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关于”激励孩子“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Motivate children。以下是关于激励孩子的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Motivate children


1、This type of motivation evolves over time but you can see remnants way back when your kid did homework in grade school or practiced violin without being asked.


2、But there's no need to be extravagant. A visit to the zoo, a movie and popcorn, or a slightly later bedtime can be good motivators.


3、She got out and the thankful mother joined her children in the boat.

他纵身跳进了激流, 救起了一个又一个孩子。

4、He plunged into the swift current and rescued one child after another.


5、Show your kids how to maintain their own rooms and reward them for doing so.


6、The children's bad behaviour at last goaded the teacher into angry.


7、My wife — Her level of courage and genuineness inspires me daily. She pushes me as a writer and an artist.


8、The effects of stochastic excitation on the period-doubling bifurcation and chaotic motions of the softening Duffing oscillator, are discussed in detail.


9、Girls in Jordan see women in high-powered careers teaching the videos and it is very inspirational to them.


10、A visit to the zoo, a movie and popcorn, or a slightly later bedtime can be good motivators.


11、In Michelle Bachelet, the former President of Chile, we found a global leader who can inspire millions of women and girls around the world.


12、And here is what can happen: People from churches, motivated by God's love, can extend love and hope to children who desperately need someone in their lives.


13、Well, tell you the truth, that email really inspired me to make a post about that video music (thanks Ivana).


14、Let your kids rest on pillows designed to inspire musical dreams.

My wife — Her level of courage and genuineness inspires me daily. She pushes me as a writer and an artist.



16、Later in the study, the children expressed dislike for the foods they had been rewarded for eating.


17、But his legend was united with old Nordic folktales of a magician who punished naughty children and rewarded good children with presents.


18、The results show that the annular array in different combination and excitation condition has radiation characteristics of monopole, dipole and quadrupole of acoustic logging.

“我一直对自己孩子用这种方法,”研究员 Collin Payne 说,“任何激发他们想像的事物似乎也激发他们的食欲。”

19、"I've been using this with my kids, " said researcher Collin Payne, "Whatever sparks their imagination seems to spark their appetite."


20、Reading to children is one of the best ways to encourage interest in reading.

21、The effects of stochastic excitation on the period-doubling bifurcation and chaotic motions of the softening Duffing oscillator, are discussed in detail.讨论了有 界噪声激励对软弹簧杜芬振子的倍周期 分岔至混沌运动的影响。

22、The intense beam creates an artificial "star" in the atmosphere by exciting atoms 56 miles (90 km) up.强烈的光束由于激励了高达56英里(90公里)原子,创造一个大气中的人造“星星”。

23、For example, a new father has elevated levels of the hormone prolactin — usually associated with lactation in women — that trigger his nurturing instinct.例如,新爸爸的催乳激素量(这一般是与哺乳期妇女有联系的)增加,从而激发其教养孩子的本能。

24、She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.她知道孩子与牙医的预约,孩子的情事,孩子的好朋友,孩子喜欢的食物,孩子害怕的事物,孩子的目标和理想。

25、At present, iontophoresis apparatus is a method that direct current power supply, or pulse electric current power supply.目前,电离子导入仪主要采用的是直流电激励导入,或是脉冲电导入的方法。

英文句子26:,26、You're really something, Mary Bth. I hope those kids appreciate you.你真不错,玛丽。贝思。我希望孩子们能感激你。

27、In the 1st century B. C. , Roman playwright Terence said the role of a father is "to teach and inspire his children to do good of their own free will rather than fear of somebody else."公元前1世纪的罗马剧作家泰伦斯曾说过,父亲的角色是“教导并激励他的孩子,让他们乐于行善,而非畏惧被人责骂才行善。”

28、The kids were wet and very excited and Roger was very shaken .孩子们浑身水淋淋的,都激动得很。罗杰却是颤抖个不停。

29、Some children become irritable, get a skin rash or swollen glands.某些孩子变为应激性、皮肤疹或腺体肿胀。

30、i owe a lot to my wife and children. 我很感激我的妻子和孩子。

31、Tweaking curriculums by exposing kids to more books full of explosions might lead boys to do better in reading — and if boys continue to lag, there’ll be more of a push for boy-friendly initiatives.如果调整教学课程,让小孩接触更多的与爆炸有关的书,男孩的阅读能力或许会因此提高。 如果这样男孩成绩还是落后于女生,就需要有更多的激励男生学习的方法。

32、Together we produced and raised two great kids, Megan and Seth, who continue to blow my mind.我们有了两个孩子:梅甘和赛斯,两个让人激动的小家伙。

33、After children : I am thankful for Velcrotennis shoes.有孩子后:我感激有维可牢尼龙扣的网球鞋。

34、To keep them motivated, you can have them try to run a specific distance over a period of time, like 你也可以让孩子试试在一定时间内争取跑到一定的距离,像一个月内跑够3英里,以此来激励他们。

3 miles in a month.

35、Some children bring all the tools they are on and one of the boys share he wants to bring a ice cream machine.一些孩子画上了他们喜欢的所有工具,其中一个男孩,告诉大家他想带一台冰激凌机。

36、Little Boy and Ice Cream In the days when an ice cream sundae1 cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table.小男孩和冰激凌 在冰激凌圣代还不贵的时候,有一个xx岁的小男孩走进一家酒店咖啡馆,坐在桌子旁。

37、Money is fun, and it's almost entirely self-explanatory. (金钱是有趣的,而且几乎完全是不讲自明的。 教育孩子们看问题要有长远目光的惟一途径,是让孩子们近期内便能尝到某种甜头,从而激励他们去那样做。

4) The only way to teach kids to adopt a long-term perspective is to give them a short-term incentive for doing so.

38、Useing high energy electron beam as pumping source to excite semiconductor crystal screen laser could be generated. It can realize high brightness and high resolution display.用高能电子束作泵浦源,去激励半导体晶体屏,可以产生激光,实现高亮度高清晰显示。

39、Creating incentives to support girls’ education — and, in particular, girls’ secondary education — catalyzes a range of positive outcomes.建立支持女孩教育的激励机制——特别是女孩的中等教育——催生了一系列的积极结果。

40、He told the boy to watch the circles created by the stone.他让男孩丢一颗石子到水中,并嘱咐男孩仔细观察石子所激起的水波纹。

41、Consider, in advance of interviewing, what actually does motivate you and come up with some specific examples to share during the interview.在面试前想想究竟什么事情能激励你,面试时和面试官分享具体的例子。

42、The situations listed in the previous paragraph show how different incentives affect those with a similar culture.前面几段举的几个例子说明在同一文化下,不同的激励机制会产生不同的结果。

43、Zhang Ying: Actually, I was with all the kids to dream, and I think this torch will be on our Association, will give all children an incentive, will be back.张颖:其实我是带着所有孩子的梦想来的,我想这个火炬会放在我们协会,会给所有的儿童一种激励,会带回去。

44、All girls go through hormonal changes during puberty. During this period, the body experiences a change in the production of estrogen.所有的女孩子们都要经历青春期的荷尔蒙激素变化,在这一时期,身体要经历雌激素分泌量的变化。

45、I'm also willing to bet a lot of teachers will applaud your efforts when you do, and your kids will thank you as well.我也同样确信,当您这么教给孩子的时候,他们的老师会称赞您,同样,孩子们也会感激您的。

46、If you are intended to boost smart staff’s morale by awarding him with positions with superior titles or promotion, you will probably be foiled.如果你想用职位头衔和升迁来激励聪明员工,你多半会碰一鼻子灰。

47、And now I'm like baby, baby , baby noo.我现在就像个孩子,孩子,孩子,不。

48、The mother was not keen for any investigations, and she was concerned with the usage of inhaled topical corticosteroids for rhinitis and hyperactive airway disease.孩子的母亲因鼻炎与高反应性气道疾病使用局部吸入性激素治疗,且不愿孩子接受任何进一步的检查。

49、Children have always a sympathy in the agitations of those connected with them;孩子们与同他们相关的人们的激动总是息息相通;

50、Her level of courage and genuineness inspires me daily. She pushes me as a writer and an artist.我的妻子---她的勇气和真诚每天都激励着我,是她使我成为一个作家和艺术家。

经典英文句子51:激励孩子,51、The foundation is not strong enough for the proper interplay of soul between teacher and child. The child is insufficiently aroused to inner activity.这样的基础有些弱,不足以在孩子与老师之间发展恰当的灵魂之间的相互影响,孩子内部活动就得不到充分激活。

52、National Fishing Week is really all about the kids, so let's make it more enticing and give them a reason to go.全国钓鱼周实际上是为孩子而设的,让我们一起把它变得更加令人激动,并给孩子一个理由来参加。

53、Cash incentives, for example, can provide a degree of protection, particularly if they come with the condition that parents look after the health and nutrition of their children.例如,通过现金激励措施,可以提供一定程度的保护,尤其是在附加以下条件的情况下——父母必须重视孩子的健康和营养状况。

54、Videos, podcasts, and expert interviews to motivate you and help you stay on track with writing and completing your eBook.通过视频、博客以及专家访谈来激励你、帮助你坚持完成你的电子书。

55、After all, if everyone is treated the same, what is the incentive to be good?If a good kid makes a mistake, the penalty should be much less severe than if a problem child commits the same act.毕竟,如每个人都一样处理,那还须使用让人变好的激励吗? 如果好孩子犯错,受的处罚要比犯同样错误的问题儿童轻些。

56、The man saved the girl from the fiver and her mother was very grateful.这位男子把那女孩从河里救了出来,女孩的母亲十分感激。

57、The average ones are those who'd benefit most from an intensive and heavily involved parent like Ms Chua.普通的孩子指的是那些从一个激烈又老管着孩子的Chua那样的家长身上获益的孩子。

58、The strange round-shaped object stimulate the curiosity of chidren.这奇怪的圆形物体激起了孩子们的好奇心。

59、This does not encourage positive behavior and overreactions can result in more bad behavior.这会导致消极的行为,而且过激反应会引发孩子更坏的表现。

60、In the course of communicating with them we can cultivate their basic communicative ability by activating the language they have acquired by various means.在与孩子的交流中,激活孩子通过各种途径习得的语言,能培养其基本交际能力。

61、Would you like give me some advices that which kind of standard of providing educational fund so that can effectively inspirit the children's growth.跪求各位英语高手将: “您认为以何种标准为尺度发放教育基金能有效的激励您孩子的成长”翻成英文。

62、"With the proliferation of electronic media, there are many more opportunities for children to be exploited, " she says.“随着电子媒体的激增,孩子们被利用的机会越来越多,”她说。

63、A little boy came running up and tugged at his sleeve excitedly 一个小男孩跑上来,非常激动地拽着他的袖子。

64、I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy.我感激她在那个少不更事的孩子身上付出的时间,我感激她的耐心、体谅和善良。

65、We suggest that the bi-level program be adopted to encourage producers to join the mechanism recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment.采用二层规划研究激励生产商参与回收废弃家电及电子产品的机制。


标签: 英文 孩子

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