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关于”春节的好句“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Good sentence of Spring Festival。以下是关于春节的好句的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Good sentence of Spring Festival


1、It is better than the spring tobacco Liuan cross passionate.


2、I thought Ivy League schools are all private schools.


3、In spring, fall red-letter day had better move to outdoor drafty and see sunshine is in slightly, conserve is moved again for some time or indoor, can make plant grows so hale.


4、Spring shoot was the best sample of stem as explant.


5、It's a good time to swim.


6、I want to send my best wishes to people in China, the United Kingdom and around the world who are celebrating the Chinese New Year.


7、People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

“请你放心,” 广州市常务副市长凌伟宪说, “我们争取今天就去认真地解决好这个问题, 让你们过一个安宁的春节。

8、"Please rest assured, " said Ling Weixian, standing vice mayor of Guangzhou, "and we will try to solve your problem today to make sure you have a peaceful Spring Festival.

9、Teacher. 您的关怀就好似和煦的春风 Your concern is the warm spring breeze 温暖了我们的心灵。


10、Repair farm tools to prepare for spring ploughing.


11、It is those who like exploration tour of the best place for people, the Spring Festival holiday just let these people can be free to experience that they have long sought the exploration tour.


12、In a way, it acts like a child in transition to puberty, slow to catch up on change, impressed by its new-found power, and definitely not bothered by such nuisances as "planning" for its future.


13、Jiangshan not old Changchun motherland! On the occasion of China's National Day, I wish our great motherland will never prosper, to the best of luck, healthy life with you!


14、A good place to enjoy the early spring sunshine is the Wachau valley with its mild climate.


15、After David became pregnant with the child to participate in the education child care classes, the relevant staff to guide keep fit David how to maintain good belly fetus.


16、This film, by London-based Chinese ­novelist and film-maker Xiaolu Guo, won the Golden Leopard at Locarno and has been liked and admired on the festival circuit. Understandably so.


17、After a thorough cleaning, the house will not be cleaned during the beginning of Chinese New Year as this might cause good fortune to be swept away.


18、This is the first in a long line of Thanksgivings to come.


19、Grandpa to pick a contentment every year Spring Festival couplets.


20、Secondary melody is good, because it is a youthful melody.

21、Objective To lessen coxa joint pain, keep joint steady and good function.目的:解除髋关节疼痛,保持关节稳定,关节活动功能好。

22、During the Spring Festival GongShanKou creation-oriented in rural village in a curious met the peasant boy follow us this group of photography people look at a rare.春节期间乡间采风时,在红山口村,遇到的一个好奇的农家孩子,跟着我们这群摄影人瞧个稀罕。

23、In recent years, many overseas fans came to Foshan find the remains of the essence of YongChun…近年,海内外不少咏春爱好者到佛山“寻根”,寻找名师们的遗迹,追寻咏春拳的真谛……。

24、Lunar New Year is a time for reuniting with family and friends. Usher in this special festival with our 农历新年是与亲朋好友相聚的时刻,中国大酒店精心准备了三款春茗套餐让您和家人渡过一个难忘的节日。

3 auspiciously named set menus.

25、Student B: Well, first of all our teacher read is the chunxiao. I awake light-hearted this morning of spring.学生乙:好,首先我们为老师朗诵的是春晓。春眠不觉晓。

英文句子26:,26、Spring Festival. "I like San Fracisco very much because there's a lot to see and do. there. I'm at home in Chinatown! "says Han li.韩利曾经去过旧金山。在唐人街有在家的感觉!”韩利说。



27、In this festive season, let me start by wishing you all good progress and good health in the Year of the Tiger.新春佳节,我先祝大家新年进步,希望大家在新xx年好像老虎一样,充满干劲和力量,龙精虎猛,虎虎生威。

28、I barely got off a shocked "Hello" when the raspy voice said: "I saw your show on the History Channel, and I have a business proposition for you.我还没在惊吓中回他一句:“你好。” 这个急躁的声音又说:“我看了你在历史频道的节目,我有一个业务要给你。

29、Eric just breezed in, full of the good news .埃里克满面春风地进来,带来的全是好消息。

30、April is a good time to go for an outing.xx月份是踏春的好时候。

31、Starting from the night of the 23th Dec of the Chinese Lunar Calendar, after a year of hard work, the people start to get busy over the preparation for the Lunar New Year.廿四夜,从农历xx月廿三起,辛勤劳作了xx年的人们为过好春节就开始忙碌起来了。

32、During the Spring Festival, I can receive a lot of money, about 春节的时候,能收好多压岁钱。差不多大概一两千元,我在外面课外班上课,然后就是用压岁钱交学费。

1 or

2 thousand Yuan. I use it to pay the tuition fee for my afterschool classes.

33、The regula would immediately seek a compromise position where it would let "just enough" water for a constant flow through the metering valve vessel.换句话说,这个调节阀能够实时地找到恰当的位置让“刚刚好”的水通过,从而让计量阀管中的流量保持恒定。

34、Before two days, on the Spring Festival temple fair of Beijing, one kind cries " Niu Fen " toy very sell like hot cakes, apparent, everybody wants to be in very much this ox year struggle well.前两天,在北京的春节庙会上,一种叫“牛奋”的玩具很热销,显然,大家都很想在这个牛年好好奋斗一把。

35、But a good time never lasts long, it finishes spending the Spring Festival to treat the villagers, they got back to old house on the continent successively like" migratory bird" .然而好景不长,待村民们过完春节,他们又像“候鸟”一样陆陆续续地回到了洲上的旧宅。

36、The hip joint is wider than a good hip phenotype.髋关节比良好显型的髋关节还宽松。

37、Niton can improve skin telangiectasia and has good curative effect on nerves, arthritis, gynecopathy and barrenness. It is a good beauty agent and it also has good rejuvenation effect for men.能促进皮肤血管扩张,对神经、关节炎、妇科疼痛、不育症等炎症有疗效,是良好的美容剂,对男性有回春之力。

38、In this China new year time, similarly prays for heavenly blessing the friends as well as your family member which your --- I is intimate with, is joyful every one day, safe health!在此春节之际祝福带给你们。祝愿朋友新年好运吉祥平安健康快乐每一天!!!!

39、Spring is a time of beginnings, this is a good time to start a new project (after the spring cleaning is done), or look into a new hobby or interest.xx年之季在于春,这是一个开始一项新计划的好时机(春季结束清扫工作也完成了),或开始挖掘新的兴趣爱好。

40、People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune. 人们把春联贴到墙上,以求好运。

41、Mt. Rushmore is a big piece of granite. I, d say that one, s pretty good.青春年少是一块很好的花岗岩。我承认它是相当好的一块石头。

42、With its arrival this year on February 今年春节正好在xx月xx日,各大论坛上“陪情人还是陪家人”的讨论早已热火朝天。

14, the topic, "To bewith your parents or your lover on the day, " is arousing hot discussionon online forums.

43、He says the highway may take another 2-3 years to complete, and he will finally be able to get a break to go back home visiting his family.这条路可能还得两年后才能修好。今年的春节会暂停工回家看看家里人。

44、New Year couplets are usually posted in pairs as even numbers are associated with good luck and auspiciousness in Chinese culture.房屋装饰之一就是在门上贴对联。在春联上,抒发良好的祝愿。


45、Holly and ivy hanging up, and something good in every cup!冬青和常春藤长存,好事来到每一杯!

46、I just want to end with a few words. I think Zvi Have a conversation. Maintain a open gate.我只是想说几句结束本次节目,我觉得,和Saed说得非常好。,Zvi,and,Saed,said,it,very,well。,聊天,敞开心门。

47、JL: You were wonderful, and I liked your pre-pubescent lady.刘:你是美好的,我喜欢你的青春期前的女士。

48、The farmer is planted grain enthusiasm rises, situation of production of spring ploughing spring sowing is better.农民种粮积极性提高,春耕春播生产形势较好。

49、Scolded by spring after go home in the morning, small qian coaxed, spring is put forward, doubt spring Jo is reincarnate back school sister to her flesh.早上回家后被春花责骂,小倩好言相劝,春花不禁提出,怀疑春娇是师妹投胎向她讨债。

50、DURING Chinese new year, it is customary to give and receive red envelopes filled with crisp banknotes. (Older people prefer new notes;在春节期间,收送红包是中国人的传统习俗(年长的人更加偏好新的钞票而年轻人对此并无太多要求)。

经典英文句子51:春节的好句,51、Springtime is the best season for dog-sledge tours and skiing although Greenland also offers first class summer skiing on glaciers and dog-sledge tours in the summer.尽管格陵兰岛在夏季为人们准备好了上等的滑雪和狗拉雪橇的旅游活动,人们还是认为春季是进行这些活动的最佳季节。

52、A cymbidium Gardens owners said cymbidium Garden property management from the outset is, dirty, chaotic, and poor everything evil.一位春兰花园的业主说春兰花园的物业管理从一开始就不好,脏、乱、差样样俱全。

53、We can hear melodious music and feel the cool breeze of early spring — School Buddies.同窗好友如悠扬的音乐, 如早春的风;

54、Educational departments are required to strengthen the education of epidemic prevention among students ahead of the holidays and take good care of those who stay in school.教诲部则被要求必要在春节前加强对门生的熏生病防备常识的教诲,并且要赐顾帮衬好那些在假期留校的门生。

55、Now financial firms recruit from the cream of the Ivy League.现在,金融公司招的都是长春藤联盟的“三好学生”。

56、On the occasion of the Spring Festival, Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs of Anhui Province will extend sincere regards and best wishes to you and your family.值此新春佳节即将到来之际,安徽省外国专家局谨向您和您的家人致以诚挚的问候和美好的祝愿!

57、Temperance is the best physic.节欲是最好的药方。

58、There were beekeepers who found their hives empty this spring.这春季好多养蜂人发现它们的蜂房是空的。

59、The cattle are thus an excellent source of long-term info on how earlier springs affect what's called phenology—seasonal lifecycle events.这里的牛因此成为了关于早春是如何影响生物气候学(季节性的生命周期事件),的绝好的资源。

60、Compere: The progress that with them the contact discovers to they may accuse a home to hubble-bubble net and car after the Spring Festival is better.主持人: 春节之后跟他们接触发现他们可能控股对泡泡网和汽车之家的发展比较好。

61、People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune.人们把春联贴到墙上,以求好运。

62、I wanted to wish you a very happy Chinese New Year as we enter the year of the Tiger, a year traditionally associated with good fortune and power.在即将迈入象征着好运和力量的虎年之时,我祝大家虎年春节快乐。

63、I decided to forget about my accounting problems and just enjoy this beautiful spring day.我已经决定忘掉我的账目问题,好好享受这明媚的春光。

64、You're going to pay really good attention to all the details of the pericope.好好留意,选段的细节。

65、We recommend several garden and terrace destinations as we believe they are ideal places to enjoy the beautiful spring season.这里我们推荐几个欣赏美好春光的好去处!


标签: 春节

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