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关于”问路的常用句型“的英语句子23个,句子主体:Common sentence patterns for asking for directions。以下是关于问路的常用句型的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common sentence patterns for asking for directions


1、“There’s no question that Dr. Kearns’ wiper circuit was interesting, ” Daykin says.


2、The core of multicast mechanism is routing problem, and designing & selecting appropriate multicast routing algorithm is very important to efficiently implement multicast routing.


3、To set up mileage model is very important for computer application in railway passenger and freight transport.

本实用新型名为十字路口圆弧桥,涉及马路十字路口的 建筑设施。

4、The utility model discloses an intersection arc bridge, relates to construction facility of street intersection.


5、To find a suitable parsing model, the hardware circuit XML parser is a feasible direction to solve the problem.


6、In view of the existing problems in the operation of the control box type KP 2A, methods for solution of the problems are put forward and the circuit design is carried out.


7、In the mountain area, the subgrade is usually filling by soil-rock mixtures.


8、Some years ago I was often involved in diplomatic negotiations. When we were locked in a stalemate and going nowhere, I often liked to quote from Hamlet, with a small adaptation though.


9、The feedwater pumps are often faced with cavitation.


10、Shallow layer soft ground of road is common problems in construction and earth replacing method is the widely used method to solve it.


11、The small package outline and low profile make this device ideally suited for use in applications where printed circuit board area and component headroom are at a premium.


12、The artificial potential field is in the common use to plan the robot path. But if conic curve function is the model of attractive field, there is chattering phenomenon at target point.


13、In this model, for example, you can define multiple paths to a given resource, with the available path being used and the redundant path used upon failure.


14、Often, a single application will have multiple client types that need to access the same set of information.


15、Test of the combined method in a constant velocity model shows it can optimize raypath, especially in a network with coarse node spacing.


16、For this model, I really only used the "loft by spline", however I have often used the "loft along path" and "skinning" in past models.


17、The most useful output from a type-question is often another more-specific question.


18、Using both types of devices, it becomes very easy to design a printed circuit board .

用 PHP 编写代码与用类似 C 的语言编写代码非常相似。 由于它们句法上类似,所以还会导致类似的代码维护问题。

19、Coding in PHP is very much like coding in a language like C. They are syntactically similar which can also lead to similar code maintenance problems.

如果用户没有访问标准安装路径 (通常为 /usr/local/lib/ruby)的权限,他们就得指定另外一个路径来安装RubyGems。

20、If a user does not have access to the standard installation location (typically /usr/local/lib/ruby), then they have the option of installing RubyGems in a alternate location.

21、The simulation results show that the vehicle-load model and its heuristic algorithm are adaptive for the VRP, and the improved coordination strategy based on the SWEEP can solve the VRP efficiently.应用此方法对24个不同规模的车辆路径优化问题进行了计算机仿真,结果表明,该任务分配模型和算法具有较强的适用性,改进的SWEEP协作策略能够有效地解决解随机车辆路径问题。

22、Based on three-point-bending model, the crack of concrete road is simulated and the model of road sinking is established for the first time.首次提出用三点弯曲模型模拟混凝土路面的断裂型式,并建立了路面沉降模型。

23、By using Hamilton graph, the problem of wagons placing-in and taking-out on branch-shaped sidings can be turned into searching Hamilton loop of minimum power.运用图论中的哈密尔顿图,可以将树枝型专用线取送车问题,转化为求哈密尔顿图中权值最小的哈密尔顿回路问题。

24、Bituminous road asphalt pavement planer is a kind of popular road maintenance equipment.沥青路面铣刨机是一种常用的路面养护机械。

25、More recently, the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory is being widely used to store highly accessed and less frequently changed data.最近,轻量型目录访问协议(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,LDAP)目录被广泛用于存储访问频繁但不常进行修改的数据。

英文句子26:,26、These sorts of issues are very hard to test for because they generally only occur when an application is under heavy load.由于这些类型的问题通常只发生在应用程序负载很重的情况下,所以往往非常难以测试。

27、My friend often asks me how to make model planes.我的朋友经常问我怎么做模型飞机。 。

28、“Same as a street hot dog?” she asked.“和路边卖的热狗用的洋葱一样?”她问道。

29、Finally, the misapplication of the model is indicated.最后指出模型的误用与错用问题。

30、Absrtact: In the labeled switching path(LSP) model of MPLS network, Layer 摘 要: 在MPLS网络标签交换路径(LSP)模型中,通常采用第二层直通式(L2-CTS)或第三层缺省路由交换技术。

2 Cut-Through Switching(L2-CTS) and Layer

3 default routing switching are usually used.

31、Besides, the histograms for chaotic attractors of Rossler's equation and Chua's circuit are given respectively.蔡氏混沌电路及变型蔡氏混沌电路是应用广泛的混沌模型之

32、The ECL OR-AND-gate can simplify a generalized ECL circuits structures, for example, an ECL double-edge-triggered D flip-flop.作为常规ECL门的补充类型,常可用于简化一般ECL电路结构,例如ECL双边沿D触发器。

33、The building-up of multicasting tree is one of the common methods for resolving the problem of rout-translation.构造多播树是解决多播路由问题的常用方法。

34、Nowhere, said Weinberger, will it be easy to change the parking paradigm.韦恩伯格说,改变停车问题的思路非常困难。

35、Designer and manufacturer of heavy haulage towed and self-propelled modular trailers for road and on site abnormal transport.设计和制造用于道路和现场非正常运输的重型推拉设备和自力推进的模块式拖车。

36、Combining with the applied request of Virtual Environment Railway Location System, the technique of inquiring, reappearing and using of the railway structure 3D model base is researched.结合虚拟环境选线系统中的应用要求,探讨了铁路构造物三维模型库的访问、再现和利用技术。

37、For high-type pavements, this cross slope is often 1/8 in.对于高类型路面,这个发怒倾斜经常是1/8寸。

38、In other words, transmission is possible, we just don't think it happens very often.换句话说,(疯牛病的)传播是有可能的,只是我们没有经常虑及这个问题。

39、Many verses citing examples from history, nature and human experience end with questions like: "Do they not consider?"古兰很多章节引用事例来自人类历史,自然界和人的经历,经常以反问句结尾,比如:“难道他们不这么认为吗?”

40、At that time, as we were not familiar with the ways, we had to ask the locals for help.那段时间由于人生路不熟, 我们经常在外面要向当地人问路.

41、On the above basis, historical samples for each pattern can be obtained and automatically objective typing of circulations completed with computers.介绍一种应用常规历史天气图资料进行天气学客观分型的思路和方法。

42、After two record years of track-laying, the problems now facing the railway-building industry are severe.经过两年的铁路建设,目前铁路建设业所面临的问题非常严重。

43、A more direct problem is that when people reflexively use data types, they often end up reducing flexibility in unanticipated ways.更直接的问题是,当人们反射性地使用数据类型时,常常以无法预料的方式降低灵活性。

44、Miniature circuit breaker (MCB) is used widely in household and similar place, and it plays a key role for safety of electrical equipment and people.小型断路器在家用及类似场所中的应用非常广泛,其对电路设备和人身安全的保护起着关键的作用。

45、As a standalone use case model is frequently created per problem domain, and consequently, application development project, the enterprise-wide big picture gets blurred in many cases.由于每个问题域常常都创建单独的用况模型,因此,应用程序开发项目,这个企业的大方向在许多情况下变得模糊。

46、The most commonly used for large scale integrated circuit of the time relay into, it is to use resistance to achieve delay action let principle.目前最常用的为大规模集成电路型成的时间继电器,它是利用阻容原理来实现延时动作。

47、The traditional ureteral stent had been widely used in urological surgery since it was first developed in 1967.非降解性输尿管内支架管自xx年问世以来,广泛应用于常规的上尿路手术。

48、Note that we categorically argue against setting up multiple SPNs so that SSO access to the application will work, regardless of the access path.请注意,我们明确反对设置多个 SPN,以便应用程序的 SSO 访问将正常工作,而不会受到访问路径的影响。

49、Generally speaking, there are two methods for the solution of axial symmetry elastic space problems in pavement stress calculation.一般来讲,路面力学计算中常用的求解轴对称弹性空间问题通解的方法有两种。

50、The road immediately climbed steeply in a series of hairpin turns.在一连串的发卡型弯道上,路一下子变得非常陡峭。

经典英文句子51:问路的常用句型,51、The NS is a common network simulator, but there is no half-duplex link model in its component base.NS是网络模拟常用的工具,但它本身并不包含半双工链路模型。

52、Therefore, the traditional methods are inclined to bring many problems like model-choosing, over-fitting, non-linear, disaster of dimensionality, local minimum.于是,这些传统方法常常被模型选择与过学习问题、非线性和维数灾难问题、局部极小点问题等困扰。

53、So you can ask if there is something else that is occupying their mind by using an "Is there" question.所以你可以用“Is there”问句来问问他们是否有别的什么事让他们心神不宁。

54、Once be trained, the neural network model can be used during microwave design to provide instant answers to any pre-assigned task.经过训练后的神经网络模型可广泛用于解决射频微波电路的各种问题。

55、It reviews the scope of "other expenditure" and related problems in project budget control. Suggestion is put forward to standardize the compilation job.综述工程总投资中的其它费用所包括的范围和常见问题,提出规范其它费用编法的思路和建议。

56、These are common problems among the road of piano.这都是学琴道路之中常见的一些问题。

57、It becomes kind of like a mini-troubleshooting discussion, and it can be very enlightening.这有点像一个小型的问题排除讨论,而且非常有启发作用。

58、A: Do you use the internet a lot?你经常使用网际网路吗?

59、The SCI is actually an interesting function-call multiplexing and demultiplexing service.SCI 实际上是一个非常有用的函数调用多路复用和多路分解服务。



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