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6 sentences。

英文句子模板1:6 sentences

决赛中,他以6-4 6-4 6-2胜过莫里斯·麦克劳克林。

1、In final he was better than Maurice Mclaughlin with 6-4 6-4 6-2.


2、Octyl Methoxycinnamate 6%;


3、Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic cytokine exerting multiple biologic activities on different types of target cells.


4、An edge of a

6 connected graph is said to be 6-contractible if its contraction results still in a

6 connected graph.



6. alg_N_Word subroutine

6. alg_N_Word 子程序



6: Download JDK

6 update

17 (jdk-1.6.0_17).

6:下载 JDK

6 update

17 (jdk-1.6.0_17)。

it’s but the blink of an eye.不管是6个月,xx年或者xx年…那不过是一眨眼的功夫。

7、Whether that’s

6 months,

6 years or 60 …



6. The parameters parameter

6. parameters 参数


9、The ripple with disconnected batteries shall be

6 % or less.

6 %或6%以下。


10、The optimal reaction conditions of synthesizing 6-benzylaminopurine(6-BA) were studied.


11、Six wins,

3 pole positions,

6 fastest laps


12、See Luke




13、Dried Egg Mix is packaged in 6-ounce pouches, equivalent to about

6 eggs each.


14、Scientists have shown that there is a degree of truth in the old adage that Good medicine always tastes bitter.

6. A little wind kindles, much puts out the fire.

一句话: 关注并购后的酷6,未来xx年这家公司可能会有重大的并购举动。

15、Bottom line: Stay tuned to the new Ku6 Media, which could be involved in some major M&A in the next

12 months.


16、That is what you get when you have a 7-6 center against a 6-6 power forward.

Barack Hussein Obama的名字里有18个字母,等于6+6+6,也就是666,懂了吗?

17、Barack Hussein Obama has

18 letters in his name. That's 6+6+6, or 666.



6. The dump_events() function

6. dump_events() 函数



7:6 But now we have been discharged from the law, having died to that in which we were held, so that we serve in newness of spirit and not in oldness of letter.

6 但我们既然在捆我们的律法上死了,现今就脱离了律法,叫我们在灵的新样里服事,不在字句的旧样里。


20、There were 6(6/8) tumors located in lateral ventricular trigone .

21、I happen to love Saturday, June 顺便说一句,我自己喜欢xx月xx日,星期六,所以将那一天圈起来吧。

13, by the way, so circle that date next month in red!

22、Steffi Graf versus Gabriela Sabatini, 1991. Graf wins 6-4, 3-6, 8-6.格拉芙VS萨巴蒂尼,xx年,格拉芙

2:1赢,比分:6-4 3-6 8-6.

23、Oakland university needs every division success 奥克兰大学需要每科成绩

6 minutes above, but composition not under

6 minutes.

6 分以上,但作文不低于

6 分。

24、Disappointed with recent form. Usually most performance around a 6-6-6-6-6 should be ranked here, except for extremely unambitious players.对他最近的表现失望。通常对“6-6-6-6-6”的球员使用,特别是极其没有野心的球员使用更有效;

25、Gold Verse: Ecclesiastes 金句:传道书

11:6 Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not.

11:6 早晨要撒你的种, 晚上也不要歇你的手, 因为你不知道哪一样发旺;

英文句子26:,26、Bjorn Borg versus John McEnroe, 1980. Borg wins 1-6, 7-5, 6-3, 6-7 (伯格VS麦肯罗,xx年,伯格

16), 8-6.

3:2赢,比分:1-6 7-5 6-3 6-7 (

16) 8-6.

27、If there�s 如果是6个电池芯,显然就需要6个新的。

6 cells, you�ll obviously need

6 new ones.

28、See No. 请见以下第6项。

6 below.

29、To accord with actual, if you do not object, I suggest you use 1/6 this brings a score, be about to line instead: "Minutely have one individual death, minutely have one 1/6 person is in be born."为了符合实际,如果您不反对,我建议您使用1/6这个带分数,即将诗句改为:“每分钟都有一个人死亡,每分钟都有一又六分之一人在诞生。”

30、You would be there at 6-6:15?你要6点到


31、Listing 清单

6. Demonstrating FOCAL on a PDP-15


32、Bottom line: Taomee's IPO flop signals a more cautionary investor approach to China Internet IPOs, and could put a big damper on new offerings for the next 3-6 months.一句话: 淘米IPO的失利说明,投资者对中国互联网企业的IPO愈发谨慎,这可能会抑制未来3-6个月的新股发行。

33、Listing 清单

6. Quicksort (Scala version)


34、Level 级别



35、Track 7-6-6: Standards, Investment Tax Credit, Production Tax Credit.分会报告7-6-6:标准,投资抵税,生产税抵减。

36、I also walk out the door wishing I could say, " I look forward to hearing from you in 走出门的那一刹那我却希望自己能说上一句“当你们变得更加实际的时候,” 但是,我还是很有风度地,克制住了。

5 or

6 months when you become more realistic , " but I tastefully refrain.


37、She proved it again by rallying to defeat Francesca Schiavone, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3, on Tuesday.周二,她通过连续对拉3-6, 6-3, 6-3击败弗朗西斯卡斯奇亚沃尼再次证明这点。

38、The train starts at 火车6点10分发车,所以你最好在6点10分之前到达火车站。

6:10, so you had better be at the station by

6:10.(not later than


39、Rafael Nadal versus Roger Federer, 2008. Nadal wins 6-4, 6-4, 6-7 (纳达尔VS费德勒,xx年,纳达尔

5), 6-7 (

8), 9-7.

3:2赢,比分:6-4 6-4 6-7 (

5) 6-7 (

8) 9-7

40、In Listing 在清单

6, the loop is out of a synchronized block, so it can be executed by several threads in parallel.

6 中,循环被移出同步语句,所以它可能由多个线程并行执行。

41、Roddick dominated Dmitry Tursunov, 6-4, 6-4, 6-2 while Blake downed Mikhail Youzhny 6-3, 7-6, 6-7, 7-6.罗迪克战胜德米特里图萨诺夫, 6-4 , 6-4 , 6-2 ,而布雷克击落米哈伊尔扬孜尼6-3 , 7-6 , 6-7 , 7-6 。

42、Resistant mutants were selected with 6-thioguanine (6-TG).抗性突变体用6-巯基鸟嘌呤(6-TG)筛选。

43、In the DB2 procedure example in Table 在表

6, the SIGNAL statement is used to generate a user-defined SQLSTATE and a message that is returned to the caller through the SQLCA.

6 的 DB2 过程示例中,SIGNAL 语句用于生成用户定义的 SQLSTATE 和一条消息,该消息通过 SQLCA 返回给调用方。

44、So carbon 所以碳12,我们知道它有质子数,根据定义,那就是6,而电子数,12减6等于6,所以它有6个中子。

12. We know that it has the proton number, by definition, is

6. And the neutron number,

6 from

12 is

6. So it has

6 protons and

6 neutrons.

45、Data collection occurred during the intervention period at baseline, 资料采集时间分别为治疗期间的基线数据、6周、3个月、6个月及治疗结束6个月后(整xx年)。

6 weeks,

3 and

6 months, and again

6 months following the intervention at

1 year.

46、Psychological Science, 心理科学,

6, 50-55.

6, 50-55。

47、Objective:Preparation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against human herpesvirus 6(HHV-6).目的:制备并鉴定人疱疹病毒6型(HHV-6)单克隆抗体。

48、If I lose 6-3 or 6-4 with one break I accept.如果以一个破发被 6-3或6-4击败,我可以接受。

49、Listing 清单

6. The set_tag() function

6. set_tag() 函数

50、In my example, the calculation is 在我的示例中,计算结果是

1 +

2 +

3 +6 -

6 =


1 +

2 +

3 +6 -

6 =


经典英文句子51:6句,51、The voice came from Jessika - the same little girl who hadn't spoken a coherent sentence in over six months.声音来自杰西卡,那个6个多月未说出一句连贯的话的小女孩。

52、Timothy 提摩太前书

6:6-8 – But godliness with contentment is great gain.

6:6-8 ——6然而敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了。

53、Exhibit 6-6 shows us the factors.图6-6向我们展示了这些因素。

54、For example, 例如,

6 is a perfect number because the factors of

6 (excluding

6 itself) are


2, and

3, and

1 +

2 +

3 =


6 是一个完全数,因为

6 的因子(不包括

6 本身)是

1、2 和 3,而

1 +

2 +

3 =


55、Listing 清单

6. The loadEntries function

6. loadEntries 函数

56、Listing 清单

6: Weather_Service-impl.wsdl

6: Weather_Service-impl.wsdl

57、If the statement is executed 100,000 times, the total execution time is 100,000 x 如果该语句被执行 100,000 次,则总执行时间为 100,000 x

4 ms = 400 seconds =

6 minutes 40 seconds

4 毫秒 = 400 秒 =

6 分 40 秒。

58、Listing 清单

6. The get_image navigation

6. get_image 导航

59、June 每年的xx月xx日是全国爱眼日。

6 is National Eye-Care Day.


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