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1、A poet from Fushun, Liaoning.


2、Shi Jie finally decided to put the work of the city of toys to Zhuo poetry processing, Zhuo poem.


3、9-Scrollsof Kungfu Revelations evolves Kungfu into poetry, and attack into creation.


4、The glamour of poesy is gone.


5、Virgil would go on to be a great epic poet but not until after he had written these pastoral eclogues and then after that, after he had written the georgic poems, only then does he write finally the great epic poem The Aeneid.

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6、Odes by Horace – (Download PDF)


7、Comparing with the other poetry talks literary, Wu Weiye s Mei Cun PoetryTalks show distinctive characteristics.


8、She speaks what Yeats calls in his general title for this group of poems Words for Music Perhaps.

9、A picture is a poem without words. 画为无言诗。


10、This is how Homer prepared himself to be the greatest and the first of all epic poets.


11、"Equal dialogue" is the fundamental principle comparativists must stick to when having a "poetic dialogue".


12、But we have to remember that King himself was a poet, or thought of himself as a poet.


13、Trichotomy of epopee, drama and lyric is not created by Plato, this theory is formed in modern times. The concepts of lyric are different with each other in different times.


14、Antiphon poetry poetize everyday life, and maybe it is their ultimate significant value in literary history.


15、Poem calligraphy and painting India;


16、Oh, can you also write poems?


17、History developed in "the Book of Songs" is also that of the role development of relationship between rites and poetry, Yue.


18、Vacillation." The poem was written following a series of poems called the "Crazy Jane" poems, written as a kind of summary of them, a kind of resolution of the debates that go on in them.


19、In poetry interpretation for decades of years, though Qian Zhongshu proposed that the meaning of a poem was not apparent and unfixed, he did not think it could not be interpreted.


20、"Vacheron Constantin" Watch this;

21、Beginning to write in the early 1990s, the writer has already published dozens of poems, essays and reportage. She is a young member of May Poem Institute in Shaoguan.xx年代初开始业馀文学创作,已在省内报刊发表诗、散文、报告文学数十篇(首),系韶关xx月诗社青年诗人。

22、To Hu, Da Li, Zhen Yuan is also a poet. Hanyang seclusion, try the various governments involved. Poetry volume.于鹄,大历、贞元间诗人也。隐居汉阳,尝为诸府从事。诗一卷。

23、The poetry of signs rests with its expressiveness , and the linguistic expressiveness is where the literary poetry lies.符号的诗意在于其表现性,语言的表现性是文学诗意所在。

24、Fake poets seek poetry from imitating, acting and writing; soon or later, they will end up going astray.假的诗人只想从模仿,做,写中求得诗,所以他们终于是迷途者。

25、This discrepancy is reflected in two aspects: institutionalization of " noumenal hindrance" in poetry and introspective nature of poetry.这种偏差主要表现在诗的理障化和诗的理观化两个方面。

英文句子26:,26、Though not so outstanding among other poets, Zhang's poems enrich the poetry of the Song Dynasty.张诗尽管艺术成就不很突出,但对丰富宋诗内容不无补益。

27、Hlderlin, a mysterious and rarely seen poet, has written some complex poems which are difficult to understand .荷尔德林,作为一位神秘的、罕见的诗人。他的诗作也艰难费解。

28、Poets in the generation of Misty poetry, such as Bei Dao, Jianghe, Yang Lian, we had not talked much.朦胧诗那一代诗人们,如北岛、江河、杨炼等,我们谈得不多。

29、Schiller , German Dramatist and poet).德国剧作家、诗人 席勒.

30、The enigmatic languages in the Book of Odes about the things and words, has hided many secrets. The old interpretation had given of the Book of Odes in wrong explanation, which caused the mistake.诗经婚恋诗中影射事物或文字的隐语,潜藏许多秘辛,又因《诗经》中诸多旧解穿凿附会,造成谬误。

31、The attitude to Homer' s epics directly influenced the poetics of Plato and Aristotle.对荷马史诗的态度与柏拉图和亚理士多德的诗学思想有直接的勾连。

32、Both Fengzhi and Rainer Maria Rilke are poets with the temperament of introspection.冯至与里尔克同为内省型精神气质的诗人,后期创作方向同为主知型诗。

33、Fang Dong-shu s poetical criticism with the text is an obvious character in poetics critical practice.“以文论诗”是方东树诗学思想在批评实践上的一个显著特征。

34、Chinese Peacock Dance By Yang …孔雀舞诗巫华族传统�…

35、The second kind is Yong Huai Poetry;第二类是咏怀诗;

36、The heart of poetry lingers.悠悠文心,殷殷诗胆。

37、The important contribution of "Nine Leaves" poetic school is the unique modernism poetic theory construction.九叶诗派的重要贡献在于建构一套独具特色的现代主义诗学理念。

38、Chtistina Georgina Rossetti. British poetess.英国女诗人罗塞蒂.C.G。

39、Among his poems, those of addressing his friends took a large proportion and many of them involved realistic subjects and exemplified influences of classical Confucian thoughts on him.他的诗中唱和赠答诗占了很大的比重,这些诗涉及现实内容较多,体现了传统儒家思想对他的影响;

40、Does she still write new-style poetry?白话诗还做不做?

41、No poet can poet it.没有诗人可以抒怀。

42、Due to the results of his long exploration, the Aoti poems in his later period, especially those of eight-line with seven characters to a line, changes a lot in style.他晚期的拗体诗,特别是七律拗体诗的创作,一改先前的诗风,正是他致力于这种探索所取得的硕果。

43、I really can't compose poems.我真不会做诗啊。

44、The poetical talks is a special type of literature criticism, after it went to Japan, the Japanese scholars created a lot of Japanese poetical talks.诗话是我国一种独具特色的论诗体裁,传入日本以后受到了日本学者的广泛关注,创作了不少日本诗话。

45、From C. S. Lewis' Epic Masterpiece.刘易斯史诗巨制。

46、A painting, wordless poetry;一笔一画,无言的诗;

47、The amalgamation of the social function of "Poems" and "Historic Classic defined the targeted audience of the eulogistic poems.《诗》、史在社会功用上的融合规定了咏史诗的诉说对象;

48、It briefly explains that the hermeneutic objective and features, and the two layers of meanings could well help people better understand Shijing's hermeneutics in Song Dynasty.扼要地阐明欧阳修《诗经》阐释学的宗旨与特点及“诗本义”二层论对于我们正确理解宋代《诗经》阐释的意义。

49、Milton would insert into the printed text of his poem his own anticipation that his epic would receive the same universal approbation as Homer's and Virgil's.弥尔顿会把自己的预想也写进他的诗里,他认为自己的史诗也会得到普遍的认可,就如荷马和维吉尔的史诗。

50、We naturally thought that it was the poet John Milton who was speaking the first 185 lines of the poem.我们自然会认为是诗人弥尔顿自己,在言说着前185行诗。

经典英文句子51:诗,51、Their evaluation of Yuanming poetry is not uniform, there has been praising and criticism of the division, which is different from their poetic outlooks.汉魏诗派对陶诗艺术成就的评价并不统一,出现了扬陶和抑陶的分化,这种分化是由其诗学观念的差异造成的。

52、India produced epic literature.印度创立了叙事诗文学。


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