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关于”冬天的诗歌“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Winter's Poetry。以下是关于冬天的诗歌的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Winter's Poetry


1、It was the coldest winter within living memory.


2、In the winter it snows here. Everything is covered with whiteness.


3、Snow geese travel thousands of miles to their winter homes.


4、Thus it is doubted as the snow unmelted through winter.


5、The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable .


6、They sang songs to beguile the long winter evenings.


7、It soon became a favorite with Tyrolean singers, traveling up and down the continent in the winter to earn money.


8、It was in winter that they dug trenches and laid the oil pipes.


9、Cold northern winters ensure the sugarcoating is firm and crispy.


10、On this particular evening they had invited SillertonJackson, Mrs. Archer and Newland and his wife to gowith them to the Opera, where Faust was being sungfor the first time that winter.


11、The uppermost dimmer layer is snow from last winter, the bright layer in the center is last summer, and the dimmer layer at bottom is the winter before that.


12、A woman's mind and winter wind change oft.


13、I like to live in warm areas like deserts, but I can hibernate to survive if it gets too cold.


14、Only those survive the winter are able to produce their offsprings in the coming spring back in the north.


15、He reappeared just in time for the winter frost.


16、Winter appropriate uses the fabrics of massiness , warmth retention property is strong;


17、Hearing the leaving of winter, I wake up someday.


18、These bands wintered separately in sheltered river valleys.

通常圣诞节都是在冬天举行的 对啦 还有中国新年!

19、, also; Chinese New Year Eve!


20、The lily of the valley in winter draw on emerald green breath.

21、The night sky is now gorgeous with billions of stars.我是在一个满天星斗的冬夜遇到他的。

22、Winter No one can stio the onset of winter. 没有一个人能够阻止冬天的“进攻”(来临)。

23、Unfortunately, winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday.遗憾的是,冬天从没在我生日那天送给我特别的礼物——雪。

24、If we cut down that grain you don't eat this winter.如果成功,你们在冬天就没吃的了

25、The climates of East China can be pretty cold in winter.华东地区冬天的气候有时会相当冷。

英文句子26:,26、Hearing the winter's leaving, I come to on some day.听见冬天的离开,我在某年某月醒过来。

27、Medlar stewed mutton: also is very suitable for winter edible.枸杞炖羊肉:也是很适合冬天食用的。

28、Caspase-3 expressed stably in the control group.对照组半胱天冬酶3蛋白的表达水平稳定;

29、It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.地的一切疆界,是你所立的。 夏天和冬天是你所定的。

30、The previous winter had been probably the most awful in his life; plagued by ill health and deep melancholy, he even forgot his own birthday!前一个冬天也许是他生命之中最可怕的冬天;被疾病和深度忧郁症困扰着的他,甚至忘记了自己的生日!

31、Before rushing off to the next meeting, he tells them: “We may see you again in Quetta this winter—but not before.”在他离开奔赴另一个会议前,他告诉他们:“我们也许会在冬天在奎塔重逢,但在冬天之前不会了。”

32、Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.笑声如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天。

33、The thermometer takes a nose dive the first day of winter.入冬第一天气温计的水银柱骤降。

34、Winter storms and cold temperatures can be hazardous, but if you plan ahead, you can stay safe and healthy. Prepare your home and cars.冬天里的风暴和低温会是很危险的,但是如果你能够提前计划的话,一定会度过一个安全而又健康的冬天。

35、I think a great deal of Beijing winter and the malatang.我时常会想起北京的冬天和麻辣烫。

36、22Then came the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter在耶路撒冷有修殿节,是冬天的时候。

37、They sang the heroically "Song of Sportsmen of Wintertime Swimming", plunging into the ice-cold water.他们唱着“冬泳健儿之歌”扑向冰冷的江水。

38、Jair conditionersk: The winter of this year is sourly cold isnhat it?杰克:本年的冬天特别很是冷,是吧?

39、JACK:Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls.杰克: 那儿的冬天最冷。

40、He recalls his shock at the Wyoming winter.他还记得怀俄明的冬天给他带来的震撼。

41、"On a cold wind blowing, blossoming plum flower open… " Sing a new song walking in the spacious road, will feel the winter is coming.“凛冽的寒风迎面吹,梅花朵朵开……


42、Winter, northwest wind howling like a sharp knife.冬天,呼啸的西北风就如同一把锋利的的刀子。

43、Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty.即使在冬天,路边道旁也是美丽的地方。

44、This section of the country is drizzly in the winter.该国的这一地区在冬天经常细雨蒙蒙。

45、Itsoon became a favorite with Tyrolean singers,traveling up and down the continent in the winter to earn money.这首歌很快成为提洛尔卖艺者们的最爱,这些卖艺者在冬天常奔忙于欧洲各地演唱赚钱。

46、And rent it out in the winter time for the snowbirds that come down to the desert.李维斯说,“然后在冬天租出去,总有些北方来的候鸟族喜欢在这荒漠里过冬的。”

47、The winter is coming now, how about your cool bareheaded feeling?(冬天已经来了,你的酷光头不冷吗?

48、The discordant tones of the voices and instruments drew nearer, and now droning songs mingled with the sound of the tambourines and cymbals.由喧嚣的人声和锣鼓声交织成的一片噪音愈来愈近。 在那鼓声冬冬、铙钹锵锵的鸣奏中还夹杂着单调的歌声。

49、Did you know? Although chipmunks hibernate, they do not store fat. Instead they slowly gnaw away at their summer bounty throughout the winter.你知道吗? 虽然花栗鼠会冬眠,它们不会储存脂肪。而是在整个冬天把夏天给它们带来的慷慨食物慢慢啃光。

50、How could Rodolfo not fall in love with Mimi as she sings her own rapture at the first sunshine after winter, the first kiss of April?当Mimi在冬天后第一束阳光时全神贯注的唱歌时Rodolfo怎能不爱上她,xx月的第一个吻?

经典英文句子51:冬天的诗歌,51、I've got plenty of logs salted away for the winter .我已为冬天的到来储备了大量的干柴。

52、What ingredients should you look for in a winter hand cream?冬天的护手霜应该富含哪些元素?

53、Glass windows steam over quickly at night in winter.冬天的夜晚玻璃窗上很快就结上水汽。

54、And then winter come, that was the well-known old Russian winter, with horrible frosts and lots of snow.然后冬天来了,这是众所周知的老俄罗斯的寒冬,与可怕的霜冻和雪很多。


标签: 英文 诗歌

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