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关于”用写安全防火“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Write safe fire prevention。以下是关于用写安全防火的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Write safe fire prevention


1、Today there are many network security means, such as the encryption technique, firewall technique, anti-virus technique and the intrusion detection technique.


2、So the problems of fireproofing security are relative more.


3、This old Building is a definite firetrap.


4、Network security is provided by high-performance, state-of-the-art firewalls.


5、Therefore, the performance of fire safety construction is the general trend to ensure the buildings safety.


6、Fire safety is highly respected here – red fire extinguishers and valves can be seen everywhere.


7、Firewall for local devices (high security); and


8、Safety: Anti-running water, anti-fire, crack pipes, leakage power, anti-dry, sensitive power;


9、Preparation and property of an organic silicon defoamer for gel fire-resistance glass;


10、Fire-resistant safety cabinets provide compliant storage and organization of flammable liquids.

如果你的防火墙过于安全了,你也许会影响用户的正常工作。 所以在安全和过于安全之间要有一个精心的结合点。

11、Ifyour firewall is too secure, you might inhibit users from doing theirwork, so there must be a careful blend of being very secure but not toosecure.


12、Enable Kingsoft Cloud Security defense function can efficiently help users preventing potential security threats away from computer.


13、The practice showed that the gel fire prevention and control technique is an efficient, economic and safe fire-fighting means suitable for high-ga…


14、The distributed firewall, which integrates the technology of Virtual Private Network (VPN), is the effective method to solve the conflict between safety and expense.


15、A safety evaluation method for evacuation in performance-based fire safety design;


16、The maximum acceptable temperature of heating media of the coal conveyer house in power stations is restricted by fire and explosion safety requirements.


17、Three, the training of safety consciousness, safety concept, safety defense self-defense skills.


18、The integration did not require any special firewall or security considerations.


19、This article introduces the fireproof principle , production technology of new type building safety fireproof glass and the product property .


20、Objects anti-theft security management application.

21、Anti-prize keyhole design, safe and practical;防撬锁舌设计,安全实用;

22、The method of Fuzzy comprehensive assessment has been used for city fire protection assessment and an example of SuZhou old city was obtained.城市防火安全评价采用的是模糊综合评判方法(以苏州古城区的防火安全评价为例)。

23、Traditional static defense means such as firewall and data encryption have been unable to fully meet the requirements of network security.传统的防火墙、数据加密等静态防御方式已不能完全满足网络安全的要求。

24、Clothing anti-theft security management application.衣物防窃安全管理应用。

25、However, single-pane fire-resistant glass can only prevent the spread of fire and smoke, while high temperature and thermal radiation flux on its …快速响应水喷头在高温烟气作用下能够自动启动,可以长时间地保护防火玻璃,而且不会影响到防火玻璃背火面的人员安全疏散。

英文句子26:,26、Building forest belts of biological fire prevention is a main measure of stopping the spread of forest fires and realizing green fire prevention.阐述了营造生物防火林带是阻隔林火蔓延、实现“绿色防火”的主要措施,对保障森林资源安全、减少森林灾害的损失将发挥积极作用。

27、Some Microsoft security updates have been known to re-enable the firewall automatically even if you have an existing firewall enabled in another security software program.一些微软的安全更新已经知道重新启用自动防火墙,即使你有一个现有的防火墙启用了另一项安全的软件程序。

28、Fire science technicians learn how to test the safety of fire-retardant materials and fire suppression devices.火灾科学技术人员学会如何测试防火阻燃材料和灭火设备的安全。

29、Most new computers come with a built-in firewall. Firewalls are a necessary part of safe web surfing.大部分新电脑内嵌有防火墙。防火墙是上网安全保障的必要部分。

30、Do well in preventing fire and burglary, anti-moth and security job.做好防火、防盗、防蛀、保密等安全工作;

31、Article 第五条 任何单位、个人都有维护消防安全、保护消防设施、预防火灾、报告火警的义务。

5 Any unit and individual shall have the obligation of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, preventing fire disaster and reporting fire alarm.

32、The application of some other security techniques about the technical document protection is researched, including Virus Prevention, Firewall, and Virtual Private Network etc.针对企业文档安全管理的需要,研究了其他相关安全技术的应用,如防病毒技术,防火墙技术,虚拟专用网技术。

33、Well injection-molding workshop fire control work, and to ensure the safe channel.做好注塑车间的防火工作,并确保安全通道畅通。

34、Do use a firewall and anti-virus software to keep your computer safe, too.不使用防火墙、防毒软件保护电脑安全。

35、All prevent fire, every household are safe!人人防火,户户安全!

36、Fire-resistance cable is used in the places such as nuclear power station, subway, tunnel, high-storey building and other places concerning to fire security and its lifesaving .耐火型电缆适用于核电站、地铁、隧道、高层建筑等与防火安全和消防救生有关的地方。

37、There's a fire protection rule which addresses fires in the safety related areas.还有一个防火规定,那就提到了,在安全相关区域的火。

38、Each department should initiatively abide by the "Fire Law", execute the fire protection work.各部门要严格遵守、执行《消防法》规定,落实安全防火工作;

39、The sides and front sash are made of fire-, scratch-, and chemical-resistant 0.6cm (1/4") thick tempered safety glass."两边和前窗框是防火,防刮,防化学的0.6厘米(

1 /

4 “ )厚的钢化安全玻璃。

40、There are three types of protective measures in safety design: direct safety protection, indirect safety protection and suggestive safety protection.安全设计的防护措施一般有三种形式:直接安全防护、间接安全防护和提示性安全防护。

41、The laboratorys safety management primarily includes: fire prevention, anti-virus and guard against theft.实验室的安全管理主要包括防火、防毒及防盗。

42、Hinder firearm to is it prevent flammable gas , liquid flame from spread and prevent flash back but cause safety device of explosion to used for.阻火器是用来阻止易燃气体、液体的火焰的蔓延和防止回火而引起爆炸的安全装置。

43、A rational deployment and management of the firewall security strategy can protect the network security more effectively.对于防火墙安全策略的合理配置和方便管理,能更有效地保护网络安全。

44、Your PC's security status is determined by the state of your anti-virus and firewall protection.电脑的安全状态取决于病毒防护和防火墙保护的状态。

45、Component part:Fire-proof cloth with aluminum foil, flame retardant and heat-resisting felt, comfortable inner.材料组合:铝箔防火布、耐火隔热毡及舒适层。●目镜:镀金安全视镜。

46、Network safety; Firewall; IPS; Anti-virus wall; Behavior Monitoring;网络安全; 防火墙; IPS; 防毒墙; 行为监控;

47、Flame arrestor is a safety device which shell be used in preventing combustion in pipe Generally F.阻火器是用来阻止易燃气体、液体的火焰蔓延和防止回火而引起的安全装置。

48、Understand TCP/IP, network security, include firewall, anti-virus, etc;熟悉TCP/IP网络协议,了解网络安全技术,包括防火墙、防病毒等;

49、Fire Safe – Secondary metal-to-metal seal acts as backup if primary seal is destroyed by fire.防火安全- 如果第一个密封被火烧坏,则第二个金属对金属密封作为后备密封发挥作用。

50、According to the authoritative department's statistics of the international fire control shows that the basic reasons of 70% of the great fire accidents are to use the electricity unsafely !据国际消防安全权威部门统计数据显示:70%重大火灾事故的根本原因是不安全用电!

经典英文句子51:用写安全防火,51、The host-based firewall is the most widespread safe guard tool for the ordinary Internet users.而主机防火墙是目前普通互联网用户使用最广泛的安全防范工具。

52、The station warned people to guard against heat, food safety and fires.中央气象台提醒高温区要注意做好防暑降温、注意食品安全并预防火灾。



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