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关于”主要句型“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Main sentence patterns。以下是关于主要句型的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Main sentence patterns


1、North Temperate communities are main community in the area.

2、He was late for school,which was usual with him.他上学迟到,这是家常便饭。


3、The genesis of it is middle-temperature metamorphic hydrothermal.


4、In Yongping, the main type of ore deposit is skarn-type.


5、Who the hell would want a thing like that.


6、They were mostly of the quiet neurotic type.


7、The main aberrant type was chromosome type acentric fragment.


8、The primary data type for SNOBOL is the string;


9、Consuming contaminated water and food were the main mode of transmission.


10、At present there are two types of four-wheel-steering:speed sensitive type and steering angle sensitive type.


11、The results showed that the main spatial anomaly feature of the differences between the evapotranspiration and the precipitation during warm season was coincidently high or low.

12、He was reading a book, which was about war. 他正在读一本关于战争的书。


13、Key characteristics of the four main types of inherited ichthyosis are listed in the table below.


14、The main types of open-water estuarine mariculture include


15、Solution-fracture reservoir is the best favourable reservoir type.


16、The final paragraph will summarize your main points and re-assert your main claim (from your thesis sentence). It should point out your main points, but should not repeat specific examples.


17、The research turns out to show that the nerve types of those who have a high score rate of free throw are mostly flexible type, stable type and excitable type.


18、There are two types: the "obstacle array" and the "path length refractor. "


19、Permian body types mainly include Permian and Triassic.


20、It is chiefly used for rubber commonly protective agent .

21、The main mineralized types are quartz vein type and alteration pattern with fracture zone.主要矿化类型有石英脉型和破碎带蚀变岩型。

22、He was reading a book, which he had bought from London. 他正在读一本书, 这本书是从伦敦买回来的。

23、Jaspilite and altered phyllite are the main ore types.主要矿石类型有含铁碧玉岩型和蚀变千枚岩型。

24、The company mainly produces mini-cars, vans, motorcycles, etc.公司主要生产微型轿车、轻型货车、摩托车等。

25、There are three main types of annual flowers, hardy, half-hardy and tender.主要有三个种类的xx年生植物:耐寒型,半耐寒型和柔嫩型。

英文句子26:,26、Extrusion is one of the main methods of plastic product and extrusion die is the important equipment to manufacture plastic profile.挤出成型是塑料加工的主要方法之一,而挤出模具又是成型塑料异型材的主要设备。

27、Gold-bearing sulfide ore is divided into quartz vein type and altered rock type.主要矿石类型有“石英脉型”和“蚀变岩型”两类硫化物金矿石。

28、There are mainly two types of teacher training abroad:closed and open.国外的师资培养主要有两大类型:封闭型和开放型。

29、The dominant serum type is EHEC O157:H7 and the sheep is the main host animal.H7血清型是优势菌型,羊是主要宿主动物。

30、There are mainly four types of body images in female texts: desire subject type, desire object type, subject - object combination type and narcissism myth type.女性诗歌本中的躯体意象主要有四种:欲望主体型、欲望客体型、主客体交融型和自恋神话型。

31、Diagrammatic iconicity in language is mainly reflected in syntactic iconicity.语言中的拟象象似性主要反映在句法象似性上。

32、Anticline and monocline are major trap types.主要的类型是往复式活塞发动机。

33、Our trust model mainly includes three sub-models: representing model, measuring model and evaluating model.模型主要包括信任表述模型、信任度量模型和信任度评估模型。

34、SCA is based on two main metamodels 11SCA基于2个主要的元模型 11

35、The sulphur status of 通过对内蒙古典型草原4种主要土壤类型及

4 soils and 122 common plants from Inner Mongolia steppe were determined and evaluation was made of the sulphur nutrition of grazing animals.

12 2种主要植物硫含量的分析,并与主要放牧家畜的营养需要相结合,综合评价了内蒙古典型草原硫的营养状况。

36、In the northwest of China, auriferous altered cataclasite, adular- sericite quartz vein and quartz reef types are present, and metallogenetic epoch is mainly Hercynian period.西北部地区主要有蚀变碎裂岩型、冰长石-绢云母石英脉型和石英脉型等,成矿时代主要为海西期;

37、Salt lake lithium resources of China mainly exist in Qinghai-Tibet plateau, their hydrochemical types include carbonate type and sulfate type.我国盐湖锂资源主要分布于青藏高原的盐湖中,卤水类型主要为破酸盐型和硫酸盐型。

38、And the demanding education includes ahead -of -ti me education, strict education and"walking -stick"education.而苛求教育又主要表现为提前型、苛责型与拐杖型。

39、Fiat specializes in small and midsize cars.菲亚特主要生产小型和中型轿车。

40、The interstice of foreland slope was mainly dissolved pore and some primary pore.前缘斜坡带储层类型为孔隙型,主要以残余原生孔及次生孔为主;

41、Acute icteric viral hepatitis was the main clinical type .急性黄疸型肝炎是主要的临床类型。

42、The ores are mainly of breccia type.主要矿石类型为角砾岩型。

43、Our company is building models, mechanical model-based, technology-leading counterparts in the forefront of model products are mainly exported Japan, South Korea-based.我公司是以建筑模型、机械模型制作为主,工艺领先于同行前列,模型产品主要出口日本,韩国为主。

44、Primarily targets the theme hotel, and new innovative design hotel as the core.公司主要针对主题酒店,设计型酒店与新型创意酒店为核心。

45、Three main research aspects as below are contained in this thesis: 为此,论文的研究主要集中在语义模型理论与语义模型进化两方面,包含以下主要内容。

1. Semantic model-driven approach for enterprise data integration.

46、There are four principal types of limestones.剥离是车轮踏面失效的主要类型。

47、These are mainly machines released in 2006.这些主要是xx年发布的机型。

48、The Internet topology modeling starts from the random model to the hierarchical model, then to the evolution model.现有的网络拓扑模型主要分为随机型,演化型,层次型三类。

49、The main type was rice- field.流行主要形式是稻田型。

50、Main dosage form inducing ADR was injection (51.76%).注射剂是引起ADR的主要剂型(51.76%)。

经典英文句子51:主要句型,51、Conclusion The main serum t ypies of PSA were B, G and E type.结论铜绿假单胞菌的血清型主要以B型为主,次为G型和E型;



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