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1、Good temper is gentle, bad call provocative.


2、Come gentle sun, while the cuckoo sings


3、Love is tender, but thorns like thorns.


4、Dedicated to your face, warm and soft, the color of with.


5、Killing me softly with his song. Strumming my pain with his fingers

爱人温柔把你粘, 朋友心中常挂牵。

6、Love gentle stick you, friends always yearning heart.


7、Speak in a loud, rough, husky, gentle, etc voice.


8、You embrace it tenderly and look deeply into it.


9、Believe that love lasts forever in one day,freezing time in this moment


10、Her face should be treated with tenderness and reverence.


11、Friendship is a soft consolatory person on my miserable spirit.


12、Tests the certificate purely to feel urgently soft temperately comfortable.


13、The air-bridged harbor that twin cities .


14、How do we develop this character of meekness?

15、我曾经那样真诚,那样温柔的爱过你 (I ever so sincere, that tender love you )


16、Classified as a refined, gentle and floral fragrance.


17、Anna with a hot temper sweetened after getting married.


18、He said it was warm and soft and wonderful.


19、Gentle pressed, the juice is decanted in low temperature.


20、Macleans Milk Teeth has a gentle mint taste and soft texture, meaning it is mild on little mouths.

21、This bob is best for that whimsical and soft look.这款发型适合异想天开的温柔的人群。

22、I was also trying to sing a tender love song.同时我也在唱一首温柔的情歌。

23、You gently my years, impress me time.你温柔了我的岁月,冷艳了我的时光。

24、Tenderness, pity, regret, as after a pause he proceeded.温柔,爱怜,惋惜,他顿了顿继续说道。

25、I responsed passionately, but there wasn't your tender voice.我热切地回应着,却不见你温柔的声音。

英文句子26:,26、Softly wiping away miaka's tears that trickled down her cheeks again taka gently kissed her lips.轻柔地拭去美朱眼里再次滑落的泪珠,魏温柔地吻上她的唇。

27、Reweaving the threads of creation is a gentle task;重织造物丝线是一个温柔的工作;

28、A little tender of you will create awonderful spring-time.给我一点温柔,还您满园春色;

29、There's an affection blooming in rose's heart. Prayed with wishes , bathed in the rain, no one could escape from net made with love.玫瑰的心在暗夜温柔的情怀中绽放。含苞的期望,雨泽的滋养,没有谁逃得过温柔织成的网。

30、You softly replied: "hearts which beat in unison are linked."你温柔的回答:“爱的心有灵犀!”

31、fondly we watched you in vale and glade;我们在溪谷和沼泽温柔的观察你;

32、Hand Kiss - Gently raise her hand to your lips.手吻 ——把她的手温柔地抬向你的唇。

33、They are often gentle in nature, and know right from wrong.她们通常温柔体贴,明辨是非。

34、My feelings are tender; please be sensitive to my needs; don’t nag me all day long.我内心很柔弱;所以请对我的需求温柔对待;不要整天唠唠叨叨。

35、That's true. The wool one feels warm and soft.那倒是真的。羊毛的触感温暖又柔软。

36、Killing me softly with his song, Killing me softly with his song我醉倒在他温柔的歌声�

37、They are soft, good-natured, and easy-going.他们性情温柔,心地善良,宽容随和。

38、After a sudden storm, the searing sun turned much tender.一场强悍的暴雨,让烈阳温柔了许多。

39、From of old, gentilesse is directly connected with women.自古以来,温柔就直接与女人挂勾。

40、But I am gentle and considerate, mature and more stable.但是我很温柔体贴,成熟稳重。

41、He took her gentle words as an auspice of happiness.他把她温柔的话当作是幸福的吉兆。

42、Slender fingers, once so intimate and versatile and tender.纤长的手指,曾经是如此亲胤密与温柔。

43、Your tenderness is what I rely on the largest.皒会哭,妳的温柔是皒蕞大的依靠。

44、With dilated form and lambent eyes watch'd you.以扩张的形体和温柔的眼神把你们守望。

45、I am a happy girl, gentle and beautiful, kind-hearted.我是一个快乐的女孩,温柔、美丽,善良。

46、You can try to lower their temperature by sponging them gently with lukewarm water.您可以尝试降低其温度由海绵他们轻柔的温水。

47、Teach him gently , World, but don't coddle him.世界,你应该温柔地教导他,切不可溺爱他。

48、He is a lovely boy, very gentle and caring. 他是个可爱的男孩,非常温柔体贴。

49、I believe I am more tender, considerate and charming than female.我相信我比女人更温柔,更风情万种。

50、Basuyai is tender. Plus, he has many wooers.小头很温柔。此外,他有许多追求者。

经典英文句子51:温柔,51、Who can give me a gentle hug.谁能给我温柔拥抱,我感觉心快要碎掉了。

52、Teach him gently, World, but don't coddle him.温柔地教导他吧,世界,但是不要放纵他。

53、“Honey?” she essayed tenderly, from the floor.“亲爱的?” 她躺在地上试图温柔地呼喊一声。


标签: 英文

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