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关于”副词开头“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Adverb Beginning。以下是关于副词开头的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Adverb Beginning



5)A new report suggests that chewing gum may be a health hazard.


2、The adverbs of degree are the important subcategory in Chinese adverb family, and the degree adverbs in Yeji dialect are not identical to these in Mandarin.

Accessorize a mobile device(副标题以动词开头)

3、Accessorize a mobile device (Subheading that starts with a verb)


4、From the front, back and both sides we kept a strict watch on.


5、For our purposes, we get the definition of a word as well as its pronunciation and type (for example, adjective, noun, verb, adverb).


6、The Q-word (think five trophies) has also been banned from public usage.


7、He does not know an adjective from adverb.


8、Some intransitive state verbs could also modify verbs, as adverbials.


9、Each of these rows will start with a different synonym.


10、His title, he said only half- facetiously , was "vice president of nothing."

11、用作副词 (adv.) He is little known as an artist. 他是个不出名的艺术家。


12、Korean and Chinese are different kinds of languages, so the time-point adverbs of those have their own different characterizations.


13、He came in the room watching here and there。


14、A door opened, a white-haired secretarial head, but we aring a compassionate expression, appeared.


15、And then you slur by dropping initial letters and diphthongs.

韩佳: 没错儿。“反正”是个副词。

16、Exactly. "Fanzheng" is an adverb.


17、Specifically, in ideational metaphor, Chinese learners tend to use verbs, adjectives and adverbs.


18、"Let me out! "The boy cried.


19、So to know and grasp the adverbial forms of verbs is essential for us to study grammar, verbs and adverbs of Manchu language.


20、Tense adverbs modify nouns as attributives, while aspect adverbs modify nouns as adverbial adjuncts.

21、The full word only includes the pronoun, the number-classifier phrase, the adverb.实词 研究只包括代词、数量词、副词。

22、The only question is how fast the process will be. 惟一的问题是这个过程会有多快。

23、Third chapter is clear this article to the guest language time adverb definition division, compared with the time-word and time adverb difference, and explains the time adverb the function.第三章将本文对客语时间副词的定义划分清楚,比较时间词与时间副词其中的差异,并说明时间副词的功能。

24、Header Designer exposes Heading and SubHeading properties to the user.头设计公开标题与副标题属性给用户。

25、Combine the key words into a summary, using some adverbs, conjunctions, etc.用副词、连词等整合,完成择要撰著。

英文句子26:,26、We need to plan for the future. 我们需要为将来作好打算。

27、The study of the adverbs is of great significance not only to the study of commonly used adverbs but also to the study of non-commonly used adverbs in pre-Qin period.《楚辞》的副词研究不仅对于先秦常用副词的研究有重要价值,而且对于先秦非常用副词的研究也具有较大的意义。

28、My father is a school teacher. 我的父亲是一名学校教师。


4)To tell the truth, I don't know if I can handle the job.

30、Adverbs are used to modify verbs, such as “quickly” in “she ran fast”.副词用来修饰动词,例如“她跑得快”中的“快”。

31、He donned his gentlemanly attitude.他摆出他那副绅士派头。

32、I often listen to their songs. They are pretty good.pretty是非常作副词用

33、In Chinese, the classification of the auxiliary verb and the adverb always have dispute.汉语中助动词和副词的分类一直有争议。

34、Day and night he worked hard in his laboratory.他夜以继日地在实验室里努力地工作着。(名词转译成副词)

35、In this version, some conversions are made to the verbs and adverbs in the conversation.该版本中,会话中的动词和副词作了一些转换.

36、The following passage is mainly concerned with conversion of English nouns , adjectives, adverbs , verbs and prepositions in the course of translation from English to Chinese.文章主要讲述了英语名词、形容词、副词、动词和介词在英译汉过程中进行的转换。

37、Use adverbs sparingly.谨慎地使用副词。

38、In French, street names used as adverbial phrases show some characteristics that other types of place-names do not show, i. e. their use (as adverbial phrase) do not require a preposition.法文的街名在作地方副词时,用法特殊,它们「不需要任何介系词的引导」,就可以在句子中行使副词的功能。

39、Exhausted though she was, there was no hope of her being to sleep.她虽然很累,但却没有能入睡的希望。(以已变成形容词的过去分词开头)

40、As for time-adverb, it summaries 164 certain time-adverbs on reference to the time-adverb range concluded by past scholars, meanwhile it gives a further classification to all of the time-adverbs.时间副词方面,在参考前人总结的时间副词范围的基础上得出了164个确定的时间副词,同时对整个时间副词体系进行下位分类。

41、H. E. Mr. Wang Wenzhang delivers a speech at the opening ceremony.王文章副部长在开幕式上致词。

42、First: Outline of the Book of Nan Qi Dynasty.第一章为“《南齐书》副词总论”。

43、Notice that each objective begins with a verb (e.g., “Achieve, ” “Finalize, ” “Complete, ” etc.).注意我的每个目标都用一个动词开头。

44、" one of his friends asked. “那个大铜锣和锤子是干什么用的?

45、Adverbs of manner usually come after the verbs they modify.行为方式副词通常放在它们所修饰的动词后面。

46、Adverbs of sphere", as they are often called, should go to four different adverb sub-classes."人们通常所说的“范围副词” ,应分属于四个不同的副词次类。

47、Cheung Kong Group is a sub-center of the city as the lead developer.长江集团是真如城市副中心的牵头开发商。

48、They can co-occur with the adverb, conjunction and similar successive application.它们可以和副词、连词共现,甚至可以同类连用。

49、"Buding" is an adverb.“不定”是个副词。

50、Try to start most subheadings with the same part of speech, such as a verb or a noun.副标题开头的短语应该尽量词性相同。

经典英文句子51:副词开头,51、What's more, the range of nouns in which structure time-adverbs are attributives is much wider than that of the nouns in which structure time-adverbs are adverbial adjuncts.受时间副词作定语修饰的名词范围涵盖并远大于受时间副词作状语修饰的名词。

52、无能的,糟透的 .. hopefully ad.in a hopeful manner 怀着希望;

53、"Zheng" is an adverb.“正”就是一个副词。

54、The words of time in the book A Dream in Red Mansions (the first 80 charpters) can be integrated with the time words, numeral, adverb, pronoun, preposition, direction words etc.《红楼梦》时间词可以和时间词、数词、副词、代词、介词、方位词等组合;

55、This electronic dictionary consists of six parts, they are adverbs part, postposition part, conjunction part, mood word's part, enchoing word' parts, model word' part and so on.《青史演义电子词典》虚词部分由副词部分、后置词部分、语气词部分、连词部分、摹拟词部分和情态词部分构成。

56、The two word-building is an important means of polysyllabic adverbs in Song Shu.这两种构词法是《宋书》中副词复音化的重要手段。

57、Then it searches from corrupts according to those 164 time-adverbs and comes out with 38 time-adverbs which can modify noun as adjective.随后以164个时间副词为纲,在语料库中进行穷尽式搜索,得出具体作定语修饰名词的时间副词共38个。

58、Parts of the forest are still dense and inaccessible. 森林的一些部分仍然很茂密,人迹罕至。

59、The article points out that the scope and the type of the temporal adverbs should be classified according to their aspect function.本文从体功能出发,把时间副词分为过程义时间副词、界变义时间副词和量化义时间副词三大类。

60、Adjectives and adverbs are the "shading words" par excellence, the little words that fine-tune our thoughts.形容词和副词绝对是“具有细微色彩差别的词语”,是些可以调谐我们思维的小词。

61、She opened the window to let fresh air in.她把窗子打开,让簇新空气出去。(副词转换为动词)

62、She wore a cap and a pair of sunglasses.她戴着一顶头巾和一副日头眼睛儿。

63、Adverbs are always used to qualify verbs.副词通常用来修饰动词。

64、Now I would like to invite Mr. Wei Zhaofeng, Vice President of China Electricity Council to address the opening.现在请中国电力企业联合会专职副理事长魏昭峰先生致开幕词。

65、As long as the vice director speaked "open", I run to the film.只要是副导演一声开机,朝着镜头狂奔就行。


标签: 开头

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