is in the idle state.


5、We rarely want an activity to stop immediately; program data structures could be left in an inconsistent state if the activity were canceled mid-update.


6、At the moment, I’m quarrelling with Sweden’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.


7、Other authentication issues revolve around timing such as when client impersonation comes into play.


8、She is under treatment.


9、He condones eco-activism but only if done with the right motives


10、It can be used to provide attitude of GPS-Buoy in Under-water Positioning System which used to calibrate the coordinates of GPS antenna center.


11、Rescue efforts are underway.

我们来到公社时, 麦收工作正在紧张进行。

12、Wheat harvesting was steaming ahead when we came to the commune.


13、Use active voice, present tense.


14、The active activity states are: running, waiting, ready, claimed, and stopped.


15、A male patient is avoiding open criticism of the male therapist but behaving in a hostile manner.

继续下一步,执行 cat /proc/mdstat 命令,以 检查正在进行的 RAID-1 重构的状态。

16、Go ahead and cat /proc/mdstat to check the status of the RAID-1 reconstruction that's now in progress (see Listing


机器人 0 正在进行搜索。

17、Robot 0 is searching.


18、Inside the main room, four combatants were staging two separate duels , ramping up the speeds of their attacks and parries as they progressed.


19、Fuel dump is in progress.


20、Miyazaki had been planning a semi-secret project, but is now directing Howl's Moving Castle.

21、进行大扫除 The house has been given a thorough cleaning. (这房子正在进行大扫除。

22、This kind of DMO correction can be performed before or after NMO correction.这种叠前部分偏移的DMO校正可以在动校正之后进行,也可在动校正之前进行。

23、Non-mormality is a very popular problem in time series data.在处理时间序列数据时,很关注正态分布吗?

24、The newborn's mother was on a flight from Tripoli, Libya, to Niamey, Niger, when she started going into labor.当时,这位母亲正打算从利比亚的黎波里飞往到尼日尔的尼亚美,而就在飞行过程中,她开始进入分娩状态。

25、The results from scale model show that, in normal operation (water depth over 通过物理模型验证表明,正常运行时进口流态平顺,各流道进流均匀。

1.45m), the flow are both smooth in the inlet and conduit.

英文句子26:,26、Clutch on the car in normal driving, is in a close bonding state, the clutch should not slip.汽车上的离合器在正常行车时,是处在紧密接合状态,离合器应无滑转。

27、The test is Wednesday the 29th, and it will be written during the normal class time.测试是在周三29号,并且在正常上课时间进行。

28、A dynamic spinal stiffness assessment being conducted over the L4 spinous process using a modified spinal manipulation device.脊柱的动态刚度评估正在进行腰椎棘突设备在使用过程中修改脊柱推拿。

29、Therefore, cellulose is crosslinked when it is dry so that it will have crease recovery or crease retention properties under normal use.因此,纤维素在干态条件下进行交联时,在正常使用条件下,织物会具有折皱回复性和褶皱保持性。

30、Static and dynamic qualification address Web service selection and the on-going relationship between service providers and consumers.静态和动态鉴定分别针对 Web 服务选择以及在服务提供者和消费者之间正在进行的关系。

31、The presentation template used by TeamSite must include relevant JSP custom tags which, when executed in WebSphere Portal, can create the right dynamic links.TeamSite 所使用的表示模板必须包括相关的 JSP自定义标记,在 WebSphere Portal 中进行执行时,这些标记可以创建正确的动态链接。

32、The first, "Mortgage status: Normal " whether to show this room was not undertaken any guaranty?第一,“抵押状态:正常”是否指此房没有被进行任何抵押?

33、The method we provided not only made a four-legged robot to avoid unstable situation when it used straight gait to turn but also adjusted the deviation of the robot when it's walking.本文提出的方法不但能避免四足机械人用直行步态在转弯换脚时可能造成的不稳定状况,进一步更可以应用在修正四足机械人在直线行走时偏移的情形。

34、Timeouts can be configured at different levels, set dynamically through code, changed administratively, and set by clients outside of your domain.超时可在不同的级别上进行配置,通过代码动态设置、从管理角度上更改、由您所在域意外的客户进行设置。

35、Avalokita, the Holy Lord and Bodhisattva, was moving in the deep course of the Wisdom which has gone beyond.观自在!这位神圣的尊者与菩萨,正在进入超越的智慧的甚深修行状态之中。

36、My hometown is on the Loess Plateau, where the vast ecological rehabilitation project mentioned in the article is taking place. In parts of the area, people have been relocated for ecological reasons.我的家乡就在黄土高原,那里正在进行一场正如文章中所提到的生态恢复的浩大工程,部分地区还采取了生态移民的措施。

37、When because this is of Grain Rain season, undertaking.因为这是谷雨时节的正在进行时。

38、This is an aqueous process, and is sometimes done under pressure at the boil.这是一个液态加工过程,煮练有时是在压力和煮沸条件下进行的。

39、TASK_TRACED: A process arrives at this state while it is being monitored by other processes such as debuggers.TASK_TRACED:正被调试程序等其他进程监控时,进程将进入这种状态。

40、We have this great thing going.我们正在进行这样的行动。

41、During this weekly review, you’ll update the workplan with the current state of work that is completed and in progress.在每周一次的回顾中,你要在项目计划中更新已经完成以及正在进行的工作的当前状态。

42、Have you ever wanted to compare previous versions of a value to the current value dynamically at runtime?您有没有想过在运行时间将先前版本的值与当前的值动态地进行比较?

43、Consultations are under way.正在进行磋商。

44、Right. -So I would say we were back now to the ordinary, the ongoing cultural war.所以,我认为我们现在回到了,正常状态,回到了不断进行的文化论战中。

45、Your researchers are now conducting experiments demonstrating that Life is a form of inter-dimensional Light.你们的研究者现在正在进行实验证明生命是一种互联维度光的形态。

46、My mother is cooking while my father is drinking water.当我爸爸正在喝水时,我妈妈正在做饭

47、The definition of load average is complex and driven by the status of the processes that are executing.平均负载的定义比较复杂,并且受到正在执行的进程的状态影响。

48、You will need your physical energy as the shift gets underway, so don't fritter it away it on unimportant activities.你同样需要良好的身体状态去应对这正在进行中的转变,所以不要浪费时间在那些不重要的活动上。

49、Is your operations team manually performing tasks that should be automated, wasting time and money?您的运作团队是否正在费时费钱地手动进行那些应该自动进行的任务?

50、This article proposes two modes of qualifying Web services: statically for initial selection and then dynamically as part of the on-going provider/consumer relationship.本文提出了两种对 Web 服务进行鉴定的方式:对初始化选择进行静态鉴定,然后对正在进行的提供者/消费者关系进行动态鉴定。

经典英文句子51:正在进行时态,51、Microsoft has announced that they are building an extension to the Common Language Runtime called the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).微软刚刚宣布他们正在为公共语言运行时构建一个新的扩展,成为动态语言运行时(Dynamic Language Runtime,DLR)。

52、A decision to deploy for static execution obtains the universal benefits of static SQL: security, performance, monitoring, and pre-runtime optimization选择针对静态执行进行部署可以获得静态 SQL 的全部好处:安全、性能、监控和预运行时优化。

53、State matrix is diagonalized according to the orthonormality of left and right eigenvector series about the state matrix.最后根据状态矩阵的左右特征向量系的正交性,对给出的状态矩阵进行对角化。

54、I think that I have positive feeling toward "mobile phone as a purchasing channel".我想,我对于”使用手机进行购物” 是持正面的态度的。

55、Instead, he was shooed away by the implacable clone troopers, who told him a Jedi rebellion was afoot.但那些态度不友好的克隆人士兵告诉他绝地正在进行叛乱,然后赶他离开。

56、Much of the Foundation’s work is a matter of timing, coming onto the stage at the right time.基金会的许多工作就是时间问题,就是要在正确的时间进入状态。

57、Here, the HMM is employed to produce a best speech state sequence which is warped to a fixed dimension vector and the RBF neural network is used as classifier.该方法首先利用HMM生成最佳语音状态序列,然后用函数逼近技术产生对最佳状态序列进行时间规正,最后通过RBF神经网络进行分类识别。

58、We can view selectors as methods which themselves are not dynamically linked but still behave like polymorphic functions because they let dynamically linked functions do their real work.我们可以认为选择器是不动态链接但仍然被认为行为类似多态函数的方法,这是因为他们是在真正工作的时候才进行动态链接。

59、To "reconstitute" means that the process has become ongoing and implicitly functions in respects in which it previously was not ongoing.“重建”意味着过程正在进入进行的状态,在这些方面,暗在功能在此之前还没有发生。

60、Ring counters should be always preset because without presetting their operation is undermined.环形计数器必须进行预置,否则其工作状态是不正确的。

61、The taking-over tests shall be carried out during normal working hours.验收 测试 应在正常工作时间内进行。

62、Lastly, ANN is adopted to correct the transition state energy for hydroamination reaction.最后,采用ANN方法对氢胺化反应过渡态能量进行校正。

63、When the existed dynamic bit rate allocation algorithms is working, the video data bit rate and the audio data bit rate are changed.已有的动态速率调整算法在进行动态速率调整时,音、视频的位速率都要改变。

64、Intensified to the nature of human conduct destructive looting when an unprecedented ecological crisis is taking shape.在人类变本加厉地对大自然进行毁灭性掠夺的时候,一场前所未有的生态危机正在形成。

65、Ecological studies are in progress to identify the natural reservoir of both Marburg and Ebola.确定导致马尔堡与埃博拉病毒宿主的生态学研究正在进行中。

66、Now I'll ask five groups to act out the dialogs about the five pictures. Who wants to act out your dialog?请五组学生分别表演这五幅图的对话练习,用正确的现在进行时态填空。

67、I (was doing )(do) my homework at eleven last night. you( are kidding)(kid) us.第二个空,用现在进行时,意思是你现在正在逗我们玩。

68、And the establishment's seal of approval for photography has been renewed in two current museum exhibitions.在正在进行的两个博物馆展览上,策展方对摄影的认可态度已经耳目一新。

69、Implications of local adaptation and some affecting evolutionary factors, such as selection and gene flow, were also discussed.在进行生态恢复时也要考虑局部适应,对影响种群局部适应的因素(如选择和基因流)也进行了分析。

70、Background parity check in progress.正在进行后台奇偶校验。

71、When we entered, the Mass was in process. I immediately knew why we were there.当我们进入时,弥撒正在进行中,我立刻知道我们为什麽会在那里。

72、Social structure requires that things be done to maintain it, some of which involve negative attitudes toward others.社会结构要求我们继续做正在进行的事,其中包括对他人的消极态度。

73、During the third week of treatment, he developed status epilepticusandprogressive abdominal distention simultaneously.在治疗的第二个星期,他出现癫癎持续状态同时有腹部进行性膨胀。

74、Volume of on-going business: planned executive state is going on.正在执行业务量:计划执行状态为正在执行的业务量。

75、The work is going on smoothly.工作正在顺利进行。

英文句子模板76:Ongoing Tense,76、Viewing the state of your running flow instances.查看正在运行的流实例的状态。

77、那要结合上下文语境,人称,以及时态之类的,如果是我正在喝酒时,大概可以翻译成“When I was drinking wine" ,你得提供准确的语境才行的。

78、This indicates that the sensitivity of force sensor should be modified in the high frequency range.这表明,在较高频带上进行实验时,力传感器的灵敏度有必要进行适当修正。

79、This selected works takes to set up Jianan and Zhengshi with just start two period, carry on the study to the writer's officials as a class mindset and its poem text.本文选取建安与正始两个时期,对文人仕宦心态及其诗文进行探讨。

80、How many generators are in use when in normal sailing? When entering and leaving port, how many?在正常航行时用几台发电机?在进出港时用几台?



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