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关于”保护动物“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Protect animals。以下是关于保护动物的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Protect animals


1、However, the cull drew international condemnation from animal rights activists, including former Beatle Paul McCartney.


2、Ethernet automatic protection switching;


3、Established the database that connected with international and domestic organizations for wildlife conservation, industries and associations. so to conserve and utilize ge…


4、Caribbean reefs protected by no-fishing zones despite rise in predators.


5、I gain some kno ledge about animal life such as different lives of different animals, the relationship bet een people and nature, people and animal, and the meaning of animal protection.

在保护实时测试中 ,根据保护的实际动作情况 ,送出相应的事先准备好的保护动作后的电流、电压波形 ,实现多端保护的闭环测试。

6、Then it sends out voltage and current waveforms prepared beforehand according to relays real operation situations during the real- time test, therefore realizes real- time closed- loop relays test.


7、Flying carpet, please show me a place where there' s some wildlife protection.


8、Today it is home to the Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary, where displaced apes are prepared for return to the wilderness.


9、Siemers reminds that the record-breaking bat is classified as near threatened on the World Conservation Union's Red List.


10、At least that’s the scheme some plants have developed to defend themselves from leaf eaters.


11、Protectorate total area 5400 hectares, the core area 3150 hectares, this protectorate is the autochthonous zone only preservation complete forest and the wild animal type ecology area.


12、To protect the health of Canadian animals, the public, and the environment by regulating veterinary biologics in Canada.


13、They are emblematic of what I would call single-species conservation: ie a focus on one animal.


14、Originally Ancestral Temple, People's Cultural Palace is National major cultural relics preservation unit.


15、Cardan shaft with clutch.


16、There are 43 species of wild animal living on the reserve, including the black-necked crane and the vulture, as well as 30 aquatic and 101 insect species.


17、Added TOL Protection for buildings.


18、It has been strongly criticized by local animal protection society. But I think that's environment-friendly.

19、/Hagrid begins teaching the Care of Magical Creatures (保护神奇生物课)class。


20、There is every likelihood that more naturals would be extinct without natural reserves.

21、‘Rinsing washes away the protective flouride coating left by the toothpaste, which would otherwise add hours of protection.’漱口会冲走牙膏留下的氟化物保护层,而该保护层原本会有数小时的保护作用。

22、Even without the vultures' problems, there are plenty of other windmills to tilt at.即使没有秃鹰的问题,也有其它很多野生动物需要保护。

23、Specifically, self-help behaviors of property include self-protection and self-realization of property ownership, possession, security interests, and neighborhood right.其中,物权自助体现为所有权、占有、担保物权、不动产相邻权保护与实现中的自助行为;

24、Conclusion: Cornu Cervi had remarkable protective effect on experimental myocardial ischemia by ligaturing the c…结论:鹿茸对动物结扎冠状动脉实验性心肌缺血具有保护作用。

25、The experimental and field applications results proved that both means of the passive immunity can provided very good prevention for gosling against GNTVE.动物保护试验和田间应用试验的结果均表明,制备的高免血清和用灭活油乳剂苗免疫种鹅均能给雏鹅提供很好的被动保护。

英文句子26:,26、Although Chinese media always call on protecting wild animals, I still feel they only promote threatened animals such as Giant pandas and Chinese sturgeons.国内的媒体虽然一直呼吁大家要保护野生动物,但我觉得他们实际给人的感觉是仅仅大熊猫和中华鲟这样的濒危动物是值得保护的。

27、A survey on the diversity of amphibia and reptilia was conducted in the field of Hubei Xieshan Nature Reserve in August 2005.xx年xx月对湖北省薤山自然保护区的两栖动物和爬行动物进行了专项调查。

28、If a broken food chain, then another will wantonly breeding animals, and even a threat to humanity, we bear in mind the protection of animals.如果生物链的一头断了,那么另一种动物就会大肆繁殖,甚至威胁到人类,大家记住保护动物。

29、The dynamic simulation of FOPS will provide the basis for the structural design.落物保护结构的动态仿真为结构的设计提供了依据。

30、Auto-stop protection; Pulse beate.自动停车保护;

31、Is responsible for a range of security-related matters including VIP protection, counter-terrorism and security co-ordination.负责多项与保安有关的事宜,包括保护显要人物、防范及对付恐怖活动,以及统筹保安工作。

32、The switch is protected through the linked action of the guard plate to realize the power cut and the brake.通过保护板的动作联动保护开关,实现断电与 刹车。

33、Baotianman Wildlife Nature Reserve is not only the natural "air-raid shelter."宝天曼 自然保护区不仅是野生动物的天然“防空洞”。

34、In my point of view, the wild animals were protected effectively still has a long way to go.在我看来,要有效地保护野生动物,还任重道远。

35、Unicum large Indian rhinoceroses and the crocodile park is the most ferocious animal protection.大独角犀牛和印度鳄是公园里最为凶猛的保护动物。

36、The Wildlife Heritage Foundation is a U.K.-based charity for the protection and preservation of big cat species.这个野生动物遗产基金会是所属于英国的一个慈善团体,主要保护大型猫科动物。

37、In rodents, the protein that corresponds to LL-37 protects against brain infections.在啮齿动物中,LL-37一类的蛋白保护大脑不受感染。

38、But the foreigners who make their way to the Ambue Ari animal reserve come here for a very different draw: the big cats.但还是有很多人奔赴此地——阿布•阿里动物保护区,一睹大型猫科动物的风采。

39、Over-load protection: self-equipped with heat protection switch. Fan stops work when over loaded.过载保护:自带热敏保护开关,过载后自动停机;

40、If predictions hold true, the region will yield more new species discoveries in future, hopefully permitting expansion of protected regions on the animal and plant-rich island.如果预测准确,那么这个地区将会发现更多新的物种,这些受保护动植物的保护范围将会很有希望得到扩大。

41、LAWC will have a charity sale booth there. Please come and support us.南丫岛 动物保护组织将会有一个义卖摊位,请来支持!

42、It is a paradise indeed for scientist of geosciences, ecology, botany, zoology, forestry, conservation biology and agronomy.它无疑是地学、生态学、植物学、动物学、林学、保护生物学和农学等工作者向往的地方。

43、Adaptive protection for middle and low voltage line based on phase-to-phase differential current and phase-to-phase voltage;分相电流差动保护装置中一般都配置零序差动保护 ,目的是为了提高保护装置的耐过渡电阻能力。

44、Comparing with the traditional percentage restraint differential protection. it introduces the adaptive elliptical restraint characteristic of L90 relay.对比传统比例制动差动保护,介绍了L90保护自适应椭圆形制动特性。

45、The progress of the study on evolution and conservation genetics of Cervidae was reviewed.综述了近年来鹿科动物的进化和保护遗传学研究进展。

46、Others have said that all of Mars should be protected as a wildlife preserve where we do everything possible to avoid contamination; on the assumption Martian microbes could exist.假设火星上可能存在微生物,其他人就认为火星应该是我们做任何事来避免污染的野生动物保护区那样来被保护着。

47、The agreement was signed yesterday in London by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), which owns Edinburgh Zoo, and the Chinese Wildlife Conservation Association (CWCA).爱丁堡动物园的所有者苏格兰皇家动物学会和中国野生动物保护协会昨天于伦敦签署了协议。

48、The site protects key threatened species, including giant arapaima fish, the Amazonian manatee, the black caiman and two species of river dolphin.保护区为许多珍稀濒危动物提供保护,例如巨骨舌鱼、亚马逊海牛、黑凯门鳄和两种淡水豚类。

49、Protective film: the traditional agricultural plastic substitute, is suitable to protect.保护膜:取代传统农业塑料膜,适用于保护农作物虫害, 风害等。

50、In view of protected species, 35.77% species are not under protection, most of which are Orchidaceae, Cycas and Phasianidae.从物种保护来看,35.77%物种没有得到保护,主要集中在兰科植物、苏铁和雉科。

经典英文句子51:保护动物,51、It isn't just poison that protects, but even the pretence of having poison.动物不仅用毒汁保护自己,还会伪装成有毒的摸样。

52、Aba Prefecture is the ideal habitat of various kinds of wild animal and the grand of the multi-species of the rare and precious plants.野生动植物保护阿坝州是各种野生动物的理想栖息地,是多类珍稀植物的大观圆。

53、Jack then becomes suspicious when he suddenly realizes that this supposed “wildlife preserve” is devoid of water and animals.然后,杰克开始怀疑,因为他忽然意识到这个所谓的“野生动植物保护区”缺乏水和动物。

54、In order to maintain convenient, over-current protection is generally used with automatic recovery of the protector.为了维护方便,过流保护一般都采用有自动恢复功能的保护器。

55、These animals have a distinct instinct of protecting themselves from being extinct.这些动物有一种明显的本能,能保护自己不灭绝.

56、And new laws to protect threatened animals are not always enforced.新制定的有关保护濒危动物的法律并不总是得到实行。

57、Folklore's participation in protection of intangible cultural heritage lies in "community protection", "cultural space protection" and "non-governmental society protection".民俗学参与非物质文化遗产保护的立场问题在于“基层社区”保护、“文化空间保护”和“民间社会保护”三方面。

58、Will now be "Rachel" was sent to South Africa's "Lion Rock" wildlife protected areas.现在将“蕾切尔”被送到南非的“狮子岩”野生动物保护区。

59、They will protect species including sponges, sea squirts, corals, shellfish, and more exotic creatures such as the colourful cuckoo wrasse fish.这15个地点将保护包括海绵动物、海鞘、珊瑚、甲壳类动物以及其他外来生物如波纹鱼(cuckoo wrasse)在内的生物种类。

60、The administrative departments for cultural relics shall give guidance to such mass protective organizations in their activities.文物行政管理部门应当对群众性文物保护组织的活动给予指导。

61、Tigers are an umbrella species - their health reflects the health of surrounding plants and animals.老虎是一种保护伞物种–它们是否健康能反映出它们周围的动植物是否健康。

62、For several years animal groups and SPCA inspectors, armed with bags and sacks, have conducted raids before and during the festival to rescue the snakes, many of them cobras.几年来,每到蛇节前夕和节日期间,动物保护团体和英国动物保护协会的检查员们,就会手拎大袋子, 到处搜捕耍蛇人藏匿的蛇,其中大部分是眼镜蛇。

63、The majority of birds at the sanctuary are "problem pets" which overwhelmed their owners.动物保护区内大部分的鸟都是“问题宠物”,它们让主人无计可施。

64、Protect historical sites and cultural relics.保护文物古迹。

65、The administrative departments for cultural relics shall guide and support the activities of such mass protective organizations.文物行政主管部门应当对群众性文物保护组织的活动给予指导和支持。

66、Due to introduction of native species and creation of conducive habitat, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge is the home to breeding reptiles and amphibians, small mammals and butterflies.由于引入了一些本土物种和建立了迁于居住的生态环境,牙买加湾野生动物保护区已经成为饲养爬虫动物、两栖动物、小哺乳动物和蝴蝶的家园。

67、Hilda, as shewas later named, was nursed back to health and soon became the first residentof Farm Sanctuary - an organization dedicated to the rescue, care, andprotection of farm animals.希尔达,后来给她起的名字,经过护理恢复了健康,很快成了农场动物避难所的第一位住户 - 避难所致力于解救、护理和保护农场动物。

68、An Austrian animal sanctuary says it will buy Yvonne if she's taken alive.一家奥地利动物保护区表示,将买下遭活捉的“伊冯娜”。

69、According to the schemes, a general schemes for auto recloser accelerating protection is presented which improves performance of accelerating protection.将零序电流加速保护与距离保护相配合得到自动重合闸加速保护综合方案,改善了重合闸后加速保护的性能。

70、Because of the wildlife project, the number of milu deer has increased.由于这项野生动物保护工程,麋鹿的数量已经增加了。

71、All animals instinctively respond to escape from predators and to preserve their lives.所有的动物都会本能的逃避捕食者以保护自己的生命。

72、And, she gave financial support to organizations that supported animal rights and the planting of city gardens.她也资助那些保护动物和城市花园种植的组织。

73、Plants must be protected from the cold .必须保护植物不受冻。

74、Conclusion: Huangyangning injection has protective effects on animals with myocardial ischemia model.结论:黄杨宁注射液对心肌缺血模型动物具有保护作用。

75、Startup the current protective device.启动过流保护装置。

英文句子模板76:Protect animals,76、China makes the Animal Welfare Law can consult the experience of legislation in Britain, which has positive meaning .英国的立法经验对于我国动物保护法、动物福利法的制定有着相当积极的借鉴意义。

77、Although there still be some insufficiency in UPOV, it has its own strongpoint in the protection of breeders interest .《植物新品种保护公约》是保护植物育种者权益的重要国际协定。


标签: 动物 保护

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