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1、她昨天来这里跟我们告别. She came here to say goodbye to us yesterday .

2、Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me. 别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。

3、 我妈妈告诉我上学别迟到了(My mother told me not to be late for school)


4、I am here to say goodbye to you.


5、This code can be included in the type declaration.


6、He never liked drawn-out good-byes.


7、To be leave-taking, but I need more patience.


8、I'll teach you to meddle in my affairs.


9、I should go say good-bye to my other friends.

我告别了母亲,告别了我从小到大一直生活在那里的 小海湾 ,告别了我那可爱的“本鲍将军”老招牌——自从重新油漆过后,它已经不像以前那么可爱了。

10、I said good-bye to mother and the cove where I had lived since I was born, and the dear old 'Admiral Benbow' - since he was repainted, no longer quite so dear.


11、Don't tell this to the tormentor directly.


12、If you think you may be depressed, tell someone.


13、Fly Xu of confusing thoroughly take leave with me.


14、Loving others may mean tears and heartache, and much persevering in prayer.


15、Describes prohibited edits of nested type declarations.


16、This valedictory dispatch was written as he retired from the foreign service a few weeks ago.

don't tell anyone.“嘘..别告诉其他人”我咧嘴笑了笑。

17、I grinned.“Shhh…


18、He told the photographers to stop pestering him.


19、I'll give you some advice, Mike, don't try.


20、I come here only to say good-bye to you.

21、Kyle was valedictorian of our class.凯尔是我们班致告别词的学生代表。

22、Stop jabbering, and I'll tell you everything.别闹了,我统统都告诉你们。

23、Then he said goodbye to the lawyers.之后他向对到场的律师们告别。

24、Waving the gusset, fairing the cloud of yesterday.挥挥衣袖,告别昨日的云彩。

25、B had no choice but to declare bankruptcy.乙别无选择只能宣告破产。

英文句子26:,26、I hope you enjoy the farewell waltz.希望你们享受这个告别的华尔兹。

27、My friend said to me, 'don't be a hero, don't say you are British'.我朋友告诉我:“别逞英雄,别说你是英国人”。

28、Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me.别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。

29、Manu would later tell me, “Don’t take it personally.Manu后来告诉我,“别往心里去。

30、People are waving farewell to passengers on board.人们纷纷向已上船的人挥手告别。

31、BENVOLIO: Be ruled by me, forget to think of her.班:听我的劝告,别再想起她了。

32、I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye.刀客特燃烧了一颗恒星来告别…

33、If you want an answer, he told a questioner, withdraw your lawsuit.他告诉质疑人说,想要得到答案,你得先答应别去告我。

34、Don't . I'll you the train station.别担心。我会报告您去水车站的路。

35、In general, a nested type should not perform tasks for types other than its declaring type.一般来说,巢状型别不应该针对非其宣告型别以外的型别执行工作。

36、Don't tell anyone, OK? Or I'll never hear the end of it.别告诉任何人, 好吗?否则我的耳根就别想清净了。

37、You tell the other clans to come. Tell them Toruk Makto calls to them!告诉别的种族,告诉他就说是魅影骑士在召唤他们。

38、She waved adieu to us from the doorway.她在门口向我们挥手告别。

39、You go on with your bad self, Maya.你在告别自己不好的一面,玛雅。

40、He went to Mr. Perkins to bid him good-bye .他去同珀金斯先生告别。

41、Yet the biggest joy about saying goodbye to casual is that we say goodbye to some of the cruddy thinking that went with it.不过,告别休闲装束的最大乐趣,在于告别某些与休闲装束同在的坏思想。

42、The hour when man must cease to be?世人向尘寰告别的时刻?

43、Thereis no question that the future of advertising will look radicallydifferent from its past.毫无疑问,未来的广告将于传统广告存在本质上的区别。

44、In 1996, Patterson to bid farewell to the advertising industry, when a full-time writer.xx年,帕特森彻底告别广告界,当了一名专职作家。

45、My mother was crying as I waved her goodbye.我向母亲挥手告别时她哭了。

46、Super-recognizers report that they recognize other people far more often than they are recognized.超级识别者报告说,他们认出别人的频率远远高于自己被别人认出的频率。

47、i didn’t know much of love but it came too soon.我们向前迈进,无法停留在这一刻

48、Thee hour when man must cease to be?世人向尘寰告别的时刻?

49、Come off it; tell me the truth.别胡说了,把实情告诉我吧。

50、It is more typical to declare a non-static class with some static members, than to declare an entire class as static.比起将整个类别宣告为静态,以一些静态成员宣告非静态类别是较典型的方法。

经典英文句子51:告别,51、Don't steal -- on expense reports, from the supply cabinet, or your colleagues.别去偷——别去打开销报告、办公室用品橱柜、或同事的歪主意。

52、Marya was always telling her not to be enthusiastic .玛丽娅总是告诉她别激动。

53、He had only so much energy for farewells.他只有那么些精力来告别。

54、Don't tell mom, it'll just give her the willies .别告诉妈妈,这会让她担心的。

55、Don't tell me you never named him!别告诉我你从来没给它取过名字!

56、I grinned. “Shhh… don't tell anyone.“嘘..别告诉其他人”我咧嘴笑了笑。

57、Love first leaves the well-built nest;爱就与那精心构筑的爱巢告别;

58、But whatever you do, dont tell Igel about this. Dont tell anyone at all.“跟我学,”鲁契克的声音从牙缝里透出来,“但不管你做什么,别把这件事告诉伊格尔,也别告诉其他人。”

59、Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something. Not even me.别让别人告诉你,你成不了才,就算是我也不行。

60、I love you Jana but don't tell anybody or they will tease me.我爱你,嘉娜,但别告诉别人好么,他们会取笑我的。

61、Please forgive me gone and do not reply me!请原谅我的不告而别,不要…

62、 We went there to help get in the crops。 110. 我来这里是向你们告别的。



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