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10 Descriptions of Spring。

英文句子模板1:10 Descriptions of Spring



10, 000, 000 people have the same birthday as you.

10 000 000个人和你是同一天生日。


2、The computers merge the data to produce a high-resolution picture of a 10-degree patch of sky centered near the North Star.

在已编写的代码的基础上,创建一个错误检查函数,如 清单

3、Create an error-check function based on the code you've already written, as shown in Listing


10 所示。


4、A scan later confirmed their diagnosis that he suffered a hamstring tear in his right leg. Fernando is expected to be out for approximately

10 days.


5、Last month, a Beijing University student was offering

1,000 yuan ($125) to potential "girlfriends" if they would rent themselves to him for

10 days during Spring Festival to impress his parents.


6、I spend

10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a net bug.


7、Last month, a Beijing University student was offering

1, 000 yuan ($125) to potential "girlfriends" if they would rent themselves to him for

10 days during Spring Festival to impress his parents.


8、This part of the weather forecast application displays the 10-day forecast for a given city within the state.

10 天的天气预报。


9、The mixed-use period is limited in

10 days which to ensure the activity.


10、Using the data, they found evidence of

10 Jupiter-sized objects with no parent star detected within

10 Astronomical Units (AU).


11、ScanDisk has restarted

10 times because Windows or another program has been writing to this drive.

10 次,因为 Windows 或另一个程式正写入此磁碟。

A 10-day display and sale opened yesterday.



13、One day all

10 suns appeared at once,scorching the planet with their heat.


14、As for mission duration under powered space flight, Deep Space

1 gets to keep that record for another few months until Dawn eclipses that record as well on August


可以利用泛型重写清单 10


14. Listing

10 can be rewritten to take advantage of generics


16、With these

10 tools, you might just be able to rock that test tomorrow.


17、Today, I learnt that I have a 10-page dissertation due in three hours.


18、On days two and three, run

10 minutes, walk

3, run

10 for 23 total.


19、At age


10 to

11 hours are needed.

张一春。 微课建设研究与思考[J]。 中国教育网络。 2013(

20、Zhang Yichun. Micro lesson construction research and thinking [J]. China education network. 2013 (



21、Last spring, admissions readers came across a student whose SAT score was lower than 去年春天,阅读招生信息的读者发现有一个学生的SAT(学术能力测验)成绩低于1200分,而且她也不在班里的前10%之列。

1,200 and who did not rank in the top 10% of her class.

22、Everyone should spend 10-50minutes a day working out.每个人每天都需要花10-50分钟锻炼。

23、First write down 先写下十个blog的话题看看如何。

10 blog posts off-line and see how you are doing.

24、It's urgent, it must be there by 这个很紧急,明天早上10点之前必须要到!

10:00a. m. tomorrow!

25、I bought my first batch of 我买了我的第一批10个樱花虾及虾,其余10天野是历史。

10 cherry shrimp and

10 amano shrimp and rest is history.

英文句子26:,26、For instance, a top-10 list of entries might only be valid for 例如,一个前

10 days after it is published.

10 项列表可能只在它发布后的

10 天之内有效。

27、An ability to re-order activities and work on the activity grid , as well as a cutting down of the activities spaces from 添加一个能够把活动和工作重写排列的功能,另外把12个活动压缩成10个活动。

12 to

10 .

28、The heavy-weight trucks have caused the collapse of the motorway bridge leading to a delay of about 因公路桥被重型货车压断,建校舍工程延后约10天,现已回复正常运材料。预计整个工程将在春节前完工。

10 days in the school building project.

29、On lunch duty each day, she notices 每天午餐时,她都注意到有10个女生不吃东西。

10 girls who eat nothing.

30、I spend 我每天都要在网吧里呆上10个小时,是个不折不扣的网虫。

10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a netter.

31、YANG was released after 他在进入拘留所时,填写并签署了一张登记表,上面的写着行政拘留十天。

10 days, the allotted time that was stated on his detention center admission form.

32、A programmer spends about 10-20% of his time writing code, and most programmers write about 10-12 lines of code per day that goes into the final product, regardless of their skill level.◐程序员编码的时间仅占整个项目的10-20%,不管他们技术多高超,绝大多数程序员每天所写的代码仅有10-12行最终会纳入到最后发布的产品中。

33、Ms. Cheung: We have eight to 张婉婷:我们有八到十个已经写好的剧本。

10 scripts fully written.

34、I launched OhBoard, my little whiteboarding app, in 我花了10天时间开发了OhBorad,这个小巧的白板应用。

10 days.

35、A 10-day display and sale opened yesterday.为期10天的展销会于昨天开始。

36、You may return it within 您便可于10天个工作日内退回货件以作交换。

10 working days for exchange.

37、They detected evidence of 他们发现了10个木星体积的星体存在的证据,并且在10个天文学单位(天文学单位是一个长度单位,约为地球到太阳的平均距离)以内没有发现相对应的恒星。

10 Jupiter-sized objects with no parent star found within

10 Astronomical Units (AU). One AU is equivalent to the distance between our Earth and Sun.

38、If you are hard-pushed thinking of 如果你很难想出十个,那就写五个也行。

10, go for five instead.

39、It’s a 10- to15-hour day, late nights, early mornings.这一行很辛苦,每天要做10到15个小时,有时忙到深夜,第二天一大早又得开始。

40、Everyday for 1-2 times, each time for 30-45minutes, 高能生物离子治疗仪每天治疗1-2次,每次30- 45分钟,10天为一个疗程。

10 days for a treatment. course.

41、*10^-19 That is 。,然后我又写了焦耳。

1.6 times

10 to the minus

19 and I write joules.

42、Suppose, for instance, that I want the non-incremental, ordered movie queue illustrated above to expire 例如,假设我想要上面描述的非增量且排好序的电影队列在其发布之后

10 days (864,000,000 milliseconds) after it was published.

10 天(864,000,000 毫秒)后过期。

43、For example, with this article I brainstormed a good headline, and I then wrote down the 例如,写这篇文章时候我灵光一闪想出一个好的标题,然后我列出能让你加倍写作速度翻倍的10个方法。

10 different ways that you can double the speed of your writing.

44、I end 我每天都要在网吧里呆上10个小时,是个不折不扣的网虫。

10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a net bug .

45、Her follow-up bone scan 术后10个月病患的追踪骨骼扫描发现右前腹壁有异常显影。

10 months later demonstrated an area of (superscript 99m)Tc-methylene diphosphonate (MDP) uptake in the right anterior abdominal wall.

46、Because every president has more things than can possibly done by any 因为每个总统每天要做的事,比10个人能做的,还要多。

10 people in a day.

47、For this project you need to write 对于这个项目,你需要写在五周原,合格10篇(400至600字)。

10 original and qualified articles (400 to 600 characters) in five weeks.

48、In addition, each student will write a longer 10-12 pp. essay (30%) on a topic of your choosing.另外,每个学生要写一篇较长的10~12页论文(30%),题目自定。

49、She writes that in that meeting, 她写道,通过这次会面,xx年零10个月的痛苦远去了。

16 years and

10 months of misery was just wiped away.

50、So, if we added an extra five statements or parameters to each element, we’d rate each on a 10-point scale.所以,如果我们为每个元素添加额外的五个描述或参数,我们就会使用10分的尺度范围来打分。

经典英文句子51:10个描写春天,51、They send or receive no more than 他们收/发

10 messages/day (including Internet mail), evenly distributed throughout the day.

10 个以下的消息/天(包括 Internet 邮件),均匀分布在一天中。

52、More precisely, he’s 更精确地表达是,他比我大xx岁11个月零10天。

19 years,

11 months and

10 days older than me.

53、The spring ice thaw in the Northern Hemisphere happens 北半球春天冰雪开始化的时间比xx年提早了9舔,而深秋的第一次结冰却在10天之后。

9 days earlier than it did 150 years ago, and the first freeze of autumn happen

10 days later.

54、10^-19 That is 然后我又写了焦耳。

1.6 times

10 to the minus

19 and I write joules.

55、To start a business officially there takes 92 days and 在东帝汶正式开办一个企业需要92 天和

10 procedures.

10 道手续。

56、He publicizes 他每天宣传10个广告,每月获得10万元的报酬。

10 ads everyday, and get paid over 100 thousand yuan a month.



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