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关于”结构有哪几种?“的英语句子42个,句子主体:what kind of structure?。以下是关于结构有哪几种?的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:what kind of structure?

存在哪几种 RSS 阅读器?

1、What feed readers are out there?


2、The structural design of large-span latticed shell is controlled by global stability due to the geometric nonlinear property.


3、What kinds of rings do you have?


4、The cast-steel node is a new structural type with developing of large-span pipe truss steel structure in recent years.


5、What shapes do you see in this painting?


6、Structure of coke oven bridge pipe and valve body are introduced, in which several structures are respectively reviewed.


7、Each kind of constraints is further classified, in terms of the combi-nation of entity types, into finer groups.


8、Pyrolytic carbon which has rough laminar, smooth laminar, transition and isotropy can be achieved under different technologic conditions of chemical vapor deposition.


9、Which a few kinds does gastrorrhagia disease have?


10、How many languages can you speak in addition to English?


11、The conductivity of several perovskite-type and similar perovskite-type oxide materials was investigated.


12、G:What kind of restaurants are there in your hotel?


13、What Kind of Viruses Are There?

语言学家发现并研究 哪几种意义?

14、How many kinds of meaning did linguists find and study?


15、After all, what is the one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness?


16、Many institutions, especially those in K-12 and smaller institutions, do not have this expertise.


17、Experimental results on several geogrids were employed to evaluate the constitutive model.


18、This kind of cable and membrane structures is characterized by an evident geometrical nonlinearity.


19、The construction of multi-sector econometric model often involves grouping millions of different goods into a few products or sectors.


20、Moho has inner structure and can be found all over the continent.

21、How many safety-deposit boxes and how many kinds of safety-deposit boxes are there in our hotel?酒店有多少个贵重物品保管箱?有哪几种规格?

22、There are two storage structures, including Bowtie table, tie matrix.有两种存储结构,包括领结表、领结矩阵。

23、However, it is very possible to have many failure modes of ocean engineering structures.对于许多海洋工程结构来说非常有可能出现几种失效模式混合的情况。

24、There are several ways to compose string literals in Python.在 Python 中,有几种方法可以构成字符串文字。

25、Firstly, several current network topology configurations for EPON are presented.首先介绍了EPON的几种现有网络拓扑结构。

英文句子26:,26、Ultramicro-structure of pollen grains of several species of Magnolia.Title 几种木兰属植物花粉粒的超微结构。

27、Through economic comparison of several structural types which were applied in Guangzhou Metro Line 通过对广州地铁一号线矩形人工挖孔桩单一墙与其它几种围护结构的经济对比,可以看出该结构具有明显的经济优势。

1, the single wall structure formed by rectangular man-dug pile has obvious economic advantage.

28、The space cable-truss structure with large opening annular plan is one of cable-strut tensile structures, composed plan cable-truss structures connected by inner rings.大开口环形空间索桁架结构是由内环索将平面索桁架连成整体的一种索杆张力结构,目前世界上已有几个大型体育场采用了这种结构体系。

29、Knowledge about several connection ways and sealing types for oil-well pipes are given in the article.介绍了油井管的几种连接结构及其密封型式。

30、What kind herbs did Nisha buy?妮莎买了哪几种药草?。

31、There were plenty of structures in RSM toxic GS which exited in common in one sample.菜籽饼中的主要有毒成分硫代葡萄糖甙有多种结构,在同一样品中多种结构并存。

32、AIX uses a segmented architecture that has both advantages and disadvantages.AIX 使用一个分段的体系结构,这种体系结构既有优点,也有缺点。

33、"Just about any natural science has the type of structure that would be amenable, " she said.“几乎任何自然科学都有能够经受这个程序检验的那种结构。” 她说。

34、The results indicate that the powders are orthorhombic perovskite YBCO phase, and the diameter of the powder particles is in a range of tens to hundreds nanometers.结果表明该粉体粒径在几十到几百纳米,其晶体结构为正交钙钛矿结构。

35、Seismic Analysis on Frame-Tube Structure with Seismic Energy Dissipation Story;采用耗能减震结构是一种经济有效的提高结构抗震能力的方法。

36、Short-leg shear wall structure is a new type of lateral structure in China in recent years. It has been approved and widely used because of has many advantages.短肢墙结构是一种新型结构体系,最近几年来在我国逐渐兴起,因为具有诸多的优点而得到大家认可和广泛应用。

37、Several novel cell structures were prepared in this way, such as cells with transitional layers and bimodal size distribution cells.并得到了几种新颖结构的微孔,如具有过渡层结构以及直径呈双峰分布的微孔等。

38、Which of these forces is (are) acting on the office chair?哪种力或哪几种力正作用于办公椅?

39、The structure of chitin is similar to that of bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan .几丁质的结构和细菌细胞壁肽聚糖的结构相似。

40、Geometrical structure factor is resolved into multiplication of two factors. Thus the calculations are simplified.把几何结构因子分解成两个因子的乘积,使几何结构因子的计算得到简化。

41、Cuticular protein and chitin self-assemble into regularly arranged fibrils, which is the fundamental structure of cuticle.表皮蛋白和几丁质通过自我组装形成复合物的超高级结构,这种结构是昆虫表皮行使功能的基础。

42、Which scenario will prevail in the months ahead?今后的几个月哪种结局会占上风?

43、What kinds of colors do Olympic flag and the five rings compose of?奥运会会旗和和五环由哪几种颜色构成?

44、A storage tank structure for dish-washing machine, comprising following parts: storage tank shell which storages wash water;一种洗碗机的贮槽结构,它包含有如下几个部分:储存洗涤水的贮槽外 壳;

45、The Developments of several organic pigments with new molecular structures and some ways for improving existing organic pigments have been presented im this article.本文介绍了几种新结构有机颜料的开发,以及现有有机颜料改良的几种方法。

46、The "Bu Da VP " has two types which are commendatory or neutral terms.“不大VP ”有两种结构,能进入这两种结构的几乎都是褒义、中性形容词或动词。

47、What sort of changes in software architecture and networking protocols enable this sort of sophisticated network management in the Internet age?在因特网时代,软件体系结构和联网协议有哪些更改,以便这种复杂的网络管理能继续发挥功能呢?

48、The structure of Tang Daqu was extensive, consisting of 唐大曲的结构比较庞大,有20几段、30几段其至50几段的。

20, 30 or even 50 sections.

49、A dozen dinosaurs with filaments or feathers have since been discovered at that site.自此以后,研究者们在同一处遗址上发现了十几种带有细丝或羽毛结构的恐龙化石。

50、Arched corrugated metal roof exhibits strong geometrical nonlinearity when loaded, which has often been ignored in structural design.金属拱型波纹屋盖结构在力学性能上具有很强的几何非线性,结构设计必须考虑几何非线性的影响。

经典英文句子51:结构有哪几种?,51、Guyed mast is a kind of geometrical nonlinear structure. Wind load is its major design load.桅杆结构是一种具有较强几何非线性的结构,风荷载是其主要设计荷载。

52、The material's internal structure absorbs almost all the electromagnetic radiation in a particular range, New Scientist reports.这种材料的内部结构几乎能吸收在特定范围内的所有电磁辐射,《新科学人》报道。

53、Which of these is the actual structure of thane ?大乡绅的真实结构是这些当中哪一个?

54、These fire prevention processing's methods are each have their own strong points, the different steel structure piece can handle with the different methods.这几种防火处理方法各有所长,不同的钢结构构件可用不同的方法来处理。

55、Ballas is nearly pure diamond with nano-crystalline structure.半刚石几乎是具有纳米晶结构的纯金刚石。

56、Different from the traditional rigid structure such as steel and concrete, membrane structure is a flexible one.膜结构是一种柔性结构,其设计和施工过程与传统的钢、砼等刚性结构有很大的差别。

57、A recent space structure arch structure which is light weight itself, quickly construction and possibly dismantled is introduced.介绍了一种新型空间钢结构——弓式支架结构,该结构具有自重轻、施工快、可拆卸等特点。

58、The structures of vascular bundle and leaf margin were also different.此外,两个种的维管束结构及叶缘结构等也有很大的差异。

59、Structures of a few heavy ends from domestic etudes and some of thefeedstocks for needle coke manufacture and their intermediate are given.测定了几种国产原油中重油的结构,并对几个针状焦原料及其中间产物的结构进行了测定,为其原料选择提供了基础数据。

60、There are several versions of the haptoglobin gene.有几种版本的结合珠蛋白基因。

61、How should the amount of tax payable be calculated for property lease contracts?外国企业常驻代表机构计算缴纳营业税的方法有哪几种?

62、What kind of cargo shall we carry, Mr. Wang?王先生,我们将承运哪几种货物?

63、The Electromagnetic bandgap(EBG)is a periodic structure with obvious bandstop characteristic.电磁带隙结构(EBG)是一种周期性结构,具有明显的带阻特性。

64、Yes, there are some kinds of sandwiches over here. What would you like, ma'am?是的,这里有几种三明治,夫人,你喜欢吃哪一种呢?

65、This first tutorial focuses on architecture -- that is, which technologies to use in which situations in ways that will perform well.本教程重点讨论体系结构,即什么情况下使用哪种技术最好。

66、What are the specific performance of acuteness wet wart?尖锐湿疣的具体表现有哪几种?

67、Structure exists on nearly all scales in the universe.宇宙中几乎有各种规模的结构存在。

68、Decision makers must have some way of determining which of several alternatives is best - that is, which contributes the most to the achievement of organizational goals.决策者必须有办法能从多种选择里确定一种为最佳,也就是说哪个对实现机构目标帮助最大,机构的目标也就是此机构所寻求的事态的结果。

69、Chinese possible structure includes two kinds, one is possible complement, another is the structure relate to modal verb.汉语能性结构包括两种,一种是补语可能式,另一种是与情态动词有关的结构。

70、The trick is to come up with the right framework for your problem so that you know which techniques are most likely going to be appropriate.诀窍在于要为你的问题制定最正确的结构,这样一来你就会知道哪一种技术最有可能适合这种情况。

71、What kind of brandy do you serve here?你们这儿有哪几种牌子的白兰地?

72、Which of the following endings are correct?以下哪几个结束语是正确的?

73、I am seriously hoping that in the next couple of days it will be sorted out one way or another - although I have no idea which way that will be.我希望将来几天这事能结束,不管是哪种结果。我自己也不知道会怎么结束。

74、Marine soft soil is a kind of structured soil with strength of structural connection.海积软土是一种结构性土,具有结构连结强度。

75、Which isomer of carvone do you have?你所得到的香芹酮异构体是哪一种呢?

英文句子模板76:what kind of structure?,76、Arcus is a geometrically constructed font with rounded curves.Arcus是一种有着几何构架、圆润弯曲的字体。

77、From the brick building long-span structures, stone structures, a few meters of wood, steel structure to the development of tens of meters, a few hundred meters, until modern km above.建筑物跨径从砖结构、石结构、木结构的几米、几十米发展到钢结构的百米、几百米,直到现代的千米以上。

78、What kind of restaurants are there in your hotel?在饭店里面有哪几种风味的餐厅?



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