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关于”鼓励孩子好好学“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Encourage children to learn。以下是关于鼓励孩子好好学的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage children to learn


1、That's a good boy [girl]!; That's a dear!


2、I hope these suggestions will encourage the CCLAA staff to improve it even more.


3、They had several children.


4、Schools should bear the responsibility of training children to be good citizens.


5、How to adjust one's own role well as parents to cooperate with the education of the school and help children to study well.


6、He plays the guitar well, but isn't good at singing.

2. Can you help the children learn to use computers?

3. I can help the children swim.



7、My mother is brought to the world, childhood is mother put me in my arms coax big, now the mother and encourage me to study hard, grow up to repay the motherland.


8、What good children they are!


9、More and better education for all requires good teachers and incentives to encourage male and female teachers into all areas and levels of teaching.


10、The scientists found that the hippocampus, a part of the brain responsible for memory and learning, was around

12 percent larger in the fitter youngsters.


11、I'm ready to have a baby.


12、Generally speaking, girls can learn English better than boys.


13、He mixes well with other children in the school.


14、For instance, if a child does well in school, they may get treated to pizza or ice cream.

正在执行一项反霸行计划的Jeff Parker说,好的计划不仅要与恶行做斗争,而且要鼓励好的行为。

15、Jeff Parker, who runs an anti-bullying program, said good programs don't just fight bad behavior, but they also encourage good behavior.


16、In the eyes of the good teacher, student, family lovely children.


17、Parents warn kids they will wind up as nannies or cleaners if they fail to study.


18、First-borns received higher tests scores, in math and verbal ability, while later born children had better grade point averages in English and math.


19、No pestering, no catering. We tiptoed around each other like heartbreaking new friends.


20、How can teachers help them find something that they are passionate about and want to learn?

21、Some of you, unfortunately, won't do very good jobs at the beginning... and my TAs, I'll encourage them to be prepared to give Ds.其中有些人,很遗憾,在开始时表现不会很好。,我会鼓励我的助教们做好给D的准备。

22、We hope this study makes people think twice and encourages people to wash their hands after going to the toilet and before eating.我们希望这一研究能让人们好好想一想,鼓励人们在如厕后和吃饭前都洗洗手。

23、That is expected to encourage developers to flock to the platform and create better apps.预计此举将鼓励开发商移步该平台,研发出更好的应用程序。

24、Will you fetch the children from school?你去学校把孩子们接回去好吗?

25、And yet it may be that, while kids aren't getting better, they're not getting worse.也许事实就是这样,孩子们不能学的更好,也不会学的更坏。

英文句子26:,26、Pet-owners claim that pet-raising boasts numerous upsides and therefore should be encouraged.养宠物者声称饲养宠物有不少好处,应该鼓励该行为。

27、Put away your sandals, boys and girls. 放好凉鞋,孩子们。

28、他在学校里与其他孩子能很好相处。He mixes well with other children in the school.

29、eg: Will you fetch the children from school?你去学校把孩子们接回来好吗?

30、They first reviewed previous studies, and found that giving incentives to test-takers to do a good job boosted scores.他们首先检查先前的研究,发现鼓励测试者好好做测试会提高分数。

31、他对孩子们很友好 He is very friendly/ kindly for children.

32、Children shouted "How are you?孩子们大喊,“你好吗?”

33、Barney Math Balance will help your kids to build a good foundation for mathematics the moment the beam is balanced.当孩子尝试令「班尼数学天平」保持平衡时,已为孩子奠立算数的良好基础!

34、And only well-motivated parents tend to send their children there.只有动机性很好的家长才把孩子送到这些学校。

35、The place_interests the children most is the childrens palace. A. what B. that C…我们想为我们的孩子和孩子的孩子把这打造成最好的地方。

36、Good boys who to their books apply will all be great men by and by.爱好学习的孩子,长大后定会成大器。

37、I added a special note on the back and fishing line to encourage the recipient to reuse the owl.我在它们背后还留了信息,并加上了鱼线,以鼓励收到的人也能好好利用这些猫头鹰。

38、Their dream is that her disease will be cured and then she can go to school like normal children.孩子和婆婆现在最大的心愿就是能治好病,能和别的孩子一样去上学。

39、I am Grantaire, the good fellow.我是好孩子格朗泰尔!

40、Bill is a good student and an int ellig ent boy.比尔是一个好学生,也是个聪明的孩子。

41、Su Yan jump to the children, let children feel wrong.苏岩马跃讨好孩子,让孩子感觉不对劲。

42、Kogan: Kids learn better when they're more positive.高根: 孩子们在积极的时候学得更好。

43、Tell your child you expect that homework will always be done and school work will always be taken seriously -- it's the child's job.告诉孩子,你希望他能好好完成家庭作业,看重学习,因为这是孩子应该履行的职责。

44、This be that the "bad" child "finishes becoming" child's photoplay!这是个“坏”孩子变成“好”孩子的故事影片!

45、Haining chagrin haywire interview at the beginning, fortunately beside ZhongWen encouraged her to settle.海宁一开始懊恼采访乱了套,幸好身旁的仲文鼓励她随遇而安。

46、A good personal tutor can be one of the best investments you make, providing you with feedback and encouragement.一个好的私人家庭教师给你提供反馈和鼓励,可能是你所做的最好投资。

47、Really? I always thought of you as being a kind of studious kid.真的?我一直以为你是个勤奋好学的孩子呢。

48、You're such a good kid.说道,“你真是个好孩子。

49、The child sleeps sprawled all over the bed.这孩子睡相不好。

50、Four weeks has passed by since the kids came to Tianjin TEDA Maple Leaf International School!您好!孩子在天津泰达枫叶国际学校学习已经4周了!

经典英文句子51:鼓励孩子好好学,51、We advocate free academic debate under a lively academic atmosphere, where curiosity-driven exploration is encouraged and failure tolerated.我们提倡在活跃的学术氛围下进行自由的讨论,鼓励在好奇心的驱动下不断探索,并且宽容失败。

52、I strongly encourage you to discuss the case within your group. You will benefit from defending your ideas and you will learn by discussing other group members' approaches.我强烈鼓励你与同组的好好讨论个案,你将藉由为你的想法去作辩解的过程获益,也可从讨论其他同组员的方法来学习。

53、One major tenet is to reinforce desired behavior with praise and to ignore negative behavior.其中一个原则是通过表扬来鼓励好的行为并忽视消极的行为。

54、Courses on how to teach for homeschooling parents - better still.这是对于孩子在家上学的父母怎样教学做到更好的途径。

55、The boy has had a bad report this term.这学期孩子的成绩报告单上的成绩不好。

56、Will you fetch /fet?/ the children from school?你去学校把孩子们接回去好吗?

57、From learning to speak till accepting initiation, preschool and primary school education, she has been pursuing to be a good child and a good student.从呀呀学语到接受家庭启蒙和幼儿、小学教育,她就一直在追求“做个好孩子,做个好学生”。

58、Learning a language is easy. Even a child can do it!学好一种语言很容易。连孩子都做得到!

59、All three kids went on to excellent colleges and, to my eye, seemed like well-adjusted, accomplished kids.三个孩子都考上了很好的大学,在我的眼里,他们是适应力强、善于社交的孩子。


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