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关于”介绍家人“的英语句子33个,句子主体:Introducing family。以下是关于介绍家人的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Introducing family


1、When the swallows ready to go, record boss Pershing came in, flat introduced two people know each other.


2、I' m afraid I did you a bad turn when I introduced you to the Johnsons.


3、I thanked the man for his information, and late at night strolled homewards .


4、The first chapter introduces Yang Sichang's life and his family;

I’ve been doing some work through a temp-agency though.



6、If someone introduces you, that automatically focuses the attention on you.


7、In chapter one , we mainly introduce the appearance of Mohist School's education.


8、Let me introduce him, ok?


9、Could you introduce some famous British musicians?


10、He introduced me to his housekeeper.


11、One night a blushing, stammering young man of letters was introduced to him.


12、But I first must to everybody introduction be actually amCangshan.


13、Having outlined the subject of this series, let's introduce ourselves to the exciting world of benchmarking with PHP. Let's get going!


14、Please allow me to introduce Mr. Wang. President of our company .


15、According to Guo Fu pro-family introduced in 2010 summer, the pro-Guo Fu suffering from chronic rhinitis.


16、And it summarized the development tendency of home enteral nutrition as well.


17、And there are always two introducers present .


18、I first introduce Cangshan to everybody the snow.


19、How do you know these references?


20、She likes reading books and surf the Internet.

21、The first module introduces the player to the setting and the main characters.第一个模组向玩家介绍了设定和主人公。

22、Could you tell me the name of some good restaurants?能不能介绍几家好餐厅给我?

23、If he came home before her guests had left, Caroline would introduce him as poor darling, who's been working so hard.如果他在客人告辞以前回家,卡洛琳会向大家介绍,她可怜的爱人在卖力的工作后返家了。

24、Super Taste brings the best dishes to our viewers through our three discriminating hosts.食尚玩家由三组主持人,把美食介绍给所有挑嘴的老饕。

25、I live in a family,it is really my pleasure我生活在这样一个家庭里,真是我的荣幸!

英文句子26:,26、years old,she likes playing tennis on morning.This is my family,Funny? 我爱我的家庭

27、Covers podiatry treatment costs after referral from a GP.支付由家庭医生介绍的足医师的费用。

28、Men fall in love with women whom they will be proud to introduce to their friends and family.男人爱其引以自豪的女人,他们会向家人和朋友介绍她们。

29、The second one introduces the process of changes of family institutions in Japan and emphansizes that plutocratic family business became corporative enterprizes.第二章介绍了日本家族企业的制度变迁,着重介绍了日本财阀式家族企业向法人企业形态转化的过程及其推进因素;

30、He introduced me to his housekeeper .他把我介绍给他的女管家。

31、Let me introduce the people in our department.请让我介绍财会部人员。

32、"This is my mother, " Ch'ang-pai introduced her.长白介绍道:“这就是家母。”

33、You can introduce someone, e.g. a family member or a friend, by saying: This is my... .你可以这样介绍你的家人或者朋友,This is my...

34、She was introduced into upper society.她经人介绍进入上流社会。

35、The owner of the Domaine BOTT FRERE - Mrs. Nicole BOTT will be present to introduce her wines.酒庄所有人尼科尔·鲍特女士将出席品酒会,并向大家介绍家族生产的精品葡萄酒。

36、Well, I should introduce my hometown, a just a new and one of the certified world culture heritage, Penang, Georgetown.是应该介绍介绍我的家乡,一个刚被列为世界文化遗产的地方-槟城:乔治市。

37、By that time I have the great motherland will be introduced to the Heshan everyone, I have an ancient culture of the motherland will be introduced to everyone.到那时我一定会把祖国的大好河山介绍给大家,我一定会把祖国古老的文化介绍给大家。

38、I'm delighted to welcome Dean Alison Boden.我很高兴地向大家介绍Alison,Boden院长。

39、The second chapter is the biography of the composer.第贰章,则叙写作曲家的生平介绍;

40、Infoflows, its founders say, talked to potential customers and venture capital backers.创始人介绍,Infoflows之后也谈了几家潜在客户和投资人。

41、Now let me introduce my guest.现在让我介绍一下我的客人。

42、years old,she likes playing tennis on morning.This is my family,Funny? 我爱我的家庭,我的爸爸,他是一个医生,他对我非常慈爱,并且他很有趣,我的妈妈是一名英语教师,她总是帮助我的英语,至于我妹妹,她xx岁了,她喜欢在早上玩羽毛球,这就是我的家庭,有趣吧?

43、After the introduction, cousin will bring lesser back home.介绍过后,表哥将小雅带回家里。

44、To guide the tone to introduce people to Dai bamboo house - 以导游的口吻向人们介绍傣家竹楼- 1个回答768次浏览…

1 answer 768 times Browse …

45、The thesis begins with a basic introduction to the three sinologists.本文先介绍三位汉学家的基本情况。

46、I give you our speaker for today.让我向大家介绍今天的演讲者。

47、sweet food. We are ordinary but happy family.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!

48、Introducer: "Your think of the other party how "?介绍人:“你认为对方怎样?”

49、Would you like me to take you around introduce you?现在让我替你向大家作介绍好吗? * take you around and introduce you 是(在派对上)替某人向大家轮流介绍的表达方法。

50、I would like to introduce you to my custom furniture company.我想向您介绍我的定制家具公司。

经典英文句子51:介绍家人,51、Antiquities experts, Tao prototype "five baht" for the rivers.文物专家介绍,陶币“五铢”用作冥币。

52、User can show your photo albums for sharing.用户可于这里介绍你的相簿与大家分享。

53、My mother is a worker.She works in JinKouHe.我妈妈是一名工人.她在金口河上班.

54、I have introduced the customer organization into the course by using different personae.我通过运用不同的人物将这家客户机构介绍到课程中来。

55、The first step was the introductions about experience of "neuron". The brother Wuzhenghua was the first person. He told us what plans were and how to machinate in details.活动第一环节是牛人经验介绍,首先上台的是吴振华师兄,他详细地为大家介绍了“什么是策划”以及“怎样策划”,让大家对策划有了一个初步的认识。

56、I’ve been doing some work through a temp-agency though.但是我通过一家中介公司介绍在做短期工。

57、my grandmother is seventy years old.she is very health.我奶奶xx岁了.她身体健康.

58、Introduction: I am in Nanjing, a network of state-owned enterprises responsible for this one.介绍:本人在南京一家国企负责网络这一块。

59、Covers Osteopathy treatment costs on referral from a GP.支付由家庭医生介绍的整骨师的费用。

60、There are four people in my family.我家里有四口人.

61、Welcome to BeiJing, now let me introduce Beijng to you.欢送到北京,我来介绍北京给大家。

62、I’m good at sports ,I do well in running and swimming.我擅长体育运动,我在跑步和游泳上做得最好.

63、The hostess also gave a brief introduction on the Dai instrument --- the Flute.主持人又给大家介绍了傣族的乐器---葫芦丝。

64、Design a dream house and say it out to your friends.设计一个理想家园,并介绍给朋友听。

65、My father is a driver.He works in Cheng Du.我爸爸是一名司机.他在成都上班.


标签: 介绍 家人

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