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关于”法律的语言特点“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Linguistic Features of Law。以下是关于法律的语言特点的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Linguistic Features of Law


1、Finally, the supremacy of law, the sign which show the rule of law is to establish the authority of legal language.


2、However, scripting languages have distinct advantages, too.


3、The singing language in China's national singing follows china's national language's distinct characteristics to articulate words and render tunes.


4、The subject discourse in the law interpretation possesses characteristics of intercourse, of time limit, of rule, of procedure, of unenlightening and of the decision by the law text.


5、Ethno-specified meaning of legal words(ESMLW), by definition, embodies nationality in the meaning of legal words, which reveals the salient attributes of a nation's legal culture.


6、The language features, writing in the modus operandi, but there are many places that we can learn.


7、Ecological legal relation possesses the characteristics of comprehensiveness, ecological and special, it is composed of the subject, contents and object of ecological legal relation.


8、Does focus-on-form instruction promote learners'noticing of the specific linguistic form?


9、During the studies on Chinese forensic language, the application of forensic rhetoric attracts more and more attention of Forensic linguists and legal scholars.


10、The special translation demands not only the conversion of languages hut also the adjustment, coordination and connection of legal conceptions.


11、Unclear legal language "is an ancient tradition, " he said, "stemming from the fact that the language of law was first Latin, then French and finally English.


12、Hart expound the uniqueness of legal language from context principle, diversified principle, open texture and performative uses of language four respect of legal language.


13、Tibetan language has three major dialect areas, in their voice, grammar, vocabulary performance has many differences, show their characteristics.


14、The authoritativeness of law is an inherent feature of all kinds of legal discourse.


15、However, like traditional grammars, structuralist grammar still focuses on the grammatical structures of a language.


16、Idioms is an authentic way of expression in any language.


17、One of the most important characteristics of legal language is exactness in its expression.


18、It lays equal stress on both rhyme and rhythm, attaches importance to the application of life experience and dialectal materials, all of which deserve careful reflection and study by philologists.


19、CASC is described, the features of formula manipulation language are researched.


20、The article put emphasis on rich and colorful vocal language, diverse body language, particular and vivid whistle language Besides, physical teaching language is also a perfect, united, and mut.

21、Features of the text structure of the legal language of Tang Dynasty;二是唐律语言文本结构的特点;

22、It also points out the two attitudes toward English language features and predicts its development tendency.指出了人们对法律英语语言特点所持有的两种态度,并预示了其发展趋势。

23、In the west, forensic stylistics mainly concerns the research of courtroom discourse and the language of lawyers.在国外,法律文体学主要致力于法庭语言与律师职业语言的研究。

24、This not only manifests the grammatical features focusing on semantics but also represents the dominant law of the unity between the grammatical meanings and forms in the period.这既体现了先秦时期重语义关系的语法特点,又代表了此时期语法意义与语法形式趋于对应的显性化规律。

25、In legal translation, all-inclusiveness in the original text should be fully represented.在翻译概括性的法律语言时,译文应该如实反映原文的概括性特征。

英文句子26:,26、Catchwords have their own features in the aspects of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. This kind of language variation reflects the originality and innovation of language.流行语在语音、词汇和语法等方面有其自身的特点,语言变异是其创新性的体现。

27、But Varney, tall and professorial, did not hide her message behind legalese or euphemism.但身材高大且有学者派头的瓦尼并没有把她的发言要点用法律术语或者委婉说法掩盖起来。

28、Summing-up the art characteristic of the inlay pattern by the method of the Iconology and the semeiology, and unscrambled the composing rules in details.利用图像学、符号学的研究方法,总结了契合图形装饰语言的艺术特征,较为详细地解读了契合图形装饰语言的构成规律和形式特点。

29、Liyang dialect belonging to Wu dialect , has the general speech features, also has special features itself .溧阳方言属于吴方言的一个点,具有吴方言的一般规律,同时也具有其自身的特点。

30、The construction of legal facts requires mainly verbal means besides non-verbal means.法律事实的建构除了借助非语言手段外,主要诉诸语言手段。

31、Endicott (2000) thinks vagueness in law can lead to indeterminacies in legal rights and obligations;认为法律语言模糊性将导致法律权利和义务的不确定;

32、However, foreign trade English has its special language features and expressions, courtesy for one.外贸英语有其自身的语言表达规律和特点,礼貌原则就是其中一大原则。

33、Chinese language and words fall into both the research scope of linguistic scholars and the regulating area of law (see Law of Generally - used Words enacted in 2000) .汉语言文字既是语言学的研究对象,又是法律的规范领域(我国于xx年制定了《通用语言文字法》)。

34、As is known, the language in the standard legal amanuensis is generally called legislation language. It is one of the behavior criterions which are ascertained in the format of language and words.规范性法律文书的语言通常被称为立法语言,它是以语言文字的形式确定的人们的行为规范。

35、Chinese word distinguishing is one of the differences between chinese processing and alphabetic writing language processing.汉语分词是汉语言处理有别于拼音文字语言处理的特点之

36、It defines the UT functionally as textual unit instead of language unit which maintains its textual integrity by performing three functions, viz.悉尼语法和加的夫语法是系统功能语法的两个分支,其关于语言单位的分类及语言的体现形式的观点也有所不同。

37、We welcome applications from anyone who wishes to pursue an interest within the broad fields of English language and linguistics, human communication, applied linguistics, and related areas of study.通常,国内外的语料库语言学这个方向都是结合其他语言学的领域课题来进行的,例如:二语习得,话语分析,法律语言学,社会语言学。

38、This software is programmed with C language. The C language has the advantages of high-level language and the assembly language, so the program is flexible and real-time.软件由C语言编制,C语言兼有高级语言和低级语言的特点,使得程序灵活性和实时性很好地结合。

39、Attorney Gan speaks fluent English, Japanese, Cantonese and Mandarine.甘律师的工作语言是英语、日语、普通话和粤语。

40、Speaking of the functional literary style, the English about economic contract concerning foreign affairs belongs in the field of legal English, using "legal words and phrases".就功能文体而言,涉外经济合同英语属于法律英语的范畴,使用的是“法言法语”。

41、" he said, "stemming from the fact that the language of law was first Latin, then French and finally English.法律语言含糊不清“是个古老的传统,”他说,“原因是法律语言最早见之于拉丁语,后来是法语,最后才是英语。

42、A Comparison Study of Politeness Principle between English and Chinese Language and Cultural Differences;外贸英语有其自身的语言表达规律和特点,礼貌原则就是其中一大原则。

43、Legal language is the foundation of our practice and the base on which we colleague at work;最后,法律至上,法治的标志是建立法言法语的权威。

44、In regard of the speciality and solemnity of legal language, it is also necessary to draw on relevant knowledge in laws, professional translation tools, contrastive grammar, comparative syntax, etc.鉴于法律语言的专业性和严肃性,语言型翻译问题的解决需要借助于相关法律常识、专业翻译工具、对比语言学以及比较文体学等方面的知识。

45、Individual characteristics: Person deictic words in legal English are much more often used than those used in legal Chinese.个性特点:法律英语人称指示语的使用频率高于法律汉语。

46、Then he discussed the characteristics of the Chinese language differing from the Indo-European languages (for instance English) at the angle of language pedigree classification.接着,从语言的谱系分类角度,阐述汉语不同于印欧语言(如英语)的特点;

47、In Chinese-English legal translation, all-inclusiveness in the original text should be fully represented.概括性法律语言的汉英翻译应该如实反映原文的概括性特征。

48、Develop an understanding of the features Windows offers for multilingual processing, such as language-specific keyboard layouts, regional settings for units of measurement.了解Windows系统多语种进程的特点,比如特定语言的键盘布局,地区性设置的方法等等。

49、Pick to: many features of literary language and the fuzziness, vitality, etc. , but the image is undoubtedly the most salient feature of the literary language.摘要:文学语言的特点很多,向模糊性、生动性等,但形象是无疑是文学语言最鲜明的特点。

50、Linguistic recursion becomes the focus of Generative Grammar research in the context of bio-linguistics.语言递归性是生成语法在当前生物语言学背景下研究的热点。

经典英文句子51:法律的语言特点,51、As to research on vagueness of legal English in foreign countries mainly involves the relationship between vagueness and preciseness, sources of vagueness, etc.国外学者对于法律语言模糊性的研究,多是探讨法律语言模糊性与精确性的关系以及模糊性存在的原因。

52、Some ethical common language belongs to, but one of cognates meanings in legal context has the specific legal meanings, this law vocabulary is also called artificially legal terminology.有些民族共同语属于多义词,但是其中一个义项在法律语境中有特定的法律含义,这种法律词汇也被称为人工法律术语。

53、Meta-programming is an important characteristic in many logic program languages.逻辑 程序语言具有的重要特点。

54、Besides, French loan words are also widely used in Legal English to make the language elevated and formal.法律英语还广泛地采用法语借词,使法律语言变得高贵典雅。

55、At last, the pen is put upon the general characteristics and rules of the plastic language of Han sculpture.如此层层剥离,最终落笔于三者之上,汉代雕塑造型语言的一般性特点与规律。

56、In addition to his affinity for trial scenes and knowledge of legal intricacies, Shakespeare’s plays abound with dialogue that has special meaning for lawyers.除了他对法庭场景的喜爱、对法律难题的知识,莎士比亚的戏剧语言充满了对于律师来说意义特殊的话。

57、Learn the language of the law, without the legalese!学习法律的语言,但无法律术语!

58、Legal language is the soul of elite and the vitality of the populace.其次,法律语言的核心问题是理性,是以理服人。

59、The frequency is decided by the characteristics of legislation language, and is different from the common language.这种使用频率是由立法语言的特点决定的,与共同语的使用频率不同。

60、Methods Based on the characteristics of Chinese grammar, the factors relative to oral behavior and the cultural background, the Chinese Agrammatism Battery(CAB)was designed.方法根据汉语语法特点、文化背景及语言习惯,设计了一套用于定量评定汉语失语症患者语法缺失程度的方法。

61、Therefore, the legal documents have formed a characteristic language usage in the long-term legal practice and on the basis of modern Chinese.为此,法律文书在长期的法律实践领域中,在现代汉民族语言的基础上,形成了自身鲜明的用语特点。

62、Be disciplined: There's no easy way to learn a second language.严以律己:学习第二语言是无法一步登天的。

63、Meanwhile, the southern dialect and the English word"have"have a great influence on this language phenomenon.本文在对胶南方言进行了实地调查的基础上,总结了该方言在语音、词汇、语法方面的一些特点。

64、This language can also have a very important impact on teaching effectiveness. This article discussed the features of three languages and its usage by classifying physical teaching language.文章通过对体育教学语言的分类,即丰富多彩的有声语言、千姿百态的形体语言、独特生动的哨音语言,对“三重”语言的特点及其运用方法进行论述。

65、The a variety of usage of empty words and the inverted word order is the linguistic features of "Linxia Hua′er".而语序倒置规律和虚词的多种用法则是临夏花儿的语言特征。

66、Wang DongHai & Wang Jie, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Ludong University; professor, China University of Political Science and Law.王东海,鲁东大学汉语言文学院教授;王洁,中国政法大学法律语言研究中心教授。

67、All these are related to language mentality and language features.这与语言心理、语言特点有关。

68、This article discusses sufficiently, on the basis of past experience, some language characteristics in the translation of legal documents, which shall be paid attention to.本文在以往经验的基础上,充分地讨论了在翻译法律文件的过程中必须多加注意的一些语言特点。

69、C Shell (csh) – A shell written by Bill Joy, and is special in the sense that its syntax is similar to the c programming language.C Shell(csh):Bill Joy编写的shell,最突出的特点是它的语法和c语言相似。

70、The basic characteristics of English punctuation are discussed through semantics. Then the differences between English and Chinese punctuations are presented by means of comparative linguistics.从语义学角度探讨了英语标点法的基本特征,用比较语言学的方法分析了英、汉两种语言标点法的区别。

71、He said he would change his own signs to comply with the law.他称他会遵守法律改变商店标识的语言。


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